Guest Post
Kathy G is taking a sabbatical from blogging but has been closely following the Catholic Church scandal and keeping interested people informed via email. She kindly allowed me to post this latest as a service to my readers who aren’t able to keep up with the massive number of revelations, allegations and excuses.
Pedophile Round-up
by Kathy G.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get more sordid . . .
The most significant event this week appears to be the AP story which implicates Pope Benedict more deeply than ever before. It seems that Benedict, back when he was known as Cardinal Ratzinger, is personally responsible for refusing for six long years to defrock a priest who’d raped several kids. This *in spite of* the fact that the priest himself had requested that Ratzinger defrock him!
Worse, as Andrew Sullivan notes here: this same priest “was subsequently allowed back into the parish where he *tied up and raped* children seven years later as a volunteer youth minister. Even after his eventual defrocking, in 1987, he continued to work with children at the parish for another year.” (Emphasis mine).
Ratzie’s fingerprints are all over this case. He himself signed the letter refusing to defrock the guy. How the Church can retain a shred of credibility or respectability after these revelations is beyond me.
But wait, there’s more!
One of the best investigative reporters into the Catholic sexual assault scandals has been Jason Berry. For years now he’s been reporting on Marcial Maciel, the ultraconservative Mexican priest who founded the influential Legion of Christ cult, and who was a world class liar, drug addict, and bigamist who sexually assaulted at least 20 boys and young men. Maciel and his cult were beloved by John Paul and other top Vatican officials, and it’s always been something of a puzzle as to why he’d been able to get away with his crimes for so long. There were Church investigations of him and his cult going back to the 1950s, and quite a few of the men he’d sexually assaulted went on the record about what he’d done to them, a number of them going so far as to submit signed depositions detailing the abuse.
In this important article in the current issue of the National Catholic Reporter, Berry lays out the story of how Maciel became untouchable in greater detail than I’d seen before.
Basically, it comes down to money. When it came to spreading the cash around, Maciel and his minions were quite generous. They were quite fond of passing fat envelopes stuffed with thousands of dollars in cash.
According to the article, Ratzinger was one of the few high-level Vatican officials who refused to pocket Maciel’s money. That’s about the only good news he’s had this week, I think.
Btw, though the article doesn’t go into this in depth, Maciel was an extremely talented fundraiser. He cultivated rich wingnuts in Latin America and elsewhere. He flattered them by basically telling them that God loved them more than He loves the poor.
Apparently, they really liked to hear that.
A few more things:
— As I’ve pointed out before, the biggest defenders of the Church’s actions in these sexual abuse cases have invariably been the right- wing Catholics. The National Catholic Reporter piece I linked to above names the following people as have been among Maciel’s biggest fans and most diehard defenders: William Donohue, William Bennett, Rick Santorum, right-to-life Harvard Law professor Mary Ann Glendon, Jeb Bush, Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan, a guy who produced Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, John Paul II hagiographer George Weigel, and the late Father Richard John Neuhaus (of First Things).
Oh, and Fox News’ resident priest is a member of Maciel’s Legion of Christ. As is a dude who’s been a rent-a-priest for CBS and NBC.
Theocons all.
— Speaking of defenders of the Church: it looks like Kaplan Test Prep Daily’s Michael Gerson picked a bad week to write about what a peachy job Benedict is doing in dealing with the sexual abuse scandals:
— It wasn’t a particularly swell week, either, for the National Review to run a piece lauding the legacy of Pope John Paul. For extra special totes awesomeness, the National Review piece was written by — wait for it! — Newt *and* Callista Gingrich! ‘Cause there aren’t any two people I want to take my moral and theological instruction from more than I do from that pair!
— Andrew Sullivan has put a few good posts that show you what a church (in this case, the Episcopalians) which actually gives a shit about protecting its flock and securing justice for rape victims will do, when confronted with evidence that members of its clergy are sexually assaulting its members.