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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Where’s Hunter?

He’s right there. Why won’t they talk to him in public?

Hunter Biden wants a public hearing for good reason!

The Democrats are backing him:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., backed that call for a public hearing while speaking to reporters on Wednesday. She was one of multiple Democratic lawmakers to address Republicans’ impeachment inquiry of Biden, including Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., who described in the investigation as “more like a what-is-it, not a whodunnit.”

“I won’t even call it an investigation, I’ll call it an exercise in futility,” Ocasio-Cortez said about the Hunter Biden investigation, describing it as “groundless and unsubstantiated.”

The New York congresswoman said there is more pressing business than Hunter Biden.

“We need to do far more than worry about baseless investigations that are conducted more on podcasts than, frankly, on a grounding of evidence,” she said.

Aaaaand, needless to say, Republicans are having a hissy fit:

Lol. Here’s how that ended:

Hunter Biden did the right thing. He presented himself but refused to submit himself to their secret inquisition which they are guaranteed to mischaracterize as they’ve done all the others.

It’s Happy Hollandaise time, if you’re of a mind ….

Impeach Madness

Today is the day the MAGA House plans to officially vote for an “impeachment inquiry”

I know this will come as quite a shock, but the current U.S. Congress is the least productive congress in almost a hundred years. Not since the first years of the Great Depression under Herbert Hoover has the legislative branch been so ineffectual. This may seem surprising considering that the Republican majority has dominated the news from the moment it took the oath last January, but it has barely managed to do the one thing it’s supposed to do which is pass legislation. They certainly have been busy though.

They started with an epic battle for the Speaker’s office that ended even before the year was up with the dramatic defenestration of that same Speaker for committing the cardinal sin of compromising with the Democratic Senate and White House to keep the government running. That took weeks of effort leaving little time for anything else. Then they had to hold “oversight” hearings to yell at administration figures and provoke fights with witnesses and there was the huge issue of the Senate dress code. They also needed to get to the bottom of that UFO thing and it’s vitally important that they obtain Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. They’ve got a lot on their plates.

But nothing has been more important than the investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and the alleged corruption that supposedly took place among Biden family members when Biden was vice president and out of office. Today is the big day when they plan to vote for an official impeachment inquiry into these charges. Then they plan to recess and go home for the holidays. They’re all worn out.

The impeachment was inevitable. The leader of the GOP, Donald Trump, demanded it and when he says jump they start leap frogging over each other. And it’s put the new Speaker in what should be an extremely uncomfortable position, although it won’t be, because he’s totally shameless. Having even just recently been reported to have said that he didn’t think impeachment should be on the agenda, he has completely reversed course and has authorized this vote to launch a formal inquiry. That is in glaring contradiction with many statements he made arguing against the impeachments of Donald Trump:

When confronted with his blatant hypocrisy by Fox’s Bret Baier, he explained that this is totally different because that was a sham and this totally isn’t. Except, of course, it totally is.

There’s not been even one shred of evidence that ties Joe Biden into any corruption. In fact, it’s gotten so ludicrous that Oversight Committee Chair, James Comer has been out there waving around copies of checks from Hunter and Biden’s brother James that he says proves Biden was on the take when in reality they were loan repayments. Hunter’s supposedly nefarious checks were in the amount of $1380 a month for a car payment reimbursement. It’s become that absurd.

Tim Burchett, R-TN., appeared on CNN earlier this week to spread the salacious details that were included in the recent felony indictment of Hunter Biden for paying his taxes late and insisted that one of the proofs of his corruption was the fact that his only qualifications for the jobs he held were “hookers and crack cocaine” saying “the guy is bad news.” (In fact Hunter Biden was much more qualified than either Ivanka Trump or Jared Kushner who worked in the White House and then cashed in immediately to the tune of billions of dollars from foreign governments the minute they left the White House.)

I’m not going to go into all the reasons why the Ukraine business is completely nonsensical again. It’s ridiculous and even the Republicans must know it since they’re focusing more on silly things like Hunter paying back his father for covering his car payments for a few months. And while it looked for a while as if the so-called moderates were prepared to vote against the inquiry, the fact that the White House is not rushing to help the Republicans with this bogus inquiry has provided them with the lame excuse they’ve been looking for to appease the rabid MAGA horde so Speaker Johnson says that he’s pretty sure he has the votes. We’ll see later today if he is right. And we’ll also see whether those Republican House members who came from districts Biden won are as self-destructive as they appear to be.

Even Fox isn’t all in on this one:

This Biden impeachment is not popular. According to a new Morning Consult poll support for it has collapsed among Independents. (Needless to say, the vast majority of Democrats oppose it and a similar number of Republicans support it.) Apparently aware of this, Mike Johnson has been careful to hedge his bets saying, “We’re not going to prejudge the outcome of this because we can’t because again it’s not a political calculation.”

Nobody believes that. Certainly nobody should believe it:

That’s the kind of public comments that cost former Speaker Kevin McCarthy his first shot at the job back in 2015. But these days, Republicans announcing they are using the tools of government to attack their enemies is considered smart politics among their voters so announcing it isn’t a problem.

Here’s the Chairman of the Oversight Committee, the man who is quarterbacking this Impeachment “inquiry” admitting that he had his mind made up months ago:

Some Democrats aren’t afraid to tell it like it is with these people. Jasmine Crockett of Texas had the Republicans calling for the smelling salts when she appeared on the Charlamagne The God podcast (you know how delicate they are) and told it like it is:

You know, when I sit there, the Oversight Committee is where all the drama is. This is where the impeachment inquiry is. And, you know, it’s insulting that we have idiots like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Jim Jordan. I mean, you just name all of the nonsense Republicans.

And they sit on this committee, and they sit there so high and mighty. And they talk noise constantly and they’re like, “Oh, the Biden crime family.” And I’m like, “I’m sorry. Have you met the Trumps?!”

It’s insulting to the American people that these kooks have hijacked the the American government with a tiny majority and instead of negotiating in good faith to fund the government or provide needed aid to Ukraine and other priorities, they’re about to put on another of their embarrassing little freak shows for the entertainment of the Fox News audience and Donald Trump. “Nonsense Republicans” is right.


It’s Happy Hollandaise time, if you’re of a mind ….

All The President’s Cell Phones

Follow the data

White House photo via Flickr.

Take good news where you find it.


Special counsel Jack Smith has extracted data from the cell phone Donald Trump used while in the White House and plans to present evidence of his findings to a Washington, D.C. jury to demonstrate how Trump used the phone in the weeks during which he attempted to subvert the 2020 election.

In a court filing Monday, Smith indicated that he plans to call an expert witness who extracted and reviewed data copied from Trump’s phone, as well as a phone used by another unidentified individual in Trump’s orbit.

The data from Trump’s phone could reveal day-to-day details of his final weeks in office, including his daily movements, his Twitter habits and any other aides who had access to his accounts and devices. The data, for example, could help show whether Trump personally approved or sent a fateful tweet attacking his vice president, Mike Pence, during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Expert 3 “specifically identified the periods of time during which the defendant’s phone was unlocked and the Twitter application was open on January 6.” 

CBS News had identified that other individual (“Individual 1” in the indictment) as former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Is it getting hot in there, Donald?

The filing is the latest glimpse into the extraordinary evidence Smith has amassed in his probe, including testimony from dozens of Trump’s closest aides and advisers, including former Vice President Mike Pence.

Prosecutors obtained a search warrant to access Trump’s Twitter data in January and ultimately obtained a massive cache of data culled from Trump’s account, including location data.

However, the prosecution filing stops short of claiming that the experts will be able to prove that activity on the phones directly involved Trump. Trump’s phones were routinely managed by others, including his social media manager, Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Scavino.

CBS News adds background:

Internal White House records from Jan. 6 turned over to the now-defunct House select committee last year showed a gap in Trump’s official phone logs of seven hours and 37 minutes, including the period when the building was under assault, according to documents obtained by CBS News’ chief election & campaign correspondent Robert Costa and The Washington Post’s associate editor Bob Woodward.

Costa and Woodward reported last year that the lack of an official White House notation of any calls placed to or by Trump for 457 minutes — from 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m. — on Jan. 6, 2021, meant that there was no record of the calls made during the height of the breach. 

Eleven pages of records were turned over by the National Archives last year to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack as part of the panel’s past investigation that included examining whether or not the former president used “burner phones” while in office. 

In response to Costa and Woodward’s reporting last year, Trump said, “I have no idea what a burner phone is. To the best of my knowledge, I have never even heard the term,” and a Trump spokesperson said at the time that Trump had nothing to do with the records and had assumed any and all of his phone calls were recorded and preserved.

John Bolton, his former national security adviser, asserted in an interview later — after CBS News and Washington Post reported that he recalled Trump using the term “burner phones” in several discussions — that Trump was aware of its meaning.

Counting on Trump for the truth is a fool’s errand. He only blurts out the truth by accident or as catnip for his cult. As with being a dictator in a second term. But only on Day 1, right?

Happy Hollandaise everyone!

The New Feudalism

Driving America into the ditch

Donors were peeved over the bad publicity. In a House hearing on campus antisemitism last week, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) demanded university presidents from the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and MIT answer for antisemitic campus protests over the war in Gaza. Asked whether calling for genocide against Jews would violate codes of conduct, amount to bullying and harassment, and prompt expulsions, the administrators hedged. A video extract went viral.

Michelle Goldberg responded, “If I’d seen only that excerpt from the hearing … I might have felt the same way.” The administrators “acquitted themselves poorly.”

“But while it might seem hard to believe that there’s any context that could make the responses of the college presidents OK, watching the whole hearing at least makes them more understandable,” Goldberg added. “In the questioning before the now-infamous exchange, you can see the trap Stefanik laid.”

But the trap was sprung. Over the weekend and under pressure from university donors, University of Pennsylvania president Elizabeth Magill and board chair Scott L. Bok resigned.

No longer a university spokesman, Bok penned a Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed in response. Inquirer columnist Will Bunch directed readers to one passage in particular.

“It’s the academic equivalent of Ike warning us about the military-industrial complex — and here it’s the undue influence of billionaire donors. Here’s the money shot .” (I’m using Bunch’s highlights):

On all these issues, universities need to be very careful of the influence of money, especially one like Penn, which has a business school with a brand larger than that of the university itself. And I say that as both a Wharton graduate and someone who understands that contributions play a critical role in everything from lifesaving medical research to scholarships for kids like I once was.

But donors should not be able to decide campus policies or determine what is taught, and for sure there should not be a hidden quota system that ensures privileged children a coveted place at elite schools.

For nearly all of the 19 years I served on Penn’s board, I felt like there was a very broad, largely unspoken consensus on the roles of the various university constituencies: the board, donors, alumni, faculty, and administration.

Once I concluded that this longtime consensus had evaporated, I determined that I should step off the board and leave it to others to find a new path forward.

“The culture wars can be brutal,” Bok added, recounting the “violent threats,” street confrontations, “robot-generated emails,” and more unpleasantness that came his way.

But let’s consider Bok’s remarks in the context of the 2024 elections. The Republican presidential frontrunner — himself an alleged billionaire — faces multiple felony trials, including for attempting the overthrow of the government. Donald Trump yearns to be a dictator, to “prosecute enemies and release insurrectionists, and sic troops on protesters,” Bunch writes, while claiming it’s Joe Biden who is the dictator.

“There hasn’t been this much projection since the golden age of drive-in movies,” Bunch insists.

Trump’s MAGA base yearns for a strongman and for retribution for wrongs real and imagined. Trump backers in billionaire-financed think tanks drool over the prospect of turning the entire federal bureaucracy into a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, if not of the billionaire class itself, led by a “Red Caesar.” The business class longs to finish shredding the social safety net and return the working class to neo-serfdom. The lot of them have already abandoned democracy in word and deed.

Bok has only gotten a foretaste of what’s in store when Movement Authoritarians drive the country into a ditch. Elon Musk’s Cybertruck illustrates.

And Happy Hollandaise everyone!


Trump accuses DeSantis of trying to steal Iowa

Ed Kilgore has the story:

Donald Trump famously likes to allege voter fraud against Democrats; it was the centerpiece of his “stolen election” claims in 2020 and in turn became the centerpiece of his campaign of retribution in 2024. But it’s been a while since he’s accused fellow Republicans of “rigging” elections … nearly eight years, to be exact, since he accused 2016 Iowa Caucus winner Ted Cruz of stealing that contest via false rumors his campaign allegedly spread about Ben Carson dropping out (it was a complicated conspiracy theory, to be sure).

Though the odds of Trump losing Iowa this year are very low, his campaign issued a statement on Friday accusing Ron DeSantis, his most formidable opponent in the state (per the polling averages), of trying to steal this one:

Safe and secure elections are the bedrock of our democracy, and either the DeSantises are purposefully spreading false information or they are too uninformed about the Iowa Caucus to properly educate caucus-goers on how to participate in the process. These people have no idea what they’re doing and are simply engaging in play-pretend politics. …

The DeSantises specifically said they were calling on their campaign coalition groups of out-of-state, non-Iowa residents to illegally “descend on the caucus” and try to cast a vote.

The Trump campaign strongly condemns their dirty and illegal tactics and implores all Trump supporters to be aware of the DeSantises’ openly stated plot to rig the Caucus through fraud.

The backstory of this charge is pretty clear; it stems from a joint appearance DeSantis and his wife, Casey, made on Fox News on December 8, as the Washington Post reported:

Casey DeSantis, who often joins her husband on the campaign trail, has been promoting a “Mamas for DeSantis” 2024 coalition. She said on Fox News that “we’re asking all of these moms and grandmoms to come, from wherever it might be — North Carolina, South Carolina — and to descend upon the state of Iowa to be a part of the caucus.”

With Ron DeSantis sitting silently beside her, Casey DeSantis added, “Because you do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the caucus.” She said that people should come “let their voice be heard in support of Ron DeSantis,” the Republican governor of Florida.

This remark turned a lot of heads, and not just at Mar-a-Lago. Was it possible Casey DeSantis had spent months traipsing across Iowa without understanding there’s a strict residency requirement (not just Iowa or county residence, but precinct residence) for caucusing?

The Iowa Republican Party quickly put out a tweet clarifying the rules:

And then a rapidly backpedaling DeSantis campaign issued its own clarification via the candidate himself in informal remarks to the press.

“While voting in the Iowa caucus is limited to registered voters in Iowa, there is a way for others to participate,” he said. “They even let people go and speak on behalf of candidates, and they have all these precincts, so you may have people who really can speak strongly about our leadership that are going to come.”

So the official line from Team DeSantis is that Casey was simply and innocently encouraging “moms and grandmoms” from everywhere to buy plane tickets to Des Moines in order to whoop it up for Ron on Caucus Night. T

It may seem ridiculous for Trump to accuse the DeSantis campaign of trying to rig an election in which he’s polling at 30 points ahead but remember, he convened a commission to study alleged voter fraud in the 2016 campaign that he won! He also insisted that Ted Cruz had stolen the Iowa caucus during that campaign as well. He says it prophylactically, just in case, as he did in both of his presidential campaigns and is doing again this time. He also does it after the fact when he loses even if it’s just in the popular vote which doesn’t even count. He just does it, no matter what.

Now ask yourself why his ecstatic cult doesn’t see it? Why would any adult not think there’s something off about the fact that the man is incapable of ever admitting that he lost ? Doesn’t it occur to them that there is something very, very weird about all that?

Yeah, never mind. You’re right. They don’t care.

Lindsey Graham Is One Rude Dude

I don’t know if Lindsey Graham has ever been more inappropriate or more fatuous than he’s being now. Ukrainian president Zelensky went up to Capitol Hill where he was treated very disrespectfully by the House and lectured by Graham in the Senate:

“The key is to get the commander in chief involved in the negotiations. Sen. Murphy — I have no confidence he’s ever going to get a deal we can live with, because he’s worried about selling it to the left,” Graham said. “The commander in chief — if there’s a deal to be made — is going to have to get involved in the negotiations. It’s his job above all others.”

The South Carolina Republican, who has been part of border discussions in recent weeks, also complained that Murphy has been “very unhelpful” and that his “attitude about what’s going on is off base.” 

“We’re not holding the border hostage. We’re trying to protect the American people,” Graham said. 

Murphy declined to comment directly on Graham’s remarks, saying only that, “You’ll have to ask Sen. Graham about that.” 

Murphy and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) have kept up discussions toward a possible deal, but one does not appear imminent. Lankford told reporters Monday that he did not foresee an agreement being reached before the end of the week, and that because the House is scheduled to adjourn then for the Christmas break, the talks will be kicked into January. 

Discussions in recent days have centered between Lankford, Murphy, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and, most recently, White House chief of staff Jeff Zients. 

“We continue to make progress. We’ve made serious proposals that put us outside of our Democratic comfort zone. We need Republicans to stretch, and if they do, we can get there,” the Connecticut Democrat said. “There’s been significant back-and-forth.” 

Graham just wants to make Biden personally capitulate to a draconian border compromise so he can split the Democratic party which is already split on aid to Israel and Ukraine. He’s not even being subtle about it. It’s a very sticky wicket and I can’t predict how it’s going to come out.

But that’s politics. The rudeness of cornering Zelensky with this monumental drivel is outrageous:

Graham’s comments also came after he explained that he asked the final question to Zelensky during his meeting with senators Tuesday morning. As part of that question, Graham told the Ukrainian president that he feared he was being “used” by Democrats. 

“I like him and I admire him,’ Graham told reporters. “I said, ‘You’ve done everything anybody can ask of you. This is not your problem here. You didn’t make this problem. It will affect you and affect the whole world, but policy choices matter.’ 

“They made policy choices for three years to lead to a nightmare on the border. They need to change their policy choices,” he continued.

Graham added that his stance was only bolstered by recent comments made by FBI Director Christopher Wray that he sees “blinking red lights everywhere I turn” that could portend a possible major terror attack in the U.S. 

“I told President Zelensky my No. 1 obligation is to secure my country as well as help yours, and I feel like my country’s border policies are an immediate threat to the safety of the American people,” he said. 

Yeah. Comparing the perennial American problem of immigration with the invasion of Ukraine is insulting to everyone concerned. When Mexico starts lobbing missiles into Washington DC maybe it might make sense.

It’s just stupid MAGA BS and Graham knows better. But to spout this silly propaganda at the Ukrainian president is just embarrassing.

The ramifications of this are huge. Former Estonian President Toomas Ilves was on deadline White House earlier today and he said in response to Ali Velshi’s question about Russian expansion due to this resurgent threat to NATO which had receded when we mercifully voted out Orange Julius Caesar:

I would say that until recently people in this part of the world were not so concerned because we had complete and utter with in NATO and the United States. now recent developments and some of the rhetoric coming out in the presidential debates that we were watching closely and some of the statements of various senators, makes us rethink this. You know, just today or yesterday, here on the border with Russia, across from Estonia, the government of Russia put up a big billboard with a bear saying “Russia Knows No Borders.” That’s a pretty clear message there.

Yes, it’s a pretty clear message.

Now if the US thinks it makes sense in a global economy and an existential threat of climate change to abruptly withdraw from the world and stop being a guarantor of military help for our allies, I am skeptical that anyone has thought that through and understands what that would mean for America’s own security. But I would certainly hope that if they do this that our military spending will be slashed to bone as well. If all we need is a defensive force to ensure that our own homeland is secure then there is no need at all for all that.

On the other hand, our new possible Emperor, Donald Trump, has promised to build us an impenetrable dome above the whole country and I’d guess that will cost some money. But Trump will just handle that like he always does. He just won’t pay.

I shouldn’t joke about this. You don’t have to go back very far in history to see that the combination of a divided left and a fanatical right generally leads to no good. This situation is no good.

Some Good News!

The NY Supreme Court allows the Democratic majority to draw the congressional maps

Statue of Liberty New York City


New York’s highest court ordered the state to redraw its congressional map on Tuesday, delivering a ruling that immediately threw New York’s political landscape into chaos and reopened a process with sweeping national implications.

State Democrats are now widely expected to try to shift anywhere from two to six Republican-held seats, from Long Island to Syracuse, toward their party — a major pre-election intervention in the 2024 fight for the House that could alter a key battleground.

Powered by a new liberal majority, the State Court of Appeals effectively wiped out the highly competitive map that helped Republicans flip four seats and win the House majority. It said the neutral lines, which it had imposed just last year, were meant only to be a temporary fix.

By a four-to-three vote, the court directed the state to restart a mapmaking process that would ultimately return control over the state’s 26 congressional districts to the Democratic-controlled State Legislature. The court had stripped away that power in 2022 after an attempted gerrymander.

I’ve always been against gerrymandering and thought the districts should be neutrally drawn. But come on. In light of the Supreme Court’s recent rulings and Republican scorched earth tactics there really is no choice. We can see the stakes right now: if NY had not done what it did last cycle, we would not have Mike Johnson as speaker, Ukraine would not be on the verge of abandonment and the border would not be the hot potato it is now.

Oh, and we would not be facing yet another government shutdown and a Biden impeachment!

Democrats cannot afford to unilaterally disarm when it comes to this sort of thing. Thank goodness the NY Supreme Court ruled the right way.

It’s A Jolly, Holly Impending Fascism Christmas!


Maybe that’s a little bit dark. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and read the papers and turn on the news and it takes a while for my sunny disposition to reassert itself. (Ok, maybe I’m not that naturally sunny…) But I have to say after being on this earth for a long time now and writing about politics every single day for over 20 years, I do think I’ve developed a pretty good sense of when the political culture is going off the rails and when it’s business as usual. This may be the worst period I’ve experienced.

I have some recollection of the 60s but I was a little kid and mostly absorbed it through my older brothers, one of whom went into the navy and the other who was a draft resistor and activist — along with my father the military man. It was fraught, to say the least. The 70s were my coming of age period and they were not pretty. Economically it was just awful. But I was young and having fun and somehow I just thought that scrambling for coins in the couch cushions was the way it was. The 80s were what I think of as my coke, MTV and Reagan years. I spent much of them travelling and then trying to build a career. The 90s were spent working hard, without all that much to show for it. The politics of both of those decades were intensely frustrating. The rest is documented right here on Hullabaloo.

I started to see modern American fascism rising in the late 80s when a man named Newt Gingrich started to dominate the Republicans, hate radio dominated the airwaves and Roger Ailes’ experiment in extremist propaganda really took off. You didn’t have to be a soothsayer to see what was coming. And here we are.

It’s a very serious, acute situation. The Republicans are literally allying themselves with the nationalist autocrat Vladimir Putin as we speak. The narcissistic demagogue Donald Trump is beloved by tens of millions of Americans. And we have the fight of our lives on our hands to defeat them.

And I, for one, believe that it’s still likely. Maybe I’m smoking the hopium pipe but I really don’t think Trump will pull it out. The country is in a sour mood and people are lashing out at those in power. But reality bites eventually and I suspect that it’s going to start doing that in the new year as people realize the economy is improving and the threat coming from the right is actually getting worse.

And yes, I realize we are confronting serious problems with the Israel war, which is ghastly, as well as Ukraine. And homelessness and immigration remain top of mind although those are long-standing intractable issues that are always on a simmer coming to a boil. But in spite of that, I still have faith that more Americans will keep their heads and refuse to elect that ignoramus for another term.

Here at Hullabaloo we’ll be covering this election 24/7 with an eye toward the media coverage and how it’s affecting us. We try to synthesize the news in ways that you might find useful and we also do longer form analysis throughout the week. I hope that’s helpful for busy people. I know what it’s like trying to keep up when you have a tough job and family responsibilities and I always try to keep that in mind when I choose what to write about.

If you can help me keep the lights on here over this next tumultuous year, I would be so grateful. It’s a privilege to write about politics every day in a time when it’s so important and I couldn’t do it without your support. And thanks again to those of you who have done so in the past. It has meant the world to me.



And Happy Hollandaise everyone. We’ll get through this!

*keep scrolling for new stuff. 🙂

J.D Vance Is MAGA 2.0

He doesn’t have the requisite gaudy glamour but he’s got something else.

Just look at the arrogance of this conspiracy addled freak show saying that someone else isn’t living in reality:

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) on Monday dug into Sen. JD Vance’s (R-Ohio) recent remarks against sending further aid to Ukraine, calling the Ohio Republican’s comments “total and unmitigated bull‑‑‑‑.”

Vance, in an interview with former White House aid Steve Bannon earlier Monday, claimed some lawmakers are looking to cut Social Security benefits for more aid to Ukraine that he argued will be used so one of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ministers “can buy a bigger yacht.”

When asked about Vance’s remarks later on Monday, Tillis told reporters, “I think it’s bull‑‑‑‑.”

“If you’re talking about giving money to Ukrainian ministers — total and unmitigated bull‑‑‑‑,” Tillis continued. “Not productive conversation … not real happy about it.”

On Sunday, Vance reaffirmed his opposition to sending additional aid to Ukraine and said he does not believe Ukraine will ever be able to prevail over Russia. He argued the U.S. needs to accept Ukraine will likely need to “cede some territory” to stop its fighting with Russia and questioned how billions in additional aid to Ukraine will help the war-torn country.

Presented with Tillis’s criticism later Monday, Vance said he believes Ukraine is “one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.”

“We know that a number of people have gotten rich in Ukraine, and … I think it’s naivety if you don’t think they’ve gotten rich with some of our money,” Vance told reporters.

Maintaining that Tillis is “one of his favorite colleagues,” Vance said the North Carolina Republican is “not living in reality.”

“Well, it’s never good to have Thom Tillis peeved at us,” Vance told reporters Monday, adding later, “But with all due respect to Thom, he’s not living in reality. There is no plausible pathway to the end of the war where Ukraine goes back to 1991 or 2014. It just isn’t … that’s not a desirable thing; it’s not a good thing.”

“It’s the reality that we’re living in, and if you can’t accept it, you’re never going to actually force negotiation that’s going to bring this thing to a close.”

This is a very dangerous man. There’s something very off about him. Keep your eye on this guy. The chutzpah is off the charts.

Trump’s Top Ten Proclamations

And these are just for starters

Judd Legum came up with a good Top 10 Trump dictatorial promises. I might have put invading Mexico and destroying NATO in the top 10 but that’s just me.

Anyway, the first is his explicit promise to be a dictator on Day One. The following are the other nine:

Trump says election fraud in 2020 gives him the power to “terminate” the Constitution

On December 3, 2022, Trump posted the following message about the 2020 presidential election on his social media platform, Truth Social:

A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

Following a backlash from some Republican elected officials, Trump later claimed reports that he was open to terminating the Constitution were “fake news.”

Trump says he will issue “full pardons” to January 6 insurrectionists

Trump has promised to issue pardons to those involved in the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection. In September 2022, in an interview with Wendy Bell, Trump said, “I will look very, very favorably about full pardons… with an apology to many.”

In May 2023, during a town hall with CNN, Trump again said that he would likely pardon “a large portion of” insurrectionists, stating that “it’ll be very early on.” Trump said, “They’re living in hell… and they’re great people. Many of them are just great people.” Trump added that while he was “inclined to pardon many of them,” he couldn’t “say for every single one because a couple of them, probably, they got out of control.” 

Among those convicted for their actions on January 6 are Thomas Webster, who was sentenced in September 2022 to “10 years in prison for assaulting police” during the Capitol attack, and Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the former chairman of the Proud Boys, who was sentenced in September to 22 years in prison for “seditious conspiracy and other charges related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol.” 

Trump says he will cut funding to schools that cover subjects he believes are “inappropriate”

Trump has vowed to cut funding for schools that teach about aspects of race and gender. In a campaign video released in January, Trump promised to “cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children,” stating that “[w]e are not going to allow it to happen.” 

Critical Race Theory is a complex legal theory that is not taught in K-12 schools. Despite this, the right has dubbed many books that simply discuss racism as Critical Race Theory. Because of this, if Trump is reelected, any school that does not implement an ideological purge of its curricular materials could be at risk of losing federal funding.

Trump says he will legally erase trans people and ban them from military service

In a video posted to his social media platform Truth Social, Trump said he would “ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth” if reelected in 2024. At the Turning Point Action conference in July, Trump additionally promised to “restore the Trump ban on transgender in the military.” 

“No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender,” Trump said in the video. Trump falsely claimed that it is a concept “never heard of in all of human history” before “the radical left invented it just a few years ago.” According to the Human Rights Campaign, however, “transgender and non-binary communities” have existed for centuries.

Trump says he will end birthright citizenship by executive order

Trump has pledged, on his first day back in office, to “sign an Executive Order to stop federal agencies from granting automatic U.S. citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.” The Executive Order would “make clear that going forward, the children of illegal aliens will not be granted automatic citizenship, and should not be issued passports, Social Security numbers, or be eligible for certain taxpayer funded welfare benefits.” Moving forward, “at least one parent be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident for their future children to become automatic U.S. citizens.” 

Such an order would defy 125 years of legal precedent and the text of the 14th Amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” The 14th Amendment was adopted in response to the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision, which denied citizenship to people of African descent born in the United States. 

Trump says he will impose a new 10% tax on all imported goods

In an appearance on Fox Business on August 17, 2023, Trump pledged to impose a new 10% tariff on all imported goods. “When companies come in and they dump their products in the United States, they should pay, automatically, let’s say, a 10 percent tax,” Trump said. “I do like the 10 percent for everybody.”

This tariff would be passed on to consumers, who would be pushed “into buying higher-cost, lower-quality goods, because that’s what protectionism does, making America as a whole poorer.” It could also spark a wave of retaliatory tariffs, harming U.S. businesses and the global economy.

Trump says he will investigate NBC and MSNBC for treason and potentially remove the company from public airwaves

Trump has proposed investigating media publications for treason. In a post on Truth Social, Trump said that “Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC… should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.” Trump promised that when he “WIN[S] the Presidency of the United States” the media “will be thoroughly scrutinized.”

Trump also questioned whether media companies should be potentially removed from the airwaves. “Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE?” Trump called NBC a “true threat to Democracy” and “THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE,” stating that the “Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great country.” 

Trump says he will demand anyone convicted of selling drugs get the death penalty

In May, during a CNN town hall in New Hampshire, Trump said, “We’re going to be asking everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs, to receive the death penalty for their heinous acts,” adding that “it’s the only way.” According to Drug Policy Facts, there were 110,771 arrests in the United States “for sale or manufacture of a drug” in 2022.

According to NPR, expanding the death penalty as Trump suggests for drug offenses “would be a violation of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR),” which states that the death penalty should only be used for “the most serious crimes.”

Trump says he will order the arrest of all urban homeless and relocate them to federally-run tent cities

In August, Trump posted a video to his website announcing his plan to combat homelessness by “BAN[NING] urban camping wherever possible.” Trump promised that the “[v]iolators of these bans will be arrested, but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they are willing to be rehabilitated,” adding that “[m]any of them don’t want that, but we will give them the option.” 

Trump says he will “open up large parcels of inexpensive land, bring in doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, and drug rehab specialists, and create tent cities where the homeless can be relocated and their problems identified.”

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, “[t]here were nearly 600,000 Americans experiencing homelessness last year.” Ann Oliva, the CEO of the organization, told Newsweek that Trump’s plan was “alarming and dangerous in numerous ways,” stating that “[t]he way to end homelessness is not to arrest people and move them out of sight into internment camps.” 

By the way, he has also said that if the homeless refuse to be moved to these alledgly utopian prison camps probably in the desert he will have them arrested. I suspect he’ll put his old pal Sheriff Joe Arpaio or one of his heirs to do that job, as he used to do in Maricopa county where he housed inmates in desert tents with 100 degree heat. He liked to make them wear pink underwear too for some reason.

I realize that some of this reflects legitimate concerns and fear that way too many people will see his “solutions” as attractive in their simplicity. (Also there’s a clear desire to punish somebody for something among too many of our fellow Americans right now, and there are a number of vulnerable populations in the cross hairs.)

If you believe that we are still a nation of laws and constitutional rights then this stuff is as daft as Trump’s plan to build an impenetrable nuclear dome over the whole country. With out those safeguards, he can probably build as many camps as he wants and put all us vermin in them whenever he wants to. Who’s going to stop him?