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America’s pregnancy mortality rate is a national disgrace

For a country that supposedly worships “life” we sure have a funny way of showing it

A mother dies and is taken by angels as her new-born child is taken away, A grave from 1863 in Striesener Friedhof in Dresden.

The Republicans are trying to convince Americans that forcing women to bear children against their will is no big deal because they’ll be providing all kinds of services to help them go through an unwanted pregnancy and childbirth. They especially want to help all those victims of rape and incest be able to give their siblings or rapists children up for adoption which is very thoughtful of them.

But people don’t talk much about the risks of going through pregnancy and childbirth and it’s more risky in the US than anywhere in the advanced world.

The level of pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. is a national tragedy.

We are basically alone in the developed world in the elevated level and rising rate of maternity deaths.

Here’s the latest from the CDC.

The maternal mortality rate is especially high for older mothers and non-white mothers.

But whereas maternal mortality is declining in most rich countries, it’s rising here for almost all demographics.

Compared to other rich countries, the U.S. has an unusual scarcity of perinatal care:

– fewer physicians, midwives, and OBGYNs per capita than most OECD countries
– more un-insured mothers + inequality
– no federal paid parental leave

Here’s why America has so few doctors and why we need an Abundance Agenda for care

Originally tweeted by Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) on May 9, 2022.

Pardon me if I’m a little bit skeptical that Republicans around the country are going to do anything more than enable a bunch of right wing fanatics to force women into accepting religious proselytizing and pressure in return for inadequate “services” to help them through their pregnancy. It’s doubtful any of this will come with money for health care and I think we know exactly how they feel about child support. They just refused to extend the Child Tax Credit that lifted half of America’s poor children out of poverty. They didn’t think the Affordable Care Act should provide maternity benefits because men shouldn’t have to pay for services they don’t use:

They are shameful liars in every way. But this grotesque insistence that they will make it easier for women to bear unwanted children now that they’ve had their rights stripped away is one of the most cynical yet. They’ve never shown the slightest interest in helping families and they never will.

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