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What Would You Say If This Happened In Another Country?

http://By FOTO:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula, CC BY-SA 3.0,

I want to share this brilliant take on what’s been happening over the past two weeks from historian and journalist Garrett Graff. His free newsletter is great and you should subscribe and read all of his reporting. (I hope he won’t mind me printing the whole thing. It’s just so important to document the important writing in this moment.)

Graff writes the story as if a journalist was reporting on another country:

Musk Junta Seizes Key Governmental Offices
February 1, 2025
By William Boot

WASHINGTON, D.C. — What started Thursday as a political purge of the internal security services accelerated Friday into a full-blown coup, as elite technical units aligned with media oligarch Elon Musk moved to seize key systems at the national treasury, block outside access to federal personnel records, and take offline governmental communication networks.

With rapidity that has stunned even longtime political observers, forces loyal to Musk’s junta have established him as the all-but undisputed unelected head of government in just a matter of days, unwinding the longtime democracy’s constitutional system and its proud nearly 250-year-old tradition of the rule of law. Having secured themselves in key ministries and in a building adjacent to the presidential office complex, Musk’s forces have begun issuing directives to civil service workers and forcing the resignation of officials deemed insufficiently loyal, like the head of the country’s aviation authority.

The G-7 country’s newly installed president, a mid-level oligarch named Donald Trump, appeared amid Musk’s moves to be increasingly merely a figurehead head of state. Trump is a convicted felon with a long record of family corruption and returned in power in late January after a four-year interlude promising retribution and retaliation against foreign opponents and a domestic “Deep State.” He had been charged with attempting to overthrow the peaceful transition of power that had previously removed him from office in 2021, but loyalist elements in the judiciary successfully blocked his prosecution and incarceration, easing his return to power.

Over the last two weeks, loyalist presidential factions and Musk-backed teams have launched sweeping, illegal Stalin-esque purges of the national police forces and prosecutors, as well as offices known as inspectors-general, who are typically responsible for investigating government corruption. While official numbers of the unprecedented ousters were kept secret, rumors swirled in the capital that the scores of career officials affected by the initial purges could rise into the thousands as political commissars continued to assess the backgrounds of members of the police forces. 

The mentally declining and aging head of state, who has long embraced conspiracist thinking, spent much of the week railing in bizarre public remarks against the country’s oppressed racial and ethnic minorities, whom he blamed without evidence for causing a deadly plane crash across the river from the presidential mansion. Unfounded racist attacks on those minorities have been a key foundation of Trump’s unpredicted rise to political power from a career as a real estate magnate and reality TV host and date back to his first announcement that he would seek the presidency in 2015, when he railed against “rapists” being sent into the country from its southern neighbor.

In one of his first moves upon returning to the presidency, he mobilized far-right paramilitary security forces to begin raids at churches, schools, and workplaces to identify and remove racial minorities, including those who had long lived in harmony with the country’s white Christian majority. He also immediately moved to release from prison some 1,500 supporters who had participated in his unsuccessful 2021 insurrection, including members of violent far-right militias who promptly upon release swore fealty to him in any future civil unrest. Elsewhere, even as he released violent criminals onto the streets, Trump by fiat pulled longstanding government security protection from former military and health officials he felt had betrayed him.

Underscoring his apparent disconnection from reality, reports surfaced that the president had ordered military forces to unleash an environmental catastrophe and flood regions of a separatist province known as California that is led by a high-profile political opponent. The order underscored how the military, which had resisted Trump’s unconstitutional power grabs in his first administration, was now led by a subservient defense minister, a favored TV personality with no experience in management who faced an embarrassing series of allegations about his drunken behavior in the workplace.

Foreign allies who had long aligned themselves with the United States on the international stage were unsettled by increasingly destabilizing nationalistic and imperialist rhetoric coming from the president’s social media accounts—largely posted to a network owned and run by Trump himself—and worried in private conversations in capital embassies that he would mobilize the compliant military to fulfill heretofore unimaginable territorial ambitions that included seizing the country’s northern neighbor, which shares the world’s longest undefended border, and potentially colonizing Panama and Greenland.

Both the country’s defense minister, who has previously said he does not believe women should be allowed to serve in combat roles, and Trump’s new interior minister, who appeared on national TV wearing the paramilitary uniform of the border security force central to Trump’s political rise, spent much of their first days echoing and amplifying the president’s hysteria about racial and ethnic minorities. They and other government officials also immediately canceled all official observances of religious and ethnic minority holidays and launched efforts to scrub official websites and prohibit educating workers or schoolchildren about those minorities’ long, proud history in the country. Overnight Friday, hours after journalists had gone home, the defense minister’s office announced it would bar establishment independent media outlets from working out of the country’s military headquarters and replace them with friendly right-wing media organs.

The administration’s propaganda minister also announced Friday, apparently with little preparation, that it would initiate an immediate, unexpected, and seemingly ill-considered trade war with the country’s two primary economic partners, a move that if implemented would upend the national economy, disrupt supply chains, and accelerate the return of an inflationary crisis that has roiled domestic politics over the last five years and had just seemed to be returning to normal. Ironically, that inflationary crisis and Trump’s promises on the campaign trail to lower the price of eggs that paved the way for his unforeseen election victory in November.

The country’s other business oligarchs have watched Musk’s unexpected and rapid rise to power with trepidation, and leading media and technology companies who compete with Musk’s extensive business empire—like Meta, Amazon, Disney, Paramount, Apple, and OpenAI—have quickly lined up to negotiate and pay bribes to the president that would allow their companies to operate unimpeded; initial payment terms ranged from million-dollar gifts to the presidential inauguration to $15 million and $25 million payments, made by Disney and Meta, to fund the construction of a presidential shrine. The highest known payment was $40 million from Amazon, which was structured as a gift to the president’s wife in exchange for the media company having the opportunity to film a hagiographic biopic.

It was unclear, exactly, what deal terms any of those bribes and payments unlocked and when subsequent tribute payments would be expected, although on Saturday Trump moved to fire and neuter government watchdogs that had long bedeviled the country’s financial elite.

Throughout the week’s fast-moving seizure of power—one that seems increasingly irreversible by the hour—neither loyalist nor opposition parliamentary leaders raised meaningful objection to the new regime or the unraveling of the country’s constitutional system of checks and balances. A few members of the geriatric legislature body offered scattered social media posts condemning the move, but parliament — where both houses are controlled by so-called “MAGA” members handpicked for their loyalty to the president — went home early for the weekend even as Musk’s forces spread through the capital streets.

It was unclear what role, if any, Musk’s forces would allow parliament to have in the new governmental structure by the time it returned to the national assembly known as Capitol Hill.

It’s exactly how to think about this.

As I’m watching television today, I don’t see much evidence that our media sees it that way. They’re reporting these stories like little anecdotes interspersed with stuff about the plane crash and the DNC meeting and some NBA trade and the upcoming super bowl. It’s all just noise. But then, most people aren’t paying attention anyway so …

In Case You Were Wondering

As Josh Marshall said in this earlier post, this is almost certainly illegal and there needs to be immediate legal action to stop it. We have no idea who these people are, whether they are competent or if they have nefarious goals. It’s literally just Musk’s boys taking over the very closely held US payment system. It could not be more dangerous.

I wonder if Republicans are really a-ok with this. Do they all think Musk is a genius godhead who can be trusted? Or are they just cowards who are so afraid of losing their seats that they won’t question Dear Leader and his henchmen? Let’s just say I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for them to take a stand.

Update —

It gets worse:

Update II —

The New York Times now has the story:

Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent gave representatives of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency full access to the federal payment system late on Friday, according to three people familiar with the change, handing Elon Musk and the team he is leading a powerful tool to monitor and potentially limit government spending.

The new authority follows a standoff this week with a top Treasury official who had resisted allowing Mr. Musk’s lieutenants into the department’s payment system, which sends out money on behalf of the entire federal government. The official, a career civil servant named David Lebryk, was put on leave and then suddenly retired on Friday after the dispute, according to people familiar with his exit.

The system could give the Trump administration another mechanism to attempt to unilaterally restrict disbursement of money approved for specific purposes by Congress, a push that has faced legal roadblocks.

Mr. Musk, who has been given wide latitude by President Trump to find ways to slash government spending, has recently fixated on Treasury’s payment processes, criticizing the department in a social media post on Saturday for not rejecting more payments as fraudulent or improper.

The Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, is not a government department, but a team within the administration. It was put together at Mr. Trump’s direction by Mr. Musk to fan out across federal agencies seeking ways to cut spending, reduce the size of the federal work force and bring more efficiency to the bureaucracy. Most of those working on the initiative were recruited by Mr. Musk and his aides.

Make It Stop

We now know that Trump’s order to the military to “turn on the valve” and give southern California all the water it could ever need resulted in the Army Corps of Engineers releasing a bunch of water into a flood plain without notice almost causing a catastrophe. Oh, and the water would not have flowed to Southern California in any case. The whole thing is insane but apparently we have the military carrying out insane orders that they must know make no sense which is extremely troubling.

And now we have Musk lying like Trump to his millions of followers about this ridiculous stunt.

The LA Times article is a bullshit snowjob by the way. But even with that the truth can gleaned if you read the whole thing.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has dramatically increased the amount of water flowing from two dams in Tulare County, sending massive flows down river channels toward farmlands in the San Joaquin Valley.

Federal records show that water releases from Terminus Dam at Lake Kaweah and Schafer Dam at Lake Success jumped early Friday morning.

The sudden increase occurred four days after President Trump said on social media that the U.S. military had “entered” California and “TURNED ON THE WATER.” Trump also vowed during a visit to Los Angeles last week to “open up the valves and pumps” in California to deliver more water.

Deliver it to where???

Responding to questions about the reasons for the sudden increase in water flow, Gene Pawlik, a spokesperson at the Corps’ headquarters in Washington, said in an email that the action was “consistent with the direction” in Trump’s recent executive order to enact “emergency measures to provide water resources” in California.

Pawlik said the Army Corps was releasing water from the dams “to ensure California has water available to respond to the wildfires.” It was not immediately clear how or where the federal government intends to transport the water.

That spokesperson is either a liar or he’s stupid. There was no way that water had anything to do with wildfires. And anyway, LA had water, that wasn’t the problem. I’m going to lose my mind with this bs.

Trump, meanwhile, shared a photo on X of water pouring from a dam, saying: “Photo of beautiful water flow that I just opened in California.”

“Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory!,” Trump wrote. “I only wish they listened to me six years ago — There would have been no fire!”

The president has sought to link local water supply problems during the L.A. County firestorms, such as fire hydrants that ran dry, with his calls for changing water management elsewhere in the state. But state officials and water experts have called the comments inaccurate: Regional reservoirs in Southern California are at record-high levels, and more water from Northern California would not have affected the fire response.

No, his comments are delusional and insane and this is sane-washing.

Way down the in the article, you read that this was likely a result of Trump’s direct order and that they didn’t bother to coordinate with local officials which meant they could have endangered the lives of homeless people who live along the riverbanks and ruined expensive farm equipment that farmers didn’t have time to move. I’m sure Trump and his henchmen care nothing for the homeless, but their voters in the central valley might have been a little miffed at losing their expensive equipment. But whatever.

They add that this is sometimes done to help irrigate farms, but it isn’t the season for that so there was no benefit to anyone, not even Trump’s thirsty farmers.

Peter Gleick, a water scientist and senior fellow at the Pacific Institute, said dam managers would typically only release large quantities of water in the winter when major storms create a need to make space for large inflows of runoff. But Southern California has been very dry and the snowpack in the southern Sierra remains far below average, so “there is no indication that that’s why these releases occurred.”…

“I don’t know where this water is going, but this is the wrong time of year to be releasing water from these reservoirs. It’s vitally important that we fill our reservoirs in the rainy season so water is available for farms and cities later in the summer,” Gleick said. “I think it’s very strange and it’s disturbing that, after decades of careful local, state and federal coordination, some federal agencies are starting to unilaterally manipulate California’s water supply.”

Trump’s in charge of California’s water supply now and I guess we’ll just have to live with the gargantuan fuck-up it’s inevitably going to cause.

But at least we now know that we won’t have any more fires because he says he’s fixed them. Promises made, promises kept.

Listen Up, Dems!

I wish every Democrats in the country would read this from Josh Marshall. I’m going to post it all because I really want you to read it and I hope Josh doesn’t mind. (Please do subscribe to his site if you can. It’s consistently great.)

Over the course of the last two weeks, I’ve tried to drive home the point that the Democrats in Congress mostly can’t do anything to stop what the Trump administration is doing. That’s not a matter of weakness or bad strategy. Voters decided in November to put all federal power in the hands of Republicans. That’s done. It already happened. Many of the cries for Democrats to “do something” amount to thinking that if Democrats get energized and forceful enough they can undo the consequences of that election, as though there’s some “off” lever that if you reach really high you can grab ahold of and make all of this stop. You might as well demand Kamala Harris show some gumption and start issuing her own executive orders.

This emphatically does not mean Democrats are doing all they can or that there’s nothing they can do. But it is critical at every level to understand what the menu of actions includes. As much as this might seem pedantic, it’s critical to think very clearly about what an opposition does and what its tools are. Otherwise you’re just getting riled up demanding your fighters run at full speed, head first into the castle wall.

Fundamentally this is a battle over public opinion. And there are three areas of action to engage that battle.

First, Democrats’ job is to make the case every day what a disaster Trump governance is and ask voters whether they’ve decided yet that they’d like to make a change. In a way any opposition must almost exalt it’s powerlessness. We’d love to stop these horrible things for you, voters. But you have to put us in power to do it. Second, there is the critical but highly compromised avenue of court action. It was blue states that brought the lawsuit which just put the budget freeze under a restraining order. Third, there’s the very limited but crucial moments when Democrats, even in the minority, can force the majority to come to them or simply delay or even stymie action. The debt ceiling, as I’ve been saying, is a key one of those moments.

This post is mainly about the point I am about to get to below. But for now, “making the case,” Item #1, really can’t be about press releases or even traditional press conferences. I’ve been watching press releases come in this evening. Those are meaningless. That’s simply not how people communicate today. It involves stunts; it involves making news happen in ways that require knowing how reporters decide what’s a story. Dogs biting men; men biting dogs; dogs and men teaming up to bite someone else. You’ve got to think how media works. It certainly involves actual politicians getting on social media and making cases in their own voices. It requires a lot more creativity than we are currently seeing. But we’ll get to that in subsequent posts.[ See below for a couple of good examples— digby]

In this post I want to focus on what is mostly a legal avenue. We still know much less than we should about who’s actually running this show. There’s mounting evidence that even more than we know is being directed by Elon Musk and his private-sector employees, who are now fanned out across the government. He appears to have taken control of the federal payment system which allows his operatives to stop checks to any private individual in the country and/or examine all their personal financial information. According to The New York Times, Musk has tasked engineers with figuring out how to cut off the flow of funds from the Treasury to programs and priorities he believes conflict with the brief he received from Donald Trump. He has also taken control of some portion of the federal agency computer systems, allowing his operatives to lock federal workers out of key computer systems. We need a lot more reporting on just how he is exerting this power, specifically under what authority and who the people are he’s installed at these government agencies. Some have simply been appointed to new roles the old-fashioned way. But the best information we have about how “DOGE” is working suggests many are employees from his private companies operating with no legal authority at all.

There’s a pretty developed law that you can’t do stuff in the federal government if you’re not an employee of the federal government, or a contractor who is placed under the rules of the federal government. If you do do those things you become a de facto government employee and the law says you come under all sorts of record-keeping and disclosure requirements. Those requirements turn out to be quite important and consequential.

Now to be clear, I don’t expect a federal judge to start smacking Elon Musk around and I don’t expect a sad sack Musk to glumly apologize to the judge and go along his way back to Texas. But in a situation like this, when laws are being broken at such high velocity you’re looking more than anything else to get into court with a live argument. And this is a very live argument. As I noted above, this is fundamentally a battle over public opinion. But critical to a battle over public opinion in an onslaught such as this is slowing things down as much as possible, throwing as much sand in the gears as possible. That stretches out the amount of time people have to get an understanding of what’s happening. It increases their visibility into what’s happening. It also focuses attention, rightly, on Elon Musk who is much more unpopular than Donald Trump.

Getting into court — getting into court on a lot of fronts — is one of the ways you do that. Public opinion only comes into play in a hard fashion at the next election. But as public opinion shifts, if it does, it starts impacting anyone planning on facing voters in the next election. The courts are fundamentally unfriendly to democracy today because they all report up to the Supreme Court. But the point isn’t “courts will save us” malarkey. (In any case, that’s now mainly the mocking phrase of wreckers and sad sacks.) It’s putting sand in the gears, slowing things down as one front in the battle for public opinion.

The legal status of what news orgs are now consistently calling “Musk’s team” is high on the list as one way to do this.

I could not agree more with all of this.

Here are the examples of Democrats doing it well:


Different approach:

The Worst People In The World

Turning the White House into a chop shop

Anand Giridharadas’s The Ink this morning announces:

Musk’s hostile takeover

It’s hard to know just how destructive this will be in the long run, but for now, this is arguably the most troubling development in a day of extremely troubling developments. Elon Musk appears to be trying to do to the federal government what he did at Twitter/X: massively disrupt its functioning and drive out experienced employees not on board with his transformations and his personality cult. [Tusk]

Musk bought his way into the White House complex and now means to, as they say, “have his way” with the federal government.

If you haven’t heard, Musk locked Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) civil servants “out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees” (Reuters):

The two officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said some senior career employees at OPM have had their access revoked to some of the department’s data systems.

The systems include a vast database called Enterprise Human Resources Integration, which contains dates of birth, Social Security numbers, appraisals, home addresses, pay grades and length of service of government workers, the officials said.

“We have no visibility into what they are doing with the computer and data systems,” one of the officials said. “That is creating great concern. There is no oversight. It creates real cybersecurity and hacking implications.”

As Digby noted, some of Musk’s aides are barely out of high school. Here’s where we are:

OPM has sent out memos that eschew the normal dry wording of government missives as it encourages civil servants to consider buyout offers to quit and take a vacation to a “dream destination.”

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove has ordered a massive purge of FBI agents beginning with “at least eight senior FBI executives” and extending it seemingly to anyone and everyone associated with investigations into Trump’s “very special” Jan. 6 insurrectionists and with Jack Smith’s investigation into Trump’s election plot and stolen classified documents:

“I do not believe the current leadership of the Justice Department can trust these FBI employees to assist in implementing the President’s agenda faithfully,” Bove wrote.

Acting FBI Director Brian Driscoll wrote in an email that his orders include reviewing “thousands of employees across the country who have supported these investigative efforts.”

As news of possible firings spread Friday, bureau employees traded information and some sought legal advice.

One person who works at the FBI’s Washington Field Office relayed to a colleague that supervisors had told agents to prepare for the White House to publicly release the names of the agents who worked on the two Trump criminal cases on Monday, and that those agents would to be terminated that same day.

NYT: A photograph provided to The New York Times shows a glimpse of some of the changes underway at the F.B.I., specifically the F.B.I. Academy at Quantico on Wednesday.

Rachel Maddow noted that the public release of the names of FBI employees who would no longer be agents as of Monday was a signal to MAGA minions and just-released Jan. 6 criminals to “have at ’em.” And since the Jan. 6 investigation was the largest in bureau history, virtually all agents touched it in some way. They too have targets on their backs (NBC News):

In a separate memo to the FBI workforce sent out Friday night, the bureau’s acting director, Brian J. Driscoll, Jr., informed employees that acting Deputy Attorney General, Emil Bove, had asked for a list of all FBI employees who worked on January 6 cases for “a review process to determine whether any additional personnel actions are necessary.”

“We understand that this request encompasses thousands of employees across the country who have supported these investigative efforts,” Driscoll wrote. “I am one of those employees.”

It was not immediately clear why the FBI and DOJ officials had been ousted. The FBI and DOJ declined to comment.

Trump is not only taking retribution against anyone who particpated in investigating his past crimes, but defenestrating federal law enforcement so that no investigations of his current and future criminal activities are even possible. The Roberts court has already preemptively shielded him from that.

Trump now gets to do the one thing many Americans know him for more than anything else: say “You’re fired!” “It’s our dream to have everybody almost working in the private sector,” Trump told reporters on Friday.

That’s been the Midas cult dream for decades. Any product or service provided by We the People on a not-for-profit basis is a crime against capitalism that has to be stopped. Middle men must take their percentage. Or else.

Here he is complaining about people in government working remotely not doing their jobs:

“You don’t know what they’re doing. And then at some point, we may ask them to certify that they didn’t have two jobs. Meaning, were they really getting a check from us, the government, and then were they also working a second job and a third job on government time?”

So says a government employee actively lining his pockets with money from “individuals, companies and foreign governments that want to curry favor with the president.”

Trump and the techbro oligarchy are here, active, and bent on turning the White House into a chop shop.

Friends have asked what people this rich want with the government.

Answer: They want it all.

Cartoonist First Dog on the Moon asks if China’s hyped Deepseek AI might save us “from the smug tech broligarchy.”

Answer: “Only a mass global insurrection against the dictatorship of capital will do that – in fact DeepSeek make it cheaper and easier to put AI in everything, but at least we got to laugh at some of the worst people in the world briefly.”

Donny Trump, Boy Genius

Solved another problem quickly and easily

Donald Trump is the smartest little boy in the room anywhere he goes. He knows everything about everything. He has a very big brain and great genes, the best genes. He’ll gladly tell you.

He’s also the Seven Deadly Sins on two legs. He’s susceptible to acting on information from the last person he spoke with, and prone to hearing a factoid and building a fantastical narrative around it that he himself believes. Like his riffs about sweeping the forests to prevent wildfires. Or his bit about the big shutoff valve somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. See, fire hydrants ran dry fighting the Pacific Palisades fire because some government idiots up there were dumping perfectly good water into the ocean.

In fact, some Los Angeles hydrants went dry during the January fires because of extreme short-term demand, not because of lack of supply. The state’s “reservoirs are at or near historic levels,” Politico reports. But don’t confuse Trump with facts.

The boy genius now giving orders in the White House directed federal dams in California on Thursday to dump water stored for irrigation so he could have his photo op.

A news site covering water supplies in the San Joaquin Valley reports that “in response to President Trump’s Jan. 24 executive order mandating that federal officials exert all efforts to get more water to fight southern California wildfires,” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Kaweah and Success lakes began discharging water from the dams.

“Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory!” tweeted the boy genius. “I only wish they listened to me six years ago – There would have been no fire!”

Mad King Donald

One teensy little problem, Donny. The water can’t get to Los Angeles from the lakes southeast of Fresno, and local water managers in the valley are trying to capture the additional flows in recharge basins anyway (SJV Water, Jan. 31):

Tulare County water managers were perplexed and frustrated, noting both physical and legal barriers that make it virtually impossible for Tulare County river water to be used for southern California fires.

First, it would have to be pumped at great expense across the San Joaquin Valley to get to the California Aqueduct and then travel hundreds of miles south. 

Second, this isn’t “loose” water free for the taking.

“Every drop belongs to someone,” said Kaweah River Watermaster Victor Hernandez. “The reservoir may belong to the federal government, but the water is ours. If someone’s playing political games with this water, it’s wrong.”

Not to mention that Trump’s actions sent locals scrambling to relocate equipment and warn farmers about possible flooding: , (SJV Water, Jan. 30):

Water managers said they got about an hour’s warning from the Army Corp’s Sacramento office to expect the Tule and Kaweah rivers to be at “channel capacity” by Thursday night. 

Channel capacity means the maximum amount of water a river can handle. For the Kaweah, that’s 5,500 cubic feet per second and for the Tule, it’s 3,500 cfs.

Those levels were last seen, and surpassed, during the 2023 floods, which destroyed dozens of homes and businesses and caused significant damage to infrastructure.

People who actually do know something about water management in the region were not as happy as Trump boasted about his order (SJV Water, Jan. 31):

“A decision to take summer water from local farmers and dump it out of these reservoirs shows a complete lack of understanding of how the system works and sets a very dangerous precedent,” said Dan Vink, a longtime Tulare County water manager and principal partner at Six-33 Solutions, a water and natural resource firm in Visalia.

“This decision was clearly made by someone with no understanding of the system or the impacts that come from knee-jerk political actions.”

That person is Donald Trump, boy genius.

Responding to Trump’s Oval Office comments on Friday afternoon and not to this water nuttiness, Aaron Rupar commented:

Now. What are we going to do about it?

Friday Night Soother

This past Sunday, January 26th, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and brought three orphaned mountain lion cubs to Oakland Zoo for rehabilitation and care. These rescues mark the 30th mountain lion rescue for the Zoo, with close collaboration with CDFW. Oakland Zoo’s advanced Veterinary Hospital has enabled the Zoo to assist in numerous mountain lion rescue cases for those who were sick, injured, burned, or orphaned. The three mountain lion cubs, now named Fern (female), Thistle (male), and Spruce (male), are currently recovering at the Zoo’s Veterinary Hospital

Mountain lions in California face many threats, including car strikes and wildfires. These factors contribute to human-wildlife conflict, increasing encounters as mountain lions encroach on urban areas and developments.

As human development has significantly enhanced the wellbeing of our communities, it has simultaneously taken a toll on wildlife and their natural habitats. As we continue to thrive as a species, it is essential for coexistence that we also take action to ensure the survival of others. Now more than ever, we must continually advocate for establishing wildlife corridors, such as the recent overpass in Los Angeles, to maintain the biodiversity of our Golden State,” says Nik Dehejia, CEO of Oakland Zoo.

What happened to their mother?

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) believes the mother of these three cubs was the same female lion hit by a car on Portola Valley Road about 0.3 miles from where Fern, Thistle, and Spruce were found. While there were many witnesses of the mountain lion after it was hit, the carcass has since disappeared and is still being investigated. As such, CDFW can’t confirm a relationship between the kittens and female lions using DNA.

How long did the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) monitor them, and why did they bring them to Oakland Zoo?

Recently, Portola Valley residents spotted the kittens wandering in the neighborhood, and they were later found hiding under a car. CDFW monitored for any signs of the kittens’ mother over the past two weeks, using trail cameras and reports from local security cameras with the help of the Midpeninsula Open Space District. There have been no confirmed sightings of an adult female searching or calling for her cubs. Due to their disoriented behavior, lack of a mother for two weeks, and proximity to where the female was hit, CDFW decided to capture the kittens for evaluation with help from the Midpeninsula Open Space District.  

In what condition did they arrive at Oakland Zoo? How old are they?

Oakland Zoo’s Veterinary Hospital staff conducted a thorough health examination on the Fern, thistle, and Spruce, including treatments and bloodwork. The three cubs arrived at the Zoo relatively healthy but thin after being without a mother and adult care for about two weeks. After examination, Oakland Zoo veterinarians determined that they were around three months old.

Why can’t the cubs be released to the wild?

In the wild, mountain lion cubs need about two years with their mother in the wild to learn survival skills. Because Fern, Thistle, and Spruce are so young, they lack those skills and cannot return to the wild.

Will the cubs remain at Oakland Zoo?

Unfortunately, Fern, Spruce, and Thistle will not remain at the Zoo. Oakland Zoo will work with CDFW to find these cubs a new forever home at an appropriate institution.

In what condition did they arrive at Oakland Zoo? How old are they?

Oakland Zoo’s Veterinary Hospital staff conducted a thorough health examination on the Fern, thistle, and Spruce, including treatments and bloodwork. The three cubs arrived at the Zoo relatively healthy but thin after being without a mother and adult care for about two weeks. After examination, Oakland Zoo veterinarians determined that they were around three months old.

Why can’t the cubs be released to the wild?

In the wild, mountain lion cubs need about two years with their mother in the wild to learn survival skills. Because Fern, Thistle, and Spruce are so young, they lack those skills and cannot return to the wild.

Will the cubs remain at Oakland Zoo?

Unfortunately, Fern, Spruce, and Thistle will not remain at the Zoo. Oakland Zoo will work with CDFW to find these cubs a new forever home at an appropriate institution.

About The Faucet

This is probably what Trump was babbling about the other night when he said he’s sent in the military to “turn on the valve” to bring water to southern California. Good Lord:

Water managers were relieved Thursday evening after the Army Corps of Engineers agreed to back off of a sudden decision earlier in the day to dump massive amounts of water from Kaweah and Success lakes.

Water managers said they got about an hour’s warning from the Army Corp’s Sacramento office to expect the Tule and Kaweah rivers to be at “channel capacity” by Thursday night. Channel capacity means the maximum amount of water a river can handle. For the Kaweah, that’s 5,500 cubic feet per second and for the Tule, it’s 3,500 cfs.

Those levels were last seen, and surpassed, during the 2023 floods, which destroyed dozens of homes and businesses and caused significant damage to infrastructure.“We were able to get them to back off that,” said Eric Limas, General Manager of the Lower Tule River and Pixley irrigation districts, of the Army Corps. “They’ll still be releasing water sometime tonight, but it will be a smaller amount, which will increase tomorrow.”

Limas and Tulare Irrigation District General Manager Aaron Fukuda were unsure how high releases would ultimately go and for how long but Kaweah has about 27,000 acre feet and Success about 5,000 acre fee that are above levels allowed by the Army Corps during winter.

Water managers will continue working with the Army Corps to limit the amount of water released from the lakes, Fukuda said. “We’re still trying to wrap our minds around the numbers that made this happen,” Fukuda said. “We haven’t received much information from the Army Corps, just very vague answers.”

Rick Brown, chief public affairs officer for the Sacramento office of the Army Corps, would only say that levels in both lakes were “currently in the flood control space.” He directed further questions to the Army Corps’ headquarters, which did not return an email Thursday asking: Who made the decision to release the water? Why? Why so suddenly? And why weren’t safety personnel notified?

Some people interviewed for this story speculated that the move was political on the part of the new administration, a kind of water “flex,” but declined to elaborate.


“Normally, these kinds of flood releases are done with a lot of notification and coordination,” Fukuda said. “I’ve been doing this 18 years and have never seen something like this.”

It’s just a national dumpster fire.

I need a drink.

Update —

Trump’s response:

I need another drink. Make it a double.

Who Voted For Elon Musk?

Nobody did. But he’s is our new overlord anyway

This is incredibly concerning:

The highest-ranking career official at the Treasury Department is departing after a clash with allies of billionaire Elon Musk over access to sensitive payment systems, according to three people with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private talks.

David A. Lebryk, who served in nonpolitical roles at Treasury for several decades, announced his retirement Friday in an email to colleagues obtained by The Washington Post. President Donald Trump named Lebryk as acting secretary upon taking office last week. Lebryk had a dispute with Musk’s surrogates over access to the payment system the U.S. government uses to disburse trillions of dollars every year, the people said. The exact nature of the disagreement was not immediately clear, they said.

Officials affiliated with Musk’s “Department of Government Efficiency” have been asking since after the election for access to the system, the people said — requests that were reiterated more recently, including after Trump’s inauguration.

A spokeswoman for DOGE declined to comment. Lebryk could not be reached for comment late Thursday.

When Scott Bessent was confirmed as treasury secretary on Monday, Lebryk ceased to be the acting agency head.

Apparently, these payment systems are very closely held by the Bureau of Fiscal Service which controls more than $6 trillion to households and businesses in America. These are the systems that distribute Social Security and Medicare, salaries, payments and tax refunds. That system works very, very efficiently.

Why in the world Musk’s flunkies need to have access to this is the question. They don’t have any kind of security clearances. Some of his people are just out of high school!

It is unclear precisely why Musk’s team sought access to those systems. But both Musk and the Trump administration more broadly have sought to control spending in ways that far exceed efforts by their predecessors and have alarmed legal experts…

Still, the possibility that government officials might try to use the federal payments system — which essentially functions as the nation’s “checking book” — to enact a political agenda is unprecedented, said Mark Mazur, who served in senior treasury roles during the Obama and Biden administrations.

“This is a mechanical job — they pay Social Security benefits, they pay vendors, whatever. It’s not one where there’s a role for nonmechanical things, at least from the career standpoint. Your whole job is to pay the bills as they’re due,” Mazur said. “It’s never been used in a way to execute a partisan agenda. … You have to really put bad intentions in place for that to be the case.”

I would guess that they will say they want “modernize” the payment system and in the process will likely screw it up beyond belief. But having watched Musk’s lunacy on Twitter, I have little doubt that there is also a nefarious purpose to this. He wants to be in control of the payment system because he wants to control the payments,

Go ahead boys, fuck up the Social Security system. See how that goes.

This reminds me of something we went through early in the new century:

LAST month, the Snohomish County Public Utility District, outside Seattle, released audiotapes of Enron energy traders discussing ”stealing” from California, sticking it to ”Grandma Millie” and other ways of manipulating the energy market.

The tapes, recorded in 2000, surfaced because Enron, now in bankruptcy court, pressed a claim for $122 million against Snohomish, which the company contends improperly canceled a power contract in 2001. An Enron spokeswoman says that while the conversations are ”disturbing and offensive,” the contract fee is still valid.

Snohomish officials disagree, and its lawyers are using the tapes, originally subpoenaed by the Justice Department, to help them fight Enron’s claim. Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington, estimates that if the $122 million fee stands, it will cost the average household served by Snohomish $420 in higher bills.

Excerpts from the transcripts follow.

Two Enron employees, Greg and Shari, prepare for a phone call that is part of negotiations with Snohomish about the proposed energy contract.

Greg: Um, called lies, it’s all how well you can weave these lies together, Shari. All right, so um — —

Shari: I feel like I’m being corrupted now.

Greg: No, this is marketing.

Shari: O.K.

Greg: It’s not as bad as trading.

Shari: Yeah, it’s true. Oh yeah, you’re right. O.K., cool, I’ll — I’ll do it.

In the now infamous Grandma Millie exchange, recorded on Nov. 30, 2000, two traders, identified as Kevin and Bob, discuss demands by California officials that electricity-generating companies and traders pay refunds for price-gouging. They also refer to the disputed presidential election, which was as yet undecided.

Kevin: So the rumor’s true? They’re [expletive] takin’ all the money back from you guys? All those money you guys stole from those poor grandmothers in California?

Bob: Yeah, Grandma Millie, man. But she’s the one who couldn’t figure out how to [expletive] vote on the butterfly ballot.

Kevin: Yeah, now she wants her [expletive] money back for all the power you’ve charged for [expletive] $250 a megawatt hour.

Bob: You know — you know — you know, Grandma Millie, she’s the one that Al Gore’s fightin’ for, you know?

Later in the same conversation, Kevin and Bob express little sympathy for Californians.

Kevin: Oh, best thing that could happen is [expletive] an earthquake, let that thing float out to the Pacific and put ’em [expletive] candles.

There’s more of those pricks at the link, in case you’ve forgotten how gross they really were. I feel pretty confident that the Musk cyberpunks are even worse.

Update —

This might be the reasoning:

Update II —

The hits just keep on coming:

Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.

Since taking office 11 days ago, President Donald Trump has embarked on a massive government makeover, firing and sidelining hundreds of civil servants in his first steps toward downsizing the bureaucracy and installing more loyalists.

Musk, the billionaire Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab CEO and X owner tasked by Trump to slash the size of the 2.2 million-strong civilian government workforce, has moved swiftly to install allies at the agency known as the Office of Personnel Management.

The two officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said some senior career employees at OPM have had their access revoked to some of the department’s data systems.

The systems include a vast database called Enterprise Human Resources Integration, which contains dates of birth, Social Security numbers, appraisals, home addresses, pay grades and length of service of government workers, the officials said.

“We have no visibility into what they are doing with the computer and data systems,” one of the officials said. “That is creating great concern. There is no oversight. It creates real cybersecurity and hacking implications.” 

Oh, I’m sure there’s no risk there. Musk’s little high school student sycophants are great patriots. We know that.