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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

QOTD: Joe Biden

When asked why he dropped out:

Ultimately, Biden said, he wanted to make sure former President Donald Trump, whom he described as a “genuine danger to American security,” loses in November.

“The critical issue for me still — it’s not a joke — maintaining this democracy,” he said. “I thought it was important. Because, although it’s a great honor being president, I think I have an obligation to the country to do what [is] the most important thing you can do, and that is, we must, we must, we must defeat Trump.”

Trump couldn’t even admit he legitimately lost in 2020. The difference in character is monumental. And I genuinely believe that’s why he’s so disoriented right now. He simply can’t imagine doing anything out of obligation to the country.

Oh Snap

I was fortunate not to listen to that”interview” last night (two hours of Trump and Musk is more than even I can take) but it certainly sounds like a typical Trump ramble so I don’t think I missed much. The Trump campaign didn’t like that statement at all:

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung lashed out the Harris-Walz campaign Monday with an obscene public statement accusing staffers of being “f—ing cowards.”

Cheung posted his foul-mouthed message on X in response to a statement from the Democratic campaign trashing Trump’s softball interview with Elon Musk. “All these statements, yet nobody ever puts their name on them,” Cheung wrote. “F—ing cowards.”

You no doubt remember that Musk previously supported Ron DeSantis who chose to make his campaign announcement on X which also had technical issues as Trump’s appearance did last night. (You’d think Musk would have avoided that last night…) Trump responded to that debacle this way:

In May 2023, DeSantis launched his ill-fated bid for president in a Twitter Space with Musk that also went awry thanks to technical hitches—an unmitigated disaster the Harris campaign recalled while trolling Trump on Monday night. On Truth Social, Trump’s social media platform, the account for the Harris campaign “ReTruthed” a post Trump wrote last year mocking DeSantis.

“Wow! The DeSanctus TWITTER launch is a DISASTER!” Trump wrote at the time. “His whole campaign will be a disaster. WATCH!”

Live by the troll, die by the troll.

Also: For some reason Trump was slurring and lisping throughout this weird thing. What’s up with that?

So Much For Fundamentals

I’ve written before that I suspect this ongoing discontent with “the economy” actually stood in for something else:

It was the age thing. That’s all it was.

Oh, and by the way, inflation numbers came in today lower than expected. Sorry Donnie:

Whatever that panic was last week seems to have been a bit …. uhm premature.


How about this?

All that’s changed is that one of the old guys withdrew.

Harris Snatches Back The Youth Vote

She’s more culturally aligned

The Daily Blast podcast with Greg Sargent introduces findings by the Harvard Youth Poll’s John Della Volpe:

An important new poll of young voters finds that Harris’ entry has dramatically shifted their preferences in her favor and against Trump. Which confirms a larger story: The Democratic-leaning constituencies who had drifted toward Trump now may be swinging to Harris, exposing a weakness in his previous support.

A new survey conducted for Won’t PAC Down in battleground states (AZ, GA, MI, NC, NH, NC, PA, WI) finds 18-29 year-old registered voters (that’s important; more later) favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump by 51-42, a 13-point shift from a previous poll showing support for Trump. The poll was conducted before the announcement of Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota as Democrats’ vice-presidential pick and the high-energy rallies that followed.

Della Volpe believes approval for Harris needs a margin somewhere in the mid-50s, as it was in the 2020 election among this cohort. A 20-point margin here in the battleground states helped bring Joe Biden victory in 2020.

Borrowing from Steve Jobs, Della Volpe says in politics some people don’t know what they want until we show it to them. These voters see what they like now.

These voters and the youngest among them see themselves more reflected in Harris than in Trump. They see someone willing to fight for their values. Culturally, her dancing and cooking and musical tastes more align with theirs, making them more open to her message. Biden lacked that cultural alignment. (His campaign’s attempt to use TikTok was cringeworthy.)

Della Volpe thinks the addition of Walz will only add to the Harris campaign’s image.

The youngest, males especially, now first-time voters, first encountered Trump as an antihero in middle school. They were not attending to his policy or ethics and took their cultural cues from online, right-wing echo chambers. But until now they did not see any alternative. Their actual values, Della Volpe found, align more with progressive Democrats. They simply did not see him reflected in the channels they frequent. They responded to a Biden : weak, Trump : strong dynamic. Now with Harris atop the Democratic ticket, she looks stronger, more confident, and more aligned with their values than Trump.

The poll finds Harris up not only in a head-to-head race against Trump but leading Trump 42-33 in a multi-candidate contest, a +10 point shift to Harris since early July.

I’d note that we are seeing in the Harris-Walz campaign the messaging framework laid out in July at the Netroots panel Amplify: Getting Louder to Win in 2024. Listen for “our freedoms, our families, our futures” referenced in speeches at Harris-Walz rallies. It’s a winner.

Now, the press goes all aflutter when younger voter turnout is up a few percentage points. The persistent problem is a few percent above what? Registration is one thing. Turnout is another. The greatest area for improving voter turnout is 45 and under (see below; your state similar). And the largest 45-and-under registration cohort is independent/unaffiliated. That’s why my personal effort here aims to boost turnout among 45-and-under unaffiliated voters Democrats tend to ignore. They tend to lean Democrat. Turning them out is the trick.

Chicken or egg? Are these lower-propensity voters not turning out like their voting independent neighbors because they are less-engaged? Or because Democrats are not engaging them?

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For The Win, 5th Edition is ready for download. Request a copy of my free countywide GOTV planning guide at

The Plot To Steal 2024

You’ve probably heard about the nefarious plot in Georgia to challenge the election by now and I’m sure you’re familiar with Trump’s shenanigans in other states in 2020. This article in the Guardian takes a look at the current national effort led by Trump insider Cleta Mitchell. Read the whole thing, but I thought this was a worthy excerpt:

Since 2020, there have been at least 20 instances in eight states of election officials refusing to certify election results.

The first red flag came in 2022, when county commissioners in Otero county, New Mexico, refused to certify the results of a primary election, citing vague concerns about voting equipment. The secretary of state eventually went to court to force the commissioners to certify the election.

In July of this year, two Republicans on the county commission in Washoe county, Nevada – a key county in a battleground state – refused to certify its primary vote, setting off alarms. The commissioners who refused to certify eventually reversed themselves. Nevada’s secretary of state, Cisco Aguilar, has since asked the state supreme court to clarify that county commissioners have an obligation to certify votes.

Sometimes election officials who refuse to certify have pointed to mistakes that happened during the election, even though they did not affect the outcome. In other cases, like Adams’s in Georgia, officials have refused to certify to protest about what they view as unfair laws.

While courts would probably force recalcitrant officials to certify the vote, significant damage could still be caused.

“You can force certification through legal mechanisms, [but] those events tend to be like rocket fuel for conspiracy theories and misinformation and undermining confidence in the election. So there’s damage done even where certification is eventually forced,” said Berwick, the Protect Democracy lawyer.

The timeline for certifying the vote is important because, under federal law, states must have an official election result by 11 December, six days before the electoral college meets. Delaying certification efforts at the local level could put states at risk of missing that deadline.

“If we get past that deadline, it opens up a lot of questions, like tricky legal questions and room for shenanigans,” Berwick said.

The experts are counting on the state courts but who knows? And there has been some action at the federal level to [revent a re-run of 2020:

A new law, the Electoral Count Reform Act, should provide a significant new layer of protection against election subversion. The bipartisan bill passed Congress at the end of 2022.

The law makes it so that Trump and his allies cannot repeat what they did in 2020 and submit false slates of electors from key swing states. Significantly, it says that the slate of electors submitted by a state’s executive is the legitimate slate and raises the threshold in both houses of Congress to object to the electoral result.

While the law controls what Congress must do once it receives certificates from electors, it doesn’t have much to say about what must happen in the lead-up to the electoral college vote. That could leave a lot of wriggle room for Trump and allies to try to slow down certification and go to court to try to force states to miss their certification deadline.

And they will. You know they will.

Are we any better off than we were in 2020?

Lawyers and other activists say they are ready, having spent the last four years studying and understanding the vulnerabilities that Trump and allies targeted in 2020. Any effort to block certification is likely to be swiftly challenged in courts, where Trump has already been unsuccessful dozens of times.

The new Electoral Count Reform Act should offer additional safeguards should there be an effort such as there was in 2020 to get Congress to stop its certification of the vote

Yet it would be a mistake to dismiss the threat altogether. The same pressure points that existed in 2020 exist in 2024, and in some places election deniers have been elevated to positions of power.

“This has started earlier in the cycle and is louder and is more consistent,” said Morales-Doyle of the Brennan Center. “That is all just at a different level than it was before 2020.”

It is going to happen and he is going to come unglued as will some number of his followers. If I had to guess, most of them are probably pretty tired of all this and will actually feel some relief that it’s over. They’ll whine, of course, but I doubt he’ll get the crowd he got in 2020 (which he will certainly call for.)

But there will be a few who want to take some action and I would expect them to be very reckless. I hope everyone is prepared for that too.

A Little Fact Check

Here’s the video:

Apparently, He Just Loves Paying Lawyers

Trump is suing the FBI for $100 million over the Mar-a-lago search. It’s very stupid:

MSNBC’s Lisa Rubin tweeted:

@JoyceWhiteVance notes, a civil suit like this would allow discovery on both sides. And one thing DOJ would get to find out is whether Trump himself (or any business he owns) paid his alleged $15 million in legal fees incurred in defending against the Mar-a-Lago case, or whether, for example, his leadership PAC, Save America, actually assumed those costs for him through the generosity of his donors.

Good luck with this. The FBI found hundreds of classified documents strewn around his public beach club which he refused to give back, hid from them and then lied about it repeatedly, But sure. Go for it, Don. Make some more lawyers happy. After all, your sad, deluded cult is paying for it.

A Good Deal

Trump’s been rambling incoherently about energy prices, drill, drill drill and the oil reserve for a while now. None of what he says makes any sense but his claim that Biden drained the strategic oil reserve for his own purposes is particularly rich considering this:

The Biden administration says it has replenished the 180 million barrels of oil it withdrew from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to high prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

The Energy Department on Friday announced a 4.65 million barrel purchase, bringing the total purchased since the 2022 drawdown up to more than 40 million barrels.

In addition, the administration has worked with Congress to cancel 140 million barrels in planned sales — accounting for the rest of the 180 million. 

“This milestone is a proof point that when the Biden-Harris Administration makes and implements a plan, we deliver for the American people,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a written statement. 

“As promised, we have secured the 180 million barrels back to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve released in response to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s war in Ukraine – and we accomplished this while getting a good deal for taxpayers and maintaining the readiness of the world’s largest Strategic Petroleum Reserve,” she added. 

The department said that the 43.25 million barrels it purchased were procured at an average price of $77 per barrel, while the oil it sold in 2022 averaged $95 per barrel. 

The other 140 million barrels were essentially bought at $74 per barrel, a senior Energy Department official said. 

So they sold high and bought low? Is that how this works? Who knew?

Trump is making the oil reserve a big part of his campaign and it’s based on 100% nonsense:

Former President Donald Trump is vowing to refill the nation’s strategic oil stockpile if he returns to the White House next year, seeking to elevate the issue ahead of the November elections.

During a Fox News interview Wednesday, Trump said the Biden administration’s gambit to lower gasoline prices by conducting several reserve drawdowns in recent years has hurt the nation’s energy security.

“[Biden is] using the strategic reserves, which is meant for military, which is meant for war, and very important things, he’s using it to try and keep gasoline prices down,” Trump said. “We can’t allow that to happen.”


Trump claimed that the reserve was being “filled up at levels never seen before” during his administration. In reality, the reserve’s levels were at their most recent peak in 2011 and dropped around 57 million barrels during Trump’s tenure.

Trump is pretty much on auto-pilot these days rerunning the glory days of his 2016 campaign. It’s pretty clear he has not learned a thing in the 8 years since then. One would hope the media would be kind enough to give Biden some credit for what he accomplished on this front, unlike Trump. He did some pretty amazing things for a supposedly pathetic, decrepit old man.