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Author: digby

OK. There’s no point in putting it off. My New Year resolution is to go ahead and start this up and let the chips fall where they may. Knowing myself, it is entirely possible that I will lose interest in it within a matter of days and will slink off into even more obscurity than that in which I already happily exist. However, I join the blogging fray today with more enthusiasm than I have usually have for resolutions, which generally last until about noon on January 1st when I compulsively begin to eat, drink, smoke, watch or read the things I had promised just 12 hours before to not eat, drink, smoke, watch or read. This is a very promising beginning, indeed. It is now 1:24 pm.

I have almost zero interest in web design, much less any talent at it. If this thing goes out of whack, Gawd knows if I’ll have the inclination to fix it. I have a pile of magazines and books next to my desk that tend to beckon when the computer gets uppity. Therefore, if something looks funky here and you are like most smart people and enjoy fixing things, please don’t hesitate to send me unsolicited advice. I wasn’t a math or tech geek, I was a history and lit geek — the worst kind, almost useless in the real world. I’ve always depended upon the kindness of my more engineering minded kin.

And, I don’t have a comments section because I couldn’t find a free service like Haloscan or YACCS that was still available. If anybody has any ideas on that score, I’m open. Far be it from me to not have comments. They are, after all, my life’s blood.

Speaking of which, my many thanks to my hero, Atrios for publishing some of my more semi-coherent ramblings on his seminal Lefty blog these past few months. In this nascent medium, that’s kind of like having Eddie Van Halen invite you up on stage to join him in a guitar solo.

Happy New Year everybody. May the Mighty Casio shake the firmament and wake up the neighborhood.