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Month: March 2003

The Sack Of Iraq*

I imagine that a lot of us have picked up our copies of “The Guns of August” in recent weeks. There is a sense of things hurtling out of control, nothing going quite the way anyone conceived it. Hubris and belligerant confidence seem to overrule rational analysis in much the same way that the great powers miscalculated and overreached in the early days of WWI.

Vaara points out in a very interesting essay that this is not surprising — that our feelings of deja vu are because the coming invasion, rather than being a “Project For A New American Century,” is really the final chapter of the last one.

It’s a very provocative and interesting piece.

* Phrase also coined by Vaara, but I plan to use it liberally.

My Poor Eyes

I received an e-mail this morning from blogger Centerpoint who kindly pointed me to his site where I could learn how to make my print more readable. Being HTML impaired, I appreciate all the help I can get.

I learned that blogger does not require me to set the font size, which means that everyone can adjust the font on their browsers to the size most comfortable for them. On the larger and largest font sizes on Explorer, the print is quite large and in bold. I hope this helps.

I also changed the font to Ariel, which is the font that I have always preferred for letters. I hope this helps, too.