Today Trump is meeting with Netanyahu and took some questions beforehand about Gaza during his daily Executive Order pageant. Once again he endorsed ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, saying that they will be happy to go in “large groups or many smaller groups” to some pieces of beautiful pieces of land where Saudi Arabia and others (not the US!) will build them some nice condos and everyone will live happily ever after.
He has the mind of a child. Here is the full exchange:
Trump: I’d like to see Jordan or Egypt take them. Look, the Gaza thing has not worked, it’s never worked and I feel very differently about Gaza than a lot of people. I think they should get a good fresh beautiful piece of land and we get some people to put up the money to build it and make it nice and make it habitable and enjoyable and make it a home.
Palestinians say they don’t want to leave though.I don’t know how they could want to stay. It’s a demolition site. If we could find the right piece of land or numerous pieces of land and build them some really nice with plenty of money in the area that’s for sure. I think that would be a lot better than going back to Gaza, which had just decades and decades of death.
Reporter: Where would those pieces of land be?
Well that could be in Jordan and they could be in Egypt and they could be in other places. You could have more than two more than one but you could have more than two you’d have people living in a place that could be very beautiful and safe and nice. Gaza has been a disaster for decades.
Reporter: Would the US pay for that?
I don’t think we would pay. But there are plenty of people that would in the are .that have a lot of money. They certainly have a lot of money. Some of the countries over they’d like to see it. I know that Saudi Arabia wants to see peace, I can see and many of the countries there as far as I’m concerned, they all want peace.
Reporter: But the leaders of Egypt and Jordan have bluntly said they want no part of this
Well, they may have said that but a lot of people said things to me. They said they wouldn’t take anybody back in Venezuela, and right now they’re flying them right back to Venezuela nad a lot of people and they’re doing the right thing in Venezuela. The Panama canal is in active discussion right now. And they said things about that. And virtually everything that’s been said has been incorrectly stated based on the result.
Reporter: Wouldn’t that amount to forcibly displacing displacing those people from Gaza?
I don’t think so. I think if they had the opportunity they love if they had an alternative. They have no alternative right now. I mean, they’re there because they have no alternative. What do they have? It’s a big pile of rubble right now, I mean have you seen the pictures of it?Have you been there? It’s terrible to live. Who can live like that? And very dangerous as there’s shooting all over the place. There’s bombing all over the place on both sides, Now, I would think if they had an option of moving to an area either in a large group or various smaller groups and take care of the close to million people I would think that they would be thrilled to do it. They have no, you know, when you say about the Gaza strip they don’t have an option.
Reporter: To be clear, you’re saying they’d be thrilled to leave Gaza.
Oh I think they’d love to if they had an option, Right now they don’t have an option. What are they going to do? They have to go back to Gaza. But what is Gaza. There’s practically not a building standing and they’re very dangerous. You know, those buildings are shifting and they’re falling down all over. And there’s gunfire all over. It’s going to be that way for a while.
Gosh, why are there gunfire and demolished buildings all over the place? Nobody bothered to ask him. I actually would have been interested in hearing what he said about that.
I could go on and on about this but I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s clear that he’s just a moron who has no understanding of … well, anything … and he has come up with what he thinks is the brilliant idea of forcing millions of people to migrate to some other place . Apparently he has absolutely no knowledge of the history of the Palestinian people — or the Jewish people, for that matter. It’s just taken as a given that Gaza (and, apparently, the West bank) should be cleansed of Palestinians for the benefit of the Israelis.
But then, he is very, very stupid and even more addled than he used to be.