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Month: September 2022

They aren’t all onboard with Putin

A rare opportunity to protest

This is interesting:

Thousands of Russians on Saturday stood for several hours in snaking lines amid a heavy police presence to pay their respects to Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, who died on Tuesday.

Many Russians blame and revile Mr. Gorbachev for the breakup of the Soviet Union, but people of all ages, many of whom stood solemnly clutching flowers outside Moscow’s famed House of the Unions, said that they had come to thank him for something severely restricted today in Russia: freedom.

“Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev gave us 30 years of sunlight,” said Maksim, 20, a political science student, who carried a large sunflower to place before Mr. Gorbachev’s body, which was lying in state in the building’s grand hall.

“Unfortunately, this time has passed, and there is no more sun, only darkness,” Maksim said. “But I am deeply grateful to him for these 30 years.”

For many, the funeral was a vivid reminder of the rights that Russians have lost under the leadership of President Vladimir V. Putin and as a result of the almost complete dismantling of Mr. Gorbachev’s legacy, culminating with the six-month-old war that Russia is prosecuting in Ukraine to take back former Soviet territory.

“For so many of us in Moscow, his death seems the death of democracy,” said Veronika, 32, an art consultant. The New York Times is using only first names to protect the Russians in attendance from possible retaliation.

Amid the throngs, one person was conspicuously absent on Saturday: Mr. Putin. Citing a busy schedule, he did not attend the funeral. Instead, Mr. Putin paid his last respects to Mr. Gorbachev on Thursday, taking a bouquet of flowers to the hospital in Moscow where he died.

Mr. Putin’s absence sent a clear message: While the Kremlin wanted to avoid any direct condemnation of a person who was once at its helm, it also wanted to distance itself from the symbol of an era whose legacy Mr. Putin is now largely trying to undo.

The funeral was a rare opportunity for like-minded Russians to gather in one place, though, at a time when protest and dissent have been effectively criminalized.

In an authoritarian system you do the best you can…

But her emails

No, she did NOT steal classified documents

The National Memo corrects the record. Again. If only the media could learn:

Nearly every day fresh revelations emerge in the federal investigation of the national security and presidential records that Donald Trump purloined from the White House. So far, his alibis have been exposed one after another as empty, and we have seen no adequate public reckoning of why he took those papers, what he meant to do with them, how some went missing, or even exactly how many documents he hijacked to his Florida estate.

As more and more evidence of the former president’s reckless and potentially criminal misconduct comes to light, he and his defenders keep pointing to “her emails.” They insist that because the Justice Department declined prosecution of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after a long and thorough probe of how she handled allegedly classified information, there should be no investigation, let alone indictment or conviction of Trump.

But while we don’t yet know the extent or nature of Trump’s abuse of classified documents, we can determine how many were found by investigators, after exhaustive searches, among Clinton’s thousands of State Department emails.

The accurate and definitive answer is zero – although few if any news outlets have informed the public of that startling fact. Moreover, it is a fact that the Trump administration itself confirmed three years ago.

In the recent coverage that references her emails, former FBI Director James Comey is sometimes quoted as saying that of the 33,000 Clinton emails examined by bureau investigators, three had classification markings. That’s less than one-hundredth of one percent, and not worth comparing to Trump’s malfeasance anyway, but it’s still false — apparently meant to bolster Comey’s absurd claim that other Clinton emails were “classified” although never marked as such.

Those three State Department documents were “call sheets,” innocuous memos reminding Clinton to make scheduled phone calls. During her FBI interview, investigators showed her one of those memos, reminding her to place a condolence call to the president of Malawi–not exactly a top secret matter. As Comey himself later admitted, any classification marking on that sheet had been wrongly applied.

In short, the three supposedly classified documents attributed to her emails were barely even confidential, let alone secret or subject to the sanctions of the Espionage Act.

Still, the hunting of Hillary never ends and – amid regular threats to her by Trump when he was president — inevitably resumed after the FBI investigation concluded. What has been overlooked is that “her emails” and those of her State Department aides became the target of not one but two departmental probes that picked up where her exoneration by the Justice Department left off.

The first round, which began under Rex Tillerson, Trump’s first Secretary of State, opened with an inquiry into a claim of 41 “security incidents” attributed to Clinton and concluded, after months of argument and appeals by her attorneys at Williams & Connolly, that none of those alleged incidents was valid, though she shouldn’t have used a private email server. In that respect her conduct was no different from her Republican predecessor, the late Colin Powell, who advised her to use private email, or many officials in the Bush White House, including Karl Rove.

The second State Department review commenced with more fanfare in 2019 under Tillerson’s unscrupulous successor Mike Pompeo, who, it is worth noting, soon came under official scrutiny himself for gross and self-serving misuse of State Department resources. By then, the hypocrisy behind Republican indignation over “her emails” had been highlighted by massive, repeated security breaches in the Trump White House, where numerous officials , including Ivanka Trump, unlawfully used private email accounts and normal protective protocols were routinely flouted.

No doubt Pompeo, a veteran of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, hoped to find something, anything to arraign Clinton. But again, in the end, there was zero, zilch, nada. Although the second review began with a July 31, 2019 notice from State Department officials that they “suspected” Clinton might be responsible for 12 classified “spillages,” this investigation concluded nine weeks later that she did not “bear any individual culpability” for those incidents.

Again, the overarching absurdity of the State Department and FBI investigations lay in the fact that nearly all of the documents at issue had been classified retroactively – meaning they had carried no markings identifying them as such when Clinton handled them. Comey’s assertion that documents can somehow be deemed inherently secret, without proper markings or any classification history whatsoever, is extremely dangerous and hostile to the concept of open democratic governance. It is an idea that should never have been entertained by a free press.

Nobody in their right mind would hold Clinton, or any official, to be culpable under those circumstances.

The same cannot be said for Trump in the current documents scandal, as must be obvious to anyone who has seen that photograph of the folders, clearly marked “TOP SECRET,” strewn around his office floor at Mar-a-Lago, or the folders emptied of their contents, who knows where.

Despite the hysterical accusations that persist to this day, Hillary Clinton was repeatedly judged to be innocent of jeopardizing national security, including twice by the Trump administration. It now appears frighteningly obvious that Donald Trump is not nearly so innocent.

You’ll need to know because the reinvigorated Both-Sides Media is already throwing out the usual “but her emails” garbage. They never reckoned with their outrageous conduct and now they have a chance to dredge it all up again.

The son Trump never had comes to his defense

Some might even call him a whiner:

Former White House senior aide Jared Kushner dismissed his father-in-law’s current troubles with top-secret documents as a mere “paperwork issue” on Friday.

Last month, the FBI confiscated boxes of documents from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and resort, including top secret information. Everything was supposed to go directly to the National Archives after Trump left office, under the requirements of the Presidential Records Act. Trump is now under investigation for possible violations of the Espionage Act.

Yet Kushner calmly shrugged off Trump’s stash of documents and the significant security risk it posed in an interview with Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News.

“Why did the president take home top secret documents?” Sky News host Kay Burley grilled Kushner.

“You have to ask him that question,” Kushner responded. “But what I will say is that … he was under constant attack,” he added.

“Yeah, but he took top secret documents home, potentially risking the security of the United States,” Burley shot back.

Kushner replied: “This seems like it’s an issue of paperwork that should’ve been able to be worked out between DOJ and [Trump]. I don’t know what he took or what he didn’t take, but I think right now that we’re relying on leaks to the media.”

You can always count on Jared to be the snottiest little bitch this side of Tucker Carlson.

PSA, ya’ll

Is it because the MAGA minority cannot abide majority rule?

One more time, again.

After former local TV newscaster Kari Lake had her come-to-Trump experience, she left journalism in 2021. Now she’s lecturing Joe Biden, a man who has given his life to public service, on “how any of this” government of the people works. Many converts act like that. Instant experts.

Lake donated to Barack Obama in 2008, Robert Draper wrote recently:

On her campaign website, Lake describes the media — her former profession — as “corrupt” and “the enemy of the people.” A campaign video displays her bashing televisions to bits with a sledgehammer and a baseball bat.

Bookmark that Brian Klass tweet. You’ll need it again.

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Amnesiacs Anonymous

Trump’s MAGA foot soldiers lose their minds and memories

“‘Don’t call us fascists,’ says the party that swooned over a fascist foreign leader at CPAC,” tweeted Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson after Joe Biden’s speech calling out “MAGA Republicans.” The Conservative Political Action Conference crowd in Texas in early August gave Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán a standing ovation.

Orbán gave a speech weeks before denouncing “race mixing” of European and non-Europeans. One of Orbán’s senior advisers resigned the next day, describing Orbán’s address as a “pure Nazi speech … worthy of Goebbels.” At CPAC, Orbán was a rock star.

Since Biden’s Thursday speech, the amnesia evident among Biden’s critics has risen to pandemic levels among people most offended by Biden’s speech: his targets. Also missing was any hint of self-reflection.

Why, why, President Trump never — well, not 99.9 percent of the time — ever attacked entire groups, argued former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

“This is more hateful than the worst thing that Donald Trump ever said, and it’s being said about tens of millions of Republicans,” insisted Mollie Hemmingway, senior editor for The Federalist.

Left Twitter brought receipts.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley was incensed at Biden. “He basically called us bad people,” she complained.

Here, here are the people Trump summoned to Washington, D.C. and sent to the U.S. Capitol to “fight like hell” as his last resort when the fake electors coup plot which is under criminal investigation failed.

The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent satirically abbreviated the call-out and response (including by the media) in two tweets:

Biden: Trump and MAGA look at 1/6 rioters not as insurrectionists, but as patriots.

Trump: I will pardon all the 1/6 defendants. They are the victims here.

MAGA: The 1/6 rioters are political prisoners.

Media: That speech was out of bounds! Partisan!!

Biden: They’re trying to take over elections to overturn future popular vote outcomes.

MAGA Republicans: We are running for positions of control over elections on a vow to treat future Dem victories as illegitimate.

Media: That speech was divisive!!!

Finally, in case you missed it, Friday was John Harwood’s last day at CNN (now under new mismanagement). He used his last stand-up report to call facts facts without both-sidesing them. It was refreshing.

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Friday Night Soother

Pygmy Slow Loris twins

The sexes of the rare pygmy slow loris twins at DierenPark Amersfoort is known. They’re boys! The brothers, who were born in May, are healthy and are increasingly leaving their mother’s side. Now that they are a bit older, the babies have had their first training days. “They receive kennel and scale training. Through these voluntary training courses, we prepare the young for transport and we keep an eye on their health,” says animal caretaker Paul Rodewijk.

The slow loris twins live with their mother in the trees of “The Night”. Here the day and night rhythm are reversed, because the slow loris are active at night. In the wild, the pygmy slow loris lives mainly in Vietnam and Laos. The animal is on the ‘red list’ of endangered species. Their reflective eyes make the pygmy slow loris an ‘easy’ prey for hunters. The night monkeys are often sold to keep as pets and the animals are used in traditional medicine. The population and habitat are also shrinking due to the felling and burning of the forests. “The brothers cannot continue to live in DierenPark Amersfoort, so they are being prepared for departure.” For the time being, visitors can still find the pygmy slow loris twins in the Night in Amersfoort Zoo. “Take a good look in the trees and between the plants to spot the brothers. They are slightly smaller than their mother”, Paul tips.

Bill Barr goes on Fox to speak reality

Better late than never?

Nah, he’s still a traitorous scumbag. But maybe he can convince a couple of MAGA heads that maybe Trump’s bs on Mar-a-lago isn’t on the up and up.

Bill Barr to Fox News: “Well, I think the whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red herring… at this stage, since they have already gone through the documents, I think it’s a waste of time.”

Fox News anchor John Roberts: "Is there any legitimate reason for those materials to be in the former president’s possession?"

Bill Barr: "No. I can’t think of a legitimate reason why they should have been."

Originally tweeted by Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) on September 2, 2022.

Note John Roberts squirming and practically leaping out of his chair. Fox is so uncomfortable with this.

Robot punditocracy

After watching the CNN panel after the speech last night I was reminded of this today.It’s uncanny. They didn’t address the usual “but Democrats are so rude” part but other than that it’s right on.

It was broadcast 5 years ago.

It looks like we’ll be remember these as the glory days of CNN:

Froomkin later reported that Harwood had been told today was his last day despite a long term contract. He used his last live shot to tell some truth.

Making America rude again

“Good manners is nothing they’ve ever suffered from”

President Biden’s primetime speech from Philadelphia was interrupted Thursday by a heckler who chanted “F–k Joe Biden” throughout the 24-minute address, which focused on slamming former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.

The anti-Biden activist bellowed his profane message with such clarity that it was audible not only to Biden but to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.

“They’re entitled to be outrageous. This is a democracy,” Biden said about 20 minutes into his speech as the heckling persisted.

“Good manners is nothing they’ve ever suffered from,” he added.

The speech, delivered outside Independence Hall, was carried live by very few TV outlets — alleviating possible Federal Communications Commission obscenity penalties for networks.

He didn’t even yell “Let’s Go Brandon” to soften it up for kiddies. But why be coy? Better to just let it all hang out.

Every chant proved Biden’s point.

Trump 6, Biden 4

Screenshot taken 09-02-2022 at 8:49 AM

On the day after Biden delivered an impassioned (but woefully tardy) speech about the dangers of Trumpism and “MAGA Republicans,” the Times chose to mention Biden only 4 times on its website’s front page and Trump 6. This is very typical; the amount of unearned free publicity that criminal horrorshow of a president gets is simply staggering.

(BTW, Biden surely knows that “MAGA Republicans” is a redundant phrase. If not, someone please tell him, stat. )