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No Labels Working for MAGA

Their plan to gum up the election might as well be coming from the RNC

As the saga of the House Speaker’s race continues into   week, it’s obvious that this Republican House majority is more dysfunctional than at any time in history. This week was supposed to yield a new crop of candidates, among them at least one or two who could bring about a consensus among the moderates (sic)who hail from Biden districts, the institutionalists who allegedly care about maintaining the US system of government and the nihilists who just want to blow everything up. It’s not going well.

There have been a number of shifting demands from these various factions but we now know that the one inviolate criterion is that any new Speaker must be an election denier. Yesterday, their leader Donald Trump made it very clear that he will not allow anyone who has ever crossed him in that way or any other can be allowed to have gavel. So when Tom Emmer, R-Mn., who voted to certify the election on January 6th, was nominated for the job, Trump trashed him on Truth Social for failing to understand “the Power of the Trump Endorsement” then reportedly got on the phone with members to make his wishes known. Within the hour told a confidante, “he’s done. It’s over. I killed him.”

It’s tempting to see this as a simple Trump ego power play. Emmer didn’t kowtow to the Big Lie so he wanted revenge and he got it. I’m sure that’s a big part of his motivation for interfering that way. After all, what difference can it really make to him who is the Speaker of the House in this congress? Well, if you think about it, it might make a very big difference. If he decides to once again contest the election results if he doesn’t win, having a puppet in the job could be very helpful to his plans to attempt another coup. Does anyone think he wouldn’t try it?

Obviously, he wouldn’t have the same levers of power that he had as president in 2020 to do things like attempt to enlist the Justice Dept. in his scheme. But that was actually a small part of the plot and it failed anyway. Most of what they did was an outside game, with the Team Crazy lawyers taking the lead and attempts to coerce state and local election officials to rig the election after the fact. But it also required the cooperation and participation of “the Republican congressmen” who Trump referred to as his accomplices when pressuring DOJ officials. Many of them were aware of the “fake elector” plot and were more than prepared to step up if Vice President Pence had done his part to usurp the constitution.

It may sound crazy that he would even attempt such a thing again considering all the legal jeopardy he’s facing in both federal and state court for what he did last time. But that’s exactly why he is most likely to try it again. It’s the one sure thing he can count on as a get-out-of-jail free card. (And yes, if he’s found guilty in the Georgia case and he finds his way back to the White House anyway, I’m sure he believes there’s no reasonable enforcement method. Are they going to send the Fulton County sheriff to the White House to bring him to jail? Would the Secret Service let them do it?)

Luckily for Trump there’s an outside group that’s determined to help him do it this time and they’ve got a serious plan. The centrist think tank Third Way has been warning the public about their erstwhile allies No Labels for a while now. (It’s a sign of the times that such a split would happen between two groups allegedly representing the “center.”) Now they’re sounding a deafening alarm.

We’ve known for a while that No Labels has been planning to run an independent candidate which they have assured everyone they would only do if it would not play spoiler and elect Donald Trump. Such assurances have always been empty since their pollster Mark Penn (who is married to Nancy Jacobson, the leader of the organization) has been MAGA friendly for years. Third Way’s memo explains their change of plans:

Since they launched their third-party presidential effort last year, the No Labels Party has repeated a central refrain: “our bipartisan ticket, led either by a Democrat or a Republican, will not be a spoiler — we are in this to win.” But that has now changed. No Labels has made clear that their new plan is to put a Republican at the top of their ticket. And because they can’t win the presidency outright, they’ve indicated that their intention now is to exercise leverage over the winner by denying both major parties 270 Electoral College Votes (ECVs). That radical new plan would ensure a second Trump term.

No Labels spin is that by putting a Republican on the top of the ticket they will be denying Trump a victory but that’s not true. In fact, the whole thing is much more likely to deliver him back to the White House. Their own polling shows that this No Labels ticket could result in denying either party the required 270 electoral votes they need. And we know what that means:

None of this is speculation. No Labels put out a chart based on their new polling that shows their candidate (from either party) can’t win …

Their chief strategist has said publicly they are preparing for a contingent election in which they try to win a few states and deny Trump and Biden 270 electoral votes. This, No Labels believes, would give them leverage to cut a deal by promising their electors’ support to whichever major party candidate they deem more worthy.

It’s very special that No Labels believes it can or should “cut a deal” to install the next president without winning a majority of electoral votes. Apparently, Donald Trump has convinced these supposedly principled centrists that corrupting the election even more than he did is perfectly respectable.

But that’s not what would happen in this situation anyway. They would have to somehow coerce electors into voting their way which isn’t likely so the actual outcome would be that no party reaches the 270 vote threshold and it goes to the House of Representatives where the party that has the most delegations decides. Guess which party has more delegations? The Republicans, all of whom would be ecstatic to have the chance to steal the election for Donald Trump.

If you think this House speaker election is a three ring circus, this would be a nuclear meltdown. But I have to say it’s very fitting that a supercilious centrist group like No Labels would deliver the death blow to American democracy. I’m sure they’ll find a way to blame the Democratic hippies for it anyway.


Time to pay it forward … somewhere else

Bored? Who has time to be bored?

Protestor outside the Capitol, Fascism does not equal Freedom. Photo by Lorie Shaull (2017) via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi left her post with a historic legacy of accomplishment. There is much there to admire. I wish she’d go back to San Francisco. Or at least leave Congress. She could take Steny Hoyer, Dick Durbin, and Chuck Schumer with her for the good of her party. (Let Republicans clean their own houses.)

Political life in this country is dominated by a gerontocracy that is stunting its growth. Local Democrats are forever lamenting the lack of young blood in their ranks. But look around at the dominance of wrinkles at most any meeting. It’s not a particularly inviting environment for people under 50. And with the oldsters tending to stay in positions of power well beyond their “best by” dates, the young have nowhere to go. Why bother wasting the time?

The Washington Post reports that the trend extends beyond politics:

Yet even beyond Washington, a geriatric elite also controls many other aspects of an aging society, to such an extent that in some professions there are deep concerns about how those roles will be filled in decades to come. In medicine, big business, farming, construction trades, and across much of the American economy, the workforce is getting older and older. In the leadership ranks, the elderly are increasingly staying in command, well past traditional retirement age, which can sometimes limit the positions available to younger workers from a wider variety of backgrounds.

“Why should people at the top of their game retire? This is their life,” Jonathan Evans tells the Post. Evans, a geriatrician in Charlottesville, studies demographics and retirement.

Why? Because while with age comes some degree of experience and wisdom, locking out the young starves society of fresh ideas and innovation at time when both are sorely needed. If we sneer at the ultra-rich for not knowing the meaning of the word ‘enough,’ is it any wonder the young might sneer at the old for not knowing when to move on?

From New Year’s Day 2018: “[A]n organization doesn’t thrive when leaders hang on beyond their time. Nor will young activists join one with the institutional vigor of a men’s fraternal organization.”


“Age diversity is super important to a healthy society,” said Brian Spisak, a Harvard public health researcher and business consultant. His research on voters’ attitudes toward the age of political candidates found that “people prefer the look of older leaders to assure stability and younger leaders to explore alternatives.”

When one generation seems to be in charge, he said, the results can be unsettling. In politics and business alike, “when leadership stays too long, they can be stiff and unchanging,” Spisak said. “Older employees bring a ton of practical knowledge … But if you’re staying on and status-hoarding, maybe you’re not really a leader, you’re just somebody in a hierarchy trying to maintain power.”

I remind Democratic Party functionaries that one of their principal jobs as leaders is to train their replacements. But succession planning is often far down their list of priorities.

The Post concedes that the job market is changing, younger job-seekers are job-hopping, and “the old tough-it-out culture” of seniority that once held sway no longer does. But whether in farming or in medicine or in politics, opportunity is more attractive than years of standing in line hearing “it’s not your turn.”

Yes, Joe Biden is older than I’d like. But that problem won’t solve itself until leaders in this country and in both major parties start investing in their country’s future leaders the way they invest in themselves. They need younger blood not just for the cosemetics but for institutional vitality.

William Tate, the 81-year-old mayor of Grapevine, Tex., has held that position for 48 years and he’s convinced his work is keeping him alive. “If you retire, what do you do?” he said. “Your mind and body start shutting down. I would be so bored, I don’t think I’d live very long.”

Bored? Who has time to be bored? Democracy in this country and in the world is at risk. Authoritarianism is on the rise, if not flat-out fascism, fergawdsakes.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country” is more than a typing drill. Those who have made their fortunes and reputations are well positioned in their retirements to commit themselves more fully to something greater than status-hoarding and padding their retirement accounts. *

“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required,” it says in Luke. This country has given much to its oldsters. What is required now is for those with all that age, experience, and influence to pay it forward to the young. Wringing the last drops out a career in power is not the way.

*Update: Something greater meaning to saving democracy while letting a new generation operate it.

Attorneys at loss: Cohen, Powell, Chesebro and Ellis

File under ‘Sunk-cost fallacy’

Jenna Ellis this week is the fourth Trump attorney to learn the hard way that loyalty to Donald Trump is a fool’s game. David Graham writes in The Atlantic, “Loyalty to Trump is seldom returned, with disastrous results for those who offer it.” Ellis pleaded guilty to a single felony in an Atlanta courtroom and offered a tearful apology:

“As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings,” she said, her voice breaking with emotion. “If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse.”

Another former Trump attorney who received jail time in exchange for his years of fealty to Trump testified against him in the New York fraud trial yesterday in Manhattan.

Graham observes:

If Ellis and Cohen are not in good company, they are at least in big company. Over the years, many people have agreed to work for Trump and put their reputations, to say nothing of criminal records, on the line for him. The former president demands near-total fealty, browbeating and punishing allies for any deviations. (Just ask Representative Tom Emmer, who became the GOP’s latest nominee for speaker of the House today, and then almost immediately became the former nominee, after Trump blasted him on his social-media site.) But when these loyal lieutenants need the favor repaid, Trump ghosts them.

This one-way loyalty has burned boldface names and relative nobodies alike. Many of the people who served in Trump’s administration or served as his allies in Congress have found themselves diminished and sometimes legally ensnared. Many of the people convicted for their participation in the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol have expressed anger at Trump and said they felt hoodwinked by him. He has floated the idea of pardoning them if he regains the presidency. Even if he wins, they should know that his track record of following through is bad.

More are likely to follow these four. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, in particular, although there are other by-now familiar names. Theirs will enter the history books in a chapter following those on Richard Nixon’s Watergate goons and Ronald Reagan’s Iran-Contra accomplices.

Part of the explanation is the attractions of power. Like moths to a flame, as it were. But in Trump’s case, our culture of celebrity wealth drew people to him first. Trump knew “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” sold soap long before Robin Leach began doing it in the mid-1980s. Look again at the cover shot on the 2018 New York Times expose on the Trump Organization. It’s a leftover from the Times’ 1976 profile of the self-promoting Trump who we now know claimed “his father’s wealth as his own” to boost his image as a budding real estate mogul. But he conned the Times into believing. Victims of “Anna Delvey” bought her rich girl con as well.

Trump was a fraud then. He is a fraud now.

Many victims of cons delay admitting their mistake. They know in their guts that they’ve been scammed, but hold out hope that thay have not. It’s a defense mechanism against humiliation not unlike the sunk-cost fallacy, “our tendency to follow through on an endeavor if we have already invested time, effort, or money into it, whether or not the current costs outweigh the benefits.”

Like Trump’s attorneys, the rest of MAGAstan is so heavily invested in Trumpism that letting it go will be a severe hit to believers’ self-esteem:

The sunk cost fallacy occurs because we are not purely rational decision-makers, and we are often influenced by our emotions. When we have previously invested in a choice, we will likely feel guilty or regretful if we do not follow through. The sunk cost fallacy is associated with commitment bias, where we continue to support our past decisions despite new evidence suggesting that it isn’t the best course of action.

We fail to consider that whatever time, effort, or money we have already expended will not be recovered. We end up making decisions based on past costs instead of present and future costs and benefits, which are the only ones that rationally make a difference.

The sunk cost fallacy may, in part, occur due to loss aversion, which describes that the impact of losses feels much worse to us than the impact of gains. We are more likely to avoid losses than seek out gains. We may feel that our past investment will be ‘lost’ if we don’t follow through on the decision, and make our choice based on loss aversion rather than consider the benefits gained if we do not continue our commitment.

The same applies to cults and to why it’s so hard to escape them. Jan. 6 convicts and Trump’s lieutenants are finding out the hard way. MAGAs are attracted to Trump because many already feel like they’ve lost status in an increasingly multicultural America. He conned them into feeling like society’s winners again. They won’t give that up readily.

Meadows Made A Deal

We knew he said something but we didn’t know how much.

And it turns out that his book is a pack of lies:

Former President Donald Trump’s final chief of staff in the White House, Mark Meadows, has spoken with special counsel Jack Smith’s team at least three times this year, including once before a federal grand jury, which came only after Smith granted Meadows immunity to testify under oath, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The sources said Meadows informed Smith’s team that he repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were baseless, a striking break from Trump’s prolific rhetoric regarding the election.

According to the sources, Meadows also told the federal investigators Trump was being “dishonest” with the public when he first claimed to have won the election only hours after polls closed on Nov. 3, 2020, before final results were in.

“Obviously we didn’t win,” a source quoted Meadows as telling Smith’s team in hindsight.

Trump has called Meadows, one of the former president’s closest and highest-ranking aides in the White House, a “special friend” and “a great chief of staff — as good as it gets.”

The descriptions of what Meadows allegedly told investigators shed further light on the evidence Smith’s team has amassed as it prosecutes Trump for allegedly trying to unlawfully retain power and “spread lies” about the 2020 election. The descriptions also expose how far Trump loyalists like Meadows have gone to support and defend Trump.

Sources told ABC News that Smith’s investigators were keenly interested in questioning Meadows about election-related conversations he had with Trump during his final months in office, and whether Meadows actually believed some of the claims he included in a book he published after Trump left office — a book that promised to “correct the record” on Trump.

ABC News has identified several assertions in the book that appear to be contradicted by what Meadows allegedly told investigators behind closed doors.

According to Meadows’ book, the election was “stolen” and “rigged” with help from “allies in the liberal media,” who ignored “actual evidence of fraud, right there in plain sight for anyone to access and analyze.”

But, as described to ABC News, Meadows privately told Smith’s investigators that — to this day — he has yet to see any evidence of fraud that would have kept now-president Joe Biden from the White House, and he told them he agrees with a government assessment at the time that the 2020 presidential election was the most secure election in U.S. history.

‘We did win this election’

Trump was already questioning the integrity of the election months before Election Day. Then, within hours of polls closing on Nov. 3, 2020 — as Trump was beginning to lose key states — Trump claimed on national TV that it was all “a major fraud.”

“Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump declared.

Meadows told investigators earlier this year that he’s long believed Trump was being dishonest when he made that statement, given the fact that votes were still being counted and the results from several states were not in yet.

Nevertheless, public testimony has shown that in the weeks after the election, Meadows helped Trump vet allegations of fraud that were making their way to Trump from people like Rudy Giuliani, whom Trump put in charge of legal efforts to keep Trump in the White House.

But Meadows said that by mid-December, he privately informed Trump that Giuliani hadn’t produced any evidence to back up the many allegations he was making, sources said. Then-attorney general Bill Barr also informed Trump and Meadows in an Oval Office meeting that allegations of election fraud were “not panning out,” as Barr recounted in testimony to Congress last year.

Meadows has said publicly that he believed “a number of allegations” still warranted “further investigation,” and that he “hadn’t reached a conclusion” on the election overall by late December.

Also by then, Trump had run out of legal options. When the U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 11, 2020, denied his final court challenge, Trump told Meadows something to the effect of, “Then that’s the end,” or, “So that’s it,” Meadows recalled to investigators, according to sources.

Still, Trump wouldn’t back down, insisting there was widespread fraud but that the Justice Department wasn’t “looking for it,” Barr recalled.

While speaking with investigators, Meadows was specifically asked if Trump ever acknowledged to him that he’d lost the election. Meadows told investigators he never heard Trump say that, according to sources.

On Jan. 2, 2021, Meadows helped set up the now-infamous phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, during which Trump pressed Raffensberger to “find 11,780 votes … because we won the state.”

Meadows has said publicly that he essentially introduced everyone on the call — which is corroborated by transcripts of the call that were made public — and he has said he was simply trying to help them resolve a dispute over Georgia’s election results.

On the call, Trump mentioned allegations of fraudulent ballots hidden in suitcases, which the Justice Department had already taken “a hard look at” and debunked, according to Barr’s testimony.

As described to ABC News, Meadows told Smith’s investigators that, around that time, there were many times he wanted to resign over concerns that the way certain allegations of fraud were being handled could have a negative impact — but he ultimately didn’t leave because he wanted to help ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

‘Sheer volume of falsehoods’

Aided by a ghostwriter, Meadows published his book, “The Chief’s Chief,” nearly a year after Trump left office.

“[T]he sheer volume of falsehoods that have been published about the president’s time in the White House is astounding,” the book says. “I consider this book a small opportunity to correct the record.”

Trump even promoted the book himself, issuing a statement in December 2021 saying the book “rightfully spends much time talking about the large-scale Election Fraud that took place … also known as the Crime of the Century.”

But sources told ABC News that when speaking with Smith’s investigators, Meadows conceded that he doesn’t actually believe some of the statements in his book.

According to the sources, Meadows told investigators that he doesn’t agree with what’s in his book when it says “our many referrals to the Department of Justice were not seriously investigated.”

Meadows told investigators he believes the Justice Department was taking allegations of fraud seriously, properly investigating them, and doing all they could to find legitimate cases of fraud — and he told investigators he relayed all that to Trump a few weeks after the election, the sources said.

Similarly — as described by sources to ABC News — despite Meadows telling investigators that Giuliani never produced evidence of significant fraud in the election, his book refers to Giuliani’s efforts to expose “the fraud, and the dirty tricks on election night.”

“The people who rigged this election knew that eventually, these irregularities would come to light … [So] they conducted the operation, then attacked anyone who dared ask questions about what they had done,” his book says.

Meadows went even further while promoting his book on right-wing media in November 2021. When asked by a podcast host if he believes the outcome of the 2020 election was fraudulent, Meadows responded, “I do believe that there are a number of fraudulent states … I’ve seen at least illegal activity in Pennsylvania [and] in Georgia” — referring to two key states that clinched the White House for Biden.

Under the penalty of perjury, Meadows offered a vastly different assessment to Smith’s investigators, telling them he’s never seen any evidence of fraud that would undermine the election’s outcome, according to what sources told ABC News.

‘I guess these people are more upset’

The final report by the U.S. House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol accused Meadows of including “a number of intentional falsehoods” in his book, but the committee’s report focused on allegations about Trump’s actions on that fateful day, not claims about the election more broadly.

Portions of what Meadows told investigators appear to align with broader testimony that other top White House aides, including former Meadows assistant Cassidy Hutchinson, provided to the House committee, describing a president seemingly hesitant to take decisive action to stop the violent mob on Jan. 6, 2021.

Sources said Meadows confirmed that at one point, as the riots were unfolding, Trump got on a call with then-House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, and told McCarthy, “I guess these people are more upset than you are.”

However, according to what Meadows told investigators, Trump seemed to grow increasingly concerned as he learned more about what was transpiring at the Capitol, and Trump was visibly shaken when he heard that someone had been shot there, sources said.

Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot when she tried to break through a barricaded entrance near the House chamber. Other Trump supporters sustained fatal injuries that day, and a law enforcement officer died after trying to defend the Capitol.

Meadows has not been charged in Smith’s federal case, he has been charged — along with Trump, Giuliani and 16 others — by authorities in Georgia for allegedly trying to overturn the election results in that state. Four of those charged have already pleaded guilty and agreed to testify for the prosecution, while the others, including Meadows, Trump and Giuliani, have pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.

Meadows sought to have the Georgia case against him moved to federal court, but that effort was denied. He is now appealing that decision.

From 2013 to 2020, Meadows represented North Carolina in Congress, where he also led the conservative House Freedom Caucus for two years.

Under the immunity order from Smith’s team, the information Meadows provided to the grand jury earlier this year can’t be used against him in a federal prosecution.

Trump has pleaded not guilty in the election-related federal case against him.

A spokesperson for Smith and an attorney for Meadows declined to comment to ABC News for this story. A spokesperson for Trump’s presidential campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

There’s a reason he has been keeping a very low profile. Now we know what it is.

Thank You Mitt

They all say they love Trump’s policies. What policies?

Most “moderates” rationalize their support for Trump by saying that while they don’t like his personality so much they really support his policies. And nobody ever asks them to be specific about what politics they liked? His only policies were to reverse anything Obama did, cut taxes and stack the Supreme Court with wingnuts (which would have been done by any Republican) a Muslim ban, a tariff war that cost the country billions, a wall that never got built and that’s about it. His “policies” were just a bunch of half-baked notions from the 1980s and whatever he thought of in the moment.

The “policies” most Republicans support is the “policy” of having their team in power and that’s about it. It doesn’t matter who facilitates it.

With Friends Like These

Yesterday he said he was trying to stay out of it:

He is demanding a MAGA true believer and so are the MAGA true believers in the House. This is the crux of the problem. They will settle for nothing less than a Trump cultist for speaker and the rest of the caucus knows that spells disaster for the House.

And yet, it’s highly likely that at least 90% of House Republicans will vote for Donald Trump in November of 2024.


Welp, Emmer just dropped out.


Elle Hardy author of Beyond Belief: How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World (yikes!!!) wrote this for TNR about a new war on the poor by Evangelical Christians:

A God who does his best work in the dark hours is integral to the story of American evangelical Christianity. The stuff of country music songs and conversions in roadside motels, Jesus tends to come to people at their lowest and loneliest. The only problem is that some of God’s most pernicious modern apostles understand this all too well. At a time when fewer and fewer believers are going to church, it is consumption, in these dark times, that illuminates a deeply antisocial shift in evangelical Christian beliefs.

Chief among the new doctrines is the idea that God rewards “seeding”—that is, the “sowing” of financial donations to churches, or favored online preachers—with a material harvest in return. The prosperity gospel might sound as old-fashioned—and feel as familiar—as a preacher in a three-piece suit, but a new and cynical version is making a comeback across ministries both old and new; among people who go to church and those who get their faith online.

Enter the church and, more specifically, preachers who specialize in the “health and wealth” form of faith. Quietly, outlets such as television channel INSP, the rebrand of Jim Bakker’s PTL Television Network, have become a fixture in the top 20 highest-rating channels in the nation. With viewership increasing 1,171 percent since 2010, the network that runs John Wayne films by day and Joel Osteen sermons by night has gained a foothold in American households.


For all of its certainty, social media algorithms favor muscular Christianity. During the pandemic, when people couldn’t go to church, the preachers who had the online infrastructure in place to broadcast sermons—and accept donations—found a whole new audience: members of “mom and pop” churches who had nowhere else to go. Those who ended up getting their Christianity from Facebook rather than the pulpit found it all too easy to fall down into some extreme theological rabbit holes. And without anyone to bounce new ideas off, they had no mooring—there was no congregation to moderate radical ideas.

Scott McConnell believes that this bombardment of new ideas has disrupted conventional Christian teachings. “We have access to so much knowledge and so many information sources,” he says, and unless believers are intentionally returning to the Bible, few have the time to “check their credibility.”


In May, Jason Mattera, son of Joseph Mattera, one of the most influential modern prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation—which emerged from the Pentecostal-Charismatic tradition that is sweeping all of evangelical Christianity before it—wrote a piece outlining a new direction for prosperity theology. In the article, titled “A Biblical View of Work and Welfare,” Mattera junior opined that, while Christians should help to alleviate poverty, they are not “under any obligation to help indolent bums.” Such people, he added “are not entitled to our generosity” (emphasis his).

While the concept of prosperity gospel has always held some latent hostility to the poor—that your circumstances belie a lack of faith or at least that you’re not doing it right—Mattera’s view highlights an escalation of prosperity-gospel thinking that says the quiet part out loud.

In Mattera’s vision, which appears rooted as much in right-wing talking points as in theological ideas, “​​there are clear worldview implications for Christians to consider on the topic of work and welfare.” A hereditary influencer who made his name creating a “whites-only scholarship” while at college, he concedes that Christians should be at “the tip of the spear” when it comes to looking after the poor but largely for other Christians. The unfortunate, he writes, “have chosen the path of poverty.”

This is a worldview that seeks to wage not a war against poverty but a war against the poor instead—those who have, in his view, shown insufficient faith. This might come as a surprise to anyone with even a passing knowledge of the teachings of Jesus, but it represents the culmination of a long strand of American Protestantism that gained hold after World War II.

Emerging from the New Thought movement espoused by Ralph Waldo Emerson and friends in the 1830s, ideas about “mind power” found an amped-up audience in America’s new world primacy. Reds were under the beds, and evangelicals believed that this was an existential threat to the self-made, God-fearing man. Fretting that the New Deal was welfare masquerading as communism, Protestant leaders—who until then had largely set themselves outside and above the political realm—began making common cause with political opponents of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Historian of the prosperity gospel Kate Bowler describes the merger of faith and conservative politics as incorporating the “American gospel of pragmatism, individualism, and upward mobility.”

At the same time, a renegade movement called New Order of the Latter Rain emerged to challenge the established Pentecostal hierarchy by promoting the idea that God’s blessings could be obtained on demand rather than by waiting for them to be bestowed on the pious. “Inverting the well-worn American mantra that things must be seen to be believed,” Bowler says, the prosperity gospel “rewards those who believe in order to see.” To this day, the majority of proponents of the prosperity gospel come from the Pentecostal-Charismatic tradition. (There is one important exception, though: the Reformed Church of America minister Norman Vincent Peale, whose book The Power of Positive Thinking had a lot of purchase, not least on the Trump family who were fixtures in the front row of his New York church.)

Once something of a fringe movement that was looked down upon by other evangelicals, today’s Pentecostal-Charismatic preachers—often calling themselves nondenominational—have captured the energy of American, and global, Christianity to the point that everyone from Catholic priests to mindset influencers is embracing the Holy Spirit and its powers over mind, body, and wallet. This version of Christianity has toned down the emphasis on the afterlife for an understanding of the world here and now. Like any politician seeking election, the God of prosperity speaks to issues at the kitchen table.

For Arizona pastor Thomas Anderson, author of Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way and CEO of The Word for Winners, Biblical tales can be contextualized in modern terms. “Mary and Joseph took a Cadillac to get to Bethlehem because the finest transportation of their day was a donkey,” he told his congregation in 2009. “Poor people ate their donkey. Only the wealthy used it as transportation.”

A modern Messiah that owns nice wheels is really one of victory: For some, that may be overcoming personal hardship, for others, triumph over the forces of darkness. Transport apparently being a particular preoccupation of this Jesus, last month, during a telethon fundraiser, Louisianan prosperity preacher Jesse Duplantis announced that his ministry purchased a $21 million jet. According to the Roys Report, it will sit in the driveway behind the smaller business-traveler jet already owned by the ministry.

During the same broadcast, pastor Jerry Savelle joined the stage to announce that his ministry was seeding $100,000 for a private jet of his own. “I was sowing for the future,” he said, but God told him that “there’s something bigger, better, faster, and more range in your future.” Handing the check to another preacher on the stage, Savelle offered the money “out of my aviation account.”

That ordinary churchgoers are happy to give money to those who so obviously don’t need it can be confounding to many, but it speaks to people of faith living in a world where we equate valuing something with paying for it. We only need to look at the number of people who are willing to pay Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest men, for VIP access to his free social media site.

In this sense, it would be unfair to attribute the resurgence in prosperity-gospel beliefs to the lack of education found in the Lifeway study. It found that churchgoers who have a high school diploma or less were more likely to believe in the prosperity gospel (81 percent) than those with a bachelor’s degree (67 percent).

It’s easy to deride believers in the prosperity gospel as misinformed or uneducated. But for all of Mattera and his fellow trevelers’ views about people living in poverty, there is a growing body of evidence that the failings of the secular world are driving believers to faith-based alternatives. And this movement is going global: Research out of Brazil, where Pentecostal-Charismatic churches are overtaking Catholicism as the primary expression of Christianity, found that economic downturns push people toward the gospel of health and wealth—and, politically, to more religiously conservative candidates. One man’s spiritual Ponzi scheme looks a lot like another’s solidarity network, and for those who believe that there are better ways than the state to look after people, it’s a powerful thing.

God help us.

Democrats Refuse To Take The Media Bait

Greg Sargent observes this tiresome dynamic in which the media expects the Democrats to vote for a far right Speaker of the House because the wingnuts won’t take yes for an answer. He notes that it didn’t work this time. There’s a lesson in that:

When Democrats refused to save Kevin McCarthy from the hard-right faction of House members who ousted the California Republican as speaker earlier this month, the pundit recriminations were thunderous and damning: Democrats had “burned” future possibilities of bipartisanship. They’d squandered a chance to own “the adult brand.” They should have “saved the country” but betrayed it instead.

But now, with Republicans still struggling to elect a speaker, Democrats’ strategy — largely charted by Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries — is plainly working. The New York Democrat’s approach to navigating the GOP’s disaster isn’t just proving to be good politics for his party; it’s likely to produce a better result for the country as well.

Only weeks ago, Jeffries faced stern questioning from reporters on whether his party would provide the votes to rescue McCarthy and prevent the House from plunging into prolonged chaos. But this affair shows that when Democrats ignore the disapproval of the pundit class, the spotlight turns back on GOP efforts to quell their mania within. It has forced Republicans to vote on whether a full-blown MAGA firebrand such as Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan really merits the awesome powers of the speakership.

Eight Republicans are now running to be speaker after Jordan fell short of the 217 Republican votes he needed last week. Punchbowl News reports that the “top contender” is Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), who voted to certify Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss, as well as for previous rounds of Ukraine aid and government funding.

By contrast, McCarthy relentlessly whitewashed the Jan. 6 insurrection. He also tried to renege on a deal to maintain spending at a level both parties support. Democratic aides tell me they consider Emmer a more reliable negotiator than McCarthy, though few will say this publicly to avoid rallying conservative support against him.

To Jeffries’s credit, McCarthy’s downfall also forced Republicans to vote publicly on Jordan for speaker (who maxed out at around 200 GOP votes), which benefited Democrats politically. As Ronald Brownstein writes for the Atlantic, the mere fact that most Republicans nominated a member so deeply involved in Trump’s 2020 conspiracy vividly showcases the GOP’s turn away from democracy.

But the vote also forced Republicans to defeat Jordan, compelling some to go on record rejecting the MAGA tactics wielded by his supporters, such as bullying their colleagues and threatening holdouts. The bloc of 20 to 25 Republicans who voted against him — a combination of vulnerable members from swing districts, experienced appropriators and military veterans — bucked MAGA and have lived to tell the tale.

If Republicans can’t get 217 votes for one candidate, they will have to revisit the idea of empowering Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (N.C.) as temporary speaker, Punchbowl reports. Though Republicans rejected that option last week, the pressure is mounting to find a solution, and several have offered resolutions that would let McHenry preside over passage of so-called “must-pass” legislation.

The rub is that because the far-right wing opposes this move, it would require Democratic support — which gives Democrats leverage. Rep. Ann Kuster (N.H.), chair of the New Democrat Coalition, said her group would back a bipartisan option, including a temporary speaker such as McHenry, with assurances that legislation backed by a majority of House members would get a vote.

Such legislation could include aid to Ukraine and government funding once current spending runs out in mid-November. Finding a bipartisan coalition here is not at all far-fetched: More than 100 Republicans recently voted for Ukraine aid and for temporary government funding at mutually acceptable levels (though that temporary funding ultimately didn’t include the Ukraine money).

Rather than once again expecting Democrats to rush in and help Republicans clean up their own mess, it would require the GOP to take responsibility for what’s happening in its ranks, and compel the party to seriously entertain working with Democrats to make the House a functional governing body again.

Some Democrats, such as Kuster, think Republicans will gravitate toward this endgame if they can’t elect anyone. “What they’ve been telling us is they have to hit rock bottom,” Kuster said. “I think we’re getting there.”

I wonder. But at the moment, the Democratic refusal to make their own members walk a plank and vote for some anti-abortion, culture war, Trump sniffing wingnut (which describes all Republicans to at least some extent) they held strong. The Republicans own this and that’s exactly how it should be.

Rep. Tom Emmer won the nomination for Speaker this morning with only 117 votes. They then did a roll call by name and he won a few more but came far short of the 217 it will take to win. So really, they are no closer than they were last week. The MAGA freaks believe that if they hold their breath until they turn blue they will eventually force the RINOs to capitulate and give them what they want.

A Flawed Democracy

Political Scientist Rachel Bitecover:

The first time I posted about the harsh reality of America’s collapsing democracy, it seemed like many folks were genuinely surprised to see that America is not actually the Greatest Democracy on Earth.

According to the democracy index compiled by the EIU and published annually by The Economist, America is actually a “flawed” democracy.

The United States was downgraded from “full” to “flawed” democracy after half of America handed the keys to the White House to a wannabe dictator-con man who immediately began to roll back civil liberties and ignore the rule of law.

That’s why the very second I saw the topic Steve Levitsky’s and Daniel Ziblatt’s latest book, Tyranny of the Minority I knew I had to get them onto the show.

In Tyranny, Levitsky and Ziblatt, who are both professors at Harvard and are also the authors of another important book you should definitely read titled How Democracies Die, have put their fingers right onto the pulse of something you need to understand: America’s institutions are failing and must be reformed for our democracy to ever flourish again.

Our institutions were brilliant constructs of an 18th century world and a newly born country with one common fear among its creators: too much consolidation of federal power.

Thus, America’s Constitution was constructed to remove the creation of policy from the direct control of its chief executive, which is why most Americans are familiar with the terms “checks and balances” and “separation of powers” even if they’d be hard-pressed to specify what it means exactly, or how it actually works, in any meaningful way.

So concerned with the centralization of national power were the Founding Fathers that they codified checks and balances and separation of powers within each branch of government too.

As America is painfully learning right now, the House of Representatives was given sole “first mover” power in the appropriations process even though the “power of the purse” was granted to Congress at large. We can not fund the government without the House of Representatives which is why having it closed for 3 weeks while the Republican Party fights over custody of the kids is so damaging to our domestic and foreign policy interests.

Its why federal judicial appointments and treaty approval power belongs solely to the Senate.

Its why Chief Justice John Marshall wasn’t laughed out of the room when he asserted that the judicial branch had a “right of review” of actions taken by the legislative and executive branches in what went on to be called “judicial review.”

Yes, the Founding Fathers were positively OBSESSED about centralized power and did everything they could to gum up the works and force compromise in a system designed with one main goal in mind: to avoid creating a tyranny of the majority.

American institutions are designed to have a bias against action. It is very easy to propose legislative goals and very hard to actually enact them. This was true in America’s best of times and this, my friends, is not the best of times.

Fast forward 236 years and the very same institutional checks and balances that were supposed to protect us from a king have left America all but paralyzed on policy formation. Name a pressing policy problem and you’d be hard pressed to find Congress effectively legislating it despite robust public opinion begging for action on issues like immigration reform, climate change, and gun safety.

So what happened? Why have the institutions that served our young Republic so well, for so long, suddenly feel like they’re in danger of collapse?

You can hear the interview here.

Eye of the beholder

It’s only straight talk when the press doesn’t do it

Sen. John McCain dubbed his campaign bus the “Straight Talk Express” during his 2000 presidential run. Voters claim to prefer straight talk to mealy-mouthed answers from their politicians. Donald Trump, the MAGA cult claims, “tells it like it is.”

“He’s outspoken. Other candidates wouldn’t tell you how it is, but he does.” – Betty Tully, August 2015

But straight talk is in the eye of the beholder. Straight talk from popular Fox News celebrities consists of xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and branding anyone to the left of Germany’s WWII dictator as hating America. Shy about being branded the enemy of the people, the straight press often shuns straight talk.

Maybe that’s one of the many reasons the news business is in such a slump. The press danced around calling Trump’s lies lies for years. When finally they began, of course, and whenever he didn’t like his coverage, Trump declared them the enemy of the people and invited his cult to hurl invective at reporters. Voters are fickle about what they consider straight talk.

Dan Froomkin (Press Watch) has called out New York Times headline writers for months for substituting dainty euphemisms for straight talk: “The New York Times cannot bring itself to definitively state anything negative about powerful people in a headline.” Euphemisms are obfuscatory, like the Nixon administration using “counter-insurgency strikes” in place of straight talk. (They were carpet-bombing Cambodia.)

In this news environment, extremists and crooks become “firebrands” and “norm busters.”

Froomkin wrote last month, “It’s not just an individual failure. It’s a system failure. The headline writers are often very low-level editors whose nightmare scenario is being fired for a headline that makes the story appear liberal. So they avoid that at all costs.”

There are rude terms for describing such people. We won’t use them here.

Brian Beutler this morning considers House Speaker contest press coverage of Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, that wrasslin’ “conservative firebrand“:

But we got a brief and revealing glimpse of how major news outlets would’ve greeted a Republican speaker—even one handpicked by Donald Trump—after Republicans rejected Jim Jordan, leaving the Washington Post to publish this lengthy profile of the Ohio Republican without the coronation it clearly intended to use as news peg.

I’m not sure if this qualifies as a “beat sweetener” because, at several thousand words, it isn’t all flattering. To the contrary, it’s really an investigation and recapitulation of Jordan’s scandalous past as a wrestling coach at Ohio State University, communicated in the language of a soft-touch profile.

But because it’s both things at once, it provides a few clues as to how beltway political journalists would have covered Jordan had he become speaker.

  • HEADLINE: “Relentless Wrestler”;
  • SUBHEADLINE: “Jim Jordan is an unyielding combatant, whether grappling on the mat or in the halls of Congress”;
  • The article describes Jordan’s “firebrand defense of [Donald] Trump”;
  • It depicts Jordan “On the mat… a fury of arms and legs, more will and stamina; than brute strength, always on offense, probing weakness, seeking leverage”;
  • It marvels at his “metabolic energy.”

Those quotes all come from the lead portion of the article, and it’s peppered throughout with many similar examples. This contrast between the frank descriptions we see of the Republican Party as a whole, and these sorts of sanded-down descriptions of the people responsible for the chaos, is hard to figure from the outside. But it’s perfectly consistent with the professional customs of American political journalism that I’ve been describing in our video series, Decoding the News.