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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

“He particularly hates this case”

He doesn’t want women being reminded about his piggish behavior

I’m not surprised he’s having problems getting the money together to pay his massive judgments. He’s such a liar about his net worth and it’s hard to believe that any legitimate financial institution is going to issue a bond for that huge amount required in the fraud case. However, he can sell secrets to rich foreign actors and there’s not much anyone can do about it. I suspect someone is going to bail him out and I don’t know that we’ll ever know who it was or exactly why they did it.

Meanwhile, this piece, also by Haberman, was a delicious little bit of tea about how much Trump hates the hush money case, which may be the only trial that he has to face before the election at this point:

For the past couple of weeks, the spotlight has been focused on the timing of Donald Trump’s four criminal trials and the prospect that at least two of them might not go to a jury before this fall’s election. And the one trial that seems certain to be held before Election Day — his so-called hush money case — has often been dismissed by experts and observers as old, legally dubious and lacking in the sort of weighty issues that sit at the heart of, say, his two election interference cases.

But the hush money case arguably is an election interference case, centering on allegations that, on the eve of the 2016 presidential race, Trump falsified business records as part of a scheme to buy the silence of a porn star to keep her from going public with claims that they had an affair.

And as the trial draws nearer — it is set to start on March 25 in Manhattan — it’s become apparent that prosecutors would like to tell a wide ranging story full of tabloid details, one that could be personally embarrassing to Trump.

The hush money case, which is being prosecuted by Alvin Bragg, the district attorney in Manhattan, has always been an awkward mix of the serious and the profane, based around a seamy tale of extramarital sex, business records and presidential politics. Trump’s aides are blunt that he particularly hates this case given the nature of the story that prosecutors intend to put in front of the jury.

Huh. He doesn’t want to brag that he is the world’s greatest cocksman who bangs porn stars and playmates two at a time? How unusual.

Well good. He should hate it because it’s yet another illustration of one particularly odious aspect of his black character. He has been a disgusting pig toward women his entire life. And apparently, Bragg wants to bring up that fact in the trial

But recently, Bragg and his team asked Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the trial, for permission to tell a much more sweeping tale, one involving not just a single secret payoff but three of them. They also want to relate in detail how Trump used his ties to a publisher of supermarket tabloids to preemptively stop embarrassing accounts about him from seeing the light of day, a process known as “catch and kill.”

And if that were not enough, the prosecutors want to introduce evidence about the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape. In the tape, which surfaced in the closing weeks of the 2016 campaign and captured a conversation from years earlier, Trump spoke openly about grabbing female body parts without permission.

Oh, and by the way, he’s been found guilty of assault and defamation in a federal civil suit and has to pay his victim almost a hundred million dollars. It’s not as if any of this is hard to believe. Everyone knows what he is, even his cult followers who simply admire him for being such a manly man.

They want to bring up Karen McDougal and the doorman they paid off not to say that he fathered a child with his housekeeper (which apparently is not true.) Trump’s lawyers are having a meltdown over this, saying that it’s nothing but an attempt to sully Trump’s reputation with these salacious details which is hilarious. As I said, a jury has already found him to be rapist and he’s on tape talking about grabbing women by the pussy so I think that ship sailed a long time ago.

They’re asking the judge not to allow the prosecution to say anything about trying to influence the election at all ludicrously asserting that he just didn’t want “adverse publicity” coming out about him. Right. I don’t think that’s going to fly since they went to great lengths to conceal the payments with false invoices which they needn’t have done if they weren’t flouting campaign finance laws, which is the heart of this case. It’s not like Melania was pouring over the books.

Haberman looks at the political implications:

When Justice Merchan makes his decision about how much of this extra evidence to allow into the trial, it could have political — and not just legal — ramifications.

Trump’s aides have long regarded the hush money trial as the least legally impactful, given that it relates to allegations of behavior between consenting adults. His supporters viewed the indictment as a partisan attack when it was handed down last March, and that perspective has only hardened as Trump has insisted he’s facing a “witch hunt.”

But the details of Trump’s behavior could also further alienate women and swing voters whose backing he needs in a general election. The details being made public also upset Trump, according to people who’ve spoken with him, and the impact the case may have on his behavior inside and outside court remains to be seen.

It is not in dispute that he paid off those women and he did it in a particularly devious way, working with the National Inquirer. He’ll have to contend with all those details being on the front pages and at the top of the news again and he deserves it. He can insist that it’s a witch hunt all he wants but he can’t dispute the facts. Donald Trump is a pig and the last thing he needs at a time when he’s bragging about banning abortion and IVF being outlawed is for women to be reminded of just how grotesque he really is. You bet he’s losing sleep over this one.

SOTU Ratings

In case you were wondering:

The 2024 State of the Union address drew a larger TV audience than the 2023 address.

President Joe Biden’s speech to Congress averaged 32.23 million viewers across 14 broadcast and cable outlets, almost 5 million more viewers than the 2023 State of the Union. Viewership rose on all of the largest outlets as Biden’s address grew by about 18 percent.

The vast majority of viewers — 28.47 million — watched the State of the Union on the big four broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC) and the three largest cable news outlets (CNN, Fox News and MSNBC). All seven outlets drew a bigger audience than they did for last year’s address.

Fox News led all outlets with 5.84 million viewers for Biden’s speech, beating out the 5.24 million for ABC, which had the biggest tune-in among the broadcast networks. NBC’s 4.47 million viewers finished third, followed by MSNBC (4.43 million, its biggest audience ever for a State of the Union), CBS (4.09 million), CNN (2.63 million) and the Fox broadcast network (1.77 million).

Univision (970,000 viewers) fell a little from 1.08 million for last year’s State of the Union, while Telemundo (900,000) gained 64,000 viewers, bringing the total for the address 30.34 million. The averages for both Spanish-language networks encompass pre- and post-speech analysis and the Republican response. The remaining 1.89 million viewers viewers came via CNNe, Fox Business, Newsmax, NewsNation and PBS.

Even without factoring in other broadcast and cable channels, the audience on the seven biggest networks surpassed the all-network total of 27.31 million viewers last year. Thursday’s speech was the second largest address to Congress of Biden’s term, behind the 38.2 million who watched the 2022 State of the Union.

NBC had the most viewers in the core news demographic of adults 25-54 with 1.18 million, just ahead of the 1.14 million for Fox News and 1.07 million for ABC. CBS averaged 824,000 viewers in 25-54 demo, followed by CNN (710,000), MSNBC (695,000) and Fox’s broadcast coverage (517,000).

This doesn’t count the many people who watched via streaming and later on Youtube. So, quite a few people saw Biden’s bravura performance.

Now I’m sure someone will find a way to say this is bad news for Joe Biden but in reality I’d imagine that the low bar the right wing (with the help of the media) has set for Biden ended up helping Biden by making more people tune in to see if he would drool on his tie and fall down the stairs. And he most assuredly did not do that.

Trump And Orban

Peas in a pod

It was nice of Trump to eschew his usual red, white and blue patriot ensemble for the sake of his honored guest.

In case you were wondering if all this dictator talk is just liberal hysteria, I give you exhibit A:

Need we say more?

Before And After

Still the same phonies

I could only watch so much of Alabama Sen. Katie Britt’s whacked response to President Biden’s SOTU address Thursday night. The reviews are in:

“What the hell am I watching right now?” an unnamed Trump adviser told Rolling Stone.

“It’s one of our biggest disasters ever,” another unnamed Republican strategist told the Daily Beast.

Look, we know these people are shameless phonies, hypocrites and worse. They’ve given RINO a whole new meaning. They are embarrassments as Americans.

Now, the Britt outtakes.

I met Jess Piper briefly at Netroots-Chicago last summer. Here’s her anaylsis of Stepford Katie’s delivery.

Haven’t lived half a century in the South not to recognize that practiced “church testimony” delivery.

Update: A key, tear-stained tale presented by Britt has been throughly revealed as deliberately misleading.

Biden rebutter Sen. Britt blasted for recycling 20-year-old sex traffic story to attack border policy

This guy tells all:

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What No Labels Is Smoking

A personality cult in search of a personality

You know what No Labels is. Digby’s been shouting it. But they are stuck with no serious candidate yet still hope to keep the spoiler train roling. Without the spoiling.

Roll tape leaked to The New Republic:

The contents of the call offered nothing to dispel this fear. The call consisted of No Labels party members from numerous states, each reporting on what members in their states and regions were thinking and feeling. While many of these local leaders said there’s a lot of enthusiasm for a No Labels run, some of them reported that members are wary of functioning as a spoiler.

For instance, a No Labels leader in Idaho said that while members are all for run, they believe the ticket should “only” be offered to a candidate who has a “reasonable path to succeed and not be a spoiler.” A leader in Iowa said the candidate must be “strong” and have “the ability to win.”

They don’t know what they want but they want it now. Somehow.

What was striking about this call was how deeply a lot of these party members have bought into No Labels’ hype. One leader after another repeated, almost robotically, the idea that a No Labels candidacy would be a true act of heroism that could only rescue the country from the alleged horrors of having to choose between Biden and Trump.

I don’t know what they’re smoking, but it’s not your grandfather’s weed.

Biden, of course, has at times governed in a bipartisan way—which No Labels says it prizes. And there’s a vast asymmetry at play here, in which Trump poses a severe threat to our democracy and our country, and one major party is his willing accomplice in this regard, even as Biden and Democrats pose no such threat.

But No Labels simply refuses to accept this basic state of affairs. And there was no sense on the call that party members have seriously grappled with what it means that one side poses that dire threat while the other does not, or whether that creates an obligation for No Labels to be particularly cautious in proceeding. Instead, there was a lot of self-congratulatory talk about the group’s own bravery.

And you thought MAGA was the only political cult loose in the land. What do you call a personality cult in search of a personality?

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Friday Night Soother

Watch the following if you have time. It is utterly inspiring. We used to talk a lot about ecology but I feel as if it’s slipped down the list of priorities as we face other environmental challenges. This story is such a perfect lesson in how we humans screw everything up and how nature, left alone, can heal itself.

The RNC Is Now Officially MAGA

They all robotically acceded to Trump’s order to install his hand-picked sycophant and his daughter-in-law so they will help pay his legal bills. And they’ll take millions in small donations from brainwashed Americans who can’t afford it. I’d feel sorry for them if they didn’t support that orange fascist which is inexcusable.

The Republican National Committee on Friday selected new leaders who were handpicked by former President Donald J. Trump, a move expected to tighten the expected nominee’s hold on the party’s machinery ahead of the general election.

The committee unanimously elected Michael Whatley, who led the North Carolina Republican Party and was the R.N.C.’s general counsel, as its chair and Lara Trump, Mr. Trump’s daughter-in-law, as co-chair.

Both Mr. Whatley and Ms. Trump were endorsed by Mr. Trump last month after Ronna McDaniel, the committee’s leader since 2017, privately told the former president she planned to leave the position. Ms. McDaniel was for months the focus of intense pressure from inside and outside the Trump campaign to step down over the committee’s lackluster fund-raising and criticism over Republicans’ performance in 2022.

Many of Mr. Trump’s allies also criticized Ms. McDaniel, whom Mr. Trump originally picked for the position, for being insufficiently supportive of the former president. They cited her neutrality during the Republican primary and her resistance to his push to call off a series of debates that he refused to participate in.

The new leaders will take the reins of the national party at a critical juncture for Mr. Trump’s campaign, and their elevation is part of his larger effort to effectively merge the R.N.C. with his campaign.

After Mr. Trump dominated the primaries on Super Tuesday, his last remaining rival, Nikki Haley, exited the Republican race, effectively handing him the party’s nomination. Mr. Trump is now focused on the general election, and his campaign is expected to begin raising money in concert with the party, allowing him to raise far larger sums and to tap into the existing party apparatus.

During Friday’s meeting, the R.N.C. voted to officially recognize him as the party’s presidential candidate, even though he has not yet locked up the delegates necessary to clinch the nomination.

In a speech after his election, Mr. Whatley vowed that the committee would “be the vanguard of a movement that will work tirelessly every single day to elect our nominee, Donald J. Trump,” flip control of the Senate and expand Republicans’ slim majority in the House of Representatives.

Mr. Whatley also said his priorities as chair would be “getting out the vote and protecting the ballot.” He pledged to build on the committee’s efforts to recruit and deploy poll watchers, workers and judges to serve as “real-time monitors” as votes are being cast as well as counted.

Mr. Trump — who continues to make false claims about voter fraud as he faces criminal charges over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election — has told allies that he believes the R.N.C. needed to spend more money on “election integrity” efforts.

Mr. Whatley has backed Mr. Trump’s false election claims and has asserted, without basis, that Republican efforts in North Carolina prevented Democrats from cheating Mr. Trump out of victory there in 2020. In a statement, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee criticized Mr. Whatley as a “fringe election denier.”

On Friday, he said that the committee would “work relentlessly in every state to ensure that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat.” Mr. Trump has frequently and falsely contended on the campaign trail that Democrats pervasively cheat during elections.

Celebrating The Insurrection

He still plays the January 6th choir before his rallies. And he’s played the J6 footage too. But nothing beats this particular moment and while I know the general public maybe not be aware of the astonishing, symbolism of what he did that day, there is no excuse for the media to cover this race without keeping this in the back of their minds when they play the shallow horse race game and pile on Joe Biden over trivialities. They live in the country too and they know what this man is. They are abdicating their duty to inform.

The Happy Warrior

Biden likes the political fray. It’s his life.

JV Last says we shouldn’t be surprised by Biden’s performance last night because he’s actually good at this stuff. And he is. But for some reason people always forget that until he does it again. Anyway, Last has an interesting observation about the campaign that I think is correct:

But I’m not here to sell t-shirts. I’m here to point out one of the fundamental asymmetries that was on display last night and how it’s going to drive this campaign.

Donald Trump is a dominance politician. His mode of operation is to bully and intimidate. He is bad at making deals. (Shocking, I know.) He is personally offended by people who do not prostrate themselves to him. He has no interest in legislating and no policy goals he seeks to achieve. His theory of the 2024 election is that he will drive the turnout of his base—primarily rural white men without college degrees who do not often vote—to such a degree that their numbers swamp an average Democratic turnout and the turnout of frequent-voting independents.

Trump is interested in capitulation, not persuasion.

What you saw from Biden last night was the polar opposite in both temperament and strategy.

Biden is a back-slapper. He works well with his political opponents. He likes people—even people who aren’t on his side. He’s good at compromise and has real-world bills he wants to pass.

Biden is a politician and a persuader. That is fundamentally who he is and this fact informs his strategy. Biden is not banking on turning out 110 percent of Democratic voting benchmarks. He is not looking to bring in low-propensity voters who normally have little interest in politics.

His goal is to let Trump take care of Democratic turnout while he peels off 10 percent of self-identifies Republican voters (up from 8 percent in 2020) and then wins the double-doubter independents decisively.

Which is what he took aim at last night. On policy, he did this by hitting Ukraine, Roe, and immigration—three areas in which he’s where the majority is on policy. But he also did it with his mien. Did you catch how feisty Biden was? He enjoyed it when Republicans booed him—and I mean that he enjoyed it in the way that a guy who thinks there’s supposed to be give-and-take likes to spar.

But maybe the most telling moment of the entire evening was Biden’s reaction to MTG’s wardrobe choice as he made his way through the chamber

MTG confronted Biden in full MAGA regalia and imagined that she was doing something disrespectful and transgressive—that she was going to show him that she was unafraid of his socialist crime family or whatever.

And Biden loved it! He was clearly tickled, like he thought that this Jewish Space Laser CrossFit lady wasn’t an enemy to be crushed, but just a wacky part of life’s rich pageant.

Last night was a clear view into the choice this campaign will present voters: An angry strong man who dominates and fights or a happy politician who persuades, cajoles, and compromises. Which of them will be the best steward of a strong American economy?

That is a campaign Joe Biden can win.

I don’t know if Last is right about Biden’s strategy but he is certainly right about who Biden is although Biden is going to have to cut through a lot of bullshit punditry. The right predictably said Biden was angry and divisive, apparently not realizing that they were undercutting their own characterization of him as a doddering dementia patient. And there were members of the media (Gloria Borger, I’m looking at you) who said that he was “too angry.” But I think most people watching the speech saw a fired up Joe Biden who was, as Last says, a confident politician in full control who was enjoying the fray. Some people might call that a “happy warrior” and right now that’s just what the doctor ordered.

I think this says it all

If this is her kitchen I feel sorry for her family. It looks like a demo home in a housing tract that they haven’t bothered to style yet.

Republicans were not pleased:

A GOP strategist told The Daily Beast that Britt’s delivery quickly became a gossip item Thursday night among operatives connected to Donald Trump—something that could have potential implications for her consideration as a vice presidential pick on the 2024 ticket.

“Everyone’s fucking losing it,” this Republican said, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations. “It’s one of our biggest disasters ever.”

“No one was surprised that [Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell’s handpicked senator resonated so poorly with the base,” said a source close to Trump, who requested anonymity for similar reasons. (Britt is a favorite of McConnell, which has made Trumpworld suspicious.)

“But her performance was the stuff of nightmares and people were surprised by that,” they continued.

This Republican said it is still unknown how the performance will affect Britt’s VP stock, but noted that Trump definitely watched the coverage of it and it “isn’t going to help.”

Several popular social media influencers in the MAGA camp also panned the speech; the account Catturd tweeted Britt was “awful” to his 2.4 million followers.


Britt went for a dramatic performance with her State of the Union rebuttal, casting Biden as a failed president and arguing that the GOP was the best option for regular working families.

But the senator’s delivery turned out to be so dramatic that it ended up being distracting at best and disingenuous at worst.

Allie Beth Stuckey, a conservative commentator, posted on X Friday morning that Britt had genuine appeal in coming across like “the moms at the school drop off” and praised the kitchen setting.

“But the delivery was parody-level terrible, and I promise that didn’t sway any of those suburban moms we’re trying to reach,” Stuckey wrote.

The good news for Bobby Jindahl and Marco Rubio is that they can rest easy knowing they are no longer the winners of the worst State of the Union responses of all time. We have a new champion.