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Month: March 2007

“It Could Potentially Be Like Rwanda”

by tristero

Salon has an interview with Evan Kohlmann, founder of He says a bunch of interesting things which many of us agree with, namely that the upper-echelon involvement of Iran in US military deaths has been hyped and that Saudi Arabia probably plays more of a role in arming insurgents that have killed Americans than Iran has. Kohlmann agrees that the latest escalation has no chance of working, by which I think he means that it won’t reverse the slide into sheer chaos or prevent the citizens of Iraq from being the hapless victims of atrocities.

But I would like to focus on the following and would appreciate hearing your opinions in comments. After the quote, I’ll try to rephrase Kohlmann’s comments, breaking them down into the most urgent issues he raises. I’ll also give you my opinion which, I hasten to add, is not locked in stone. If you think I’m wrong, and you probably will, please don’t simply throw up your hands. I am more than happy to change my mind so let me know what you think.

Do you think the U.S. should withdraw from Iraq?

I’m afraid not. If we withdraw from Iraq right now, there’s no doubt what will happen. First there’s going to be a war for control of Baghdad and then once Baghdad is ripped to the ground, the battle is going to spread across Iraq. It could potentially be like Rwanda. Right now, hundreds of people are being killed each month, which is awful and horrifying in itself. Imagine if that figure was 100 times bigger. Also, if we withdraw, a widespread war is going to be entirely our responsibility. It’s easy to say it’s Iraqis killing Iraqis. But nobody else is going to see it that way. Everyone is going to affix blame to us. We will ultimately cause a situation that forces us to reinvade Iraq and create even more casualties. It’s an awful Catch 22.

Kohlmann’s comments break down into the following predictions and assertions about what will happen if American troops leave Iraq now:

1. There will be a “war” to control Baghdad, ie the most important city – economically, at least – in Iraq.

2. Once Baghdad has been secured -he doesn’t say by whom, or even if it will be a Shia or Sunni group – that war will spread all over Iraq leading to a 100-fold increase in killings.

3. This larger war, and the resulting human catastrophe, will be entirely the responsibility of the United States.

4. Regardless of whether Sunni or Shia groups commit atrocities (or both do), both the combatants and the world will blame the US.

5. Ultimately, the US will be forced to reinvade Iraq as the situation spirals down to the lowest depths of a Hobbesian state of nature.

My opinion is as follows, and as I said, you probably won’t like it.

The escalation has no chance to do any good. Any gains in stability are little more than pr stunts that will evaporate. However, there isn’t a chance in hell that US troops in Iraq will withdraw as long as Bush is president. Therefore, Kohlmann’s discussion above is essentially meaningless.

But let us assume, for the moment, that Bush actually did order a withdrawal. Okay… I’ve assumed it, but I simply cannot imagine it happening in the real world. Now, predicting what would happen if we lived in a different universe is an entirely pointless exercise, except to get us all angry at each other. It would be like arguing about the number of angels on the head of a pin.

In short, the situation in Iraq will, and I say this with genuine dismay and dread, deteriorate further and further as long as the Bush administration remains in power. It will continue to worsen if Americans elect a president in 2008 who is committed in any way, shape, or form to the goals and/or ideology advocated by Bush.

Once Bush is back fulltime in Crawford, fishing in his well-stocked cement pond for bass (and Cheney has been safely committed to whatever psyciatric hospital would be nuts enough to accept him), serious discussions can begin about what the world can do to reverse the catastrophe Bush has perpetrated on the people in Iraq.

At that time, when Bush leaves office, there is no doubt in my mind that the situation in Iraq will be radically different than it is now. Undoubtedly, it will be worse, but specifically, how will it be worse? I don’t know, and neither does anyone else. There are too many variables. To speculate now on what course of action in 2009 will be best for Iraq – and for the US – is more pinhead angel-counting.

True: In principle, the US in 2009 will have as much legitimate reason to remain in Iraq as it does now, ie none. But principles of that sort mean nothing when faced with a situation that could lead to a genocide. A genocide which, like it or not, will be blamed on every American, including those of us who opposed the war. And I think that it is entirely plausible that in 2009, Iraq will be on the verge of, if not in the middle of, a genocide.

Likewise, I think it is entirely plausible that the situation in 2009 – complicated by the continued incompetence of Bush as well as the unpredictable actions of, say, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, and others – will make it clear that the US can best address the situation by leaving, and fast.

In short, we have no way of knowing what Iraq will be like in 2009, except that it will be disastrous. And that is not enough to advocate a specific policy. That is a horrible thing to contemplate – there is no hope until (maybe) 2009 – but I see no other realistic way to look at it. Please contradict me.

In a perfect world, George Bush and his government would resign today, an interim US government would schedule elections six months hence (with unrigged voting machines) and we could all discuss the nuances and complications of imminent withdrawal with confidence. The potential for a sizeable bloodbath would certainly have to figure prominently in such discussions as would, somehow, finding a way to involve the entire international community in stabiliizing a region we all have a stake in.

But the world is not perfect. Barring the publications of photos of Bush and Cheney in a 3-way with Jeff Gannon/Guckert (eeeeuw!), Bush is going nowhere, and neither are American soldiers, until 2009. While the rest of the interview makes interesting reading Kohlmann’s position on withdrawal, therefore, is pointless. Inadvertently, simply by engaging the subject, I think Kohlmann is diverting energy from the main problem facing Iraq and the US which is Bush’s occupation of the White House.

Now, the likelihood of the following happening is small, but if you want to know what I think actually could be helpful now, here it is (admittedly, it’s not much):

1. We need a serious, organized, and sober movement to impeach the Bush administration and remove it from office. Given the current politics, I don’t think it will succeed, but I think it is important to do anyway. It is important to show the rest of the world that not only does the Bush government not represent the American people, but that a substantial number of Americans are quite serious about opposing them.

2. Bush must be prevented at all costs from attacking Iran (or any other country)*. There are good reasons to worry that such an attack will entail nuclear strikes. But even conventional attacks will simply hasten the region’s slide into sheer anarchy far worse than what we are already seeing.

3. Congress must do everything within its power to oppose the Bush/Iraq war, both financially and philosophically. And Congress should make every effort to separate itself, and the rest of the country, from the unavoidable actions of the Bush administration which are beyond its control.

4. Congress should explore all options to “internationalize” the problem of Iraq – eg, via recourse to the UN and other organizations – even if the Bush administration is reluctant to do so itself.

Some of these steps are exceedingly dangerous, given Bush’s desire to play chicken with the Constitution. But in short, it must be made perfectly clear that as long as he is in office, Bush will no longer be permitted to exceed his legitimate powers. If he does, Congress must be prepared and willing to confront him, even if it means that Bush precipates a serious Constitutional crisis.

I’ve gone on far longer than I expected to. Your thoughts. And please, don’t attach too much importance to the forceful way I’ve asserted my opinion. I’m eager to hear what you think and I’m very eager to have my mind changed. It’s a terrible thing to believe the Iraq situation is utterly hopeless and I’d be happy to adopt a more optimistic attitude if I thought such optimism reasonable.

I won’t be able to respond to your comments until later tonight, but I will read them all as soon as I can.

*Note to rightwing nuts: Yes, that’s right. Bush should be prevented from attacking any other country. Even if they attack us first? Put it this way:

1. The Bush administration has demonstrated over and over again that it will lie about anything. I have no reason to believe any assertions by the Bush administration regarding a first strike.

2. The Bush administration has demonstrated over and over again that even though they have available the most powerful military force ever, their ability to respond militarily is utterly inept. I have zero confidence that even if the US was attacked without provocation, Bush could respond in a genuinely effective manner by ordering a military response. Exhibit A: Afghanistan today.

(As for the conquest of Baghdad, I remind you that Saddam didn’t attack the US. And furthermore, the battle for Baghdad never ended. Bush merely prevailed, partially, during its earliest days.

Creating The Space

by digby

I am a big believer in the blogosphere as alternative media. We do many things, from analysis and commentary to live coverage to investigative journalism and more. One of the blogs that is doing something extremely interesting and unusual is my longtime advertiser BagNewsNotes. Michael Shaw examines visual images and discusses them, exposes photography from some of the best photo journalists around who can’t always get their photos into the mainstream press and generally teaches us new ways of understanding the impact and meaning of the visual in our political and cultural environment. The community that gathers at his place engages in fascinating discussion of all these things.

I love having his thought provoking ads on my blog — they are arresting and interesting and bring new depth to many stories that I’m covering and often inspires me to cover ones that I’ve missed.

He has a new project in mind that I think is well worth supporting. If the blogphere is going to support a new media infrastructure, then photography need to be in the mix:

Over the past year, I have made it a priority to meet and get to know many photojournalists. Talking to one incredibly talented, under-appreciated and under-compensated photographer after another, the response to what we’re doing has been fantastic. Oppressed by what is commonly referred to, world-wide, as “the filter,” the professionals see this site as something revolutionary. Simply put, this screen offers an open window between you — the informed and rapidly growing progressive audience — and the freelance photojournalist.

And why, specifically, is our mission and medium so intriguing?

Whereas a photographer might sell a few pictures to the MSM based on weeks, months or even years worth of effort, we have the space, format and focus to study and appreciate any number of images.

Whereas the photographer is typically pigeonholed as the purveyor of pictures alone, we can offer photojournalists reporter and witness status, accommodating visual and verbal accounts ranging from news to commentary to personal reflection.

Whereas a photo in the print medium might reach a couple thousand people, a resonant image, boosted by a link or two, can easily reach tens of thousands of receptive viewers in the blogosphere. (For example, the post featuring Alan Chin’s amazing Katrina images has had nearly 33,000 visitors as of this morning.)

Whereas a photo story, run once in print, can be used up forever, the blogosphere — as a narrative form — thrives on continuity, almost demanding a photographer follow up or keep ongoing track of a story.

Finally, the blog, as a discussion medium, allows you and the photojournalist to share a dialogue, expanding the experience, exchanging ideas, answering questions and providing encouragement.

Over the past year, I have steadily increased the amount of original photojournalism here at BAGnewsNotes. Besides our regular contributers, Alan Chin and Tim Fadek, you have lately seen work by a number of Spanish photographers, including Lourdes Segade, Héctor Mediavilla and Ariadna Arnés.

Still, we could do more. Much more. Although many photographers are willing to informally collaborate with The BAG, the one factor that would make a significance difference is compensation. I am not proposing anything beyond our means, but if Firedoglake readers could raise the funds for the site to cover the Libby trial, why can’t we — the BAGnewsNotes community — create our own media fund, offering good will payments to photojournalists in exchange for particular collaboration or ongoing relationships?

So, what exactly am I asking for?

I’m asking your help to fund more original photojournalism for BAGnewsNotes.

If we can raise enough money to show we’re serious, it would allow me to develop informal affiliations with individuals and cooperatives, underwrite a few ongoing photo projects, and even help subsidize some photographers on assignment.

If you think new media is important, a modest (or not so modest) contribution to Michael’s project is worth your while.


Traditional Values

by digby

Ever since passing what its Legislature promoted as the nation’s toughest laws against illegal immigration last summer, Colorado has struggled with a labor shortage as migrants fled the state. This week, officials announced a novel solution: Use convicts as farmworkers.

The Department of Corrections hopes to launch a pilot program this month — thought to be the first of its kind — that would contract with more than a dozen farms to provide inmates who will pick melons, onions and peppers.

Crops were left to spoil in the fields after the passage of legislation that required state identification to get government services and allowed police to check suspects’ immigration status.

“The reason this [program] started is to make sure the agricultural industry wouldn’t go out of business,” state Rep. Dorothy Butcher said. Her district includes Pueblo, near the farmland where the inmates will work.

Prisoners who are a low security risk may choose to work in the fields, earning 60 cents a day. They also are eligible for small bonuses.

11Th Commandment

by digby

Seeing The Forest has a great piece today on the Al Gore electricity smear:

There’s a tragic but true old expression that a lie can make it half way around the world before the truth can even get its pants on. Sadly, this has been proven true again this week with the $mear attack on Vice President Al Gore and his energy consumption. Today, we noticed that the lie has made it to Germany. How did this happen and, more to the point, why does it continue to happen?

It’s a good question that Dave Johnson and James Boyce go a long way toward answering in their post. There are many factors, but this is, I think, what it really comes down to:

Where was the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday and Wednesday as these lies gained hold? Where was any Democratic-oriented Group? There were the progressive bloggers, Media Matters and CAP’s Think Progess and very few others — the usual suspects — and this is all that Gore and our other leaders have watching their backs. They sure aren’t watching each other’s.

I recognize that there is an intense primary underway and that everyone is choosing up teams. But unless the Democratic establishment bands together to condemn this stuff en masse it will be used against every one of them. And it is very, very foolish to use any of these tactics against each other.

STF ends the post with this:
First the wingnuts came for Bill Clinton,
I remained silent;
I am not Bill Clinton. When they made up stuff about Gore,
I remained silent;
I am not Gore. When they lied about John Kerry
I didn’t speak up for him;
I complained about how he ran his campaign. When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out;
I am a Democrat.
Ronald Reagan famously invoked an 11th Commandment: thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican. Democrats should invoke one of their own: thou shalt not use Clinton Rules against fellow Democrats and will defend fellow Democrats when they are used against them.


Wasted Outrage

by digby

From Atrios, I see that John McCain has really stuck his foot in it now:

Discussing the war with Letterman, McCain repeated his assertion that U.S. troops must remain in Iraq rather than withdrawing early even though the war has been mismanaged.

“Americans are very frustrated, and they have every right to be,” McCain said. “We’ve wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives.”

Or has he? I haven’t heard a thing about this on the news so far today.

This is the clearest example of a double standard I’ve seen in some time. Barack Obama sais something a couple of weeks back that caused a huge brouhaha:

OBAMA: We ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized and should have never been waged and to which we have now spent $400 billion and has seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.

The winuttosphere went crazy with Malkin leading the charge:

Sen. Barack Obama’s nutroots are showing. RedStateLady has the video of Obama arguing that each and every member of the military who volunteered to serve and died in Iraq wasted his/her life.

And James Taranto of the WSJ was shocked:

On Sunday Sen. Barack Obama, speaking at Iowa State University, made this jaw-dropping statement…

Wasted! Hard to believe anyone would say such a thing, but there it is on video.

Obama quickly apologized. Ron Fournier, editor in chief of the online morgue called “Hotsoup” wrote this for MSNBC:

Obama got his candidacy off to an inauspicious start by saying last weekend that the war “should have never been authorized, and should have never been waged, and on which we’ve now spent $400 billion, and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.”


He was asked Monday whether military families deserved an apology. “Well as I said, it is not at all what I intended to say, and I would absolutely apologize if any of them felt that in some ways it had diminished the enormous courage and sacrifice that they’d shown. You know, and if you look at all the other speeches that I’ve made, that is always the starting point in my view of this war.”

That’s true; none of his previous speeches declared that the lives of slain U.S. soldiers were wasted. He saved that gem for his first day as a presidential candidate.

The Freerepublic lizard brains took a slightly different tack:

“Four Ho’s and 7 smokes ago, soldiers lives are being wasted….oops a slip of the tongue!”
posted on 02/14/2007 10:04:14 AM PST by Bommer (Global Warming: The only warming phenomena that occurs in the Summer and ends in the Winter!)

(Thank goodness racism is dead, eh?)

I personally think those lives actually were wasted in Iraq, as well as hundreds of thousands of Iraqis as well. I know that military families probably hate to think that their loved ones were as like disposable political weapons, but they were and I don’t fault either Obama or McCain for saying what is a common sense, everyday statement of fact that is said every day around water cooolers and dinner tables all over this country. All that loss of life is a horrible, horrible waste.

But I do hate hypocrisy and just once I’d like to see the rightwing held to the same standard that they hold Democrats. Just for kicks — for the sheer thrill of actually seeing it happen.

Update: Media Matters notes the double standard among the major papers:

The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times all published March 1 articles reporting McCain’s announcement on the Late Show, with The New York Times and the Post directly quoting McCain from the program — but none of these articles noted his claim that “we’ve wasted” American lives in Iraq. Yet when Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) made similar comments in Iowa on February 11, the Post and the Los Angeles Times reported the remarks the following day. The New York Times, meanwhile, devoted a February 13 article to Obama’s subsequent apology and clarification.

Here’s the thing: This time, there was already the precedent of the Obama flap and yet, with the exception of the AP article I link above, they failed to make the connection.

Update: Blitzer just said:

He [McCain] said on the Letterman Show last night, he used the work “wasted.” He said today he meant to use the word “sacrifice.” Given John McCain’s record on military matters and the fact that he himself is a war hero, is this over with right now or are there legs on this story?

Interestingly, Bill Press said neither Obama or McCain should have apologized for telling the truth and Bay Buchanan says this is going to dog McCain because he is such a respected military person. Blitzer looked very confused and asked why social conservatives hate McCain so much.


The Iraq Effect

by tristero

Read this, please:

Our study yields one resounding finding: The rate of terrorist attacks around the world by jihadist groups and the rate of fatalities in those attacks increased dramatically after the invasion of Iraq. Globally there was a 607 percent rise in the average yearly incidence of attacks (28.3 attacks per year before and 199.8 after) and a 237 percent rise in the average fatality rate (from 501 to 1,689 deaths per year). A large part of this rise occurred in Iraq, which accounts for fully half of the global total of jihadist terrorist attacks in the post-Iraq War period. But even excluding Iraq, the average yearly number of jihadist terrorist attacks and resulting fatalities still rose sharply around the world by 265 percent and 58 percent respectively.

And even when attacks in both Afghanistan and Iraq (the two countries that together account for 80 percent of attacks and 67 percent of deaths since the invasion of Iraq) are excluded, there has still been a significant rise in jihadist terrorism elsewhere–a 35 percent increase in the number of jihadist terrorist attacks outside of Afghanistan and Iraq, from 27.6 to 37 a year, with a 12 percent rise in fatalities from 496 to 554 per year.

Of course, just because jihadist terrorism has risen in the period after the invasion of Iraq, it does not follow that events in Iraq itself caused the change. For example, a rise in attacks in the Kashmir conflict and the Chechen separatist war against Russian forces may have nothing to do with the war in Iraq. But the most direct test of The Iraq Effect–whether the United States and its allies have suffered more jihadist terrorism after the invasion than before–shows that the rate of jihadist attacks on Western interests and citizens around the world (outside of Afghanistan and Iraq) has risen by a quarter, from 7.2 to 9 a year, while the yearly fatality rate in these attacks has increased by 4 percent from 191 to 198.

This is utterly astounding. Not the fact that Bush/Iraq has increased terrorism worldwide. Everyone knows that’s so, even the liars that say otherwise. Nor is the fact that terrorism has increased so dramatically that shocking. Of course invading, conquering, and occupying an Islamic state would substantially increase jihadism. Add the numerous reports of torture and wholesale murder by American personnel (as well as people from other countries ) and it is a wonder the increase over pre-invasion isn’t much higher.

No. What’s astounding is that this study is, apparently, the first public attempt to quantify by how much terrorism has increased since Bush opened the gates of Hell. One would think, after all, that this would be a crucial fact for American citizens to know, seeing how our children are being killed and we’re paying through the nose. (And you can bet your bippy that had terrorism decreased we would certainly be hearing about it every day from the rightwing.)

What’s also astounding is that this study appeared not in the Times, not in the Post, not in Foreign Affairs, not in The Economist, but in… Mother Jones. Good for Mother Jones, of course, but WTF??? That’s a little like opening up Popular Science and finding out that they’ve published the first paper by Einstein on relativity because no one else would dare to. Indeed, these are no crackpots but rather Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank:

Research fellows at the Center on Law and Security at the NYU School of Law. Bergen is also a senior fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C.

These are reputable people at reputable places, not hysterics or hacks. These are experts. So again, and with all due respect: Mother Jones???

Now, I don’t want to leap to conclusions, but I’m beginning to think there’s something seriously wrong with the media in this country.

ht, Sid Blumenthal by way of Jane Hamsher

Hey Y’Never Know! They Could Have Had A Uranium Program.

Josh Marshall on “a screw-up that staggers the mind:”

Because of a weapons program that may not even have existed (and no one ever thought was far advanced) the White House the White House got the North Koreans to restart their plutonium program and then sat by while they produced a half dozen or a dozen real nuclear weapons — not the Doug Feith/John Bolton kind, but the real thing.

And thus the consequences of Cheney’s fabled One Percent Doctrine.

Y’know something, people, the Bush administration? They are really bad news. Seriously bad news.