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Trump Has No Opinion On Abortion Now?

“It’s up to the states” is not going to cut it

He thinks he can wash his hands of the abortion issue but I’m afraid the blood isn’t going to come off that easily:

Back in 2022, when it looked as if the Supreme Court would soon overturn Roe v. Wade, Senate Republicans’ campaign arm sent out a memo encouraging GOP candidates to get their messaging right.

Republicans DO NOT want to throw doctors and women in jail,” the memo maintained. It cast the statement as a rebuttal to Democrats’ “lies” about the GOP’s abortion positions.

Donald Trump did not get the memo.

The former president on Wednesday responded to the Arizona Supreme Court’s reviving a harsh 1864 abortion ban — which indeed threatens abortion providers with two to five years in prison — by punting on this basic issue.

Asked whether doctors who provide abortions should be punished, Trump allowed that certain states could do that.

“I’d let that be to the states,” Trump said. “You know, everything we’re doing now is states and states’ rights. And what we wanted to do is get it back to the states, because for 53 years it’s been a fight. And now the states are handling it. And some have handled it very well, and the others will end up handling it very well.

Making 10 year old girls give birth to their brother? Don’t ask me, it’s up to the states. Denying pregnant women emergency medical care because a legislature is scientifically illiterate? What can I say? It’s up to them. Burning women agt the stake? Hey, this is a state matter, it has nothing to do with me.

He obviously thinks he’s off the hook with this “I’m proud to have overturned Roe vs Wade and now it’s up to the states, buh bye” routine but it’s not going to fly. His proud Roe moment is what led to these atrocities in states around the country and simply shrugging his shoulders and saying it’s not his problem isn’t going to solve it.

The Forgiven

President Biden has announced an order forgiving more student loans. It hasn’t been easy since the right wing Supremes knocked down his big initiative, but they’ve kept at it, chipping away, bringing relief to many people’s debt burden. They say they aren’t done yet.

The wingnuts are having their usual fit about anything that might benefit people other than the rich and the fascist, caterwauling that it’s not fair to other Americans who didn’t take out loans or who paid them back already. Why shouldn’t they get a break too?

Guess what?

They’re special people who deserve it, we know that. The American people should be proud to subsidize them — they’re all millionaires, of course. Those scofflaws who haven’t paid back their student loans need to be taught a lesson.

Bringing It Back To Reason

It’s not going his way

Later that day…

Via Daily Beast:

Arizona Republicans refused to vote on a bill to repeal the state’s extreme abortion ban Wednesday, a day after Republicans—including President Donald Trump—attempted to distance themselves from the decision.

State Rep. Matt Gress (R) moved Wednesday to bring a Democratic bill repealing the ban, which outlaws all abortions except to save the life of the mother, to a House vote. Before a vote could be called, Rep. David Livingston motioned for a recess and all Republicans in the House—including Gress—voted to table the proceedings.

Democrats in the House chanted “Shame!” at their Republican counterparts as voting rapidly came to a close.

In a livestream after the session ended, Rep. Analise Ortiz (D) said Republicans moved to recess so they “would not have to be on the record voting to repeal the abortion ban.”

Trump’s Crack Team

A defense like you’ve never seen

Looks like Donald Trump picked the wrong week to quit snorting Adderall (ABC News):

There are multiple Jeremy Rosenbergs in New York City, as former President Donald Trump’s attorneys found out Tuesday after they sent a subpoena to the wrong one.

Last month, Trump’s attorneys in his criminal hush money case [Ed: falsifying business records, to be correct] in Manhattan sought to subpoena the Jeremy Rosenberg who was a supervising investigator in the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

Instead, according to court filings revealed Tuesday, the subpoena went to another Jeremy Rosenberg living in an $8 million Brooklyn home.

A crack team of attorneys Trump has there, and I mean that crack. It’s led by one Todd Blanche.

The Independent continues:

“I don’t have any files for you,” the apparently bemused Brooklynite wrote back, according to a filing from the former president’s legal team.

He added: “PS – The phone number you provided was disconnected.

“PPS – I’m keeping the fifteen dollars,” he added, referencing the money Mr Trump’s lawyers had sent him to help pay for sending the documents.

(I once got onto the chain-mail list of a Republican state senator(?) from Alabama. She only relented after I wrote back that, no, I couldn’t send her that chicken recipe she liked so much. I was not the Tom Sullivan she thought I was. Former Colorado governor, John Hickenlooper, called me by accident twice in a week in September 2019 thinking I was Colorado state Rep. Tom Sullivan. It happens.)

Still, Trump’s attorneys were clueless even after that snarky reply:

Mr Blanche had complained earlier this week that the man that he believed the former investigator Mr Rosenberg had displayed a “flippant and dismissive approach” to his subpoena “despite ample experience with the criminal justice system that should have instilled in him respect for this process and a criminal defendant’s rights”.

But in fact, Mr Trump’s lawyers had simply served court papers on the wrong man, prosecutor Matthew Colangelo wrote.

“The people believe the defendant has served the incorrect person,” Mr Colangelo said in a court filing.

Give Donald Trump the nuclear codes and he’ll attack the wrong country.

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Pummel Away

Biden launches ad blitz after Arizona abortion ruling

“Donald Trump did this,” Team Biden declares.

Perhaps you’ve noticed. The Democratic president Donald “Now 88 Counts” Trump once called “Sleepy Joe” is hammering MAGA Republicans over their post-Roe revocation of women’s reproductive freedoms in state after state.

Biden “plans to pummel Trump on abortion” (Politico):

Joe Biden’s campaign plans to hammer Donald Trump for his role in erasing abortion rights largely by enlisting ordinary American women who have suffered from restrictions on the procedure, elevating their voices in place of the president’s own.

This approach was immediately on display this week in a Biden campaign video featuring the story of a Texas woman released after Trump announced he would defer to state-level abortion laws, some of which impose draconian limits on women and physicians. Biden himself made no appearance in the ad, except to deliver a standard campaign finance disclosure line.

As the reporters frame it, Biden is taking a back seat here because of his “complicated history” on abortion. This, rather than Politico conceding that women are their own best advocates for reproductive freedom. The power of women’s first-person accounts was clear in recent elections in Ohio and in Gov. Andy Beshear’s reelection campaign in Kentucky.

Biden advisers took particular note of an ad Beshear ran in the closing stages of his campaign featuring the testimonial of a woman, Hadley Duvall, who had been raped and impregnated by her stepfather when she was a child, and who would have been forced to carry the pregnancy to term under policies favored by Kentucky Republicans, including Beshear’s opponent.

Eric Hyers, a Democratic strategist who managed the Beshear campaign, said Duvall’s message had echoed across Kentucky, including in constituencies that do not ordinarily lean to the left.

“The voters who moved the most when hearing messages like Hadley’s were the opposite of the voters you might think,” Hyers said. “It was rural voters, male voters, older voters, Republican voters, non-college educated voters.”

Messaging expert Drew Westen (“The Political Brain”) has long insisted that the central issue in the national abortion debate is not choice or justice but freedom. It’s about whether, when (and with whom) to have a child. Republicans “believe every rapist has the right to choose who has their child. We believe that’s a family choice.” Duvall made that message as clear as a punch in the gut.

Working the eye

The national alarm over the Arizona Supreme Court’s reanimating the Arizona Territory’s 1864 abortion ban, Republicans and Trump himself are staggering and attempting to walk back their extremist positions. The Biden campaign means to keep them backed into a corner fending off blows (MSNBC):

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign launched a paid media blitz about reproductive rights in Arizona on Thursday, two days after the state’s Supreme Court upheld a near-total abortion ban dating to 1864.

The seven-figure ad buy focuses on former President Donald Trump’s latest abortion stance, in which he again took credit for overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling because of the justices he appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and said states should decide abortion policy.

The move is part of a larger, more aggressive strategy to seize on Trump’s record on abortion, with the Biden team quickly mobilizing to respond on an issue it sees as the most motivating one for voters in November.

The Biden campaign released these ads before Tuesday’s ruling in Arizona.

This is exactly what Democrats need to be doing now: showing voters some fight. Trump won the fealty of his MAGA base by appealing to white Christian conservatives’ persecution complex and convincing them he was their champion. Now it’s Democrats’ turn. Post-Roe assaults on women’s reproductive freedoms means, as Hyers noted, that the audience for Democrats willing to fight back for them is far larger than Trump’s.

The famously teetotaling Trump and his MAGA allies are on their way to punch-drunk with the abortion backlash Democrats mean to exploit.

“This week, women across the state of Arizona are watching in horror as an abortion ban from 1864 with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of a woman will soon become the law of the land for Arizonans,” campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement Thursday. “This nightmare is only possible because of Donald Trump.”

Team Biden means to make Trump own it with their media buys and social media blitz.

As the late W.C. Fields might say, never give a sucker an even break.

UPDATE: Here’s another this morning.

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The GOP establishment is pathetic:

A Pulitzer Prize-winning political photographer resigned Tuesday from the board of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, blasting the group for cowardice in rejecting Trump critic Liz Cheney as the recipient of its top yearly award.

David Hume Kennerly claimed in a letter to fellow trustees that Cheney’s nomination for the Gerald R. Ford Medal for Distinguished Public Service was nixed largely out of fear that Trump would retaliate against the organization if he’s reelected. Cheney, herself a trustee, was rejected three separate times, Kennerly wrote, as other potential honorees declined the award.

Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels will receive the 2024 medal in June, according to an email that Gleaves Whitney, the foundation’s executive director, sent to trustees Wednesday, after POLITICO broke news of Kennerly’s resignation.

Whitney said in a statement sent ahead of the Daniels announcement that the foundation’s executive committee, guided by legal counsel, believed it was not “prudent” to give the medal to Cheney given her flirtations with a presidential run.

Giving her the medal during the election cycle, Whitney said, “might be construed as a political statement and thus expose the Foundation to the legal risk of losing its nonprofit status with the IRS.”

Kennerly, who served as Ford’s White House photographer and is longtime foundation trustee, attacked that argument in his letter: “The historical irony was completely lost on you. Gerald Ford became president, in part, because Richard Nixon had ordered the development of an enemies list and demanded his underlings use the IRS against those listed.”

“If the foundation that bears the name of Gerald R. Ford won’t stand up to this real threat to our democracy,” he added, “who will?”

Kennerly is right:

A fellow board member, speaking on condition of anonymity to be candid, said the board was “really terrified” of losing their IRS tax-exempt status if they had given the award to Cheney. “They’re really, really, really concerned. It’s insanity,” the person said. It was Kennerly who first nominated her back in October, according to a second person familiar with the matter.

I’ll just add that Ford’s pardon of Nixon was the beginning of this descent into flagrant presidential impunity. Big mistake. Huge.

He’d Never Order A Hit On His Enemies

Would he? (Of course he would.)

Trump’s allies are trying to reassure the Supreme Court that if you give Trump total immunity he would never order an enemy to be killed as was posited in the appeals court hearing. And anyway, even if he did, nobody would carry it out. So it’s all good.

It is not:

As the Supreme Court gets ready to hear oral arguments in Donald Trump’s presidential immunity case, the former president’s allies are working to tamp down any concerns the justices might have about one of the more absurd and disconcerting arguments offered by any Trump lawyer ever: that a president would have to be impeached and convicted before he could be prosecuted if he were to, hypothetically, order the assassination of a political rival.

The America First Policy Institute, a think tank led by former top Trump advisers and allies, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court last month arguing that the justices should not consider this hypothetical in their decision, because the military would never follow such a command. “A president cannot order an elite military unit to kill a political rival,” says the brief, adding: “The military would not carry out a patently unlawful order from the president to kill non-military targets.” 

The organization’s brief was filed on behalf of former Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie, retired Lt. General Keith Kellogg, and retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin. Kellogg added in a press release that “my time with [former] President Trump allows me to state without equivocation, he would never issue or consider such an action.”

Unfortunately, according to Trump’s former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, he as president did suggest to senior administration officials that they should order U.S. troops to open fire on some of his political enemies — namely, street protesters. 

“Can’t you just shoot them?” Trump asked, regarding Black Lives Matter demonstrators and others who were protesting around the White House in June 2020, according to Esper. “Just shoot them in the legs or something?” (Trump has denied this account.)

This wasn’t just some idle thought: Esper wrote in his memoir that he had to legitimately talk Trump down from the idea. “The good news — this wasn’t a difficult decision,” Esper wrote. “The bad news — I had to figure out a way to walk Trump back without creating the mess I was trying to avoid.”

Two sources, including a former senior Trump White House aide, who’ve spoken to the former president regarding his ideas about troops shooting civilians tell Rolling Stone that when Trump talks about this, he’s eager to wound — not kill — potential targets. Sometimes, he’s been reminded, including by government officials, that shooting someone in the leg can easily kill them, a point he usually dismissed outright.

Last year, Trump publicly stated that another political foe — former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who has denounced Trump as a “wannabe dictator” — deserves to be put to “DEATH.”

AFPI, for its part, has repeatedly argued that the president should designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists and use military force to eliminate them. 

Trump has no limits. And he and his followers are now delirious with revolutionary zeal. Of course he would do it. And there is no guarantee that the military wouldn’t follow his orders. He’s going to make sure that the top brass are loyalists and there’s every reason to believe that the rank and file is full of Trumpers.

Also, he is a pathological liar and no one should ever ever take his word for anything.

Zelensky Says It Perfectly

The Hill reports:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Tuesday interview that he does not need “primitive” ideas from former President Trump on ways to resolve the war with Russia.

In an interview with Axel Springer media outlets, including Politico, Zelensky said he was open to hearing Trump’s proposals for the war, but, he said, “If the deal is that we just give up our territories, and that’s the idea behind it, then it’s a very primitive idea.”

“I need very strong arguments. I don’t need a fantastic idea. I need a real idea because people’s lives are at stake,” Zelensky added.

The interview comes after The Washington Post reported this weekend that Trump has privately said his plan to end the war in Ukraine would include pressuring the war-torn country to give up territory, including Crimea and the Donbas border region, to Russia.

That’s actually a nice way of putting it. The more precise word is “stupid.” I don’t know if Trump thinks he can just tell Ukraine what to do but I wouldn’t be surprised. He might even think they’ll happily go along with his brilliant “idea” (also called surrender) just because he’s got such huge hands that they can’t deny him anything he wants. In reality, his “plan” is nothing more than capitulation and a green light to Vladimir Putin to “do whatever the hell he wants” as Trump once said he would encourage.

Zelensky shows a lot more spine than most Republicans. Saying this publicly is risky what with the funding on the line and the Republicans shoving each other out of the way to lick Trump’s boots. But good for him. It’s refreshing to hear it.

The Arizona Ruling Is A BFD

Despite what many in the MSM are saying

There was quite a bit of punditry yesterday suggesting that despite the shock of the Arizona ruling reinstating a civil war era abortion ban the issue just doesn’t have salience to swing voters. The NY Times published this earlier today:

Sigh. They spoke with 3 voters, two of whom are Trump voters. So, whatever. The Washington Post had a much better analysis:

A near-total abortion ban slated to go into effect in the coming weeks in Arizona is expected to have a seismic impact on the politics of the battleground state, testing the limits of Republican support for abortion restrictions and putting the issue front and center in November’s election.

Arizona’s conservative Supreme Court on Tuesday revived a near-total ban on abortion, invoking an 1864 law that forbids the procedure except to save a mother’s life and punishes providers with prison time. The decision supersedes Arizona’s previous rule, which permitted abortions up to 15 weeks.

The developments in Arizona are part of a wave of state actions to reckon with the future of access to reproductive care after the U.S. Supreme Court, with a conservative majority installed during Donald Trump’s presidency, overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022While several states enacted abortion restrictions as a result of overturning Roe, protecting access to reproductive care has broadly been a winning issue for Democratic candidates and for ballot measures that protect abortion access in the elections since the 2022 ruling.

As a battleground state, there is a lot on the line in Arizona’s looming elections. President Biden is running for reelection after winning the state in 2020 by fewer than 11,000 votes, and the race for a Senate seat in the state could prove crucial in determining which party controls the body next year. The balance of the statehouse is at stake this election cycle, too, with Republicans holding a one-vote majority in each chamber.

Polls show that abortion is a motivating issue for Arizona voters.

Don’t kid yourself. It matters. Will it guarantee a victory? Of course not. But a whole lot of people, most of them women are furious about this bullshit.