pic.twitter.com/AMrSYRuyen Is there ANYTHING more douchey than an FBI Excecutive?
— Kyle Seraphin (@KyleSeraphin) March 7, 2025
This is James Dennehy who said he was going to "DIG IN" in order to resist a simple and lawful request from DOJ to hand over case information.
He was also leaking info as a "whistleblower" to Corey…
His letter to the staff:
Late Friday, I was informed that I needed to put my retirement papers in today, which I just did. I was not given a reason for this decision.
Regardless, I apologize to all of you for not being able to fulfill my commitment to you to serve as ADIC NY for at least two years. But as I leave today, I have an immense feeling of pride – to have represented an office of professionals who will always do the right thing for the right reasons; who will always seek the truth while upholding the rule of law; who will always follow the facts no matter where they lead and be unapologetic about it; who will never bend, break, falter, or quit on your integrity; who will always handle cases and evidence with an overabundance of caution and care for the innocent, the victims, and the process first; and who will always remain independent.
So with that, here is my final Top 10 list:
Top 10 Things I’ll Miss about the FBI
10. The commute to work. NOT.
9. The investigations. Doesn’t matter what squad you are on – the work is the best in the world.
8. The intensity. You have to be in it to realize what I mean. But we all know how significant what we do is.
7. The FBI brand. Do not fret. Those three letters still mean something – and there is only a select group of folks in this world, past and present, who can say they’re with the FBI. Be proud of that.
6. The camaraderie – within our own Bureau family, and with all law enforcement – local, state, federal, and international. There is no better fraternity in the world.
5. The opportunity to put on a suit and tie to conduct interviews in the morning, throw on some street clothes to conduct surveillance in the afternoon, debrief a sensitive source in a safehouse overnight, and then get up early for a SWAT arrest the next morning. Then rinse and repeat.
4. The badge. What it took to earn it and what it means to carry it.
3. The independence. We will not bend. We will not falter. We will not sacrifice what is right for anything or anyone.
2. The impact. Our work helps shape foreign policy, community awareness, international relations, wartime decisions, and public safety. Every. Single. Day.
1. All of you – every single one of you who has earned your position within this phenomenal organization.
I’ve been told many times in my life, “When you find yourself in a hole, sometimes it’s best to quit digging.” Screw that. I will never stop defending this joint. I’ll just do it willingly and proudly from outside the wire.
Semper Fidelis,
I would assume that this guy is a Republican (most of the mare) but if so, maybe he’s been wised up. He should run for office in one of those shitty NY purple districts and take down one of those jerks like Mike Lawlor.
He looks like Dick Tracy. Or Sgt. Rock. In these shallow, reality show times we live in that’s not nothin’.
The Guardian reported on his departure:
Dennehy’s ouster comes a month after the removal of eight veteran FBI officials, including the head of the Washington field office, involved in criminal investigations into Trump, which were launched after he lost the 2020 election. Department of Justice officials also demanded the names of all FBI agents who investigated Trump supporters who participated in the January 6 2021 attack that led to at least seven deaths.
“Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own as good people are being walked out of the FBI,” Dennehy wrote to staff last month. “And others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and FBI policy.”
Dennehy compared the situation to his experience as a marine in the early 1990s. He recalled digging a small 5ft-deep foxhole where he hunkered down for safety.
“Time for me to dig in,” Dennehy said.
The resistance by Dennehy – along with the acting director, Brian Driscoll, and the acting deputy director, Rob Kissane – prevented the retaliatory firing of thousands of FBI officials, NBC News reported. Dennehy’s removal is likely to reignite fears of mass layoffs of career officers who were simply following the law and FBI policies.
Trump has promised to fire “some” FBI agents who he said were “corrupt” – without providing any evidence.
Dennehy spent six years in the Marine Corps before joining the FBI after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He was appointed to lead the New York office in September 2024, and played a key role in the corruption investigation of the New York city mayor, Eric Adams.