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Summertime Blus: Best BD reissues of 2023 (so far)

The Assassination Bureau (Arrow Video) – This comedy-adventure from eclectic British director Basil Deardon (Sapphire, The League of Gentlemen, Victim, All Night Long) isn’t for all tastes; it’s one of those 1960s psychedelic trains wrecks with a huge international cast and an elusive central theme that is nonetheless compelling…if only for its sheer commitment to weirdness. Adapted by Michael Relph from an unfinished Jack London novel, the story is set in 1908. Diana Rigg (fresh off her 2-season tenure with The Avengers) plays a feminist journalist who is assigned by her editor (Telly Savalas) to investigate a secret organization led by Oliver Reed that specializes in assassinating oligarchs (not willy-nilly, they do have a moral code…of sorts). Granted, it’s draggy in spots, but there are some imaginative set pieces; particularly a battle royale that takes place aboard a zeppelin. The mashup of 007 and steampunk recalls the 60s TV series The Wild Wild West. Nicely shot by Geoffrey Unsworth. Also featuring Curd Jürgens, Phillipe Noiret, and Beryl Reid. A vivid 1080p transfer makes the Technicolor pop quite nicely, and Arrow heaps on a generous helping of extras.

The Big Easy (Kino-Lorber Studio Classics) – “Aw…come on, chère.” I can’t reckon why, you… but there was a mess of swampy Louisiana neo noirs bag daer in the 80s- Southern Comfort, Angel Heart, No Mercy, Cat People, Belizaire the Cajun, Down by Law, and (my favorite of the bunch) Jim McBride’s slick 1986 crime drama. Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin star as a NOPD detective and a D.A., respectively who become enmeshed in a police corruption investigation. Initially adversarial, the pair’s professional relationship is quickly complicated by a mutual attraction  (what…you’re going to cast Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin in a film and not let nature take its course? I mean, come on, chère!). Admittedly, the twists and turns in Daniel Petrie, Jr.’s screenplay may not hold up to scrutiny, but you’ll be having too much fun watching Quaid and Barkin heat up the screen to care. Great supporting cast, featuring Ned Beatty, John Goodman and Grace Zabriskie. Image and audio are an improvement over a previous DVD release; the disc features a 2023 commentary track by McBride.

Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (Kino-Lorber Studio Classics) – James Coburn is at his rascally best as a con artist who schemes to knock over a bank at LAX, ingeniously using the airport’s security lock down for the visit of a foreign dignitary as cover. The first half of this 1966 film is reminiscent of The Producers; to finance the heist, he uses his charm to bilk women out of their savings and valuables. Also with Aldo Ray, Severn Darden and Robert Webber. Don’t blink or you’ll miss a very young Harrison Ford in his uncredited role as a bellhop (he only has one line). Lightweight but quite enjoyable. It’s the only film of note by writer-director Bernard Girard, but one could do worse for a one-off. Kino’s Blu-ray is stingy on extras (just a theatrical trailer). The print doesn’t necessarily look “restored”, but the disc sports a sharp, colorful transfer.

Man on the Train (Kino-Lorber Studio Classics) – There are a handful of films I have become emotionally attached to, usually for reasons I can’t completely fathom. This 2002 drama is one of them. Best described as an “existential noir”, Patrice LeConte’s relatively simple tale of two men in their twilight years with disparate life paths (a retired poetry teacher and a career felon) forming an unexpected deep bond turns into a transcendent film experience. French pop star Johnny Hallyday and screen veteran Jean Rochefort deliver mesmerizing performances. There was a 2011 remake…but frankly, I don’t see the point, because this is a perfect film. Kino skimps on the extras (just a theatrical trailer). While Kino’s high-def transfer is an improvement, the unusually high graininess and muted color palette that I had chalked up to a quality control issue with the Paramount DVD remains; so I’ll make an educated guess that this was a creative choice by the filmmaker (he wanted a ‘twilight’ vibe, perhaps?).


Here are some 2022 reissues that I didn’t write up reviews for, but still recommend:

Chan is Missing (Criterion Collection)

The Coca-Cola Kid (Fun City Editions)

Cutter’s Way (Fun City Editions)

Double Indemnity (Criterion)

Edgar G. Ulmer Sci-Fi Collection (Kino)

The Godfather Trilogy (Paramount)

The Last Waltz (Criterion)

Lies and Deceit: Five Films by Claude Chabrol (Arrow Video)

Miller’s Crossing (Criterion)

Round Midnight (Criterion Collection)

Twisting the Knife: Four Films by Claude Chabrol (Arrow Video)

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Summertime Blus: Best BD reissues of 2022

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Dennis Hartley

The apple of his eye

America First is getting downright weird.

Protecting the children

It’s the “stop grooming our children” sign next to the giant penis that really sells it…

Ron Hedlund displayed a massive penis sign with the words, “Biden Sucks” written across it at a youth baseball game at RF&P Park in Henrico County, Virginia. In a video captured at the event, Hedlund, who is listed as a Virginia GOP Central Committee Representative defended his sign after a community member said it was inappropriate because there were children present.

On social media, one user wrote that police came and made Hedlund put away his massive penis sign displayed directly across from children playing baseball at the park. However, Hedlund then reportedly displayed “fuck Biden” signs and the police refused to come back out.

Ron Hedlund posted video to YouTube describing the sign as 16 feet long and a caricature and linked it to his personal protests against school boards offering sex education and affirming transgender students. Hedlund said he only had “Fuck Biden” signs on Thursday at the park, but because people complained he would be deploying his penis sign on Friday during another youth baseball game. 

Ron Hedlund is a self described supporter of Donald Trump after initially supporting Ted Cruz in the 2016 primary. 

Smell the desperation

Waiting for a man in a red fleece vest

Glenn Youngkin campaigning for nutcase Tudor Dixon in 2022

Ed Kilgore on the yearning for Youngkin:

One of the best signs that Ron DeSantis’s 2024 presidential candidacy is circling the drain is the renewed enthusiasm some Republicans have for a late entry in the 2024 race who can save them from the Donald Trump and his unsatisfying rivals. This recent valentine to Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin from the New York Post’s Miranda Devine is a good example of the longing for Mr. Right on the right:

The genial former private equity chief executive is living proof that “conservative common sense policies work,” in a state that he sees as a microcosm of America. …

A 6-foot-7 gentle giant with a perpetual smile, he already looks presidential, but says he is bemused by growing pressure to enter the presidential race, as Ron DeSantis falters and Trump is ensnared in Machiavellian Democratic lawfare. …

While not explicitly ruling out a late presidential entry, he says he is “laser-focused” on Virginia’s pivotal legislative election in November.

You get the sense that Devine still imagines that once Youngkin has saved his state for good this fall, he can turn his magnificent visage and towering figure toward the needs of his nation. It’s probably not coincidental that Devine’s boss is News Corporation’s Rupert Murdoch, who in July was reported to have been shifting his affections to Youngkin from the disappointing DeSantis. Indeed, as Media Matters noted at about the same time, Fox News had taken up the banner of promoting Youngkin as a dark horse candidate for president:

Youngkin has been featured in at least 6 live interviews on Fox in the past month — one each on Fox & Friends, Fox & Friends Weekend, America’s Newsroom, and Fox News Tonight, and twice on Hannity.

Fox & Friends co-hosts Kayleigh McEnany and Steve Doocy pushed Youngkin to run in 2024, with Doocy noting that “powerful Republican donors … are encouraging you to jump into the race …”

The narrative seems to be emerging on Fox News that if Youngkin can flip control of the Virginia Senate to his party in November, he could roll right into a late presidential bid on the wings of this fresh demonstration of his blue state viability.

But how feasible is that sort of timetable? Not very.

Sure, in the years before the universal adoption of primaries and state party caucuses to choose presidential nominees in the early 1970s, late entries able to command support from favorite-son candidates and local party leaders could and sometimes did win. As late as 1968, Hubert Humphrey won the Democratic nomination without entering a single primary, and the same year Ronald Reagan announced a credible (if not successful) presidential bid on the very eve of the GOP convention. In 1952 Democrats drafted Adlai Stevenson (who had never announced his candidacy) at their convention, and eight years later nearly did it again (John F. Kennedy held off a Stevenson effort that only emerged at the convention).

But in recent decades, successful candidacies have never been last-minute affairs, and they were invariably launched in time to compete in the early primaries and caucuses, as NPR reported in October of 2015 when Joe Biden was considering (and ultimately rejected) a late entry:

[F]rom 1996 onward the announcements came earlier. Almost all eventual nominees for both parties made official starts in the spring and early summer, between 500 and 650 days before that first Tuesday in November.

He goes on to note some recent attempts such as the late calls to draft Jeb! in 2012 and the Bloomberg entry in 2016 and asks:

Could electability-minded Republicans panic enough about Trump’s 2024 viability to need a sudden savior like Youngkin right before voters start voting early next year?

Anything’s possible, but the entire reason Murdoch and Devine and others are yearning for Youngkin is that Trump is crushing the current Republican field. Yes, he’s in ever-increasing legal peril, and sure, Trump could say or do anything at any moment. But at this point, the odds are much higher that Trump will have effectively nailed down the GOP nomination by late this fall than that an aggrieved Republican majority will be searching for an alternative having rejected DeSantis, Scott, Pence, Haley, Ramaswamy, Christie, Hutchinson, Suarez, and Hurd. Politicians tend to look for late-entry saviors precisely because they’ve already lost. If you hear more and more cries for Glenn Youngkin as the weeks go by, you can probably bet they are being voiced by losers as well.

The idea that a stiff like Youngkin is the ultimate Trump-slayer makes me laugh. And it shows just how futile these efforts to end the Trump nightmare really are. The GOP doesn’t have a great bench and they are shooting their entire wad on this quixotic attempt to dethrone the man they’ve all been protecting and enabling for the past 6 years. Unless he drops dead on Trump Force One sometime in the next year it’s done.

Yet another dirty trickster bites the dust

The Nation reported this week:

James O’Keefe, the founder and until this past February CEO of the right-wing nonprofit Project Veritas, is currently under investigation by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.

While the exact nature of the investigation is not yet public, the timing would suggest that it relates to O’Keefe’s alleged financial improprieties during his tenure as the group’s chairman and CEO. Back in February, O’Keefe was accused of spending “an excessive amount of donor funds in the last three years on personal luxuries” by the conservative nonprofit’s own board of directors, amid their very public feud over the management and future of Veritas. Westchester DA Miriam Rocah’s probe follows a raft of civil lawsuits, criminal investigations, and six-figure court losses that have trailed the group under O’Keefe’s leadership—including a still-active federal investigation into the theft of property belonging to President Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden.

“We don’t talk about how we start our investigations,” the Westchester County DA’s director of public affairs, Jin Whang, said when reached by phone. “But if you want confirmation that we were and are, then yes. We can confirm that.”

Attorneys for Project Veritas also filed a civil complaint against O’Keefe in federal court this past May, accusing the ostensible investigative reporting outfit’s original hidden-camera sting artist of breaching his contract and fiduciary duties to the group, among other counts. Despite that pending litigation, made public alongside a detailed new timeline reiterating the board’s own version of its disputes and grievances with O’Keefe, Veritas says that the organization did not prompt the Westchester DA’s investigation into its former leader via a formal criminal referral.

“Project Veritas did not initiate any potential investigation the Westchester DA’s office may be conducting with respect to James O’Keefe,” Hannah Giles, the newly appointed CEO of Project Veritas, responded via e-mail. “However, PV cooperates with the authorities as required by law.”

Giles’s assumption of leadership at Veritas reflects an attempt at continuity for the group, which was launched over a decade ago following the tactical successes of the infamous hidden camera stings against the liberal community-organizing group ACORN by her and O’Keefe. By April 2010, O’Keefe and Giles’s early one-off collaboration would result in the complete dissolution of ACORN’s network of local advocacy groups, whose “get out the vote” efforts had helped to enfranchise millions of low-income and minority voters in underserved communities.

The undercover videos, in which O’Keefe and Giles claimed to be a pimp and a prostitute seeking illicit financial advice from ACORN, ultimately crumbled under scrutiny from California’s attorney general and led to a six-figure settlement paid out to a former ACORN employee. But the viral heat generated by their stings within conservative media nevertheless skyrocketed both of them to a kind of partisan stardom, creating the conditions that allowed O’Keefe to incorporate Project Veritas as a tax-deductible 501(c)3 charity.

In the years since, O’Keefe has made a name for himself by attempting to unearth further supposed malfeasance by liberal activists, politicians, and institutions—as well as by his perceived foes in the establishment media and Big Tech. Multiple people caught up in O’Keefe’s investigations have lost their livelihoods in the frequently incoherent and often inaccurate publicity maelstroms that have followed the typical Project Veritas exposé: nonprofit workersObamacare navigatorsNPR executivespublic school teachers, and news media employees among them.

In October 2021, a federal judge finally stated the obvious about O’Keefe’s latter day Nixonian dirty tricksters, declaring that it was acceptable for litigants to refer to Project Veritas in open court as a “political spying operation.”

Though O’Keefe himself once betrayed his ambitions to make Veritas “the next great intelligence agency,” Veritas’s supposed charitable mission, as detailed annually in its nonprofit filings to the IRS, has consistently been to “investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions.” Better late than never: The group has finally uncovered all the above at the top of its own organization.

Following O’Keefe’s attempt to unilaterally fire Veritas Chief Financial Officer Tom O’Hara, in contravention of the 501(c)3’s bylaws, and O’Keefe’s own surprise resignation this past February, the Veritas board published a preliminary tally of its former leader’s financial misdeeds.

Pending a “third party investigative audit,” the board accused O’Keefe of spending “$14,000 on a charter flight to meet someone to fix his boat under the guise of meeting with a donor,” blowing over $150,000 on high-end limo services, and taking thousands of dollars more for personal DJ equipment. O’Keefe, they said, also requisitioned $60,000 for “dance events,” including the production of a semi-autobiographical pop music celebration of his life in muckraking: the Project Veritas Experience. Such self-indulgent expenditures would be what’s known within the Internal Revenue Code for tax-exempt 501(c)3s as “inurement.”

It’s worth noting that, by the end of the Trump years, Veritas’s cash flow offered ample opportunity for this kind of personal dipping: The group brought in over $22 million in 2020, an exponential swelling in revenue compared to the $396,450 in donations reported in its first year as a nonprofit. And O’Keefe was very much along for the ride, with his reported salary, $56,000 in 2012, growing ultimately to $430,920 by the time of his September 2022 at-will employment agreement.

In private, however, past and present Veritas executives have groused to us for much longer about O’Keefe’s dubiously charitable expenditures outside that reported compensation, including the construction of a recording studio for his high school music buddy Anthony Dini and tens of thousands of dollars in “investigating reporting” and “consulting” fees paid to O’Keefe’s pass-thru NJ S-corp, Veritas Inc.

There’s more, a lot more. James O’Keefe is Roger Stone without the survival instinct. It looks like he might be in very serious trouble and could even see the inside of a jail cell. Even better, Project Veritas itself might be over and done with … finally:

A mass ouster of employees from right-wing media group Project Veritas this week has left the company’s future in question, with a threadbare staff and serious fundraising concerns, say newly laid-off employees…

But employees who remained at Project Veritas said the company’s post-O’Keefe era wasn’t so great either. Staffers who were terminated this week complained that Project Veritas’ new CEO, Hannah Giles, struggled to fundraise and to articulate a clear mission for the company.

“The story of the James O’Keefe debacle was coherent,” one long-time Project Veritas employee, who was laid off Thursday, told The Daily Beast. “It was ‘power corrupts.’ It was a CEO who was drunk on power and loses control.”

But during Giles’ short tenure as CEO, “I don’t know what the fuck happened here,” the former staffer said.

Hannah Giles is as awful as O’Keefe so it’s no surprise that she wasn’t capable of handling the organization. They are all terrible people. Those who were laid off should take a good hard look at themselves and try to find redemption.

Stone Cold Dead

How would you know what’s in the backpack? Does this mean anyone with a backpack is shot on sight? Or is it that if the border patrol seizes someone with a backpack and finds fentanyl that they summarily execute them?

This is psycho talk and its common in this Republican primary campaign. The people cheer and shout with unbridled glee at the notion of killing immigrants and invading Mexico.

Former President Donald Trump, who has previously called for building a wall along the southern border and giving drug dealers the death penalty, has also proposed creating a naval blockade of Mexico to prevent drugs like illicit fentanyl from entering the U.S. His leading opponent in the 2024 GOP nomination race, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, promised last week to use “deadly force” against anyone caught smuggling drugs across the border.

On Capitol Hill, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) and John Kennedy (R., La.) have both voiced support for military operations in Mexico. Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) said in a recent interview on NBC that cartels should be considered terrorist organizations, meriting a military response. And Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas) and Mike Waltz (R., Fla.) have sponsored a bill that would formally declare war on the cartels—meaning the military would be authorized to drop bombs on cartel targets.

 In an NBC poll taken in late June, sending troops to the border to stop drugs was the single best-liked of 11 GOP proposals tested with Republican primary voters.

There’s just one little problem:

Doris Meissner, who served as the top immigration official under the Clinton administration, said the Republican proposals are problematic because deploying the U.S. military on domestic soil to perform law-enforcement functions is illegal, and performing military operations in Mexico without the explicit cooperation of the Mexican government would be an act of war against a sovereign country.

I’m pretty sure that if the Republicans win back the White House we are going to see the limits of their alleged pacifism. It’s unnatural for them. They are positively yearning for a war.

Canada game plans for U.S. “authoritarian shift”

A scourge on democracy

I’m joking. This photo is from Canadian flood preparations in 2021.

Seems as if our northern neighbors are better prepared. We’re still hoping for the best in November 2024.

Global News:

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly says Canada has been considering a “game plan” for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-rightauthoritarian shift after next year’s presidential elections.

“We are certainly working on scenarios,” Joly said in French during an interview with a Montreal radio station Wednesday.

Joly added that Ottawa’s close political and economic ties to the U.S. means that “we must certainly prepare several scenarios.”

She suggested Canada has a game plan in mind but wouldn’t get into details.

I wouldn’t. But it’s nice to know someone in charge is thinking ahead. Too bad it’s not happening south of the 49th parallel. Just warning speeches from scholars but no preparations.

The U.S. embassy in Ottawa declined comment.

“What would have been extremely far-fetched scenarios maybe 10 years ago, today are not impossible anymore,” Thomas Juneau, a national security professor at the University of Ottawa, said in an understatement.

NDP foreign affairs critic Heather McPherson said it’s only logical that Ottawa plan for an aggressive Washington. She said Canada would benefit from stronger ties with other allies, even if it ends up remaining on good terms with the U.S.

“Donald Trump is a scourge on democracy across the world,” she said. “Frankly, Canada better have a plan for a decline in American democracy.”

Trump 2024: A Scourge on Democracy

Fitting campaign slogan. If only it fit on a ball cap.

Joe Biden has hosted two Summit for Democracy meetings with leaders from other nations. Maybe he should be meeting with Democratic governors.

Life inside a disaster movie

No Dolby surround, this is real

Axios: Category 4 Hurricane Hilary prompts first-ever tropical storm watch for California

The latest: A tropical storm watch is now in effect from the California/Mexico border northward to all of Los Angeles County, portions of Ventura County and Catalina Island. This is the first such severe weather alert to be issued for this part of the country.

  • As of Friday at 5pm ET, Hurricane Hilary was a large Category 4 storm, with peak sustained winds of 130 miles per hour. Its center was located about 325 miles south-southwest of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and it was moving northwest at 12 mph.
  • A turn to the north and increase in forward speed is expected over the next 24-36 hours.
  • The storm’s winds are expected to slow on Saturday as it moves over cooler ocean waters. However, a faster forward speed may limit the magnitude of this trend, and wind speed changes would not diminish the potentially dire flood threat.

Threat level: A highly unusual weather pattern is evolving across the country, with links to human-caused climate change, that will help propel the formidable storm — by then in a less formidable state, rapidly northward into the typically dry Southwest during the next four days.

“Extras” will not get scale.

Breaking Bad

Maui last week:

British Columbia on Friday:

Northwest Territories on Thursday:

Friday Night Soother

Baby sloth!

The team at Roger Williams Park Zoo is elated to announce the birth of a baby sloth! The adorable newborn is born to mom Fiona and dad Westley and is currently resting comfortably while staying close to mom. The incredible staff of zookeepers and veterinarians are maintaining a watchful eye over the mother and baby, ensuring their well-being as they bond behind the scenes. With the assistance of the mother’s affection, daily monitoring, and supplemental feeding from the keepers, the little one is steadily growing and gaining strength.

This birth holds great significance for the Zoo and the global sloth population. The Zoo is an active participant in the Linne’s Two-Toed Sloth Species Survival Plan, which prioritizes breeding to guarantee the survival of the species.

The young sloth is yet to be named, but more updates will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

Who’s the senile one again?

Biden has always had a stutter and sometimes sounded garbled even when he was young. But this is something else. It isn’t just slurred and garbled, it’s completely incoherent. (Not to mention that he’s going full-on Flock of Seagulls with the hair.)