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The greatest conspiracy the world has ever known

Read the following tweetstorm and ask yourself how it can be that 80% of Republicans can’t see something is wrong with the fact that Trump believes every single institution in America is conspiring against him. From the media and the Democrats, to the Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community to the entire judiciary including the Supreme Court to Governors and state representatives, including election officials, to the Republican Party itself they are all arrayed against him and either in on or enabling the greatest conspiracy in world history right in front of our eyes.

How can any supposedly sentient being believe this?

He’s obviously off his rocker. But what about all these people who see this and think it makes any sense at all?

I get that Republicans are grievance addicts. I’ve been covering that phenomenon for a long time. A lot of it is a big show to “own the libs.” But this is something else. Trump’s epic tantrum has grown from alleged Democratic voter fraud to a massive conspiracy and cover-up by everyone in the country except for him and his supporters. How can these people buy such insanity?

I’m a bit worried that the QAnon/Pizzagate conspiracy mongering of the past five years has seriously warped the brains of tens of millions of our fellow citizens and they will now believe anything. That seems … bad.

The Happy Hollandaise fundraiser goes through the end of the year so if you’re of a mind to kick in a little something below or at the snail mail address on the sidebar, I would be most grateful.


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