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Month: June 2003

Attitude Adjustment

Fine blogs everywhere, these days. Mark Singer of this new (to me, anyway) group blog, Not Geniuses, writes about the MoveOn primary:

Alright, if you’re one of those folks who has actually been writing blog-posts on why MoveOn is unnecessary, I recommend you read this post, ’cause, folks, MoveOn is clutch.

I’m not sure I agree that this primary is an absolutely essential win, but I do think that MoveOn is significant and should be closely watched by all the candidates.

It’s a mistake to tag MoveOn as a particularly “liberal” organization and I hope that the Party doesn’t make the mistake of dividing itself on this. MoveOn is a partisan organization — it’s really not all that ideological. It was formed to try to put a stop to the impeachment charade and its focus is still on stopping the undemocratic power grab of a Republican Party that has become dangerously radical, increasingly unaccountable and verging on open corruption.

This is the reason that Dean is a favorite of rank and file Democrats and is likely to win the MoveOn primary. He’s not really all that liberal, either, but he is a partisan. He’s actually an iconoclastic Democratic centrist who takes some pretty bold stands outside party orthodoxy on both the left and the right. (I don’t think that is a bad idea at all because Democrats are presently such ciphers in the media that any change in predictable storylines is a good thing.) His rivals of both parties want to paint him as a wacked-out hippy Governor Moonbeam, but that’s just politics. And, it’s actually a good test to see how he holds up. Any serious Democrat has to show he can take a punch because if he has the personal misfortune to actually beat President Asterisk, the right wing is going to go completely apeshit. These guys aren’t the first to play dirty politics, but they are the first to privatize and then turn a profit at it.

More pertinently, Dean just doesn’t look like a wacked out liberal when you watch him. He comes off like a slightly cranky, straight talking, no bullshit, common sense, grown-up guy guy. Think Truman, Perot, Bogart, McCain, Sinatra — he’s hot not cool. This is a good American archetype. (Or, using the Lakoff paradigm, he’s one of the strong father types who could make Junior’s inchoate, brittle gibberish look gawky and adolescent by comparison.)

I can’t think of a more conventional strategy than running to the left in the primary, yet everybody’s acting like that is some sort of bizarre, unprecedented move. And, he’s energizing the base which also seems to be interpreted as a grave tactical error, for some reason. You would think that after ’00 and ’02, where only a handful of votes changed the course of history, it would be obvious that motivating every single member to vote would be at the very top of the Democratic Party’s priority list. And, the rallying cry for Democrats is not going to be any particular plan or program, it’s going to be passionate, engaging partisan rhetoric. This is a red meat era and sober moderate statesmanship will be overwhelmed by a shitstorm of right wing fire breathing — and that’s if the torpid infotainers bother to cover them at all.

I don’t think the powers that be are aware of how hopeless many Democrats feel as they watch Junior get away with murder over and over again, particularly after the 8 solid years of brutal partisan attacks on Clinton. I get very worried that enough Democrats are going to succumb to the Rove juggernaut strategy to hand him the election with a low Dem turnout. If you get your news from television it’s very easy to believe that Bush is inevitable, even if you think he’s a menace, if only because the Democrats are almost invisible.

That’s why I think the grassroots are responding to Dean for reasons unrelated to ideology. (And, I think most liberal Dems concur with Jeanne D’Arc on this.) It’s a visceral reaction to somebody who seems willing to take on the Republicans and a belief that it will take somebody with balls, like him, to rouse the somnambulant electorate.

The vein of enthusiasm into which Dean has tapped is Democratic partisanship. I’m sorry if that word is considered unseemly on our side, but it’s pretty obvious that the other side doesn’t have any problem with it. It’s a shame we all can’t get along, but we can’t. Grassroots groups like MoveOn know this is a fight.

I’m not committed to Dean, but I’ve gotta say, I like his attitude.

My Tennessee Doppelganger

The Rush Limbaugh Show is like VIDEODROME or The RING once you are exposed enough there is a point of no return like a bad trip on LSD – you believe in your paranoid delusion that you have come down and re-entered reality, but in matter of fact you are sitting in a padded room in a straight jacket in a mental institution.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Thanks to South Knox Bubba for the introduction.

Counterfeit Warhol

Reader Kathryn Zalewski forwarded this to me some time ago. I had planned to post it and then the war happened.

This is what Rove understands about America and the Democrats don’t:

They call my President a “cowboy”?

It used to tick me off when the liberals called our President a

cowboy, but the more I think about it, the more I like it.

When I was a kid, cowboys were heroes. You know, the ones in the

white hats, not the black hats. There was Tom Mix, Buck Jones,

Johnny Mack Brown, Hopalong Cassidy, Red Ryder, Gene Autry, Roy

Rogers, then later Marshall Matt Dillon. Personally, I think Gene

Autry could whip em all, and then sing a song to his girl friend. He

was my favorite.

What were common attributes of these legendary cowboys? Here are a


1. They never looked for trouble.

2. When it came, they faced it with courage.

3. They were always on the side of right.

4. They defended good people against bad people.

5. They had high morals.

6. They had good manners.

7. They were honest.

8. They spoke their minds and they spoke the truth, regardless of

what people thought or “political correctness,” which no one had

ever heard of back then.

9. They were a beacon of integrity in the

wild, wild west.

10. They were respected. When they walked into a

saloon (where they usually drank only sarsaparilla), the place

became quiet, and the bad guys kept their distance.

11. If in a gunfight, they could outdraw anyone. If in a fistfight,

they could whip anyone.

12. They always won. They always got their man. In victory, they

rode off into the sunset.

Those were the days when there was such a thing as right and wrong,

something blurred in our modern world, and denied by many. Those

were the days when women were respected and treated as ladies,

because they acted like ladies.

They represent something good, something pure that America has been missing.

Ronald Reagan was a cowboy. I like Ronald Reagan, he was brave,

positive, and he gave us hope. He wore a white hat. To the

consternation of his liberal critics, he had the courage to call a

spade a spade and call the former Soviet Union what it was — the

evil empire. Liberals hated Ronald Reagan.

They also hate President Bush because he distinguishes between good

and evil He calls a spade a spade, and after 9-11 called evil

“evil,” without mincing any words, to the shock of the liberal

establishment. That’s what cowboys do, you know. He also told the

French to “put their cards on the table” (old west talk), which they

did, exposing their cowardice and greed.

The Arabs are wrong. In the old West, might did not make right.

Right made right. Cowboys in white hats were always on the side of

right, and that was their might.

I am glad my President is a cowboy. He will get his man. Cowboys do,

you know.

OK. Obviously we are dealing with someone who is on serious medication. But, this is actually pretty representative of the kind of feeling that Junior engenders in a good portion of the citizenry. Sure, some of it’s just team loyalty, but there are a number of people who think he’s a straight shooter, an everyman of simple values and authentic virtues, masculine, good hearted and tough.

Needless to say, those paying attention to even the most obvious biographical details know that none of this is true. He’s a spoiled, rich, playboy who fell into politics by trading on his father’s name and contacts. He’s a failed businessman and ex-alcoholic who’s masculine virtues are defined by bullying towel snapping and homoerotic hazing rituals. He’s stupid, thin skinned and easily rattled. He consistently shafts the weak in favor of the powerful and he has a callous bloodthirsty streak.

In Bush’s Brain, How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential the authors quote Rove as saying that most Americans understand politics as “watching TV with the sound turned off.” The thing with Bush is that he looks right in his costumes, whether codpiece or chaps, and his 10 second soundbites are well crafted and effective. And, it’s not because people are dupes or morons that they buy this nonsense, it’s simply because they understand everything in their lives through simplistic TV images.

The poor lady who wrote this surreal tribute to the code of the west doesn’t even know that she was actually writing a paeon to a bunch of smart Jewish immigrants who took the cheap fiction of dimestore novels and created a picture of the American West for the sole purpose of appealing to masses of uneducated urban factory workers. She’s so unaware that she doesn’t seem to recognise that she’s talking about movie actors.

Ronald Reagan wasn’t a cowboy. He was a guy who played a cowboy who later became president. George W. Bush is a guy playing Ronald Reagan playing a cowboy who later became president. And it doesn’t make any difference. Karl Rove, like Michael Deaver before him, realizes that most Americans see life through a media prism that’s now completely self-referential.

It has always been true that politicians and leaders evoked archetypal images for political purposes– Lincoln the rail splitter, TR the virile “mans man.” But, starting with Reagan, we saw for the first time a circular reference between the mythmaker and the image itself. He was a professional actor engaged in making a myth that later became the image for his Presidency.

Junior is like a second generation copy of that same image, slightly off center and lacking clarity. He’s a counterfeit Warhol, an ironic image of an image, made valuable only by the wilfull acquiesence of a lazy media that depends upon the Republican establishment to write its scripts and fill its yawning, greedy mouth. (It is no accident that the Bush team has planted the meme of John Kerry as “Thurston Howell III.” That’s the kind of image the American people understand instantly. According to Salon Kerry’s spokesman, David Wade, suggested the GOP “should lay off the ‘Gilligan’s Island’ imagery before we cast George W. Bush as Gilligan in the remake.” Oh how perfect that would be…)

The Democrats can do better than President Blurry with almost any candidate in the race if they will just feed the beast what it needs to live (a good story) and recognize that the American people don’t care anymore about what a president actually says but only that he is “presidential,” however that image is defined by the current zeitgeist.

We must, of course, give them the subtance this country so desperately needs, but we must realize that that substance is relevant only to the 22 bloggers and 367 activists who give a damn. To win, our candidate must be a first generation copy of an image that the entertainment media have taught the American people to love.

That’s what we’ve come to folks. But then, when you read the kind of drivel that this poor misguided “liberal” hater believes, it’s pretty obvious that there is no turning back.

Clarification: Kathryn Zalewski did not personally write the cowboy nonsense. It was sent to her and she merely forwarded it to me. You can understand why she would not want anyone to be even slightly confused on that issue. Sorry Kathryn.

Total Recall

Can I just say that Democrats really, really need to take some political Viagra, and I mean by the fistfull?

I live in Santa Monica, California fondly known as Soviet Monica. Tom “SDS” Hayden was my state senator for many years, for gawd’s sake. Yet, the anti-recall {of Gov. Davis) signature gatherers in this town are trying to get people to sign the petition by telling them it’s a proposal to “help teachers.” I read the thing and when I realized it was about the recall, I asked the guy why he didn’t say it upfront, the pro-recall people certainly aren’t shy. He said that being pro-teacher is always better than being anti-Republican.

I’m not kidding.

If Democrats cannot get Santa Monicans to sign a petition against an undemocratic, dishonest, power grab funded by a fat cat GOP scumbag for his own purposes, by honestly saying, “please sign a petition against the wasteful Republican recall campaign to unseat the Governor who was just elected last November,” then we really are screwed. People may hate Davis but even William Kristol admits that one of the things that distinguishes us from a banana republic is the fact the we hold the concept of regularly scheduled elections to be fairly sacred.

As Inspector Clousseau says, “naht innymoore!”

Democrats have to learn to face down wing nuts. As long as they are the only ones willing to get in the opposition’s face, then we will lose. This was simply pathetic. And 80% of the people were just walking on by.

As far as I’m concerned the anti-recall petitioners could win just by saying, “please sign this petition to deny the man who made millions ruining your sleep with those infernal car alarms from buying the governorship.” Even Republicans would sign it.

The Forgetful Private, the Missing WMD and The Band of Liars who tie it all together :

I saw the BBC documentary and pretty much thought it was bullshit and here’s why. The rescue sounded pretty pro forma to me. Even if Special Forces knew that the Iraqi bad guys had moved off they would have entered the same way. It was a war zone. They can’t and don’t fuck around. They make a lot of noise for a reason — to scare the enemy.

The problem wasn’t ever Pvt. Lynch or her rescuers. They were all brave people. The problem was always the Bush administration marketing executives who turned it into the embarrassing made-for-television soap opera it became. Who wants to bet me 5 bucks that the guys who wrote the embarrassing little script that is only now being sorta, kinda explored by the stenographers of the media brothel are these fellows, who not so coincidentally include our newest candidate for biggest liar on the face of the planet, Prime Minister Tony Blair’s prevaricating “dodgy dossier” spinmeister, Alistair Campbell?”

The above linked article, dated 11/17/02, contains a piece of information that should be just a little bit interesting to the braindead, botoxed press corp if they ever actually left their dressing rooms — that is that it’s these ratfuckers who were writing the “papers” that supposedly proved that Iraq was crawling with germs, chem and nukes:

It was Wilkinson who spearheaded the successful Afghan women’s campaign last year. A Naval Reserve officer, Wilkinson got his start working with Bush ally Texas Rep. Dick Armey. He’s the go-to guy when the White House needs information against its enemies.

In the last few weeks, he and his underlings have weeded through hundreds of pages of news clippings, U.N. resolutions and State Department reports to compile an arsenal of documents against Saddam Hussein. They released the first round last week: “Decade of Defiance and Deception” (a broken-U.N.-resolutions hit parade).

Then there’s Tucker Eskew, 41, a savvy South Carolinian, who will soon be named the director of the new Office of Global Communications, which will be formally launched this fall. Neither a Texan nor a lifelong Bushie, he earned his stripes during the Florida election mess by becoming the campaign’s tropical smooth-talker.

During the Afghan conflict, the White House sent Eskew to London, where he worked with British spin master Alastair Campbell on setting up the first version of an actual war “war room.” Campbell was an inspiration for Bill Clinton’s 24/7 rapid-response communications team.

Now Campbell is also a member of the Band and is working in tandem with the White House. When Prime Minister Tony Blair meets with Parliament next week, for example, he will release a “white paper”—the detailed argument—that backs up George W. Bush.

Yesterday, Eskew tested the rapid-response skill that he honed working with Campbell. He responded to Iraq’s offer to accept inspectors “without conditions” with a document itemizing every time Iraq agreed to “unconditional” inspections only to go back on his word.

It was Bartlett, Bush’s right-hand man and the 31-year-old leader of the Band, who has insisted that this and all documents be sourced. Wilkinson spent hours footnoting the 22-page “Decade of Defiance” document released last week, for example. “We compiled every single possible bit of research we could find and then set out to verify, verify, verify,” Wilkinson explains.

Wow. Big of them to insist on sourcing. And Wilkinson spent hours verifying the information. I wonder what went wrong?

Apparently it is considered normal in DC for the Bush administration to use dirty tricksters and spin doctors to make the case for war. At least nobody thought it was wierd at the time this perky little item was written. But, you would think that with all the hoopla that’s been raised in recent weeks about why the hell we haven’t found any evidence of the WMD that somebody in Washington would be asking why the White House felt it needed a campaign “war room” full of political operatives to sell the war.

And just so you know the caliber of the people that our Dear Leader put in charge of “spinning” the case for overthrow, I wrote about “GI Jim” Wilkinson back in April when he was threatening Michael Wolfe with bodily harm. (If he didn’t feed Steno Sue that “Rambo” version of Lynch’s humvee accident, I’d be very surprised. The guy has a seriously sickening smarmy streak.) But, Tucker Eskew is a real peach in his own right. Just ask John McCain. Eskew was the guy who ran “communications” for the Bush primary campaign in South Carolina and took his “rough play” style to the Florida recount.. He’s been very richly rewarded for his classy work on both campaigns:

”The McCain campaign is squawking because we hit them where they hurt,” Eskew said. ”McCain and the media created a myth of the military monolith, and we exploded that. We challenged him on his greatest point of pride, and they stomped their feet, pointed fingers, and whined.”

Jim Hightower, unsurprisingly was on to this some time ago.

Digby Phone Home

Reports of my death, deportation, incarceration (and sex change operation…?) are highly exaggerated. My apologies for not leaving word and heartfelt thanks to those of you who wrote e-mails and comments.

In fact, I am alive and well and returned from a journey into the heart of darkness of George W. Bush’s America. Eschewing my pansy-assed effete internet habit for a time, I stupidly got myself hooked on the hard stuff and ended up ripped out of my mind on Rush’s AM Ecstasy. Living on burnt meat and raw porn, Fox news and liberal bashing, my mind devolved into an altered state of consciousness, awash in arrogance and testosterone, transformed into the hostile fugue state of the talk radio junkie.

After the first couple of days of painful cognitive dissonance, the sheer confidence and daring of Right wing propaganda started to work on my subconscious. And, I tell you, it was a relief, a fucking holiday from the frustration, confusion and lightheadedness I associate with trying to limn “reality” these days, just letting my id take over. Critical thinking is for losers. See, RushBillSavageSean remove doubt and free your mind. All you have to do is join the team, and suddenly everything makes sense again.

This drug is potent. A quick hit of Rush in the morning and you’re sure of yourself and the world around you. You feel strong. You look like a winner. You are on top.

In this era of post modern politics and surreal media tidal waves, this is a drug that brings clarity to a confusing world. It’s intoxicating in its simplicity. Unlike the faggoty “nuanced” Democrats, the Republicans (or Real Americans) are providing a road map through the maze of conflicting quick-cut images and babbling 10 second soundbites that pass for “news.” If you listen to AM talkradio or watch FoxNews the strange feeling of living in an alternate reality melts away. They have the answers.

And like a thunderbolt from on high, you quickly realize that the single most important truth in life is that the Democratic Party is the only thing standing between you and perfect All-American happiness. Democrats are weak yet powerful, evil yet impotent, stupid yet cunning, useless, dangerous and insane all at once. Liberal Democrats (which they all are — liberal, that is) aka “the Left”, “Hollywood,” “elitists,” “homosexuals,” “feminists,” “environmentalists,” “ PC Police” etc. are, quite simply, tools of Satan.

If you listen to Rush and his Boyz in the (wrinkle-free, 250 thread count percale) Hood, over time you will come to realize that there is no problem that will not instantly be solved on the day the last Democrat in America cries uncle and the Party ceases to exist. Only then will there be the Republican utopia of gun-toting, Gawd fearing millionaires, no taxes and a big, huge, gas hogging Hummer (you know what I’m talkin’ about, now) in every garage.

But, until the joyous day of the Democratic Party’s Gotterdamerung, Real Americans must remain vigilant and ever ready to smite the unbelievers one by one, using any means necessary. Liberals are the sick and depraved virus that keep REAL MEN —and the women who crochet their codpieces — from becoming the rich and powerful Masters of the Universe that Jesus has anointed them to be.

Yup, there is some powerful mojo out there in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Alls ya gots ta do to get in on the party is listen up. The Mighty Wurlitzer’s got talent on loan from G-O-D.

And, the beautiful thing is that you can feed your monkey anywhere at any time of the day just by turning that radio dial. Even down at the Goodyear tire store or the DMV or the pharmacy or the car pool on the way to work, you can be assured that your RushSeanSavageBillNeal fix is right there if you only perk up your ears. It’s the jungle drum of middle America, relentless and ever present. The good stuff is on tap and free to all takers and once you get a little taste it’s pretty sure you’re going to come back for more. It feels so good to be suuure and strong and IN CONTROL.

I’m only back from the brink because I went online looking for the recipe of a drink called a “Down the (Orrin) Hatch” I had at the Jenna Bush wet t-shirt Sunday school fundraiser on Father’s Day. (It’s two parts ephedra to one part caffeine free-diet coke, by the way.) Anyway, I happened upon this site and suddenly my system was flooded with adrenaline, my mind filled with fragmented memories of a time before when I questioned the holy goodness of My Dear Leader.

I broke out in a cold sweat as I started madly clicking through the blogroll like a crazy person. I went here, and here and here and hereplaces where people were criticizing my Commander in Chief – in fact he’s considered a virtual idiot by most! There were places where Republicans weren’t thought infallible, places where people were bemused and didn’t understand why 40% of Americans believe that the military had found WMD in Iraq … (“My God,” I thought, “who the hell has them, then?”)

I got dizzy and fell to my knees. I crawled across the floor, desperate to turn on the radio and I couldn’t… quite…reach… it…

When I awoke, several hours or several days later, (I still don’t know how long I was out) I was safely in the bosom of my people – detoxed, cleansed in body, mind and spirit. I am back to my old self – raging at the television, compulsively reading foreign newspapers searching for information rather than entertainment and yes, using ever more foul language to describe the supine sword swallowing circus freaks we call “journalists.” I’m confused again, worried about a country that will, apparently, believe anything if it makes them feel good for the moment, wondering if we are actually, finally, rejecting modernism and the Enlightenment in favor of a po-mo, faith-based, fragmented, focus-group distorted mirror of reality. I’m moody, befuddled and mad.

In other words, I’m back. Blogovia saved me. Thanks, guys.