Many people say they want Trump to be president again because he is a great businessman and they believe he will lower prices. That’s what he’s promising, after all.
He gave an interview to a friendly reporter, Sheryl Attkisson, who asked him how he planned to do that:
Attkisson: Kamala Harris has been very short on specifics when it comes to the economy other than saying she wants an opportunity economy. What are the specific mechanics of how prices come down. You know the steps that would be taken in a second term for you?
Trump: So first of all, she can’t do an interview. She could never do this interview because you ask questions like give me a specific answer. She talks about her lawn when she was growing up. This woman is not equipped to be president She is not equipped to deal with President Xi, — I took in hundreds of billions with him.
And Putin, we had no war with Putin. Remember, and I’m just going to go off just for this. With Bush, they took a lot. Russia. With Biden, they’re trying to take everything. With Obama, they took a lot. With Trump, Russia took nothing, Just remember that. It’s a little, a little chart.
But what happened, and when you look at what took place, it was so sad. When they took over, they cut the oil way down, and oil started going through the roof. It was going to $10 a gallon. It was going to go to numbers that nobody has ever seen. And so they went back to the Trump drilling, They said, let it go back.
That was the only good thing. But they stopped, because I wold be there, but four years later I would be triple what the number was. Right now, they’re just about even where I was. But they only did that because of the fact that they would have an election coming up.
And you remember at the beginning what happened? That’s one of the reasons that Putin went in, because it went to $100 a barrel instead of $40 a barrel. And he could fight all the wars he wants with those kinds of numbers because he’s a big seller of gas and oil. So what happens is they went back to what I was doing just to reopen. Just reopen.
It wasn’t hard. It’s so crazy what they want to do. They’re going to destroy lives. They’re going to destroy — what they have done to this country, and especially in the sense of allowing millions and millions of people come in, because that’s something. You know we can fix the gasoline situation and we can fix the — anything.
Did that answer the question about the specific mechanics of what he’ll do to bring prices down? No? Attkisson (who is a MAGA sympathizer) didn’t seem to think so either.
Attkisson: Do prices come down magically because it’s not them?
Trump: They come down with energy and they come down with interest rates. We’re going to get, as I told you, we’re going to get energy down by 50% in 12 months. We’re going to have it. It’s going to be a major smash on energy.
If you look at the energy for, and I’m not just talking about cars. I’m talking about air conditioning, heating your basic energy — operating a bakery operating any kind of business. It’s all having to do with energy.
That was where they all started wrong when they cut way back on what I did, and again, just so you understand, they let it go back to where it was which was a very smart thing, Otherwise, I think you would have had, I think you would have had a depression, if you want to know the truth.
But energy was rising at a level that nobody had ever seen, and then they said, go back,go back. They would tell people, go back to your wells, go back to drilling, fracking, whatever you have to do. But if they win, the day after they’re going all the way. They were only doing that because of an election coming up. They’re going all the way, What they are doing to our country is madness. And what they’ve done to our country is mad.
I guess that gobbldygook was meant to say that he will lower energy prices by going back to what he did before — except the Biden administration allegedly went back to what he did before already so his plan is to lower energy prices by 50%. (Don’t even ask if he knows anything about whether oil prices can go below their break even price because he’s an imbcile and doesn’t understand anything.)
In addition, aside from all the gibberish, he apparently believes that inflation occurred because Biden changed his energy policy? What?
I’m just taking a wild guess about what he was trying to say so it’s possible I’m sanewashing him. Most of that was him vamping with incomprehensible bullshit because he doesn’t have a clue ab out inflation and doesn’t care.
But sure, he’s a great businessman so let’s put him back in charge. What could go wrong?