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Month: February 2012

Tristero: The Deen of “Diabetes-Friendly” Diets

The Deen of “Diabetes-Friendly” Diets

By tristero

In responding to a previous post on Paula Deen, a commenter took me to task for assuming bad faith on Deen’s part, that maybe all she wanted to do was, you know, share these really great indulgent recipes with people like herself. I was – almost – prepared to consider the point a legitimate one (even if I disagreed), until Digby, via email, sent me a link to this alternet article. I have to confess that I didn’t quite understand it at first- not because it is difficult to read but because the behavior, on the part of Deen, on the part of the pharmaceutical company, is so breathtakingly cynical, so horrible, and so greedy it simply defies belief.

If this article is right – and Marion Nestle, to be sure, is a very reputable nutritionist – Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by diet. But drug companies wont make money “managing” diabetes if people simply eat with anything remotely resembling sanity and thereby reverse the course of the disease. Therefore, a drug company approached Deen – get this – before they knew she had diabetes because they believed her disgusting and unhealthy food was “diabetes-friendly” and therefore good for their business.

Like so many other truly despicable players in the American public discourse, Deen comes across as a likeable, charming person. If this article is true, her charm is as fake and as cynical as her pose as just one more middle-class Southern housewife.

In reality, she’s just one more rapacious, utterly repellent multi-millionaire without a clue about what it means to be part of the 99% who can’t afford the kind of medical care and other luxuries she takes for granted.


Because you’re worth it …

Because you’re worth it …

by digby

Class system? What class system?

Frequent travelers who use San Francisco International Airport once again will be able to get through security a little faster with the return of a fee-based pre-screening program approved by the Airport Commission on Tuesday.

The CLEAR program, operated by a private company, Alclear LLC, will allow people to move to – or near – the front of the line to get their carry-on items screened. It will allow them to bypass the regular first tier of security where travelers must provide a driver’s license or passport to a Transportation Security Administration employee and instead use an automated kiosk.

“It provides predictability in getting to the front of the line and getting through clearance faster,” said SFO director John Martin.

Participants must pay a $179 annual fee for the special treatment. Spouses or domestic partners can be added on for an extra $50, and their children 17 years old and younger can join for free.

For a hefty fee we’ll make sure you don’t have to mingle with the polloi and you can jump to the head of the line for your baggage screening. Job creators like you shouldn’t have to wait for such inconveniences.

h/t to reader sleon — for the article and the post title.

QOTD — Atrios

QOTD: Atrios

by digby

Suddenly everyone’s jumping on the idea that maybe jobs and economic growth are a wee bit important. But, you know, all the Very Serious People were wrong for the right reasons while the hippies were right for the wrong reasons, so the VSPs were really right and the hippies were really wrong.

It’s amazing how that always works.

It really is. It never pays to be right too early. They’ll never forgive you for it.


Robot Compassion: yep. Mitt.

Robot Compassion

by digby

There’s a lot of talk this morning about this Romney statement:

“I’m not concerned with the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich, they’re doing just fine. I’m concerned about the very heart of the America, the 90 percent, 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.”

He really has a tin ear. As Yglesias points out:

[H]e wants to cut the safety net, cut the health care part of the safety net, muck around with the federal workforce, and then cut the non-health care part of the safety net. To further clarify, he states that he “will immediately move to cut spending and cap it at 20 percent of GDP” while increasing defense spending. Which is to say he wants to cut social safety net spending. What’s more “as spending comes under control, he will pursue further cuts that would allow caps to be set even lower so as to guarantee future fiscal stability,” thus cutting social safety net spending even further.

There’s nothing remarkable about this, really, since I don’t think most Americans assume that cutting spending on poor people is what Republicans are all about. But it’s extremely strange for Romney to be running on agenda of sharp cuts to the social safety net while citing the safety net’s existence as a key reason to be indifferent to the plight of the poor. It’s quite true that we have a safety net for poor people right now, but we won’t have one for long if Romney’s budget ideas are implemented.

And whether he knows it or not, and clearly he doesn’t, the vast majority of the struggling middle class he purports to care so much about also depend on the government at some point in their lives and nearly all of them depend on it in retirement. Even middle class people who have a nest egg count on Social Security as a large part of their retirement and they all will use Medicare. And he wants to cut all that too!

So Mitt’s idea of compassionate conservatism is to cut everything in sight but make some nice noises about how much he cares. And he’s just not a good enough actor to pull off the “caring” part.

Update: I was just watching Mitt on TV and had a breakthrough.Why is it that people just don’t like him? It’s the obvious: he’s a rich, arrogant asshole. Americans don’t hate rich people in general, but nobody likes one who seems to be stifling laughter as he’s turning you down for mortgage.

Like this guy:


Yep, It Really Is Bad Food

By tristero

When Paula Deen admitted that she had diabetes (and that she and her family would exploit her terrible illness for huge profits), defenders of the faux-bourgeois worried that those of us who know eating passionately also means eating sanely would be practicing class warfare if we dared to criticized her:

Virginia Willis, a food writer in Atlanta, said that criticisms directed at Ms. Deen often reflect sexism and stereotyping about the South, in addition to food snobbery. “No one vilifies Michelin chefs for putting sticks of butter in their food,” she said. “But when a Southern woman does it, that’s tacky.” Contrary to popular belief, however, she said Ms. Deen’s fat-laden cooking does not represent the apotheosis of Southern cuisine.

“Paula’s food often reflects modern cooking and convenience foods more than Southern tradition,” she said. “She feels like she cooks for ‘real people,’ and for better or worse, that is how many people in this country choose to eat.”

Michael Mignano, a Long Island pastry chef who will appear on “Fat Chef,” said butterfat is a constant companion for chefs in high-end restaurants, where he has spent most of his career. “The only difference is that Paula Deen does it on TV,” he said

No, that’s not the only difference. It is a matter of taste if you find disgusting Paula Deen’s food disgusting. But that her food is disgustingly bad for you is simply a matter of fact.

Is there other food out there that’s as godawful bad as Paula Deen’s? Whether that is the case – obviously, no one would argue – that in no way makes Deen’s food good food. Eating Deen’s way every day – which a huge pile of Americans do (when they don’t eat even worse food) – simply is not one of many equally valid lifestyle choices. Nor is strongly objecting to the quality of Deen’s food and its daily consumption class warfare, sexist, or Southern stereoptyping. It’s just common sense.

The comparison with “Michelin chefs” is misguided. At least for those of us who make less than Paula Deen’s annual income, it’s not routine to spend north of $150 per person for a dinner. In fact, it’s a very rare indulgence. That is the point. It’s a treat.

And of course, there is nothing wrong – nothing wrong whatsoever – in indulging yourself in whatever rocks your boat – whether it’s Deen’s fried chicken or Thomas Keller’s leek bread budding. The problem (of course) is that unhealthy, Deen-style food is in fact the norm for an enormous number of people in this country. It’s what people eat every day, and often more than three times a day.

Put simply, eating that way will kill you.

Can you die eating too much leek bread pudding? Oh, please: too much Deen food – that’s the problem, not too much Keller.

And that brings us to the faux-bourgeois, a mask worn by many elites whose income depends on appearing to be “one of us.” Paula Deen may have started out lower middle class, even poor, but that was a loooooooooooong time ago. She may not have as much of the green stuff as the Koch brothers, but she’s way more a part of that 1% than you are – and she’s been a 1 percenter for quite a while. She does not celebrate middle-class values, she merely makes money exploiting whatever she believes will make her the most money – regardless of whether they are middle class values – or even good ones.

That is not culture, bourgeois or otherwise. That is not even populism. That is simply greed and opportunism on a scale that “eltitist” chefs – no slouches when it comes to ambition and fame – can’t even imagine. Oh, she may like ground chuck, she may shill for pork chops, but that bank account of hers is filet mignon – and we are fools if we let her make us forget it.

Florida surge

Florida surge

by digby

I was going to write about the results in Florida tonight but, why bother? It’s a money race and the guy with the most money is winning. Shocker.

But in case you wonder what the campaigns want you to think, TPM has a nice rundown of how the various camps are spinning it. Mittster’s takes the cake:

Mitt Romney wants you to dwell on a comeback kid narrative. His camp’s version goes something like this: here’s a guy who was knocked off his game by the genie let out of the bottle by the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United ruling. Just as he was consolidating his victory in New Hampshire and his (rescinded) triumph in Iowa, suddenly a billionaire casino mogul showed up and flung millions of dollars at his bomb-throwing opponent.And yet, the narrative goes, like a mythical hero he emerged from the flames hardened, sharpened, and willing to fight back. He raised his game in the debates and pushed back his surging rival, ultimately romping to victory by a serious margin.

Fighting, hardened, pushing and surging. We get it.

He has proved that he will spend whatever it takes to destroy his opponents and that’s got to be appealing to a fair number of Republicans. But they still don’t like him much. According to the exit polls, 39% are not satisfied with GOP candidates and 57% want someone else to jump in.

Once we let them destroy Planned Parenthood, they’ll give up

Once we let them destroy Planned Parenthood, they’ll give up

by digby

Divide et impera:

The nation’s leading breast-cancer charity, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, is halting its partnerships with Planned Parenthood affiliates — creating a bitter rift, linked to the abortion debate, between two iconic organizations that have assisted millions of women.

The change will mean a cutoff of hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants, mainly for breast exams.

Planned Parenthood says the move results from Komen bowing to pressure from anti-abortion activists. Komen says the key reason is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Congress — a probe launched by a conservative Republican who was urged to act by anti-abortion groups.

And what do you know? This is likely the result of the increasingly sinister “common ground” strategy, in this situation being deployed in the private sector. Via Jezebel:

Interestingly, this brand new rule that suddenly appeared in the books of the Komen Foundation just so happened to coincide with a Congressional investigation launched by a Republican legislator, who himself was pressured by the pro-life group Americans United for Life. And last year’s assault on Planned Parenthood also coincided with the addition of a vocally anti-abortion ex-politician to the ranks of Susan G Komen For the Cure.

Karen Handel, who was endorsed by Sarah Palin during her unsuccessful bid for governor of Georgia in 2010, has been the Foundation’s Senior Vice President for Public Policy since April 2011. During her gubernatorial candidacy, she ran on an anti-choice platform, vowing that if elected, she’d defund Planned Parenthood. Handel wrote on her campaign blog,

I will be a pro-life governor who will work tirelessly to promote a culture of life in Georgia…. I believe that each and every unborn child has inherent dignity, that every abortion is a tragedy, and that government has a role, along with the faith community, in encouraging women to choose life in even the most difficult of circumstances…. since I am pro-life, I do not support the mission of Planned Parenthood.

She even promised to eliminate funding for breast and cervical cancer screenings provided by the organization.

How curious! A person with what looks like a personal vendetta against Planned Parenthood joins the ranks of an organization that provides funding to Planned Parenthood, and soon, that organization “defunds” Planned Parenthood.

Still, there’s nothing to worry about ladies, no reason for all this hysteria over your icky parts. These people will never make any headway with this stuff in America, land of the free. Relax.

BTW: I noticed these lovely illustrations to a new folio of Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale. They really capture the feeling of the novel:

“We turn the corner onto a main street, where there’s more traffic. Cars go by, black most of them, some grey and brown. There are other women with baskets, some in red, some in the dull green of the Marthas, some in the striped dresses, red and blue and green and cheap and skimpy, that mark the women of the poorer men. Econowives, they’re called.”
