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They Know Not What He Did

Or they pretend not to anyway

It may seem obvious that everyone in the country knows that Donald Trump tried to overturn the election results in 2020 because we all watched him do it live as it was happening. His campaign filed more than 60 lawsuits in various states, as was his right, none of which were found to be meritorious. His minions and accomplices in the Republicans party both in Washington and around the country actively tried to help him do that by pressuring election officials, persuading local officials to sign on as “alternate electors” etc. And I think you’d have to have been in a coma not to know that he aggressively tried to bully Vice President Mike Pence into refusing to count the electoral votes on January 6th.

Trump’s famous January 2nd phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger was all over the news the very next day in which he very pointedly said:

 “What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779-vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state.”

The state had already certified its results showing the Joe Biden won after several recounts, both by machine and by hand. There is simply no doubt that Donald Trump was attempting to overturn the election. They didn’t try to hide it.

Moreover, 139 Republican House members explicitly voted to overturn the results of the electoral college on January 6th at the behest and direction of Donald Trump, even after the violent mob stormed the capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of the certified electoral votes. The new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been called “the most important architect of the Electoral College objections” that day aimed at keeping Trump in office even after he lost. In fact, his status as an influential election denier for filing a widely derided amicus brief seeking to invalidate the 2020 election results in four swing states Biden won was key to gaining the unanimous vote for Speaker just this week.

And long after Trump was comfortably ensconced at his Mar-a-Lago beach club he was pushing his supporters to pursue “audits” of the vote even telling people that he would be reinstated in a matter of months. As recently as the fall of 2022 he was demanding that he be returned to the White House or hold a new election!

Whether you believe he was justified in doing it, or even think it was his patriotic duty to try, there is simply no doubt that Trump tried to overturn the election results. Denying that fact is simply delusional. And yet, as Aaron Blake at the Washington Post reports, it appears that tens of millions of Americans are in deep denial:

The Economist and YouGov this week became the latest to publish a head-scratching poll showing Republicans rejecting basic facts about Trump and his legal jeopardy.

The poll asked people whether Trump was “involved in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.” He, of course, was…But to most Republicans, this apparently never happened. Just 18 percent in the YouGov poll said Trump was involved in trying to overturn Georgia’s results, compared to 59percent who say he wasn’t.

It’s now the second poll to show the vast majority of Republicans saying Trump wasn’t even involved in trying to overturn the election. YouGov asked similar, non-Georgia-specific questions in August. Republicans said just 38-30 percent that there was an attempt to overturn the election. That’s shocking in and of itself. But then it showed only half of that 38 percent said Trump was personally involved.

So in both polls, only about 1 in 5 Republicans said Trump tried to overturn the election — the very basic threshold fact that undergirds two of his four indictments.

Now maybe they see this as a matter of semantics and judge that he wasn’t really attempting to “overturn” the election because it wasn’t really legitimate in the first place? But that would be an awfully convoluted explanation. More likely this is related to the fact that he’s been indicted in federal court in Washington DC and Fulton County Georgia for doing just that and they are simply unwilling to believe he’s guilty of it.

What this means is that The Big Lie, which was originally simply Donald Trump’s insistence that the election was stolen from him now includes an equally absurd lie that Trump never tried to overturn it.

It’s easy to blame the voters for this and ultimately it is their responsibility as citizens to be smart enough to resist such a ridiculous falsehood. Perhaps they just don’t know the truth because their media diet is so reliant on right wing propaganda that the facts aren’t easily available to them. But according to a new Pew Research Poll, while Americans generally are turning out the news more than they used to, Republican attention to current events has dropped precipitously:

In 2016, 57% of Republicans and independents who lean Rep­­ublican said they followed the news all or most of the time. In the 2022 survey, 37% said the same, a decrease of 20 points. By comparison, the share saying this among Democrats and Democratic leaners dropped by only 7 points, from 49% to 42%.

It’s likely that many of them are sticking their heads in the sand because on some level they either know the truth and don’t want to admit it or they believe that any news they don’t like is fake. They have been conditioned by Trump and the right wing press to only hear what they want to hear. He told them outright, “what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening” and they believed him.

It will be interesting to see what happens as Trump’s legal saga unfolds over the next few months. At this point it looks as though Trump’s hand-picked judge in Florida will drag the classified documents case out until after the election. And who knows when any trials in the Georgia case will take place? As things stand now, the federal case in Washington is the one most likely to go first and that’s where the evidence of Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the election will be laid out in great detail.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that it will affect most Republican voters even if he’s found guilty and sentenced to jail because they are impervious to the truth when it comes to their Dear Leader. The Big Lie gets bigger and bigger as time goes on and they seem to be powerless to resist it.


Times change. The arguments don’t.

Upcoming “Corporate Bullsh*t”

David Dayen reviews an upcoming book by Nick Hanauer, Joan Walsh, Donald Cohen and Zachary Roth. “Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America” examines the boilerplate arguments corporate shills have used to object “to virtually every government and social program, from the abolition of slavery to the increase in the minimum wage.”

Dayen writes:

These timeworn tactics have been successful, the authors write, because “they offer a civic-minded, reasonable-sounding justification for positions that in fact are motivated entirely by self-interest.” It’s an attempt to set the terms of debate and to make those terms unchanging and unmovable. The endless repetition of these talking points is a source of their strength. But identifying their history and application to virtually everything can be a source of their weakness.

The six categories of corporate bullshit begins with pure denial. “Never before has the black race of Central Africa, from the dawn of history to the present day, attained a condition so civilized and so improved, not only physically, but morally and intellectually,” said Senator and later Vice President John Calhoun of South Carolina in 1837, about chattel slaves. Nineteenth-century slavery advocate George Fitzhugh called slaves “in some sense, the freest people in the world.” This up-is-downism was later used to justify child labor (“perfectly happy”), industrial water pollution (“purer than the water that came from the river before we used it”), households in poverty (“such families don’t really exist”), pesticides (“no reports of illness or death”), smoking (“not addictive”), climate change (“nothing but beneficial”), and lead in consumer products (“helps to guard your health”).

Even if these issues are hazards to public health or economic well-being, the market is the great arm of discipline rather than government. Alan Greenspan made an entire career of believing that business will engage honestly or else lose customers; when the housing market collapsed in 2008, he admitted a “flaw” in his thinking. But this hasn’t stopped his ideological compatriots through the decades from claiming that progressive taxation, drug and workplace safety, equal pay, and more are inferior disruptions of the free market’s ability to handle these matters. “Safety is good business,” reads a 1973 Chamber of Commerce newsletter. And anyway, some consumers may want to sacrifice safety and quality products “for a lower price tag,” the Chamber’s Lawrence Kraus said the same year. Federal civil rights protections, similarly, interfere with free enterprise’s right to be racist, which can only be combated through the market itself.

Etc., etc.

Times change. The arguments don’t. Trying to help people actually hurts them; giving the poor a leg up destroys individual initiative; unemployment assistance is “not fair to the people that are currently in the workforce”; taxes punish success and redistribute wealth (SOCIALISM!), etc. No matter how old, they never go out of style.

The public’s short memory and schooling for trades rather than for citizenship helps hoarders of wealth get away with spewing these arguments largely unchallenged decade after decade no matter how many times the sky does not fall.

Dayen tweets (take a flyin’ leap, Musk) that Hanauer (a classic “traitor to his class,”), Joan Walsh, et al. have written “a reference book covering two centuries of the same tired conservative arguments against making any progress in this country.”

Heather Cox Richardson’s “Democracy Awakening” covers some of the same ground from a historian’s perspective. One sees the same struggle by the wealthy to preserve a society that services them at the expense of people they consider their inferiors. They never believed “all men are created equal” was more than a rhetorical flourish by Jefferson. Some even declare outright that this founding (radical) principle was a gross error. Confederates certainly thought so, and their modern equivalents still struggle to enforce that belief even while embracing the Declaration.

Royalists have been with us since the founding.

United States of Ameristan

You can’t win if you don’t show up to play

For The Win contact tracking map for Louisiana from 2020. Democratic committees in light blue and purple parishes had a website, active Facebook page, or published email address. A Hullabaloo reader from dark blue Sabine contacted me.

David Rothkopf described new House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana as representing “a movement that is actively seeking to institutionalize the religious beliefs of evangelical Christians into law.” Rothkopf was just getting warmed up (Daily Beast):

The term Christofascism may seem inflammatory. It is not. It is intended to provide the most accurate possible definition of what Johnson and those in his movement wish to achieve. Like other fascists they seek to impose by whatever means necessary their views on the whole of society even if that means undoing established laws and eliminating accepted freedoms. Christofascists do so in the name of advancing their Christian ideology, asserting that all in society must be guided by their views and values whether they adhere to them or not.

Johnson has ties, Rothkopf claims, to the Christianist New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Seven Mountains Dominionism. Read more at Daily Beast. David Corn has another chilling account of Johnson’s beliefs at Mother Jones. Men in Afghanistan who don’t think the same things as Mike Johnson think the same way. Fundamentalists are universally rigid, dogmatic, judgmental, uncompromising black-and-white thinkers. Fundamentalism is not about what you believe but how.

David Pepper yesterday explained where the Mike Johnsons come from. Gerrymandering is “fueling the insane and extremist behavior of the U.S. House and so many of the American statehouses.” Johnson has risen to Speaker of the House running either unopposed or in uncompetitive, lopsided districts where his extremist views were never really challenged in election after election. “He’s spent his entire career in a world devoid of democracy—devoid of accountability.”

But gerrymandering is only one reason. Democrats’ writing off rural America to focus on federal races handed Republicans the power in those statehouses to gerrymander them:

Democrats focus so much on federal offices in a few swing states, we have decided it’s acceptable to let the young Mike Johnsons of the world, or the Tennessee Republicans of the world, or the book banners, or the abortion banners (no exceptions), and so on, do all the damage they’re doing in statehouses, and not even face opposition in elections that could be referenda on their extremist actions if we made them that.

The Louisiana map above is an object lesson. Of 64 Louisiana parishes in 2020, only 11 Democratic committees had a website, active Facebook page, or published email address for For The Win or the public to contact. Random newspaper stories suggest some exist, but how would anyone know or find them?

Run everywhere, Pepper insists. Don’t let Republicans walk into seats of power unopposed! Bring accountability.

Until we do, all this will keep happening. Mike Johnsons and Jim Jordans and MTGs will keep emerging everywhere, along with hundreds of others like them we will never hear of, we will not run against, but who will be doing great damage every step of the way, while rising through the ranks.

Run everywhere, yes. But running everywhere is easier said than done. At my 2022 review, roughly one-third of Georgia’s 159 counties had no Democratic committees, no party infrastructure to either recruit or support potential candidates willing to make local elections at least nominally a contest. Democrats Joe Biden, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff won in Georgia statewide in the 2020 cycle on the strength of Atlanta and environs, but Republicans hold a trifecta in state government.

Pepper insists:

Of course they’re going to be extremists when they thrive in a world where they CAN be extremists, never facing any real opposition (often no opposition at all) despite taking positions that only a few years ago were soundly rejected by their own party.

Ending the GOP’s hold in state governments and ultimately in Congress may seem a prospect as slow as eroding the Appalachians, but without making that effort, we could be living before then in the United States of Ameristan.

Mike Johnson Doesn’t Believe In Democracy

That’s because he’s never actually participated in one

This piece by David Pepper is illuminating:

A few years ago, now-Speaker Mike Johnson said we do not live in a democracy.

As I wrote several months ago, it’s a common right-wing refrain.


Johnson turns out to offer the perfect example of how in today’s gerrymandered world, people can ride to the highest levels of power without facing a real election their entire careers.

Which means they can be complete extremists and never face accountability for it. It also means that not only do they not know democracy, they actually come to fear it. Not just because they have never experienced it, but because it poses the biggest risk to their grasp on power.

Let’s take a look at Johnson’s career to see how it works:

Before entering office, he spent his years fighting for right-wing causes as a lawyer—like fighting same-sex marriage and to keep in place laws criminalizing sodomy. That’s his right to do, of course, and I’m glad he was largely unsuccessful.

But then his political career began:

In early 2015, when the state representative where he lived in Louisiana ran for another office, Johnson ran for the vacancy.

Incredibly, even that first run for office was unopposed. There ended up not even being an election! So he initially assumed power without ever having faced the voters in a general election.

(No wonder he thinks we’re not a democracy!)

Once in office, he got to work advancing the goals he had fought for as a lawyer, but now as a legislator. One law he pushed within months was so extreme that major Louisiana companies lobbied against it, and even Republicans rejected it, tabling it 10-2 in committee.

What did the voters think about the fact that in only months, he had already proven to be too extreme for even his own party?

We don’t know, because when Johnson ran again that Fall for next 2-year term, he was again unopposed.

No primary.

No general.

How easy! He pays the filing fee, gathers some signatures, and gets to go right back to the legislature with no accountability to the people whatsoever.

(Again, no wonder he doesn’t think we’re a democracy!)

On the strength of his failed bill, and unopposed election victories—on that unmistakable mandate from a people who had no choice in the matter—Johnson decides it’s time to take his political juggernaut to Congress.

And then he encounters the marvels of lopsided districts. He wins in 2016, 2018 and 2020 with the winning margins we have come to expect in a gerrymandered world:

30% (2016)
30% (2018)
35% (2020)

And then in 2022, even after being one of the most active participants in Trump’s January 6 coup attempt, he returns to his roots and runs unopposed again.

For the third time—no wonder he thinks we’re not a democracy!

Bottom line: the now-Speaker of the House is the perfect example of the modern extremist.

He’s spent his entire career in a world devoid of democracy—devoid of accountability:

-It’s how he entered—even his initial entree unopposed (that’s pretty rare, actually. Not even a primary).
-It’s how he rose.
-It’s his most recent race.
It’s all he’s ever known!

And it’s why all the unabashed and toxic extremism he’s espoused along the way has essentially gone unchecked the entire time.

Mike Johnson IS the current generation of GOP leaders and members. No accountability—ever! Which means all the incentives he’s faced encouraged him to keep being extreme.

Now imagine hundreds just like him. Of course they’re going to be extremists when they thrive in a world where they CAN be extremists, never facing any real opposition (often no opposition at all) despite taking positions that only a few years ago were soundly rejected by their own party.

You actually don’t have to imagine it—just look around. It’s so many states. And it’s the GOP chaos caucus in the House.

There is also the matter of ideological, partisan sorting among the electorate. People want to live alongside like minded people and as our politics have become polarized, they explicitly choose to do it more and more. (I also think a lot of people just adopt whatever the prevailing political view around them are because they really aren’t that interested in the first place.) The main point is that the manipulation of the House voting system has created these bastions of right wing extremism that now seem to be almost impermeable. With the influence of right wing propaganda on both the voters and the political officials, you end up with Mike Johnson.

The House GOP Pushes The Guardrails

With Trump putting all his weight behind them

Margaret Sullivan with a sobering take on the Speaker debacle:

The process was appalling, and the outcome even more so, as Republicans in the House of Representatives finally found someone they could more or less agree on.

That agreement, though, may be more accurately described as simple exhaustion after three weeks of embarrassing misfires.

And who is it they have managed to elect speaker of the US House, the person in line to lead the nation just after the president and vice-president?

It’s Mike Johnson of Louisiana who, as one example of his profound unsuitability, brags that he doesn’t believe that human beings cause the climate crisis, though his home state has been ravaged by it. He is against abortion, voted against aid to Ukraine and stridently opposes LGBTQ+ rights.

Perhaps most notably, Johnson had a leading role in trying to overturn he 2020 election.

That means that the official second in line to the presidency “violated his oath to the constitution and tried to disenfranchise four states”, as the writer Marcy Wheeler neatly put it.

Johnson certainly has his Trumpian bona fides in order. In 2020, he helped lead a legal effort to reverse the results of the election in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and he hawked Trump’s lies that the election had been rigged.

Whatever his shortcomings, we know that Johnson excels at one thing: pleasing Donald Trump, the autocrat wannabe and Republican party leader who loves nothing more than a good yes man.

This, of course, follows weeks of chaos for the House Republicans, who put up three better-known nominees – Steve Scalise, another Louisianan, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Tom Emmer of Minnesota – before Johnson.

In a historic display of arrogance (not to mention the inability to actually count votes), Jordan tried and failed three times. For this, I suppose, we can be mildly grateful since Jordan is an especially awful person who, as Ohio State wrestling coach, reportedly looked away from credible abuse allegations by the team doctor.

The failed efforts by Scalise, Jordan and Emmer came after the ousting of Kevin McCarthy of California – no stalwart for democracy, either – who, in the end, acted a little too responsibly to satisfy the extreme right flank of his party. Those extremists were outraged by McCarthy’s decision to prevent a government shutdown by passing a stopgap funding resolution.

All told, it’s been quite a month for Republicans who – with their ever-helpful media allies – enjoy describing the opposing party as “Democrats in Disarray”. In fact, there was quite a bit of actual array over the past month as Democrats stayed unified and voted, time after time, for Hakeem Jeffries of New York.

Jeffries was never going to be speaker of this Republican-controlled House but he very likely would have been a fine leader of the chamber. He is someone who apparently understands how elections and the peaceful transition of power are supposed to work, and someone who could competently step in as president, should that need arise.

What’s the worst that can happen with Johnson at the helm? There’s no way of knowing but it could be ugly as next year’s presidential election looms.

Shortly after Johnson’s election, a reporter asked President Biden if he is worried about whether, if he wins re-election next year, Johnson might try to overturn the election.

“No, because he can’t,” Biden responded. “Just like I was not worried that the last guy would be able to overturn the election.” He added: “They had about 60 lawsuits … and every time they lost.”

But American democracy has edged ever closer to the brink since then.

There’s no guarantee that the guardrails that held fast in 2020 would do so again four years later. And, let’s face it, if Trump is re-elected, they never will again.

I have to assume that Biden knows very well that the danger is acute and believes he has to say this to reassure Americans in the integrity of the electoral system so they will vote. But whether he believes it or not, Sullivan is right. This system is teetering on a knife’s edge as the Republicans coalesce more and more around winning the presidency by any means possible. They have convinced themselves that it is literally impossible for them to legitimately lose. Once that happens any democracy is on the verge of failing.

Better than Trump’s?

Say it ain’t so!

I guess I’m past hoping that people will ever “feel” that the economy has improved as long as the price of eggs is higher than it was in 2010. But honestly, I think that Trump’s ongoing presence in our political culture makes his followers gleefully pretend that the world has gone to hell since he left office and the rest of us are just depressed and enervated by the relentless chaos he causes.

Still, the news is true. The economy is rolling and the relentless doom saying over the past couple of years, predicting an imminent recession, remains wrong.

By the way:

 Inflation has moderated — to 3.7 percent from last summer’s peak of 9.1 percent …

The spate of recent growth is welcome news for the White House, which has invested heavily in infrastructure as part of its “Bidenomics” plan. Economists say its clear those policies are paying off: Robust manufacturing construction and government spending drove much of last quarter’s growth, and households have continued to benefit from historic job gains.

But despite $302 billion in infrastructure spending, the Biden administration has struggled to convince voters that its economic policies are working for them. Biden’s ratings on economic matters are lower than ever, with just 32 percent of Americans saying they approve of the president’s handling of the economy in a recent CNBC poll.

Why? This is why:

It never fails. Biden is old, dontcha know?

Another Day, Another Mass Shooting

It’s hard to find anything to say about this anymore. A disturbed man takes up one of his easily obtained semi-automatic weapons and mows down a bunch of innocent people. The gun proliferation zealots instantly call for more guns and better mental health. Oh, and thoughts and prayers. It never, ever, changes and I have come to believe that we are now addicted to the cycle of violence as some sort of primitive cleansing ritual. It makes no rational sense.

This latest shooter reportedly had mental illness and was hearing voices. According to some reports about his social media, he was also a right winger. Surprise.

It also sounds like he and his family are gun extremists. Maybe this guy is lying, but it tracks:

The Ads Write Themselves

The new Speaker of the House is a Christian Right extremist.

He was a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund for 20 years:

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, is an American conservative Christian legal advocacy group that works to expand Christian practices within public schools and in government, outlaw abortion, and curtail the rights of LGBTQ people. ADF is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, with branch offices in Washington, D.C., and New York, among other locations. Its international subsidiary, Alliance Defending Freedom International, which is headquartered in Vienna, Austria, operates in over 100 countries.

ADF is one of the most organized and influential Christian legal interest groups in the United States based on its budget, caseload, network of allied attorneys, and connections to significant members of the political right. Individuals associated with ADF have included U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, former vice president Mike Pence, former attorneys general William Barr and Jeff Sessions, and Senator Josh Hawley.

ADF attorneys have argued a number of cases before the Supreme Court, taking positions such as support for religious activity in public school and Christian prayer at town meetings; narrowing coverage of contraceptives under the ACA; prohibiting same-sex marriage, and supporting businesses in the wedding industry who refuse to service gay marriages. ADF lawyers also wrote the model for Mississippi’s anti-abortion legislation involved in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the decision that overruled the 49 year-old precedent case Roe v. Wade establishing the right to abortion.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) designates ADF as an anti-LGBT hate group, saying in 2017 that, since the election of President Donald Trump, ADF had become “one of the most influential groups informing the [Trump] administration‘s attack on LGBTQ rights.”The ADF has taken many anti-LGBT positions: it opposes same-sex marriagedecriminalization of same-sex sexual activity, and anti-discrimination laws, as well as taking an active role in writing model anti-transgender bills for state legislators.

When he’s right, he’s right.

Acapulco In Ruins

A Category 5 hurricane hit the city and nobody saw it coming

I didn’t see one news report about any of that yesterday on cable. (I sure am glad I got to hear hour after hour of lying Republicans instead.) Anyway, it’s a good thing global warming is a hoax or this sort of thing might be a problem:

Hurricane Otis, a tropical storm that strengthened suddenlyinto the most powerful cyclone known to have hit Mexico’s Pacific Coast,slammed into the tourist resort of Acapulco on Wednesday and battered nearby beach communities.

The hurricane’s 165-mph winds shattered windows, rattled tall buildings and snapped power and telephone lines.

There were no immediate reports of deaths — but there was no communication from the areas that were hit hardest. Telephone and internet service was cut, and major roads were flooded or covered by landslides. “We’ve completely lost contact,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told journalists hours after the storm’s landfall at 12:25 a.m. local time. “We just don’t know.”

The Category 5 hurricane disrupted electrical service, plunging beachside hotel rooms in Acapulco into darkness. Guests threw mattresses over shattered windows and scrambled into bathrooms to protect themselves, videos shared on social media showed.

Streets in the city of 1 million disappeared under heavy rains. Cars and shopping carts bobbed in the floodwater. The wind whipped the face offa shopping mall. People on the upper floors of apartment buildings pleaded for help escaping.

“The devastation that we are seeing this morning … is horrific,” journalist Víctor Olivares wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Michelle Rivera, a radio journalist, posted video she said was recorded in an Acapulco hospital, of people clutching bedclothes as high winds blew through a corridor. Videos shared on social media later in the day showed palm trees bent or toppled, streets full of debris, buildings that looked as though a giant claw had scraped their exteriors.

As recently as Monday, Otis was expected to be a run-of-the-mill tropical storm. But on Tuesday, it intensified faster than any eastern Pacific storm on record. Its winds increased by 90 mph in just 12 hours. It barreled into Acapulco as what the U.S. National Hurricane Center called a “potentially catastrophic” Category 5 storm.

Rapidly intensifying hurricanes are notoriously difficult to predict, but meteorologists tweeted that the forecast for Otis was “an almost incomprehensible miss” and “a fail of epic proportions. ” Hurricane warnings weren’t issued for southern Mexico’s western coast until 2 a.m. local time Tuesday, about 24 hours before landfall. Even then, the forecast was for only a Category 1.

Rapidly intensifying hurricanes — defined as storms whose winds increase by at least 35 mph in 24 hours — have become more common in recent years. They’ve been made more likely by the effects of human-caused climate change and warming oceans. They’re more difficult to forecast and harder to prepare for, often leading to more damage, injuries and deaths.

As Otis approached on Tuesday, authorities in Guerrero state scrambled to open shelters. The army and navy deployed troops to aid residents in damaged buildings.

More than 504,000 customers lost power. Mexico’s state-run electricity utility put its workers on “warrior status” and restored service to nearly half of them before noon Wednesday.

Of special concern was the 140-mile stretch of coastal villagesthat stretches from Acapulco to the beach resort of Zihuatanejo, López Obrador said. The area was lashed two weeks ago by Tropical Storm Max and was in no position to absorb more rainfall.

The rain triggered landslides that blocked the “Highway of the Sun,” the toll road from Mexico City to Acapulco. Other roads were flooded. Hundreds of cars and trucks backed up, unable to pass for hours, including military relief vehicles.

Around the country, people with family or friends in the affected area tried to reach them, without success. Manuel Añorve, a senator representing Guerrero state, where Acapulco is located, said Wednesday afternoon that he was stuck with the scant information appearing on social media.

“I haven’t been able to reach my spouse, my children, my mother, my siblings, my friends,” he told the newspaper 24 Horas. “The information is trickling out in drops. I’m very worried.”


On Wednesday, though, Acapulco was a city in shock. Dozens of restaurants, hotels and homes suffered serious damage, Mexican media reported.

Among them was the Princess Mundo Imperial, an iconic Acapulco hotel shaped like an Aztec pyramid. The 50-year-old property, with five pools, waterfalls and a golf course, was the final residence of Howard Hughes.

On Wednesday, its roof was shattered and rain poured into the interior, dousing broken furniture, chunks of concrete, splintered wood and mattresses, images shared on social media showed. A car had been swept into the lobby.

A guest at the hotel, Luisa Peña, said she was startled when the lights in her room blinked off on Tuesday night. “I hid in the closet and started to pray, to meditate, to calm myself down,” she said in a video posted to X by the Mexican journalist César Jiménez. “I was overwhelmed by panic.”

Slaughter in Maine

Not Big Daddy’s ‘American carnage,’ is it?

Image via Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office.

After Otis strengthened from a tropical storm to a Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours before slamming into Acapulco on Wednesday, CNN’s Derek Van Dama called it “the new normal…. Climate change? The fingerprints written all over it.”

Nope, climate change deniers will insist.

After a suspected firearms instructor and Army reservist armed with an AR-style rifle murders 16 in Lewiston, Maine, injures dozens, and throws multiple communities into shelter-in-place lockdown, gunophiles will insist the problem isn’t easy access to guns either.

The suspected shooter remains at large as I type this. Hannaford Supermarkets has closed all its stores in Maine until at least 10 a.m. L.L. Bean has closed its facilities across Maine as well.

New York Times:

  • It has been more than 12 hours since deadly overnight shootings killed at least 16 people, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, and left dozens injured in Lewiston, Maine. The massive manhunt continues Thursday morning for Robert Card, 40, a person of interest linked to the overnight attacks at a restaurant and a bowling alley, with authorities saying he is armed and dangerous. Residents in Lewiston and the nearby towns of Lisbon and Bowdoin are under a shelter-in-place advisory.

Here’s what to know about the shootings and the manhunt so far:

  • Lewiston police reported that shots were fired at around 7 p.m. Wednesday at Just-In-Time Recreation, a bowling alley formerly known as Sparetime Recreation, in the city of about 38,000. Authorities said on social media Wednesday night that there was an active shooter incident unfolding at the bowling alley and Schemengees Bar and Grille, a restaurant about four miles away. Many parents and children at Just-In-Time were there as part of a children’s bowling league, according to the Associated Press.
  • At least 16 people were killed in the attacks, and the death toll is expected to rise, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss initial information gathered by first responders. The victims have not been publicly identified as of Thursday morning.
  • A second law enforcement official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, said a review of Card’s background showed that he is an Army reservist who has struggled with mental health problems this year. Card, of Bowdoin, has been described by authorities as a firearms instructor who was assigned to a training facility in Saco, Maine.
  • The death toll in Lewiston is already the largest mass shooting in the United States this year. It is also the 34th mass killing in the country this year.
  • Many of the schools in the state will not open on Thursday in response to the ongoing manhunt.
  • A police news conference is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Eastern at Lewiston City Hall.

The “34th mass killing” this year is the 565th mass shooting in the United States, defined by the Gun Violence Archive as “a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident. Mass Murder by gun is a subset of the Mass Shooting count.”

That’s not the kind of broad “American carnage” Donald Trump meant in his inaugural speech, but it’s the “new normal.” Four Americans in ten are just fine with that.

Nope. Easy access to guns is not the problem, gun violence deniers will say. The only fingerprints belong to the shooter. It’s not even a problem when it’s “bad” people with easy access.

Weapons and explosives recovered from Hamas terrorists in Israel.

Nope. Must be mental illness. Uh-merica gotta hurry up and do nothing about that too.