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It’s Getting Better All The Time

Nobody on planet Earth has more chutzpah than former president Donald Trump. After claiming over and over again that the stock market would crash if Joe Biden became president, in light of the market reaching yet another high this week, he had the audacity to claim, in all caps no less, “THIS IS THE TRUMP STOCK MARKET BECAUSE MY POLLS AGAINST BIDEN ARE SO GOOD THAT INVESTORS ARE PROJECTING THAT I WILL WIN, AND THAT WILL DRIVE THE MARKET UP.” He always finds a way to blame others for his failures and take credit for others’ successes. And his followers never seem to notice how obviously dishonest he is about it.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is brushing off the stock market’s stellar performance even though he could take credit since every president is largely held responsible for economic conditions during their term, whether it’s fair or not. But unlike Trump he is required to act like a normal human being and the stock market isn’t really relevant to most people. Yes, plenty of people have retirement savings in their 401ks but for the most part this particular economic indicator doesn’t tell the average American much about their every day economic lives.

That doesn’t mean Biden doesn’t have a good story to tell about this economy and his administration’s accomplishments, however. While many in the media have been flogging the doom and gloom of the post-pandemic recovery, both reflecting and creating a narrative of economic angst, the facts on the ground have been looking positive for a while. Now they are starting to look downright stellar and it’s not just the stock market. The Washington Post published a piece this week with the headline, “Falling inflation, rising growth give U.S. the world’s best recovery.” That seems like it should be bigger news.

Even Larry Kudlow, Trump’s former economic adviser and current Fox Business host had to tip his hat to reality this week.

Here’s just a short list of all the good economic indicators that have been there for quite some time now and are only now being acknowledged by the likes of Kudlow and, finally, the mainstream press as well, gathered by Democratic strategist Scott Rosenberg, for his newsletter:

Best job market since the 1960s, stock market setting records (401Ks are happy), best recovery in the G7, GDP growth 3.3% last quarter, consumer sentiment rising

-The inflation fueled by COVID/supply chain disruptions, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and OPEC price hikes has ended, and we are now in a place much closer to historic norms. Prices for many items are falling including groceries, rents and mortgage rates [and people are starting to notice.]

-Historically elevated wage growth, new business formation and prime-age worker participation rates. In the last few months we’ve seen some of the most robust real wage growth we’ve seen in decades, and Americans at all income levels have seen sizeable increases in their overall net worth

Lowest uninsured rate in history, record ACA signups this year

-Renewable and domestic oil production set records in 2023, US more energy independent than its been in decades. In 2023 the US produced more oil than any country has in any year in history

There is a view among political mavens that it’s a bad idea to talk about the good economic news. “People aren’t feeling it” they say, and they get mad when you tell them that they should be feeling good when they aren’t. “Talk about what you plan to do to help them out of their troubles if you get another term” they say, “make them understand that you feel their pain.” That might make sense if those statistics didn’t belie that reality and if the sour responses weren’t so colored by partisanship.

The NY Times’ Paul Krugman has been tracking this phenomenon:

I’ve been writing about the recent improvement in reported consumer sentiment, which is really startling; here’s a chart from the Michigan consumer survey. In the release containing that chart, the survey notes that “Sentiment is now just 7 percent shy of the historical average since 1978.”

Reading that, I couldn’t help thinking about recent work by Ryan Cummings and Neale Mahoney in which they estimate the extent to which partisanship moves these numbers. Both sides of the aisle are more negative about the economy when the other party holds the White House, but the effect is much stronger for Republicans. Adjusting for this effect, they find, raises consumer sentiment by seven points, or around 10 percent — more than enough to bring current consumer sentiment above the historical average.

The good news is that people are starting to feel it, even if they aren’t yet ready to accept that it might actually be real. The pandemic was a terrible jolt to the entire world economy and when you combine that horrible experience with the trauma of four years of Trump culminating in a coup attempt and insurrection it’s not surprising that the American public has been suffering from mass PTSD. And this has been exacerbated by a coordinated right wing propaganda effort and a mainstream media that has been relentlessly perpetuating the narrative that the country is in dire economic straits.

You can see the results in polling that has shown for months that a majority of people feel good about their own financial circumstances but believe that the rest of the country is in economic crisis. Why? Because that’s what they are being told. When the media narrative changes, their views on the broader economy change too, and that’s starting to happen.

The Wall St. Journal reported, “consumer sentiment leapt 13% in the first half of January from December, the Michigan survey said, after a sharp rise the prior month. The pickup in sentiment was broad-based, spanning consumers of different age, income, education and geography.” They also point out that some of this rise in confidence comes from the shift in the press in recent weeks:

Media coverage might be rubbing off on consumers, too. The mood of economy-related articles has rebounded since November to the highest level since 2018, according to the San Francisco Fed’s Daily News Sentiment Index. Coverage had skewed much more negatively in the past three years relative to economic fundamentals, a Brookings Institution analysis found.

It is unknown if the strong economic news will be enough to boost the Democrats next November and prevent Donald Trump’s restoration to the presidency. It’s still a long road to bringing Joe Biden’s approval rating up after having been ruthlessly battered by the bad press on this issue over the past three years and there is no time to waste. But the economy is always a primary concern in any presidential election and having a good one is certainly an asset.

Just in case, it might be wise for the Democrats to revisit this famous ad and think about updating it with an accurate picture of America in 2024. (Even in 1984, the whole country wasn’t white…) Voters might just be getting ready to hear this message:


More Great Economic News

… is bad news for Biden, of course

Cable news was on in the background Thursday night when, responding to a right-leaning critic of some Democratic policy or other, an on-air pundit doubted the critic could name three examples to support the claim.

“Oh yeah? Name three,” we said in unison. (“Oh, yeah? Name five,” is a running joke around here.)

It’s standard fare for politicians to complain about adversaries’ “failed policies” without naming a single one. It lets the public fill in the blanks with sins real or imagined. The behavior is so rote that reporters never challenge speakers to provide examples. In the Politico article cited in my post below, a Trump spokesperson, on cue, slammed Joe Biden for his “failed policies.”

Ya mean, like this one? (CNBC):

Job growth posted a surprise increase in January, demonstrating again that the U.S. labor market is solid and poised to support broader economic growth.

Nonfarm payrolls expanded by 353,000 for the month, much better than the Dow Jones estimate for 185,000, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. The unemployment rate held at 3.7%, against the estimate for 3.8%.

Wage growth also showed strength, as average hourly earnings increased 0.6%, double the monthly estimate. On a year-over-year basis, wages jumped 4.5%, well above the 4.1% forecast. The wage gains came amid a decline in average hours worked, down to 34.1, or 0.2 hour lower.

Job growth was widespread on the month, led by professional and business services with 74,000. Other significant contributors included health care (70,000), retail trade (45,000), government (36,000), social assistance (30,000) and manufacturing (23,000).

The report also indicated that December’s job gains were much better than originally reported. The month posted a gain of 333,000, which was an upwards revision of 117,000 from the initial estimate. November also was revised higher, to 182,000, or 9,000 higher than the last estimate.

Just Wednesday, Axios reported that the U.S. economy’s recovery under Biden “grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024.”

Maybe it’s not bad news for Biden as much as for the spinmeisters at Fox.

I remind myself not to pay much attention to presidential polls. The weakness of “the poller coaster” is manifest. Polls are also dependent on people who will actually answer their phones these days. (How many of you do?) No sooner does one poll declare Biden leading than another later in the day says it’s Trump.

A traumatized victim of the failed “Take Our Border Back” convoy last night came to the shocking realization that some of the organizers were “bad people” only in it to scam true believers for almost $160,000. If that glimmer of light got in, perhaps the truth of the strong economy backed by, you know, evidence, will sink in before election time. If not for her, perhaps with more of the flagging Trump faithful.

Now if only grocery prices will come down. That $6 box of breakfast cereal that was three-something before the pandemic isn’t going into the cart anymore.

Bless Me, Father

Joe’s from Scranton, remember?

If anything, President Joe Biden has been too polite with Donald “91 Counts” Trump, indicted private citizen. .

Gossip from Politico:

President JOE BIDEN has a reputation for salty language behind closed doors. But it nearly slipped out in public during his speech at Valley Forge last month to mark the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection. Animated and angry, he derided DONALD TRUMP and his followers for drawing glee from political violence.

“At his rally, he jokes about an intruder, whipped up by the Big Trump Lie, taking a hammer to Paul Pelosi’s skull,” Biden said.

“And he thinks that’s funny,” the president continued. “He laughed about it. What a sick …”

Biden let his voice trail off as the crowd cheered and chuckled.

In private, he doesn’t stop short.

The president has described Trump to longtime friends and close aides as a “sick fuck” who delights in others’ misfortunes, according to three people who have heard the president use the profane description. According to one of the people who has spoken with the president, Biden recently said of Trump: “What a fucking asshole the guy is.”

The White House declined to comment.

Of course. Biden, who jokingly crosses himself when he almost says what he’s thinking, has more respect for his office than his likely 2024 opponent. Trump respects no one except foreign dictators with a more iron grip on power than he managed.

More loathsome

Biden’s private comments illustrate the career public servant’s “core anger” toward an opportunist opponent with no prior experience in public office and no respect for the Constitution.

Biden believes Trump has grown only more loathsome with time. The ex-president’s jokes about the attack on PAUL PELOSI, the 83-year-old husband of former House Speaker NANCY PELOSI, particularly gall Biden.

“I fail to see the scandal here,” shrugs Washington Post columnist Helaine Olen.

We needn’t recount in detail other Trump incidents that earned Biden’s disgust: Trump “gleefully” watching Jan. 6 rioters “fighting for me,” his “both sides” comment after Charlottesville, his lavish praise for Vladimir Putin, and especially Trump’s refusing to visit a military cemetery in the rain and referring to military dead as “suckers” and “losers.”

Respect is earned. But Trump wouldn’t know anything about that.

The Billionaire Beggar

Speaking of suckers and losers, let’s consider just how dumb you have to be to give money to a billionaire for legal fees to fight his massive number of lawsuits and criminal cases?

Former President Trump‘s political fundraising apparatus spent more than $50 million on legal costs last year as he faced a barrage of lawsuits and criminal charges in multiple jurisdictions.

The stunning new campaign finance reports reveal the financial damage the GOP presidential frontrunner has sustained while facing a colliding campaign and courtroom calendar.

The mounting legal costs have drained large sums from Trump’s campaign coffers as he gears up for what’s expected to be another tight race against President Biden.

Overall, Trump’s fundraising brought in less than his campaign spent in 2023, Politico reported.

Trump’s Save America PAC spent roughly $47 million on legal consulting last year, according to the group’s latest financial report.

That includes $25 million in the last six months of the year, the Federal Election Commission data shows.

The PAC listed payments to an array of lawyers and firms, including Alina Habba, who has represented him in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case and New York civil fraud trial.

Todd Blanche and John Lauro, who have represented Trump in criminal cases, are also listed.

Another Trump-affiliated group, the Make American Great Again PAC, spent roughly $4 million on legal services over the same six-month period.

Get a load of this pitch for even more:

A top advisor to Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign has a message for some of the wealthiest Republican donors in the country: Don’t take the former president’s divisive rhetoric too seriously.

Susie Wiles made the pitch Tuesday at a private gathering of the American Opportunity Alliance, a group of Republican megadonors led by Elliot Investment Management founder Paul Singer.

Speaking at the luxurious Four Seasons hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, Wiles encouraged the powerful donors to essentially ignore Trump’s more offensive remarks and focus instead on the fact that the former president is in pole position in the Republican primary for president, according to people familiar with her remarks.

Wiles conceded to the donors that Donald Trump is going to say things people don’t like. But she countered that the former president is poised to lock down his party’s nomination, and that he is the GOP’s best hope to defeat incumbent President Joe Biden, according to a person familiar with her remarks.

Wiles’ effort to draw new donors into Trump’s fold came just days after the former president threatened people who had donated to his rival, former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley.

If his fellow Richie Riches want to throw their ill-gotten gains at Trump that’s one thing. But a lot of his money comes from small donors who really can’t afford it. It’s hard to feel too sorry for them, however. They are marks for a brazen con man because they love the way he hates. So to hell with them.

The Adults In The Room Are Throwing Their Food

If you think the Republicans in the Senate are the more sane members of the MAGA GOP, think again. They’re just as cravenly partisan as the nuts in the House. Remember Thom Tillis, the “brave” Senator who has been criticizing the House Republicans for refusing to even consider the border and Ukraine deal? Well…

The House passed its $78 billion, bipartisan tax bill with a lopsided 357-to-70 vote on Wednesday, in which the measure attracted slightly more Democratic than Republican support as it overcame opposition from hardline conservatives.

Now comes the hard part: Winning over GOP senators. Republicans in the upper chamber are already expressing deep skepticism toward the legislation, which combines several business deductions with an expansion of the Child Tax Credit that would all sunset at the end of 2025.

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., said Wednesday that he’s been advising Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other GOP Senate leaders that it would be “a mistake” to pass the bill. Speaking to Semafor, he argued that Republicans should hold out for a potential Trump presidency to make major tax policy decisions, especially since Congress is preparing to renegotiate much of the IRS code next year ahead of when large swaths of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire.

“I think everything should be on the table there, including the future of the child tax credit provisions [that] are being proposed now,” Tillis told Semafor in a separate interview.

Meanwhile, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa told Semafor he was concerned that expanding the child credit would aid President Biden’s re-election chances.

“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts,” the former Senate Finance chair said. He added that he believes the bill would give up some of the GOP’s leverage ahead of next year’s big tax fight, but said he’d take a closer look at the bill once it passed the House.

Though a number of Republicans on and around Capitol Hill have raised concerns that the bill would let Biden send out cash around election time, tax experts have dismissed those fears as essentially a misunderstanding. The GOP-led House Ways and Means panel said in a recent statement that the Biden administration is “explicitly prohibited” from sending “politically-timed refund checks.”

They are criticizing the House kooks for demanding a stronger border bill because of the “crisis” and then refusing to pass it because only Trump can really fix it and it might help Biden in the election. The only difference here is that Republicans in the Senate don’t care about poor families. And it might help Biden in the election.

There are no Republicans “grown-ups” in the room. Ever. Because there are no Republican grown-ups.

A Little Truth

The media is not telling the real story, as usual. It’s just a “crisis” or a “caravan” or a “catastrophe” without any context or nuance. They have been doing this for years. I know they aren’t this incompetent. They can’t be.

“A Post-Constitution World”

Texas Congressman Chip Roy is not one of the MAGA goofballs. He even endorsed DeSantis over Trump. He was once Ted Cruz’s chief of staff so he’s an extremist but he isn’t stupid. As Judd Legum notes in his newsletter, there’s a method to his madness:

Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) is publicly urging Texas to ignore the Supreme Court. In previously unreported comments, Roy explained that he feared his position would push the country into “a post-constitutional world.” But, Roy said, the Supreme Court is “pushing our hand” by issuing a ruling related to the southern border that he opposes, and the Supreme Court needs to “feel the pressure.” 

The next day, Roy told Fox News that Texas should “tell the court to go to hell.” 

On January 24, in a little-noticed interview with right-wing conspiracy theorist Charlie Kirk, Roy expanded on his thinking. Roy explained his position pushes the country to a “post-constitutional world.” But Roy said he was willing to take that risk because he believed the threat of a Constitutional crisis would pressure the Supreme Court to issue more favorable rulings in the future.

I say this respectfully. I say it with the fear of what I’m saying. I do not want to live in a post-constitutional world, but this Court is pushing our hand, and the Court needs to know that… I want them to feel the pressure, because if they’re political animals, they need to know it. We were out there defending Amy Coney Barrett when her house was being protested, we said that the law should be enforced to protect her. Where is she when the people of Texas need to be protected? Totally M.I.A.

Roy also said that his “first duty” as Congressman was not to comply with the Constitution, which establishes the Supreme Court as the ultimate legal authority. Rather, Roy believes he should take whatever actions are necessary, in his own mind, to “make sure our people are protected and secure and safe.”

I want to preserve and protect the Republican form of government that our country is built upon, and I want a strong America standing in front of the American flag. But my first duty as an elected official is, yes to the Constitution, but my first duty is to make sure that I’m protecting and following my job to make sure our people are protected and secure and safe. That’s what leaders of a state, of a sovereign entity, have to be concerned about, and so, that’s what we’re up against.

In other words, Roy believes his own opinion about what is required to keep people “secure and safe” trumps the Constitution. This is a radical view that would upend the nation’s legal system. 

Roy is a lawyer. He knows very well what he is saying. He’s trying to intimidate the Supreme Court — and if that doesn’t work, he’s ready to burn the Constitution.

Does he mean all this or is he just performing for the crowd? It’s hard to know. He’s also the guy who railed against his own party not long ago complaining that they hadn’t gotten anything done. (Perhaps we should ask just what it is he thinks should have been accomplished.) He’s a show boater just like his mentor Ted Cruz. But what he’s saying about defying the Supreme Court is a rank betrayal of his oath of office, either way.

What’s Nikki Up To These Days?

Well, she’s being a true daughter of South Carolina:

It’s not like Harris was in the Obama administration or really had anything to do with him. She’s against Harris being president because Black presidents are “divisive.” Until Obama was elected and divided us, we didn’t have any of these “problems.” Harris will obviously do the same thing. Because she’s Black. And you know how they are.

And she said it on The Breakfast Club a podcast hosted by Black people. Jesus.

And then there’s this:

Actually, it can’t secede. As that old woke Justice Antonin Scalia said, “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.”

Haley is campaigning in her home state of S. Carolina a state that knows from secession.


America: If you love it, hate it

(Photo: Facebook/David Miles)

Oliver Darcy on Tuesday wrote, “Conservatives are going into self-exile.”

The Formerly Republican Party, like Formerly Twitter, “is now led by far-right media forces hoping to cash in on attention from raging culture wars, sealing off its adherents from the rest of society.”

One wonders what’s left of America for Republicans to love. Red-hatted Make America Great Again believers are systematically excommunicating anyone and everyone not not eaten up with gnawing grievances. They have demonized DEI efforts (diversity, equity and inclusion) and seem bent (apt?) on making their clan “the most restrictive country club in America.”

In the 1960s, the conservative slogan was, America: Love it or leave it. Today the message is, America: If you love it, hate it.

Darcy writes:

From a bird’s eye view, the state of affairs among MAGA Media diehards as it sits today is remarkable. A subset of America actually purports to boycott Disney, the world’s preeminent entertainment company; Bud Light, once America’s most popular beer; Target, the quintessential brick-and-mortar shopping destination; Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that produced life-saving Covid-19 vaccines; Major League Baseball, the nation’s favorite pastime; and now Taylor Swift, a generational icon and one of the most successful musical artists of all time.

“There’s something striking about watching the far-right tying itself in knots and attacking Swift and [her boyfriend Travis] Kelce that demonstrates how badly the far-right media has alienated itself from most of society,” Charlie Warzel, a staff writer at The Atlantic who covers the intersection of politics, technology, and culture, told me Tuesday.

The culture MAGA Republicans are at war with is America. What does that make them?

MAGA’s political wing of miners and sappers means to sabotage any effort to put the government they serve to work making Americans’ lives better.

Steve Benen teased his latest blog post on Blue Sky:

Democrats: Republicans are deliberately refusing to solve problems because they care more about elections and partisan games.  

Republicans: Yep, pretty much.

NBC News reported overnight:

The House voted Wednesday night to pass a $78 billion tax package that includes an expansion of the child tax credit, sending it to the Senate, where its path is uncertain.

The Republican-led House passed the bipartisan measure 357-70, using a fast-track process that requires a two-thirds majority. The legislation received broad support from each party: 169 Republicans and 188 Democrats voted for it, while 47 Republicans and 23 Democrats voted against it.

Steve Benen writes this morning that for this House-sponsored bipartisan achievment to amount to much it first has to get by the Senate and Chuck Grassley:

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, cast doubt Wednesday on passing a bipartisan tax bill, saying it could make President Joe Biden “look good” and improve Democrats’ chances of holding the White House in the 2024 election.

Grassley said re-electing Biden could hurt Republican hopes of extending Trump-era tax cuts.

Not even subtle

Benen adds:

The problem is not that the Iowa Republican opposes the underlying legislation; the problem is that his principal concern is avoiding governing successes that might make President Joe Biden “look good” in an election year.

Can’t have that, Benen explains. Because “reducing child poverty is fine, but helping the Republican Party’s electoral strategies is better.”

Some might be tempted to believe that both parties think this way. That’s wrong. As recently as 2020, congressional Democrats put aside partisan considerations and worked to put money in Americans’ pockets during a crisis — without regard for whether it might improve Donald Trump’s re-election prospects. The focus was on families’ needs, not partisan tactics.

Four years later, Grassley’s instincts push him in the opposite direction. He isn’t even being subtle about it.

What’s more, he’s not alone. About a month ago, Republican Rep. Troy Nehls said he’d oppose a different bipartisan compromise for the same reason. “Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating,” the Texan said. “I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it.” Nehls echoed the same sentiment this week.

How about that? Republicans are boycotting their own jobs.

Biden Works The Laser Eyes

Biden-Harris HQ goes after Donald Trump. Hard.

‘Dark Brandon’ Rises, the New York Times reported in August 2023. He’s not backing off.

While we were reading accounts of the latest GOP insanities in D.C. and in the states, and about the Fox/MAGA conspiracy freakout over Taylor Swift, plus a random, MAGA-inspired(?) beheading straight out of Se7en, Team Biden was going hard at getting under Donald Trump’s skin. And rubbing his nose in it on Truth Social (Huffington Post):

President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign flipped former President Donald Trump’s excuses for his verbal stumbles right back at him in a new ad.

The 60-second spot features multiple Trump stumbles and the Republican front-runner’s claims that he does it “purposely” or because he speaks “in long, complex sentences.”

“Have you noticed he’s a little confused these days?” Biden asks in speech footage that is featured towards the end of the clip. The video concludes with reports that Trump is “rattled by Biden’s efforts to get under his skin.”

Yup, this one:

The ad above posted at 1:03 p.m. Wednesday on Formerly Twitter, the Now Muskian white-nationalist cesspool. It was only one of a flurry of ads from Biden-Harris HQ. I’ve not included all from yesterday, but damn, look at these timestamps.

They’re going hard against Trump’s cognitive decline but also against Trump’s phony worker populism.

And let’s not forget Trump’s responsibility for killing Roe.

Don’t forget Biden’s record recovery.

It was the same on Tuesday. It’s relentless. I like relentless.

On the Taylor Swift theme, how much is she, as they say, living rent-free in MAGA heads? She’s got Sean Hannity reinforcing for his audience the branding that MAGAs are “racist and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic and transphobic,” etc. That’s stunningly bad practice.

The Lincoln Project can be relentless too.