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Let’s talk about Georgia

We might as well start. It’s going to be all we talk about politically for the next two months. Here’s a nice introduction of Reverend Warnock:

Here’s the other candidate Jon Ossoff:

Trump will not be on the ballot in January. His voters will be depressed and angry. Will they come out to vote for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue? Democrats are going to do everything in their power to stop them.

Blue America sent out this letter to our members this morning:

The streets of every city and town in America erupted on Saturday morning when the networks (finally) announced that America had fired Donald Trump. I think Senator Bernie Sanders said it best:

“To be honest with you, I haven’t been sleeping so well lately. I was very worried about four more years of Trump. It appears that that is not going to be the case, so I feel exhilarated. I feel relieved.”

Trump himself was at one of his personal golf properties grifting off the taxpayers as usual when the race was called. The Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was quarantined with COVID after having spent the week in the White House wantonly spreading his precious bodily aerosols all over the staff. His devoted henchman Rudy Giuliani was holding a press conference next door to a sex shop called Fantasy Island.

What a long, strange trip it’s been. And it’s not over yet, unfortunately.
The normal people immediately started celebrating, as one might expect. Cheers went up simultaneously all over the world. The 70 million Trumpers seemed to be momentarily stunned, since they have been brainwashed by right wing media into believing it wasn’t even possible. But there are a lot of them and I expect they will find their voices soon enough. And the silence of GOP officials in the wake of the results being announced says that Trump may have lost the election but he hasn’t lost his hold on the GOP.

So far, Mitch “grim reaper” McConnell is keeping his powder dry. As of now he holds the Senate but the massive Georgia turnout (thanks Stacey Abrams!) has given Democrats one last chance to take his majority away from him.

Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will have another chance to remove the corrupt Trump bootlickers David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from the US Senate in January. Neither one of those odious reprobates were able to get above 50% so there will be a runoff. 

And we all know the stakes could not be higher.

These will be the most consequential Senate races in history.It is the difference between Democrats having control of the Senate agenda and Mitch McConnell successfully furthering the destruction of America, which seems to be his only goal in life. Any hope of passing the progressive legislation we desperately need to deal with the carnage left in Trump’s wake will be thwarted by this misanthropic monster, if he is allowed to remain the Majority Leader.

So our work is not done. Blue America has set up an ActBlue donation page for the two challengers for one last campaign in this cycle— if you would like to help secure a senate majority and a progressive agenda for the next two years. Having Biden and Harris in the White House will stop the bleeding but this country needs major surgery and we can’t do it with the Grim Reaper standing in the way.

If you have any more to spare, we would encourage you to help Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff win their runoffs in January. You can donate to the two campaigns here.

And take a moment to let relief and joy wash over you: our long national nightmare is over. Donald Trump has been defeated!

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