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A Warning

Please remember that John Bolton is merely one more fanatical right wing operative with a long history of lunatic remarks. He has no integrity and no credibility. If he did have any credibility, if he really was the patriot he pretends to be, he would have testified in front of Congress during impeachment. Instead, he opted to withhold information the American people desperately needed for no other reason than he knew he could make a buck.

In the fight over the release of his book, please remember that the book itself is nearly completely worthless as an historical document. Bolton has zero incentive and zero obligation to tell the whole truth or only the truth. He is not under threat of perjury. He can make stuff up and mix it in with real stuff and if caught, suffer no consequences except, maybe, a little embarrassment. Please understand that someone with Bolton’s mindset would have no compunction whatsoever about lying to or misleading the “liberal” media if (1) he could see more copies sold and make more bucks and (2) if the lies could advance his extremist agenda.

If the publication of Bolton’s book leads to actual sworn testimony, I will pay close attention to him then. But in my opinion, nothing that man says is worth a hill of beans unless he knows that if he lies, he’s going to the pokey.

So those of you who plan to read his swill, please, please, don’t take any of it at face value. He is not to be trusted.

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