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Month: March 2007

Congenital Defect

by poputonian

I’m not sure it matters whether or not Bush pardons Libby. The bootlicker-in-chief is, after all, a subservient little maggot whose greatest honor in life will be that he took a fall for three sociopaths — Cheney, Rove, and Bush. The media sharks smell blood in the water and America knows the score. The country’s been taken over and the law subverted. Replay Kurt Vonnegut, Jr:

It so happens that idealism enough for anyone is not made of perfumed pink clouds. It is the law! It is the U.S. Constitution.

But I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened instead is that it was taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup d’etat imaginable.

I was once asked if I had any ideas for a really scary reality TV show. I have one reality show that would really make your hair stand on end: “C-Students from Yale.”

George W. Bush has gathered around him upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka Christians, and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or PPs, the medical term for smart, personable people who have no consciences.

To say somebody is a PP is to make perfectly respectable diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete’s foot. The classic medical text on PPs is The Mask of Sanity by Dr. Hervey Cleckley, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Medical College of Georgia, published in 1941. Read it!

Some people are born deaf, some are born blind or whatever, and this book is about congenitally defective human beings of a sort that is making this whole country and many other parts of the planet go completely haywire nowadays. These were people born without consciences, and suddenly they are taking charge of everything.

PPs are presentable, they know full well the suffering their actions may cause others, but they do not care. They cannot care because they are nuts. They have a screw loose!

And what syndrome better describes so many executives at Enron and WorldCom and on and on, who have enriched themselves while ruining their employees and investors and country and who still feel as pure as the driven snow, no matter what anybody may say to or about them? And they are waging a war that is making billionaires out of millionaires, and trillionaires out of billionaires, and they own television, and they bankroll George Bush, and not because he’s against gay marriage.

So many of these heartless PPs now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick. They have taken charge. They have taken charge of communications and the schools, so we might as well be Poland under occupation.

They might have felt that taking our country into an endless war was simply something decisive to do. What has allowed so many PPs to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is they are so decisive. They are going to do something every fuckin’ day and they are not afraid. Unlike normal people, they are never filled with any doubts, for the simple reason that they don’t give a fuck what happens next. Simply can’t. Do this! Do that! Mobilize the reserves! Privatize the public schools! Attack Iraq! Cut health care! Tap everybody’s telephone! Cut taxes on the rich! Build a trillion-dollar missile shield! Fuck habeas corpus and the Sierra Club and In these Times, and kiss my ass!

On Tuesday, forty Vermont towns passed resolutions asking Congress to do just that. As far as I’m aware, only three were defeated, while six were tabled for another day. Another twenty or more towns passed resolutions demanding the troops come home. The opporunity here is far bigger than seeing Scooter spend time in jail. The bigger target is in excising the sociopaths who run the country, and the tool to accomplish that is impeachment.

Fitz’s Boy

by digby

Sidney Blumenthal in Salon:

Did something change in the defense after its opening statement about Rove (Libby “will not be sacrificed so Karl Rove can be protected”) that led to its refusal to follow up during the trial? Did the prosecutor have new information that has not yet been made public about Libby and Cheney? If so, that evidence would have been irrelevant to the precise charges against Libby but might have come into play if Libby and Cheney testified. Their appearances might have made them vulnerable to additional perjury and obstruction charges if they were found to have lied on the stand. But who might have proved that? The missing piece in the extensive evidence and testimony that detailed the administration’s concerted attack on Wilson, orchestrated by Cheney, is the conversations among Libby, Cheney — and Rove. Rove had made a deal with Fitzgerald. Rove changed his testimony, escaped prosecution and went back for a fifth time before the grand jury. Fitzgerald owned Rove. Only if Libby and Cheney appeared could Fitzgerald cross-examine them about their discussions with Rove, which presumably Rove had already testified about before the grand jury. Rove was the hostile witness against Cheney whom the prosecution had waiting in the wings, the witness who was never called. If Libby had come to the stand in his own defense, and summoned Cheney as well, Fitzgerald might have been prompted to call Rove from the deep to impeach Libby’s and Cheney’s credibility and reveal new incriminating information about them. Instead, Libby remained silent, Cheney flew off to Afghanistan and Rove never appeared. Rove was the missing witness for the prosecution.

How interesting. I suppose the question is, how and why did the Libby team find this out after the trial began?


Pardon My Outrage

by digby

I just heard a juror on Hardball say that Libby is a very nice guy who just got caught in a lie and it snowballed and that she hopes he gets a pardon, preferably soon. She agrees that the case was trivial and wishes she had been on a jury for the real crime.

Kate O’Beirne agrees, naturally. She is also sitting right next to the juror saying that Libby didn’t lie and wasn’t really guilty. The juror says nothing. How much do people want to bet that this woman is going to end up being the poster girl for the Free Scooter campaign?

I have to say that I think the conservatives are winning the spin war on this. By the time they are done, everyone in the country is going to believe that poor little Scooter was railroaded and that it’s perfectly normal for a president to immediately pardon his aides when they are found guilty in a court of law. Hell, he can hire him back!

Republican administrations always break the law and when they are caught they always pardon their own. I guess we’ve just become so used to it now that people don’t even find it shocking anymore.

If this happens, from this day forward, Republican administrations know they have no obligation to uphold the law while in office, ever. Why should they?


Playing To The Freepers

by digby

Kos had this up yesterday so I assume you’ve already seen it. Still, it’s worth memorializing throughout the blogosphere:

This is the network that certain Nevada politicians think the party should legitimize as a regular news organization by having them host a Democratic debate. Fair, balanced and sometimes even technically factual.

Evidently, the thinking is that Fox viewers are just naive babes in the woods who can be turned into Democrats if only they can hear Democrats debate. Let’s suppose their average viewer, a 63 year old white conservative Republican male tunes in to his usual programming and instead finds a woman, a black man, a trial lawyer, a New England senator, a peace candidate from Ohio and the man who gave the Pentagon papers to the NY Times debating. And let’s further suppose he listens intently and is intrigued by what he hears. These Democrats are making a lot of sense. What’s going on?

Assuming that ridiculous scenario is plausible, the question is, will they still be intrigued once their favorite Fox commentators weigh in with their analysis right after the debate?

You be the judge. Here’s the analysis after the first Fox-hosted debate in 2003:

TONY SNOW, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Welcome to Washington. I’m Tony Snow. You’ve just seen a debate by Democratic presidential candidates at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. The debate, sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and Fox News channel.

We’re going to talk about the debate for the bulk of the hour. Joining me now in Washington, our panel: Fred Barnes, executive editor of the “Weekly Standard”; Mort Kondracke, executive editor of “Roll Call”; Ceci Connolly, national correspondent for the “Washington Post,” all Fox News contributors.

Fred, impressions first. Any winners tonight?

FRED BARNES, EXECUTIVE EDITOR, “WEEKLY STANDARD”: Not really. Maybe Al Sharpton. It makes a difference when Sharpton’s there. It was much livelier debate, as a result. That’s for sure. He wasn’t there in New Mexico last week, although Lieberman was livelier tonight than he’s been before and so on.

So, it was a zippier debate but, I think, uneventful in the outcome of the Democratic presidential fight.

I think Democrats have one problem in these debates and that is they talk about an America, they criticize what’s going on and they create a picture of an America that I think most people don’t recognize, you know. It’s an America where the Patriot Act is creating a police state and where, as Al Sharpton said, soldiers come home and they can’t get an education, they can’t get a house, you know. They can’t get a job or anything like that.

You know, there’s this health care crisis that is ruining the country and we’re involved in another Vietnam. And people in Florida are denied the right to vote. I don’t think most Americans recognize that as the real America.

MORT KONDRACKE, EXECUTIVE EDITOR, “ROLL CALL”: Obviously, they are not appealing to the whole of America. What they are trying to do is to appeal to the Democratic primary voter. And the way that you appeal most to Democratic primary voters is to beat up on George Bush.

I mean, practically anytime anybody asked a substantive question they had a little bit of an answer about what they would do, you know, on the subject, but the rest of it was an attack on what George Bush has not done or failed to do or lied about or et cetera, et cetera.

And it’s because the Democratic primary core voters are so enraged at George Bush that they have to — you know, they have to feed that beast.

And the most — the best example of this is Joe Lieberman, who’s probably the most moderate of them all and constantly is waving the bloody shirt of Florida, you know, that black voters were disenfranchised, were prevented from going to the polls in Florida, et cetera, et cetera. It’s replaying the sore of the 2000 election.

So, you know, that’s what this is all about. This was not an attempt to appeal to the average voter.


CECI CONNOLLY, “WASHINGTON POST”: Not a bad political strategy, necessarily, though. I mean, if you talk about — think about it, one of these Democrats is hoping to get a big chunk of black voters out in those primaries, especially that South Carolina primary, which I think is third in the line, right after Iowa and New Hampshire.

So I think it’s understandable why you heard some of that rhetoric this evening. You heard a lot of beating up on Attorney General John Ashcroft, a lot of talk about the Patriot Act, civil rights. Although interestingly, none of them were very specific about how they’d want to change those things or what their prescriptions are for some of those problems.

I think that it’s got to be very difficult right now if you’re a Democratic primary voter to make a decision between this group.

SNOW: And one of the reasons why it was difficult, Fred, is with the exception of what one sort of exchange between Howard Dean and Joe Lieberman, nobody’s taking shots at each other. At this point, it’s all trying to differentiate themselves from the president rather than each other.

BARNES: It is mainly that. There’s one other example, though. Dennis Kucinich takes shots at the other candidates, particularly the ones who voted in favor of the war resolution in Congress, and that’s Gephardt and Kerry in particular. Graham voted against it.

But, you know, they generally agree. They’re saying the same things, you know, and blaming Bush for all of them. At one time, I think it was Sharpton, some schools have closed in St. Louis. Sharpton said it was Bush’s fault.

KONDRACKE: I thought that the one substantively — besides the fight between Lieberman and Dean over Israel, which we can presumably discuss some more, the other interesting substantive point tonight was on the question of whether we can win or should win the conflict in Iraq or pull out.

And Lieberman, Dean, and Kerry all said this one way or another we have to win this or we have to succeed there, and not one of them was willing to say that he’s against voting for the $87 billion that the president is asking for.

SNOW: All right. We’re going to take a quick break. When we return, Carl Cameron is going to be in Spin Alley, hearing from the various candidates and their camps. We’ll bring that to you right after a short break. Stay with us

Do you think that intrigued Fox viewer is as sanguine in his unexpected impressions as he was a few minutes before?

Carl Cameron then went over the highlights of the debate, including this observation, which surely would have been a surprising detail they hadn’t thought of:

Joe Lieberman, of all of the interruptions that we saw in this debate, and there were a bunch of them by supporters of Lyndon Larouche, a man running who’s been running for president as an independent and Democrat for years, a convicted tax cheat and something of a rabble-rouser.

Lots of interruptions today, at least three targeted at Joe Lieberman. And there were a number of people from the Lieberman campaign that pointed out the Larouche folks have a history of sort of anti-Semitism, and they felt as though perhaps he was being singled out for these interruptions.

Those anti-semitic, Lyndon Larouche Democrats are extremely rude, aren’t they? It’s a good thing this was a Fox debate where all the viewers who were unaware of LaRouche could be educated about him. (Psst. I think they were b-l-a-c-k too.)

Up to this point, we have not heard from one proclaimed Democrat since the last candidate spoke. Cameron finally intereviewed Elijah Cummings, member of the CBC, who sponsored the event with Fox and then the big finale:

SNOW: Welcome back. Time for final thoughts of our panelists.

Ceci Connolly, when somebody comes up to you tomorrow and says, “How did the debate go,” what are you going to tell them?

CONNOLLY: A little bit snoozy, I have to confess.

But I wanted to come back for one second to Iraq, since that is so important right not. And for as much trouble as, I think, President Bush is having right now in Iraq, you saw that these Democratic candidates are not very clear on what to say about the issue either.

They were asked a straight yes or a no, would you support the president’s request for $87 billion? And the only word to give the one- word answer was Representative Kucinich, who said a firm no.

The other interesting thing on Iraq tonight, I thought, was that Senator Graham had some of the toughest things to say about President Bush. He actually answered yes to the question of do you think President Bush misled Americans…

SNOW: Deliberately.

CONNOLLY: Deliberately misled the American public. He also called it a quagmire. And he said it’s a distraction from the war on terror.

KONDRACKE: This was not a debate. There really was very little mixing it up among the candidates. The only person who was challenging any other candidate is Joe Lieberman, who took on Howard Dean today on Israel and took on Kerry on the issue of putting more troops into Iraq.

BARNES: Tony, there were two questions I liked that we haven’t heard before. One, what about allowing naturalized citizens to become president, to run for president? I think it was Senator Graham who said he would favor that change in the Constitution. So would I.

And then, what’s their favorite song. And some candidates were uncomfortable in trying to figure out what to say.

SNOW: Well, a lot didn’t have favorite songs, but they thought them up on the fly.

OK, panel. Thank you very much, and thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for watching.

That’s all the time we have. Stay tuned. HANNITY & COLMES is up next with more on the Democratic debate and President Bush’s run for reelection.

Here’s Hannity:

HANNITY: Still to come tonight, Peter Fenn and Betsy Hart. They go head to head on tonight’s debate. And later — well, the very latest on the California recall. There’s a lot of news out of California today.

But first, joining us from Washington, the co-director of Empower America, our good friend, it’s Tuesday. That means Tuesdays with Bill Bennett.

Bill, I wonder if you agree with me. I watched this debate tonight, watched these nine candidates, and I come away from this that not one of these guys is qualified to be president of this great land. I come away that they have no serious plan to deal with the war on terror. They have – – I heard more shrillness from these guys. I’m not intimidated at all by what I heard tonight.

BILL BENNETT, EMPOWER AMERICA: There wasn’t a lot of gravitas, I guess you’d say. I think that would be fair. There was a lot of attitude. There was a lot of dissing Bush. I have to tell you, though, Sean, I found it — although not edifying, I found it entertaining and interesting. I disagree with Congressman Davis about Dean and Lieberman. This was — this was Al Sharpton’s show. I mean, it was Al Sharpton…

HANNITY: I agree.

BENNETT: … and eight mostly white, mostly dull people.



BENNETT: You know, he was…


BENNETT: I mean, he was interesting and funny and natural wit and verve. And he also, you know, would make a great high school principal. I mean, given the disruption in the hall, and so on. Now, you know the record. This guy is not a great guy, the Tawana Brawley case and all. But boy, he is a presence in the Democratic Party. And by the way, he has made Jesse Jackson disappear. He is — you know, he is the new — he is the new guy in that role.


BENNETT: But I think, in terms of the larger picture, Sean, the more serious point is, if Al Gore and Hillary were watching, if the DLC, the Democratic Leadership Council, was watching, they have to say somebody there may get the nomination, but nobody there tonight…

HANNITY: Can win.

BENNETT: … I think showed that they could be the president.

So this is what the average 63 year old white, male conservative Republican Fox viewer that the Democrats think they will reach can expect to see. They will watch the Fox news All Stars insult and trivialize the candidates. They can see them imply that convicted felon Lyndon laRouche is an anti-semitic Democrat. They can watch them barely restrain their (very clever) sarcastic and patronizing racism by continuously pointing out that Al Sharpton “won” the debate. Throughout these exchanges the Fox all-stars are smirking and giggling like a bunch of schoolboys at the fat kid they stuck the “kick me” sign on.

Let’s be clear here. Fox news likes to host Democratic debates in order to maintain the fiction they are an unbiased network. But they also format them in such a way as to send plenty of coded, rightwing messages to their viewers, the most hardcore Republicans in the nation.

Fox News particularly likes to host the Congressional Black Caucus debates for the express purpose of riling and entertaining the racist Republican pigs who watch their network, on behalf of the Republican Party. I know how they’re received — I watched that one in the company of a racist Republican and he got the message loud and clear.

After the Nevada debate the CBC plan another Fox debate for this cycle. It’s a big mistake. The CBC and the Democratic party gain absolutely nothing by doing this.

John Edwards has done the right thing by refusing to appear at the Nevada debate. I hope the other Democrats follow. I also fervently hope that the CBC does not allow itself to be used again by FOX News to subtly convey a derisive, racist message to its viewers. It is wrong to subject good Democrats to this kind of coverage in order to see their candidates and their issues debated and discussed. There are plenty of other venues that don’t feature “analysis” that isn’t exclusively hostile to Democrats.


Feel The Worm Turn

by digby

Poputonian, you have company:

Something is rotten in the heart of Washington; and it lies in the vice-president’s office. The salience of this case is obvious. What it is really about – what it has always been about – is whether this administration deliberately misled the American people about WMD intelligence before the war. The risks Cheney took to attack Wilson, the insane over-reaction that otherwise very smart men in this administration engaged in to rebut a relatively trivial issue: all this strongly implies the fact they were terrified that the full details of their pre-war WMD knowledge would come out. Fitzgerald could smell this. He was right to pursue it, and to prove that a brilliant, intelligent, sane man like Libby would risk jail to protect his bosses. What was he really trying to hide? We now need a Congressional investigation to find out more, to subpoena Cheney and, if he won’t cooperate, consider impeaching him.

Kos? Matt Stoller? Jane Hamsher?


That’s Andrew Sullivan.


Where’s Rove?

by digby

I thought it was rather poignant today when the juror said “where’s Rove, where are these other guys?” I can understand it. Bush promised to fire anyone who leaked, but Rove’s still being paid by the taxpayers to do dirty political work for Bush and the Republicans even as we speak. Cheney is running all over the world babbling and shaking his fist like some sort of Hunter S. Thompson hallucination. It is kind of frustrating.

But let’s not forget what we know about our friend Karl Rove. There’s no doubt he participated eagerly in the smear against Wilson, he just wasn’t as stupid as Libby, nor did he have as much to cover up, what with having a half-wit for a boss who barely knows what day it is. And he got very lucky with the happy coincidence of a little sloppy gossip over drinks between blabbermouth Viveca Novak and Rove’s lawyer that gave him a plausible explanation for his miraculous recovered memories. Cheney is even on record as being pissed that Rove was getting the protection of the president while poor little Scooter was hung out to dry.

We also know some very unpleasant things about Rove’s motivations for going after Wilson with everything he had. It wasn’t because he was covering for his boss or even protecting his job. It was much more base and despicable than that:

Prosecutors investigating whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Wilson’s wife, a CIA officer who had worked undercover, have been told that Bush’s top political strategist, Karl Rove, and I. Lewis Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, were especially intent on undercutting Wilson’s credibility, according to a person familiar with the inquiry.

While lower-level White House staff members typically handle most contacts with the media, Rove and Libby began personally communicating with reporters about Wilson, prosecutors were told.

A source directly familiar with information provided to prosecutors said Rove’s interest was so strong that it prompted questions in the White House. When asked at one point why he was pursuing the diplomat so aggressively, Rove responded: “He’s a Democrat.” Rove then cited Wilson’s campaign donations, which leaned toward Democrats, the person familiar with the case said.

Libby did this thing out of loyalty. Rove did it out of sheer partisan hatred.

It’s a shame that Rove isn’t going to bed tonight a convicted felon like Scooter Libby is. The fateful loss of the mid-term elections and the complete collapse of the Bush administration will have to be his legacy. After all, Karl Rove is “Bush’s Brain,” the king of the Mayberry Machiavellis who thought he could run a nation like a dirty tricks campaign in South Carolina. He was in way over his head and now he reeks of the fetid stench of Bush/Cheney failure, for which he, probably more than any other single person, is responsible. I would be very surprised if any politician in the country will ever hire him again.

It’s not what he deserves. But it’s better than nothing.

Update: Limbaugh says that liberals better be careful because they are “poking the bear” meaning that we are getting the wingnuts all upset and we’ll be sorry. I’m quaking in my boots, I don’t know about you.

And using the term “poking the bear” probably isn’t the best choice of phrases when talking about Scooter Libby.


Rebutting The Monsignor

by digby

Most lefty bloggers have been writing about this Plame story for years now, but it really took fire after the revelations about Karl Rove’s potential involvement in July of 2005. I went back today to look at some of my commentary from that period and this stuck out:

…did Scooter just blurt out Tim Russert’s name without thinking? If he lied about the Monsignor he was making a grave error. There aren’t many media figures in Washington who are viewed with any reverence anymore, but he’s one of them, as sad a comment as that is.

It’s a fatal error to get into a he said/she said with a guy like him — if there’s a trial, Russert’s the guy who will be believed.

(As it turned out, Scooter didn’t just blurt it out. They thought that hiding behind the reporters’ privilege was a pretty nifty plan and like all their nifty plans, it failed.)

Turns out that the Russert testimony actually was pivotal,as predicted way back when, according to Dennis Collins, the juror who spoke to the media:

“the primary thing which convinced us on most of the accounts was the conversation… the alleged conversation… with Tim Russert…”

Even though Russert admitted on the stand that he granted all government officials blanket anonymity unless they told him the conversation was on the record — the exact opposite of what one would assume went on with an allegedly adversarial press — Russert nonetheless brought with him the credibility and celebrity of NBC News and “Meet The Press.” He’s as close as we have to Walter Cronkite (God help us) and him being on the stand saying Libby lied would be a very difficult thing for any defendent to rebut. Like it or not, he’s the guy people trust in all this.

As noted in the comments, “he said/she said” was not, of course, the crux of Fitzgerald’s case. His proof lay in the fact that Libby had been told by multiple people that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA before he talked to Russert as well as the fact that Russert claimed he never told Libby anything about Plame’s wife.

Still, when you hang your hat on Tim Russert being the liar, it’s a tough sell to a jury. He’s the famous newsman, Scooter is just a faceless partisan who works for Dick Cheney. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying it’s the way things work.

Update II: Michael Wolff has an interesting (if erroneous in some respects) take on the Libby trial in this month’s Vanity Fair, here.


Next Up

by digby

The Libby verdict is very exciting — Howard Dean and other Dems are all calling on the president to promise not to pardon Scooter. The right is spinning like tops. Fox news commentators are lamely saying that the verdicts don’t make sense because they acquitted Libby on one count. Bob Novak said the Bush administration had no “guts” because they agreed to allow an “unsupervised” special prosecutor to investigate them when they could have just shut down the investigation from the beginning. (G. Gordon Liddy couldn’t have said it better.) It’s a bad day for the Republicans.

And it’s getting worse. I would suggest that everyone keep at least one eye on the next brewing legal scandal. It’s looking more and more obvious like the Bush administration fired all those US Attorneys because they were investigating Republicans or allegedly dragging their feet in investigating Democrats. In Washington state the federal prosecutor was pressured to investigate “voter fraud” where there was none.

With the vice president’s office being completely discredited today and using the justice department for political purposes, we are now officially in Nixon territory.

Talking Points Memo has a rundown and video of the hearings this morning and they are explosive. The meltdown continues.



by digby

Guilty, guilty, not guilty, guilty, guilty!

(The “not guilty” pertains to the Matt Cooper lying to the FBI charge — they found him guilty of lying about his conversation with Matt Cooper to the grand jury.)

Now all he has to do is keep himself together long enough for the pardon. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bush doesn’t issue it immediately, to tell you the truth. Scooter doesn’t want to go to jail and if they can’t keep him out on appeal he might be inclined to start blabbing.

Watch the wingnuts go into full-on, shrieking harpy, spin mode like you’ve never seen before. I hope Fitzgerald has a thick skin. Hell, I hope he has a flack jacket.

Update: Fitzgerald did his usual straight arrow routine and says he isn’t going to further investigate. So, for the moment, it seems that’s that. Fitzgerald has always struck me as a true conservative prosecutor in the best sense. He isn’t on a crusade. Let history be the judge.

Unless, of course, he’s just being wily… he did say, after all, that the door was open to Mr Libby if he had something to say.

Update II: The juror who’s speaking said the jury thought Libby was the fall guy. “Where’s Rove? Where’s the rest of these guys?”

Wells and crew did a good job at making Scooter sympathetic. All that crying and “send Scooter back to me” was for a purpose. It wasn’t enough, but it was all they had and it had an effect.

Update III: If you want to see a sad, sad group, check out the Fox News coverage. Bob Novak is dancing like Tucker Carlson right now.

And if you want to read THE book on this subject, buy this book:


Truth Surge

A guilty verdict could come any day … should help Scooter with his soul.