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Month: February 2012

Consumer protection: state rape and the silly girls who are asking for it

Consumer protection

by digby

Tyler Cowan (who once expressed fear for his personal safety because I wrote that I was buying pitchfork futures) said a particularly ignorant thing on twitter yesterday and is justifiably getting skewered for it.

Oh how clevah.

Scott Lemieux writes:

[I]t’s remarkable how proud some conservative commentators are of the idea that if you support some state regulations that a conservertarian doesn’t you must presumptively favor all state regulations, given how utterly asinine it is.

Cowen does, however, have to be given credit in a way for choosing an example that makes the silliness of his premise particularly obvious. Yes, indeed, many of the people appalled by Virginia’s reprehensible forthcoming abortion regulations favor other regulations that provide information to consumers. The “contradiction” is not terribly hard to understand if one thinks about it for a tenth of a second or so. On the one hand, the typical consumer regulation does not require consumers to pay substantial direct costs to undergo humiliating and invasive medical procedures without their consent. And on the other hand, the “information” provided to women by the regulation is worthless, since women are generally aware of what pregnancy entails.

Yes. Women know very well that they are pregnant and, what’s more, they know very well that it will eventually result in the birth of a child. If they didn’t know this, they would not be taking proactive steps to end that eventuality. In other words, if she didn’t know what she was doing, she would do nothing. The idea that after a woman finds out that she is pregnant, decides that she doesn’t want to give birth, makes an appointment, arrives at the office for the procedure, then needs to be shown that she is pregnant is fatuous in the extreme.

There are only two reasons to support this: you either believe that women are mentally disabled and are incapable of understanding that they are pregnant and will give birth if they don’t have this procedure or you believe they should be punished for seeking the procedure by shoving a probe inside them while lecturing them about their decision and showing them pictures of the inside of their wombs. That’s it. My guess is that Tyler Cowan and the rest of these people making all these clever bon mots believe the second. But it doesn’t matter: you’re a jackass either way.


The Importance of Unemployment Trends by @DavidOAtkins

The Importance of Unemployment Trends

by David Atkins

Take this with a grain of salt (or several handfuls), but the implications of the model are certainly interesting:

A couple of economic researchers working for Yahoo say they have developed a forecasting model that predicts a win for President Barack Obama this November.

The model, created by David Rothschild and Patrick Hummel, predicts that Mr. Obama will carry 303 electoral votes this fall. At the same time, they say that several states contests remain virtual toss-ups.

In reviewing the last ten presidential cycles, the researchers say that their model correctly predicted the eventual winners in 88% of the 500 state elections that took place. Between now and mid-June, they they assume that personal income growth remains average for a reelection year and that the president’s approval rating remains at or above its current 48% range.

One aspect of the model that might generate controversy within the ranks of professional politicians and their handlers is the conclusion about the value of a campaign and a candidate: Rothschild and Hummel believe that it matters far less than conventional opinion has conventionally believed.

“One of the interesting findings of the research is, quite frankly, that you can predict outcomes of elections with pretty amazing accuracy pretty far away,” Rothschild said.

The researchers found that an increase or decrease in unemployment trend lines was a much more powerful predictor of election results than the unemployment rate itself. In particular, a key data point was the state-by-state growth in income in the first quarter of the election year. With the main economic indicators trending up, albeit at historically depressed levels, they say that’s an encouraging harbinger for an Obama victory.

“The net effect of campaigns are meaningful but not massive,” Rothschild said. He said that the economy’s first and second quarters (in an election year) “more strongly correlate with a president’s reelection chances.”

I dislike and distrust the notion increasingly trendy in academic and church-of-the-savvy sources that campaign structure and rhetoric make little difference to electoral outcomes, which are supposedly predetermined by a combination of voter registration, name ID, approval polling and economic numbers. That’s certainly not true of more local elections, though it may be more reflective of presidential campaigns. At the very least, campaigns and rhetoric influence the political ground on which the post-electoral legislative battles are fought–which is the only good reason to care about politics. Without the real implications for consequences in people’s lives, the horse race of political elections is a dreary business, a reality show far more corrupt and less entertaining than most sporting events.

Still, insofar as the model has credibility, it shows the importance of maintaining positive employment trends throughout the first half of a presidential election year. The Obama Administration would do well to keep that clearly in mind.


Saturday Night At The Movies — The The cook, the epidemiologist, the thief and his lover

Saturday Night at the Movies

The cook, the epidemiologist, the thief and his lover

By Dennis Hartley

Loosies: What does it have in its pocketses?
Oh, indie love story (sigh). How I adore your predictably unpredictable mélange of quirky characterization and pithy observation. So low in budget, so rich in substance! Fly! Take spray can in talon, spread wide your wings of gossamer, and boldly soar heavenward to tag the marquee of Hollywood convention in shades of hipster irony…OK, too flowery? I just thought that since this is sort of, Valentine’s Day “week” (yes I know I’m stretching), you would indulge me if I got in touch with my inner Byron. Anyway, there’s a pair of new films out concerning Cupid’s more scattershot tendencies.
Loosies is a hit-and-miss affair about, well, a hit-and-miss affair between a slick New York City pickpocket named Bobby (Peter Facinelli) and a barmaid named Lucy (Jaimie Alexander) who Meet Cute one day, when they bump into each other on a crowded Manhattan sidewalk. However, when a pickpocket bumps into you, it’s usually not an “accident”. See, Bobby (who goes about his larcenous rounds disguised as a well-appointed stockbroker) does a little double dipping while he’s at “work”. He has developed a unique variation on speed dating. If he espies an attractive prospect amongst his victims, he nobly returns her “lost” wallet or purse. An “honest” guy…with GQ looks? Guaranteed icebreaker (yeah, he’s an asshole). Due to his “true” profession, he also prefers to keep his relationships casual (and relatively brief), lest his cover is blown.
However, I’m getting a little ahead of the narrative. When we first meet Bobby, his fling with Lucy is history. His current concern is with his fence, a somewhat sociopathic fellow named Jax (Vincent Gallo). Jax is not happy with the fact that Bobby has jeopardized his enterprise by filching the badge of a NYC detective (Michael Madsen), who is now hot on Bobby’s trail. Bobby is also suffering through a personality clash with Carl (Joe Pantoliano), who has recently started dating Bobby’s mother (Marianne Leone). As if his stress levels aren’t elevated enough, Lucy (who he hasn’t seen in three months) manages to track him down with some sobering news…she’s pregnant. With his karma closing in to nail him on several fronts, he has to decide which “life” he wants to pursue.
There are really two films here, awkwardly fighting for the lead, as it were. There’s the cutesy rom-com aspect of Bobby and Lucy’s push me-pull you relationship, and then there’s the gritty urban crime thriller (culminating in a “let’s con the audience” triple-cross gimmick that we’ve seen countless times before). With special care, these disparate narrative elements can gel nicely (Steven Soderbergh’s Out of Sight comes to mind), but director Michael Corrente (who in the past has delivered absorbing character studies like Federal Hill, Outside Providence and Brooklyn Rules) isn’t quite up to it. The problem may not lie with the director’s skills, but rather with Facinelli’s screenplay (his first stab), which plays like Elmore Leonard for Dummies. Also, Facinelli can’t carry the movie; he has limited range (most apparent in any scene he shares with savvy character actors Pantoliano, Gallo and Madsen). If you should bump into this film, hang on to your wallet.

And if I ever lose my eyes…Perfect Sense

I have some better news regarding David Mackenzie’s post-apocalyptic drama, Perfect Sense, which tackles that age-old question: Can a chef and an epidemiologist find meaningful, lasting love in the wake of a pandemic that is insidiously and systematically robbing every human on Earth of their five senses? I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost count of all of the sleepless nights I’ve had contemplating that scenario…or is it just me?
Alright, fellow hypochondriacs, listen up. According to screenwriter Kim Fupz Aakeson, it starts like this: A spontaneous onset of deep melancholia and dark despair, followed by uncontrollable weeping; after which you come to realize that (sniff, sniff) you have completely lost your sense of smell. Then, days (maybe weeks, maybe months) later, a spontaneous onset of fearful paranoia, turning into the worst panic attack you could imagine. This is immediately followed by an insatiably ravenous hunger; you grab anything that’s handy and looks edible (from lipstick to pet rabbits) and stuff it in your mouth. Then, you realize you have lost your sense of taste. Then…well, you get the idea.
It appears that Patient Zero resides somewhere in Scotland. That’s what brings an epidemiologist (Eva Green) to a Glasgow lab to help analyze the data as more cases pop up. Fate and circumstance conspire to place her and a local chef (Ewan McGregor) together on the particular evening where they both suffer the initial emotional breakdown that signals the onset of the disease. As they have “taken leave” of their senses in tandem, they begin, naturally, to fall in love (there is lots of room for metaphor in this narrative).
Since this is a malady with a relatively leisurely incubation, people do have a certain (if indeterminate) amount of time to adjust to each progressive sensory deficit. Also (if you can make it over the hump of that suicidal despair part), it isn’t necessarily what one would call a “death sentence”. That’s what makes this a unique entry in an already overcrowded film genre. While there’s still an understandable sense of urgency to find a cure, the question is not so much “can the human race be saved?” but rather “can the human race make lemonade out of this lemon it’s been handed?” I suppose your chances for survival hinge on how you answer the old “half-empty or half-full” conundrum. In this context, I think the film has more in common with Children of a Lesser God, The Miracle Worker or Diving Bell & The Butterfly, than Contagion or 28 Days Later.
As far as any “takeaway” goes, there are likely to be as many interpretations as there are viewers of this film. I mean that in the most positive way; that’s the beauty of it. The director and the screenwriter do an admirable job of suggesting possible philosophical and socio-political reverberations that could result from such a scenario, without getting too heavy-handed. The film is strikingly photographed by DP Giles Nuttgens, who renders a steely-blue and slate look that recalls another moody post-apocalyptic piece from several years ago, Children of Men. Most central to the film’s appeal, however, are McGregor and Green, who deliver performances that are at once broodingly intense and deeply compassionate. There’s great supporting work as well, particularly from Denis Lawson (forever “Gordon” from Local Hero to me) and McGregor’s Trainspotting alum Ewen Bremner (retaining his crown as the most unintelligible Scot in the history of sound films). See it, while all your senses are intact. (Note: Currently on PPV in some markets).
Previous posts with related themes:
Top 10 End of the World MoviesContagionThe Road2012

Cui bono? Check your TV listings.

Cui Bono?

by digby

Here’s a great piece by Ari Berman about the % who are buying our current election. This strikes me as particularly important:

The Wesleyan Media Project recently reported a 1600% increase in interest-group-sponsored TV ads in this cycle as compared to the 2008 primaries. Florida has proven the battle royal of the super PACs thus far. There, the pro-Romney super PAC, Restore Our Future, outspent the pro-Gingrich super PAC, Winning Our Future, five to one. In the last week of the campaign alone, Romney and his allies ran 13,000 TV ads in Florida, compared to only 200 for Gingrich. Ninety-two percent of the ads were negative in nature, with two-thirds attacking Gingrich, who, ironically enough, had been a fervent advocate of the Citizens United decision.

With the exception of Ron Paul’s underdog candidacy and Rick Santorum’s upset victory in Iowa — where he spent almost no money but visited all of the state’s 99 counties — the Republican candidates and their allied super PACs have all but abandoned retail campaigning and grassroots politicking. They have chosen instead to spend their war chests on TV.

This is part of a devil’s bargain between politics and media, isn’t it? All this money is going directly into the pockets of the television industry — which has every incentive to keep the gravy train going.

Maybe you can’t attack the money equals speech argument. But what about the costs? Isn’t there some kind of campaign reform that could specifically and narrowly target the pricing structure of political television ads? The status quo amounts to a form of political collusion between the wealthy magnates who are trying to buy our elections and the media corporations who stand to benefit from their contributions.



“I’m all for the government making women feel bad about aborting”

“I’m all for the government making women feel bad”

by digby

I love principled libertarians, I really do. Especially those who say things like this:

I think that abortion should be legal, but I also think that it should be a last resort, and I’m all for the government using any non-coercive methods it can to encourage women to carry their pregnancy to term, including things that will make them feel bad about aborting. I think, for example, that sonograms should be mandatory before termination, I’m in favor of waiting periods and parental notification laws, and I’m agnostic on spousal notification.”

Ever had an abortion? Considerably more invasive than a trans-vaginal ultrasound. In fact, there are lots of worse things that happen in women’s health clinics; be glad you haven’t experienced any of them.

Ever had a cop hit you over the head with a billy club? It’s considerably more painful than slapping you in the face. There are lots of worse things that happen while in custody; be glad you haven’t experienced any of them.

This is someone who used to call herself “Jane Galt.” And she wants the government to be in the business of shaming.

I’d also point out a little known fact about Virginia’s state rape law: they are to be used even for women who are having chemically induced abortions. They must be probed as well — in order that the government “make them feel bad” for what they are legally entitled to do. (And, by the way, if they refuse to look at the ultrasound, that’s supposed to be noted in their medical record — I’m assuming for some sort of future reference, the purpose of which is obscure.)

She does draw the line at “coercive” government power though, so that’s good.

This story is via Tbogg,who takes it on as only he can.


IOKIYAR: even if you’re having a closeted gay relationship with an undocumented foreigner.


by digby

So a famous Republican law and order, anti-immigrant tough guy turns out to have an undocumented gay lover and there are pictures to prove it. Just another day in Arizona.

It’s interesting how willing so many right wingers are to defend him and blame “the left” for intruding into his private life. But it isn’t really all that unusual. They don’t want the government intruding on the private lives of their own. That would be wrong. But subjecting people who don’t agree or identify with them to the long arm of the law is perfectly fine. After all, they deserve it.

There’s a phrase for it: hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. Put another way, hypocrisy is the tribute Republicans politicians pay to their equally hypocritical church lady constituents, also known as IOKIYAR.

I suspect that Sheriff Babeau will be easily forgiven by many right wingers, despite the fact that he has had a secret life as a gay man involved with a Mexican who is (apparently) illegally in the country. After all, he’s one of them — a card carrying, freedom loving, CPAC attending wingnut. On the other hand, a sheriff who was openly sympathetic to gay people and undocumented workers would be fair game to be outed and run from office. It’s one thing to sleep with an immigrant of the same sex, it’s quite another to advocate for the freedom of others to sleep with whomever they want or for the humanity and dignity of non-citizens. The first is just being a flawed human being. The second is being a liberal and that’s unforgiveable.

Quote from wingnut commenter at Gateway Pundit:

“[Liberals will] clutch their pearls and go on and on about Babeu being a hypocrite, followed by wringing their hands as they go on and on about those who continue to support his run for sheriff also being hypocrites. They’ll tsk tsk those hypocrites as if behaving in a hypocritical way is the absolute worst sin a human being can possibly commit, worse than raping children and/or detonating the explosives strapped to ones body in the cabin of a commercial jet chock full of passengers and soaring thousands of feet above the Atlantic ocean. Typical libtard bullsh*t.”

There you go.

Update: There’s more to this story. Howie has it here. Yikes.


Principles and priorities: accepting food from Planned Parenthood is worse than starving


by digby

An area Catholic food pantry whose mission is to feed the hungry says no to Planned Parenthood.

As part of its Martin Luther King food drive, Planned Parenthood collected 50 pounds of food. It hoped to donate the food to Paul’s Pantry.

“What was told to me was that they simply said we do not want any food donations from you period,” said Lisa Boyce, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.


FOX 11 asked St. Norbert College religious professor Paul Wadell to provide context to the situation. He says since Paul’s Pantry is a catholic organization, Planned Parenthood shouldn’t have been surprised by its decision.

“In the Catholic Church there is such an emphasis on the dignity of life, the sacredness of life that it really is a cornerstone moral principle that there is a fear of wanting to do anything that might seem to compromise that principle or to weaken the church’s stance on it,” said Wadell.
While Paul’s Pantry won’t comment on its choice, Waddle says catholic principles for life often come first.

“It becomes for many people I think a defining issue of catholic morality and to the point where it can overrule other moral considerations,” said Wadell.


But it isn’t just the Catholics, as Sarah Posner pointed out last week at Religion Dispatches:

Last week at CPAC, Mike Huckabee, who has previously identified as a “Bapti-costal,” spread his religious wings a little further by declaring, “we are all Catholics now.” (Translation: this Southern Baptist pastor backs the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in opposing the contraception coverage requirement under the Affordable Care Act as a mortal threat to religious freedom.)

Now Glenn Beck (a convert to Mormonism) has picked up the Catholic ball, reports Evan McMorris-Santoro. He’s urging his radio listeners and followers to call their member of Congress in support of the Blunt Amendment (a ridiculously broad proposal which would permit any employer to refuse to provide coverage or any medical service he or she finds morally objectionable) and include in their comments, “We are all Catholics now.”

A new New York Times/CBS News poll finds 66% of respondents support the contraception coverage requirement, and 61% support requiring religiously-affiliated institutions to provide the coverage, with 57% of Catholics supporting. With the American public, the contraception coverage is very popular, and a new Gallup poll finds President Obama experienced no decline in support even among Catholics since announcing the rule.

If you wonder where Republicans think they’re finding support for legislative proposals like the Blunt amendment, a new poll out from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life makes a telling discovery: evangelicals are more opposed to requiring religious institutions to provide coverage for contraception than Catholics are.

This is why I don’t believe the whole brouhaha is about religion at all, at least on the elite level. It’s about tribalism and politics. I’m sure that some of the people who are foolishly hating on Planned Parenthood have strong moral objections to abortion rights and contraception. But mostly, it’s just standard old groupthink — and an opportunity to make a point for your “side”. There’s nothing moral about turning away food for the hungry. For any reason.

h/t to bb

“I don’t see where it’s going to be that hard to apprehend her.”

“I don’t see where it’s going to be that hard to apprehend her.”

by digby

When the Taser’s prongs hit her back, Danielle Maudsley spun backward and smacked her head on the pavement.

A nearby dashcam recorded the fall, even capturing the sound of her head cracking on the asphalt.

Maudsley, 20, clutched her head and struggled to rise. “I can’t get up,” she moaned, her final words.

Then she went still.

She has been in a vegetative state ever since. Doctors have told her family she likely will never wake up.

It happens. It happens a lot. If an allegedly life saving drug killed this many people, it would be banned:

This week, two state agencies cleared Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Daniel Cole of any wrongdoing in the September incident, which occurred as Maudsley tried to escape from an FHP station in Pinellas Park.

But several experts and researchers who reviewed reports and video of the incident said the case raises questions…

“It just doesn’t make any sense,” said Greg Connor, a professor at the University of Illinois Police Training Institute who specializes in use of force. “I don’t see where it’s going to be that hard to apprehend her.”

Cole, who at 267 pounds weighed about three times as much as Maudsley, told investigators he used his Taser because he was concerned one or both of them would be injured if he tackled her. He worried she was headed toward heavy traffic on U.S. 19.

The scrutiny of the Maudsley case comes amid calls from some national groups for police agencies to take a closer look at how and when they use Tasers.

The human rights organization Amnesty International called this week for stricter limits on Taser use after an intoxicated Georgia man died hours after police shot him with one. The group believes there should be a national policy on Taser use.

Florida has had 65 Taser-related deaths since 2001, the second highest total behind California, which had 92.

I will be shocked if the federal government issues a national policy. If there’s one thing the states’ rights fanatics guard heavily it’s their right to create their own policing policy. It would be a very heavy lift.

I’m counting on large punitive damage awards and public opinion to turn this one, and that’s a heavy lift too. When they don’t think tasering is a hilarious joke or well-deserved instant justice, most people think it’s a fairly harmless tool that doesn’t really hurt anyone. Educating them to the danger is going to take some work. And getting juries to hold the Taser manufacturer and lax police agencies liable to the point where it hurts is a long term project.

The good news is that it finally seems to be penetrating the consciousness a little bit. I suppose hundreds of deaths will do that.

Maybe a good place to start on this would be to convince Hollywood that using this deadly torture device for cheap laughs is sadistic and irresponsible.


Counting on Sanity: fairly sure that’s a mistake

Counting on Sanity

by digby

Tom Harkin:

“This Congress will be making a grave mistake — a grave mistake — and reinforcing a dangerous precedent,” Harkin said in a dramatic Senate floor speech late Thursday. “And I’m dismayed that Democrats, including a Democratic president and a Democratic vice president, have proposed this, and are willing to sign off on a deal that could begin the unraveling of Social Security.”

Harkin argued that Social Security had always been strong and protected because it was funded by its own dedicated tax stream that ensured every American would be guaranteed a basic income in their retirements, and that the program added not “even one dime to the deficits or the national debt.”

But he said now that Congress was going to pay for this cut with borrowed money from the general treasury funds, the best argument of the program’s defenders was gone.

“With this bill, we can no longer say that. We can no longer say that Social Security doesn’t contribute to the deficit,” Harkin said.

He argued that a far better plan would have been to simply grant working Americans rebates on their income taxes, the way Presidents Obama and George W. Bush had done in recent years.

Yep. Or send checks. Everybody loves getting a check.

Harkin’s right on this. And I have to say that I cannot see the path to raising this tax again. If anyone’s counting on the Republicans sticking with their current position, they’re cracked. They’ll be screaming “tax hike” the first time anyone tries to let it happen. And assuming that Obama wins the election, with the Bush tax cuts expiring we are already going to have a battle royale over raising taxes. What’s going to give?


Republicans Didn’t Have to Support the Bishops by @DavidOAtkins

Republicans Didn’t Have to Support the Bishops

by David Atkins

Many people have critiqued my and Digby’s assertions that the anti-contraception stance constitutes a victory for the GOP. Most of the comments and emails to me about this piece have indicated that I’m an avowed pessimist who cannot realize when the Republicans have overplayed their hand and lost an issue. In the critics’ opinion, the Bishops overreacted and have now created an issue that will be easy for Democrats to exploit, thus creating a pre-packaged defeat for the Republicans.

But keep in mind that the Republicans did not have to support the Bishops. The Bishops could simply have registered their objection and then meekly gone along with offering contraception as they have done so often before under various state laws. But the conservative establishment decided to kick in. Fox News, Limbaugh, and the other assorted factions of the reactionary media empire decided to make a big deal out of it, and their legislative puppets in the Republican Party dutifully stepped right in line to make hay of it.

These things don’t happen by accident. The conservative establishment decided early on that this was going to be a hill for them to die on. They weren’t forced to die on that hill. They could have let the Bishops stand alone. But they didn’t. They decided to run this ball all the way down the court.

And guess what? As Digby points out, it’s working. What just a few weeks ago was considered so mainstream as to an afterthought (providing contraception) is now seen as some sort of controversial touchstone, even as “religious freedom” has become a buzzword in the press.

Democrats can high-five one another about Republican overreach and laugh hysterically at the increased number of votes Barack Obama will receive in 2012 over Mitt Santorum. But ultimately the joke’s on us. It’s been on us ever since the Obama Administration decided to concede an inch to the misogynist conspiracy of extremist fanatics that are the Bishops, rather than mock them immediately for being out of touch with their own flock, to say nothing of the mainstream American public.

The political ground on contraception has suddenly shifted to the right faster than I have seen on any social issue in my lifetime. It’s incredible.
