This is how the MAGA movement is dying, like a bad club when the lights come on. Empty seats and stragglers in trash bag dresses and maxi pads on their ears dancing to the few songs that Trump could get licensing to play.
Philip Bump of the Washington Post always travels to Scranton Pennsylvania in the days before the presidential election to check out the Get Out The Vote operations of both parties. His observations are very interesting this year. (gift link)
As I did in 2016 and 2020, I traveled to Scranton to see how the campaigns were tackling this task. Both of my prior visits were, at least in retrospect, revealing. In 2016, I was surprised to see little activity for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and a bustling turnout operation for Donald Trump. Four years later, it was Joe Biden — who often speaks of the time he spent in Scranton as a child — who was running an effective operation. Trump’s supporters seemed to be more focused on handing out lawn signs and boisterous parades of trucks.
In other words, in 2016 and 2020, the campaigns with the more robust GOTV field operations in Scranton (and presumably across the state) ended up winning. In Scranton in 2024, that was clearly the operation being run by Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign and its allies.
The Republicans:
Crossing a bridge over Roaring Brook brought me to the Republican Party headquarters for Lackawanna County, where volunteers in the parking lot were putting lawn signs into their cars.
Inside, about 20 more people were milling around. Some were there to knock on doors for the local Republican House candidate, Rob Bresnahan. Others were at a sign-in table where Robin Medeiros, 64, was preparing to lead a training.
Those volunteers, though, weren’t going out to turn out voters. Instead, Medeiros was helping them fill out the documents they’d need to be poll watchers on Election Day. Others were being trained to be greeters, welcoming people at polling places and providing information about Republican candidates. The focus was on managing those who came out to vote, not on making sure they came out in the first place.
Back in April, the then-new co-chair of the Republican Party, the Republican nominee’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump, made clear that poll-watching would be a central focus for the party in November. It was an institutional bet on the idea that Trump’s 2020 loss was attributable not to having more Biden voters turn out, but to that pro-Biden majority being a function of some wrongdoing at the polls. Never mind that there were poll watchers in 2020, too (including some I spoke to then). The party would in 2024 have its volunteers combat imaginary illegal voters instead of turning out real, legal ones. That latter task would be mostly left to outside groups, including, in Pennsylvania, Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s America PAC.
Meanwhile, the Democrats:
Babij and Orren-King had come with others on a bus that morning, arriving at a building so nondescript that Ken August, who lives in a Trump-flag adorned house across the street, didn’t know it was Harris’s headquarters. That, despite the activity: There had been five busses from Montclair, N.J. on that day, Babij said. Inside, the office had dozens of people coming and going.
Importantly, they were being tasked with trying to encourage voters to vote. There were scripts for what to say and an app on their phones with the people they were supposed to contact. There were stations through which volunteers would progress from sign-in to getting their materials and maps of their targeted neighborhoods.
The reasons offered by the volunteers for their participation with the campaign were often very personal. For example, Daryl Fanelli, 34, teaches English as a Second Language at a high school in Scranton. “I want my kids to be able to stay here,” she explained, and to have the opportunities that America provides. Even though they were still in high school, she said, they were very “riled up” about the election.
Sheli Pratt-McHugh, 44, wore a sweatshirt for the gun-control-advocacy group Moms Demand Action. She was volunteering, she said, “for my daughter’s future.” That daughter, Penny, 6, hugged her mother’s leg as she spoke.
Any GOP activity like that?
I saw any number of door hangers and fliers for the Democratic candidates: Harris, incumbent Sen. Bob Casey, Rep. Matt Cartwright and others. I saw no one walking on behalf of Trump and only one pro-Trump leaflet, paid for by Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania. (An email to Musk’s America PAC inquiring about its efforts wasn’t returned. Other reporting has described its work as chaotic, if not exploitative.)
No voters I spoke to said they’d seen any Trump walkers, either. One man told me he’d heard from just about everyone then clarified that he’d seen a walker wearing “flag-themed attire,” and just assumed that they were supporting Trump.
In Scranton, at least, Lara Trump’s vision for the 2024 election appears to have been made manifest: prioritizing the prevention of illegal in-person voting in lieu of promoting in-person voting by Trump supporters. Not useful for maximizing turnout, but potentially useful for ginning up reports that might be used to once again claim the existence of rampant fraud.
Trump told everyone that he didn’t need a Get Out The Vote operation because he was all that was needed. He even said “we don’t need any more votes.” So they’ve put their efforts into contesting the vote that they must assume they will not win.
He actually thinks that in a close election you can count all the votes by 9 o’clock on election night. He’s is literally brain damaged.
If he didn’t need Artizona and Nevada I wouldn’t be surprised if he declared victory at 9 pm est tomorrow night, long before the polls have closed in the rest of the country. In fact, he may just do it anyway, declaring that he has it won in already in the Blue Wall and Georgia/N Carolina regardless of the count.
I wish I believed that his cult would see how ridiculous that is but they won’t. He has nothing to lose by declaring victory immediately because the actual results don’t matter either way. If he wins, he’ll say he should have won bigger and if he loses, well … we know how that goes.
Greg Bluestein is a reporter with the Atlanta Journal Constitution. That’s for real.
Trump’s rallies are getting more and more pathetic. This is Georgia, one of his alleged stronghold swing states.
"Brett Favre endorsed me yesterday" — It happened four days ago
(Trump really struggled through his last two rallies today. He has four scheduled for tomorrow. Things could get even weirder.)
Trump: "Same with transgender. They want to do things that they shouldn't be doing. It's terrible. And you know, often times, when it's done that person that it was done to 10 years later says 'who did this to me?' … little children. They take them without parental consent."
Trump defends his comments about grabbing women “by the pu$$y”:
“Historically, that’s true with stars…If you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true…Unfortunately or fortunately.”
Tomorrow is election day, the last day of voting in this tumultuous 2024 campaign. What a long, strange trip it’s been. Just a year ago, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was challenging former president Trump for the GOP nomination by saying the word “woke” at least a hundred times a day while former S. Carolina Gov Nikki Haley competed for what’s left of the “normie” Republican vote. A clown car full of grifters and kooks, meanwhile, used the primaries as an opportunity to suck up to Trump, whom everyone knew would inevitably be the nominee. After all, he’d been running non-stop since 2015.
Meanwhile on the Democratic side, incumbent president Joe Biden was an unchallenged shoo-in for the Democratic nomination and most people felt he’d probably be able to replicate his 2020 win despite being unpopular due to a lingering hangover from the pandemic. After all, Trump had incited an insurrection and was facing lawsuits and felony trials in federal court and two different states stemming from a variety of alleged crimes. Surely, he couldn’t possibly win after all that?
Since that time, Joe Biden was revealed to be just too old to run for president again and was replaced by his younger Vice President, Kamala Harris who sparked a massive rise in enthusiasm among Democrats. And Donald Trump has likewise shown that his millions-strong cult of personality is fully intact and they are ecstatic about putting him back in the White House in spite of his many flaws (maybe even because of them.) We could find out the winner as soon as tomorrow night — or maybe not.
If it’s as close as many of the pollsters say it is it could take a while before we know the final results. And it goes without saying that unless they call the race for him right away, Trump is planning to cry”fraud” and will do everything in his power to create the illusion that he won regardless of the count and we can expect chaos. He’s made that very clear.
The polls have more or less shown a tied race nationally and in the swing states for the past couple of months. Whether that’s correct or not, we don’t know. Because they missed some Trump voters in 2016 and 2020, everyone is on edge that the same thing has happened again despite the pollsters’ going out of their way to correct the problem this time. With the polls this close that error could translate to a repeat of 2016 which has a whole lot of people losing sleep these last few weeks.
But something unexpected happened this past weekend that may have called those assumptions into question. The Des Moines Register poll, considered one of the best in all of politics due to pollster J. Ann Selzer’s excellent track record, dropped its final poll of the cycle and it landed like a nuclear bomb. Iowa is a solid red state and the previous poll had Trump winning the state handily as expected. Now the numbers showed Harris beating Trump 47-44. Boom.
Iowa is one of the whitest states in the union, so race isn’t a factor which makes it an interesting proxy for white voters in other swing states with similar populations (like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, for instance.) The paper reported that while Trump has maintained his base of men, evangelical voters, rural residents and non-college educated voters, women, specifically older and politically independent women, have swung in large numbers to Harris. And just as surprising, Harris is winning voters over 65, which has been a GOP base vote for decades. What in the world does this mean?
First, it’s pretty clear that reproductive rights are driving this race for a whole lot of people. Iowa, in particular, is now living under a draconian 6 week abortion ban that was upheld by its far right Supreme Court last summer. Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his notorious opinion that “women are not without electoral or political power.” It appears we may be about to find out the truth of that.
People expected that younger women would vote in large numbers on this issue but there seems to be some surprise that older women would be motivated to do so. Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno was caught on video bemoaning the “single issue” women voters and wondering why women over 50 would care about it.
At a town hall, Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno attacked women that are “single issue voters” on the topic of abortion:
“It’s a little crazy by the way, but especially for women that are like past 50. I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”
I guess it’s hard for right wingers to understand why anyone would care about someone other than themselves. But it’s more than that. The reversal of Roe vs Wade was deeply offensive to many women of all ages, something we could only see as a direct attack on our basic human rights by a group of men (and one very conservative woman) determined to turn back the clock to a time when women were literally second class citizens. Women can see where this is leading and it isn’t toward freedom and equality — for any of us.
The Republican party and its leader, a predator found legally liable for sexual assault, is running for election on a platform of flagrant misogyny. Donald Trump literally said, ‘I was able to kill Roe v. Wade’ until he belatedly realized it wasn’t popular, at which point he came up with his fatuous rationale that “everyone wanted it to go back to the states” which is utterly absurd and most people know it. He’s lately taken to saying that he’ll be women’s “protector” which coming from him, is more of a threat. In fact, in recent days he’s said that he’ll “protect” women “whether the women like it or not.”
“I'm gonna do it whether the women like it or not.”
And people are surprised that women of all ages are refusing to vote for these people?
This Iowa poll may be an outlier and all the chatter about this remarkable result will end up being nothing more than election year lore. Most analysts still seem to think that it’s nearly impossible to believe that Harris will actually win Iowa. But this poll is one of the very few that caught the hidden angry non-college educated Trump vote in 2016 and 2020. There is every reason to believe that it may be catching the hidden pissed off college educated and independent women Harris vote in 2024. Nothing would be more satisfying than for this voting block to be the one to spell the end of Donald Trump’s political career.
Update: A Trumper
Gaetz thought it was a great idea before the 2022 midterms to say that women who were upset about Roe being overturned were all fat & ugly.
Now, on the eve of the 2024 election, he claims that the Barbie movie was released to brainwash men not to
Historian Heather Cox Richardson, from her Facebook page.
Heather Cox Richardson recounts how when in the 1850s it seemed “elite enslavers had become America’s rulers,” Americans (might we say real Americans?) organized and fought back, ending slavery once and for all:
In less than ten years the country went from a government dominated by a few fabulously wealthy men who rejected the idea that human beings are created equal and who believed they had the right to rule over the masses, to a defense of government of the people, by the people, for the people, and to leaders who called for a new birth of freedom. But Lincoln did not do any of this alone: always, he depended on the votes of ordinary people determined to have a say in the government under which they lived.
In the 1860s the work of those people established freedom and democracy as the bedrock of the United States of America, but the structure itself remained unfinished. In the 1890s and then again in the 1930s, Americans had to fight to preserve democracy against those who would destroy it for their own greed and power. Each time, thanks to ordinary Americans, democracy won.
Now it is our turn.
It’s going to be a long day tomorrow. It could be a long night. Then again, it could be a blowout loss for the orange blow-up doll. Filmmaker Michael Moore predicted a month ago that “Trump is toast.” He still thinks so.
Right now, if you know how to really read the polls, or if you have access to the various private and internal polling being conducted by and shared only amongst the elites, Wall Street, and Members of Congress, then you already know that this election was over weeks ago.
That feels right. So I’m increasingly annoyed that the press and the Harris campaign are portraying the presidential election as razor thin. They have their reasons. Holding eyeballs, for the former. (For the press, it’s also obeying in advance.) Keeping volunteers juiced and door-knocking, for the latter. It’s as if there’s a giant, um, agreement(?) to hype a photo finish. But a close-race narrative is just what Trump is counting on to give credence to Big Lie 2.0 when he loses. Not helpful.
Be joyful warriors and keep running through the tape, as Coach Walz says. That’s helpful. Run up the score. There’s another once-and-for-all to accomplish. Because our present rhymes with our past, Richardson reminds us:
In our era the same struggle has resurfaced. A small group of leaders has rejected the idea that all people are created equal and seeks to destroy our democracy in order to install themselves into permanent power.
And just as our forebears did, Americans have reached for whatever tools we have at hand to build new coalitions across the nation to push back. After decades in which ordinary people had come to believe they had little political power, they have mobilized to defend American democracy and—with an electorate that now includes women and Black Americans and Brown Americans—have discovered they are strong.
Reflecting on the movement built since Trump arrived on scene, Richardson has hope. “[I]t looks to me like the revolution of the 1850s that gave America a new birth of freedom.”
Polls will be open by the time I post again tomorrow morning. Millions will stand in line to vote, to at least imagine that they are the true sovereigns of this republic. In front and behind them will be neighbors prepared — eager even — to surrender their freedoms to oligarchs, madmen, and theocrats.
America’s anxious, non-cult majority wants the 2024 elections over. Trump to be over. MAGA to be over. To return to a normal we almost can no longer imagine. Never in memory have things felt more like Godfrey Reggio’s 1982 visual tone poem scored by Philip Glass, Koyaanisqatsi, a Hopi word meaning “life out of balance.”
Compounding that sense for survivors of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina is waiting for what comes out of our taps once more to be drinkable. For the mud to wash away. For the roads to be drivable. For the downed trees, logs and branches lining them to disappear. For bridges to be rebuilt. And lives.
Before normal returns we must have elections, including for president. God knows they won’t be anything like normal. Democrats’ slate of candidates here in North Carolina is the best I’ve seen. And Republicans’, the biggest dumpster fire.
Has the felon Donald Trump declared himself the winner yet? We’re a day and a half out. What’s the pathological liar waiting for? Actual election results? Another rendition of “Y.M.C.A.”?
November 5th is not another September 11th or January 6th. There will be no excuse for anyone to swear they did not see Trump’s preemptive victory declaration coming. “No one has an alibi.” Republicans have been broadcasting “Donald Trump Determined To Strike in US” in front of cameras for months as Trump’s mind visibly disintegrates. Gird yourselves. Remind everyone you know, loudly, what’s coming.
1) That Donald Trump is already declaring victory, and will do so more stridently on November 5. The press needs to be prepared.
As I wrote recently about the powerful new movie The Apprentice, among the lessons young Donald Trump absorbed from his mentor, Roy Cohn, was: always claim victory, no matter the score. Never admit defeat, especially when you’ve lost.
Trump has been using that approach nonstop since 2020, with his “stop the steal” mantra now embraced by most of the GOP. For months he has been priming his base to believe that he is “way ahead” in all 2024 polls, so any result except a Trump victory must be a fraud.
Trump is sure to switch from saying “I will win” to “I have won” less than 48 hours from now. On Tuesday as the first exit polls come in, Trump himself will say that they look “better than anyone expected,” so a big win is ahead. The Fox team will back him up. As the first real counts come in after 8pm from Pennsylvania, they will favor Trump, because of the usual GOP-skew of same-day-vote results. Trump will use them to announce he was won the crucial state and thus the election.
We saw this drill in 2020. It is likely to be worse this time. Partly that is because Trump has conditioned his entire party to expect fraud. Partly it is because the Fox News team that made a brave, correct, anti-Trump call of Arizona results four years ago has been fired for that transgression. From top to bottom Fox is now on board.
Fallows expects that “the Harris-Walz campaign team is fully prepared to rebut these false claims.” Ranks of Democratic lawyers will have legal actions ready to file and be suited up for “the inevitable courtroom battles that will follow.”
I’ve inquired with election protection leads here myself how they plan to respond to Trump’s Election Night revival of “The Big Lie.” (No, I didn’t expect an answer.) When Trump again issues orders for his minions to get “wild,” what then? Yes, I know they’ve got harshly worded lawsuits teed up. And then what are they prepared to do? It could take more. And require more of us.
November 5th isn’t the end. More likely, it’s “the end of the beginning.” For now, ignore the last-minute flood of play-by-play disinformation, Will Bunch advises:
The only things that matter between now and 8 p.m. Tuesday are casting a ballot, and talking to family and friends or even knocking on some doors to make sure as many as possible do the same. Vote as if your life depends on it. Because if you finally have health insurance, if you believe in clean drinking water, if you or a loved one plan on having a child or want control over your own body, or if you live in an immigrant community, your life does depend on it.
It looks like the Madison Square Garden hatefest was a huge mistake
Trump actually thought it was a great idea to hold a massively covered rally in the final days in which the speakers were all given the go-ahead to insult virtually everyone including at least one voting block they desperately needed to win the campaign. Not a great idea:
“I have heard from the Puerto Rican community directly about how much they were offended” by Hinchcliffe’s remarks, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) said Saturday while campaigning for Anna Thomas, a Democratic running for Pennsylvania state representative. “I think it woke up the community in a way that is going to turn them out in even greater numbers for Kamala Harris.”
Pressed to explain why these remarks might resonate with voters who are not already firmly in one corner, when so many other Trump or Trump-related comments have failed to damage him, Shapiro said, “This is my sense from being all over the state: that it broke through, and it resonated in a way with the community, where it made them say, ‘Well, wait a minute, that guy’s not for us. That guy doesn’t respect us.’”
They report tons of anecdotes from various politicos in the state saying the same. Also voters like this:
Nilsa Vega and Neidel Pacheco of Hellertown, a borough south of Bethlehem, both said they had never voted before, but Hinchcliffe’s remarks were the reason they planned to vote for Harris on Tuesday.
“That hit the spot right there,” Vega said. “They keep saying, ‘Oh, he’s only a comedian.’ It still hurts.”
Pacheco saw Trump’s decision to pose in a garbage truck at a campaign stop in Wisconsin the following day as an additional insult. “If he didn’t have nothing to do with it, what’s he doing in the garbage truck?” Pacheco asked.
That garbage truck stunt was so MAGA insider that it went right over the heads of most people. It made little sense if you hadn’t followed the ins and out of the rally and Biden’s garbled comment and the gleeful Deplorables 2.0 hissy fit. Nobody but the most ardent Trump cultist understood it and when they started dressing up in garbage bags for Halloween it looked like mockery.
This is the problem with allowing Don Jr. and JD Vance’s little bro contingent to have too much influence on the campaign. They’re just preaching to faithful and because the faithful are a bunch of people who behave like 13 year olds and speak their own cutesy little language nobody who isn’t in it knows what the hell they’re talking about. It often goes awry.
Remember this one?
If you aren’t conversant with that meme, Snopes has a full rundown. (Has anyone mentioned that these people are just plain weird?)
It’s one thing to have your little secret handshakes and cute inside jokes but in the midst of a hardfought campaign it’s probably a good idea not to make racist jokes about voting blocks you’re counting on to vote for you. They did it anyway and it may cost them the whole enchilada.
Final Univision poll in PA has 64-30; among Puerto Ricans, 67-27. Trump holding only 82% of his '20 voters (vs. Dems 89%)
The garbage joke broke through. Voters heard about it & don't laugh it off: 69% say it was "more racist than humorous", 67% see it as sign of Trump racism.
Trump, talking about the protective glass around him on stage at his rally in PA: "To get me, somebody would have to shoot through the fake news. And I don’t mind that so much. I don’t mind."
Former President Donald J. Trump told supporters on Sunday that he “shouldn’t have left” the White House at the end of his term during an end-of-campaign rally where he vented angrily about a spate of new public polls showing him losing ground to Vice President Kamala Harris and joked about reporters being shot at.
The former president also described Democrats as a “demonic” party at the rally, at an airport in Lititz, Pa., his first of three swing-state stops planned for his second to last day on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump’s voice was audibly hoarse and his speech sluggish as he made unfounded claims about election interference. He praised himself for ditching his prepared remarks, saying it meant the “truth” could come out.
“We had the best border, the safest border,” Mr. Trump said of his time in the White House. He said that the economy had been in good shape, before mentioning the chart he had been pointing to featuring immigration statistics when he was shot at during a rally in Butler, Pa., in July.
“It said we had the safest border in the history of our country the day that I left,” he said.
“I shouldn’t have left, I mean, honestly,” Mr. Trump continued. He added, “We did so well, we had such a great—” and then cut himself off. He then immediately noted “so now, every polling booth has hundreds of lawyers standing there.”
The remark echoed what Mr. Trump told some aides within days of his 2020 election loss: that he wasn’t going to leave the White House.
“I’m just not going to leave,” Mr. Trump told one aide. He told another, “We’re never leaving,” and added: “How can you leave when you won an election?”
There is no doubt in my mind that if he would have had more support from within the government (including the military) that he would have simply declared martial law and refused to leave. He just didn’t have enough institutional support to stage a full coup.
He won’t have such impediments going forward. He will have the full support of his party in the congress and the courts. And they will ensure that there are no Milleys or Kellys among the top brass. He could certainly get it done in 2028, even if it’s just to turn the whole thing over to the person he believes should succeed him.
Some of you who aren’t on social media may not have heard about this since it’s getting zero coverage in the mainstream media. I suspect this is what the rumor everyone was talking about week or so ago was all about. In another time, it would be an earthquake but in this election I think they’ve decided that it’s just too much.
Jeffrey Epstein described himself as Donald Trump’s “closest friend” and claimed intimate knowledge of his proclivity for sex, including cuckolding his best friends, according to recordings obtained exclusively by the Daily Beast.
The convicted pedophile even boasted of his closeness to Trump and his now-wife Melania by claiming, “the first time he slept with her was on my plane,” which was dubbed the Lolita Express.
Epstein spoke at length about Trump with the author Michael Wolff in August 2017, two years before being found dead in his jail cell. Wolff was researching his bombshell bestseller Fire and Fury at the time.
The recordings cast more light on Trump’s long relationship with Epstein and will add to debate over the character of the Republican candidate, especially his attitudes and conduct towards women, just days before the election.
The tapes tell Epstein’s version of the relationship of two former friends and their very different paths–one towards infamy, prison and suicide–the other toward power, the Oval Office and his own criminal conviction for paying hush money to a porn star.
Trump’s camp referred to the tapes’ release as “false smears” and “election interference.”
The tapes also offer unusual insight into a friendship of two men frequently out on the town together and pursuing women, prowling New York and Atlantic City, using their wealth and power.
Epstein painted a complicated portrait of Trump. He called him “charming,” and “always fun,” capable of extraordinary salesmanship and suggested he was personally in favor of Trump’s policies on“the transgender stuff.” But he alleged Trump was a serial cheat in his marriages and loved to “f— the wives of his best friends.”
He also claimed that while Trump has friends, he was at heart a friendless man incapable of kindness. And he alleged that Trump had had scalp reduction surgery for baldness and called himself “The Trumpster.”
Asked by Wolff, “How do you know all this?” Epstein replied: “I was Donald’s closest friend for 10 years.”
Wolff shared the tape with the Daily Beast ahead of discussing it on his Fire and Fury podcast on Monday. Last Thursday he caused shockwaves by revealing a few seconds of a separate recording in which Epstein spoke in detail about the inner workings of the Trump administration. Wolff also said Thursday that the pedophile showed off photos of Trump with topless young women sitting in his lap.
They think those pictures may have been confiscated by the FBI when they arrested Epstein. But they may still be out there…
You may wonder why Ghislaine Maxwell hasn’t blown the whistle on this since she’s in prison probably for the rest of her life. I have no idea. But I do know that if I had observed the way Jeffrey Epstein went out while he was held in prison (and holding out the possibility that he didn’t die by his own hand) I might not feel very safe in incarcertation if I said the wrong thing.
Wolff is not the best source on stories like thes except that he has all these tapes. If they are authenticated they should be pretty damning. But despite the fact that the right has been obsessed with Epstein for years on the assumption that his story would take down Democrats, there just don’t seem to be much interest in this story. Go figure.