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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Another Good Endorsement

This one’s for the PBS watching older Indies and Republicans:

As a traveler, I’m both a proud American and a citizen of the world — and I’ve got a few thoughts on this coming election. This election is deeper than partisanship. It’s far more than Republican versus Democrat.

In the future, big challenges like pandemics, refugees, and climate change will be blind to borders. They’ll be everyone’s problem and only solved by working together as a family of nations.

The world needs not American isolation, but American leadership. Not the chaos of Trump, but the stability of @KamalaHarris

. Of course, how you vote is your choice. But if you believe, as I do, in the importance of nations working together constructively, the stakes are really high…and the best candidate is clear. Register to vote today at — and encourage your travelin’ friends to do the same!

I also like his argument very much. If you are a person who has spent any time outside the US you know this is true. This world is a lot smaller than people think and we are facing some huge challenges as a country and as a planet. We need competent people running this very powerful country. Trump has already shown that he is not it.

The Excellent Kamala Harris Campaign

Despite the ongoing excessive whining in the press about Vice President Kamala Harris not doing interviews and MAGA’s laughable insistence that Trump won the debate (and also that it was rigged), the truth is that Harris is running an exceptional campaign. At every important juncture, she has met the moment and surpassed it.

Personally, I never understood the widely (but not deeply) held belief that she was a mediocre politician. As a Californian I have followed her career pretty closely from the time she made a name for herself as the San Francisco district attorney and then Attorney General. I happily voted for her for the Senate. She always struck me as a talented politician who was very likely headed for higher office if the breaks came her way.

She took a shot for president in 2019 and had a bad primary run, but she’s hardly the first presidential aspirant to flame out in their first run. Joe Biden ran twice before he finally got the nomination. Even the sainted John McCain and Ronald Reagan failed in their first attempts. But even though she ended up being chosen for VP it seemed as though her failure was seen as possibly fatal and that dark cloud followed her through her first couple of years in the job.

Needless to say, a lot of this was fed by the right wing which went to great lengths to demean and demonize her, which is something they do to all Democratic women, particularly the Black ones. As VP they knew she would run when Biden’s term was over and their crusade to degrade her also seeped into the beltway ether.

The last two years were quite a bit better as she was featured more in roles that got a lot of attention and it was clear that she was an effective communicator and advocate, most especially on abortion rights about which the president was notoriously uncomfortable. But even with that, when it became obvious that Joe Biden’s re-election campaign was in trouble there were many Democrats and members of the media who were convinced that she was not up to the job. That frenzy to create a “mini-primary” or some kind of rube goldberg mechanism to pick a candidate was largely based on that knee jerk opinion.

Luckily, Joe Biden knew better and he immediately endorsed her as many of us desperately hoped he would do. And the Democratic establishment relatively quickly fell in line, thank goodness. .

The campaign rollout was simply exceptional, one of the best I’ve ever seen. Harris personally worked to phones to get the party lined up behind her, they figured out a process to secure the nomination without any hiccups and with almost no time to prepare, they smoothly transitioned the Biden campaign apparatus (which was obviously very good itself) into the Harris campaign and they immediately went to work.

Those first few days with her appearance at campaign headquarters taking a call from Joe Biden on camera was perfectly choreographed. The VP search and final choice of Gov. Tim Walz was pitch perfect and their first rally appearances together were raucous, exciting events that radiated optimism and confidence, something we haven’t seen for quite some time in this country. I don’t know where the “joy” meme originated but it felt real and was a breath of fresh air.

And then there was the convention which was hastily retooled from a Joe Biden re-election celebration to a “change” candidate introduction. It was a love fest, with ecstatic receptions for every faction of the sprawling coalition Harris was bringing together. And when the nominee herself took the stage on the final night she looked and sounded like a president which is no mean feat for a woman in American politics.

Since then she has gracefully and graciously accepted the endorsement from some of the most conservative Republicans in the country including none other than former Vice President Dick Cheney. So far she’s doing something that is very difficult to pull of but if she does it will be legendary — she’s trying to excite the base and also expand the coalition all the way from Bernie Sanders to Dick Cheney. (Trump, on the other hand, seems determined to shrink his coalition to the most extreme MAGA fanatics. )

Harris didn’t do it all herself, of course. As NY Magazine’s Rebecca Traister chronicles in this fascinating feature about Harris and her campaign, grassroots organizations, many of them having evolved and matured over the past few years from the women-focused Resistance groups that formed in reaction to Trump’s upset victory in 2016, lurched into gear immediately to help jump start fundraising and organizing on the ground. It started with Black Women for Kamala which has inspired dozens of others. Just this week there was “Paisans for Kamala” featuring Nancy Pelosi and Robert deNiro.

The campaign itself has a kick-ass social media team that’s churning out memes, tik-toks, tweets and Instagram stories that are clever, pointed and tuned in. The outreach to younger voters using these platforms is revolutionary in a presidential campaign. The campaign is wisely allowing them to run unfettered and if the youngs come home to the Democrats and vote in large numbers, this team will deserve a lot of the credit.

And what about this fundraising? The unprecedented massive warchest that’s been assembled by the campaign in such a sort time is simply mind-boggling. The campaign raised more than $310 million in July, driven by a record-breaking $200 million in the first week. In August they raised another $361 million, tripling Trump’s haul. They took in another $47 million in the 24 hours after the debate this week. Most of it has come from small donors which reflects the enthusiasm that’s palpable at the Harris and Walz events.

She absolutely dominated Trump in the debate this week and the campaign (which always stays on offense) immediately challenged him to another one. Trump is refusing, lamely insisting that he won to which Harris adviser David Plouffe tweeted that we’d finally discovered Trump’s spirit animal: the chicken.

They’re not resting on their laurels. They’re hitting the ground running:

According to Traister, some of the Democratic “professionals” have descended (Plouffe being one of them) and she worries that they will quash the creativity and spontaneity that’s characterized the campaign so far. I’m actually fairly confident that it won’t happen largely because the candidate herself has already demonstrated that she’s not going to blindly follow their advice. Early on when a pollster suggested that they not use the phrase “we’re not going back” or the term “weird,” Harris said no. I have a sneaking suspicion that’s not the last time she decided to trust her own instincts instead of the stale beltway risk averse habits that take all the life out of a campaign.

It’s a big team with many moving parts, obviously. If things are going well because they are all moving in the same direction without a lot of internal strife, you have to look at the person at the top. Harris was slammed pretty hard for her primary campaign’s dysfunction but it appears that she learns from her mistakes. This one is working as well as any we’ve seen and under very unusual circumstances.

The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell held one of her famous focus groups on the morning after the debate. When asked how they would describe Harris’s performance, the most common response was “presidential.” Kamala Harris knows what she’s doing and it shows.

Expand coalition, Trump is shrinking his/

Trump: Emperor’s new clothes on steroids. Loomer, Gaetz.


She looks like a president and that is a miracle since we’ve never had a woman president much less a Black woman president. But she does.

She won.

Longwell focus group: Alpha Harris: four people used the word presidential

Traister article

Friday The 13th Fun

Laughter is good medicine

The New York Times(?) provides readers needed comic relief:

On Tuesday night, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris spent 90 minutes trading blows in a fierce debate. Out of duty to a weary electorate eager for change, we enlisted the musical talents of the Gregory Brothers and a special guest, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, to provide the debate recap you didn’t know you needed.

Take it in, friends. We’ve got a long way yet to go and more work to do.

Overthinking It

Spinning madness into reason

Just yesterday, I argued that “so much of what Donald Trump does and says is not strategy so much as pathology. And feral instinct. His fanboys handle strategy.” That’s still true this morning. Among the reasons the press and some of the left’s own have trouble coming to grips with his lunacy is, as children of the Enlightenment, we put so much stock in reason. Unreason does not compute.* We all want to make a steak out of hash.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is perhaps the quickest and sharpest Democrats have to carry its message. Yet, here he is attempting to paint Donald Trump’s unhinged cats-and-dogs rant during this week’s debate as a distraction strategy. It may be instinct. Distraction may be someone else’s strategy. But it’s not Trump’s. He doesn’t think with his atrophied frontal lobes.

Piers Morgan’s guests did the same this week, offering what Trump needs to do differently and how he needs to reconfigure his campaign. He needs to fire his advisors and get new ones who will help him present himself as more presidential in coming days.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R) of Texas argued that the debate was easy for Trump to win, offering Republican counterfactuals that Trump should have (but didn’t) use to his advantage. Convincing independent’s “is very easy to do,” Crenshaw declared in Trumpian fashion. Trump just missed opportunities. Crenshaw might as easily have spun straw into gold as spin madness into rationality.

Podcaster Brian Taylor Cohen was having none of it.

“I’ve sat here listening to everyone say that Trump has to fire his advisors who steered him wrong on the debate stage. Does anybody ACTUALLY think that Trump took the advice of his advisors? He’s so easy to bait, you could dangle a cookie in front of a 4-year-old and they would have more discipline than Trump. This notion that his ADVISORS are responsible for what happened on that debate stage is a joke.”

Trump has never been more than what he is: a seven year-old in a 70-something body. If the press presented him as he is, if they reported what he said unfiltered, it would make their reporting and their reporters appear incoherent. It’s their job to make sense of the news. What do they do when there’s no sense to be made? You’re watching it live.

* When the New Age movement was in its heyday here, it was head-scratching to watch believers throw around terms like quantum and energies and frequencies to dress up magical thinking and medieval alchemy as cutting-edge science for the late 20th century.

Trump’s Top Adviser

That woman has been travelling around with Trump on his campaign plane. She was with him for the debate on Tuesday and accompanied him to NY for the 9/11 ceremonies (even though she has said that the attacks were an inside job.)

Here are a few more of her comments on Harris, some of which she’s obviously been sharing with Trump who can’t help but use them on the campaign trail. From Media Matters:

Loomer called Harris, Fani Willis, and District Attorney Letitia James “ghetto Black women” and “3 angry Black women who are clearly targeting successful white men.” Loomer’s guest, Peter Brimelow of the white nationalist group VDare, said, “There’s a lot of angry Black women out there in positions of authority. And there’s a real question for whether they can be trusted.” [Rumble, Loomer Unleashed3/28/24

Loomer called Harris “a brain-dead bimbo who sucked so much c**k in order to get to the political position that she’s in today.” Loomer then falsely claimed that “nowhere does she ever identify as a woman of color until, right, until she is then selected as Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick, and she wants to drive home this idea that she’s a Black woman.” [Rumble, Loomer Unleashed7/23/24]

Loomer used a photo of Harris’ birth certificate to claim that Harris “is NOT black and never has been,” a false claim which was reposted by Trump. Even though the certificate clearly showed that Harris’ father is from Jamaica, Loomer attempted to fault Harris by arguing that she is “the descendent of slave owners.” The Washington Post had previously reported that Harris’ great-grandmother “is thought to be both a descendant of [enslaver Hamilton] Brown and enslaved Jamaicans,” according to The Washington Post. [Twitter/X, 7/31/24; Truth Social, 8/2/24; The Washington Post, 1/17/21]

Loomer: “If Kamala Harris makes it to the White House, Ebonics will replace English as the language of our land.” [Twitter/X, 7/31/24]

Those are just a few of the Kamala Harris quotes. If you click over to Media Matters you will see the full list of sociopathic utterings by this personincluding her latest which claimed that the White House would smell like curry if she wins the election among other things.. She is certifiably evil.

Semafor reported on Loomer’s close association with Trump:

Laura Loomer, the right-wing agitator known for egging on Donald Trump’s most inflammatory instincts, has been regularly popping up around the former president. After a debate in which Trump shouted about false viral rumors of pet-eating Haitians in an Ohio town, her potential influence is drawing more scrutiny from both parties.

One person close to the Trump campaign said they were “100%” concerned about her exacerbating Trump’s weaknesses. “Regardless of any guardrails the Trump campaign has put on her, I don’t think it’s working,” the person said.

Loomer has long been a presence in Trump’s orbit, much to the chagrin of some of his allies inside and outside the campaign. Last year, the New York Times reported Trump ordered his staff to give her a formal campaign role — only to drop the idea urry fierce pushback from Republicans.


Loomer earned her prominence in the MAGA movement by confronting Democrats on camera with aggressive questions that they usually refused to answer — she called it being “Loomered.” After ambushing several Muslim candidates in Michigan and Minnesota, including longtime target llhan Omar, Democrats began recognizing her and keeping her out of events.

But she’s also proved an extremely polarizing figure among Republicans by using the same tactics against them if she thinks they’re crossing Trump. Loomer traveled to Iowa before this year’s caucuses, confronting Ron DeSantis at the hotel where his campaign team was staying, calling him an “absentee governor” who’d “betrayed President Trump” by running against him. “DeSanctimonious’s soul literally left his cowardly body when he saw me,” she posted on X.

She also has feuded with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who she’s called a “traitor.” On Wednesday, Greene called Loomer’s comments mocking Harris’ Indian heritage “appalling and extremely racist,” adding that it “does not represent President Trump” and that “this type of behavior should not be tolerated ever.”

That’s rich coming from her. In any case, Marge needs to take it up with Trump who has Loomer traveling with him.

If you’re wondering, they’ve been fighting for some time:

She seems so nice. You can see why Trump wants her with him on the campaign trail. They are two peas in a pod. It was only a matter of time before a toxic monster like Greene was usurped by someone even worse than she is. There is no bottom for MAGA.

Donald Trump loves this person so she’s accepted by most of the GOP establishment even though they all know she is monster. The X account of the National Republican Senate Committee promoted one of her videos on 9/11. She is an insider.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is urging Donald Trump to stay away from far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer, who was spotted traveling with the former president on his plane on Wednesday.

“We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic,” Graham told HuffPost on Thursday. “I mean, she actually called for Kellyanne Conway’s daughter to hang herself. I don’t know how this all happened, but, no, I don’t think it’s helpful. I don’t think it’s helpful at all.” […]

“Marjorie Taylor Greene is right. I don’t say that a lot,” Graham said.

“I think what [Loomer] said about Kamala Harris and the White House is abhorrent, but it’s deeper than that,” he added. “I mean, you know, some of the things she’s said about Republicans and others is disturbing. I mean, to call for someone’s daughter to hang themselves. Yeah, no, I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story.”

Loomer responded with this:

JD Vance Really Hates America

So I thought he was evil but he wasn’t stupid. Now I’m not so sure. This is very dumb:

The loathing for America among the leaders of the Republican Party continues to be stunning. As long as I can remember, they were the “love it or leave it” crowd, insisting that it was the greatest country in the history of the world and pretty much perfect in every way. Now that they’ve joined a dystopian cult led by a man who clearly hates everything America stands for they’ve all decided that we are little more than poor third world outpost because of all the immigrants. (Also, hippies, gays, feminazis and Black people …)

James Fallows had this to say about Vance’s comments:

Because immigration *is* the centuries-long US path to prosperity (and innovation, and rejuvenation, and “soft power” through connections around the world, and most powerful global culture), the US is by far the most productive and wealthy and innovative country.

Inability to handle immigration a major limit for Japan, most of Europe, China as well. A major US strength. Just ask any American who, unlike Vance, has spent a lot of time outside the country. Of the crystal-clear dividing lines in the campaign—hope-vs-resentment, “us” vs “them,” forward vs backward—visceral view on immigration is near the top.

Does it grow and expand the pie? Or divide the pie? US history suggests: GROW.

I always thought that the US had a tremendous advantage in the world because of our immigrant experience and that everyone on some level understood that. Boy was I wrong. Racism and xenophobia remain so strong among a certain group that an opportunistic demagogue like Trump can crank it up to 11 very easily.

He’s Getting Worse

Trump has a very small vocabulary for a supposedly educated person and speaks at a 4th grade level according to experts. There’s nothing new in that. And repeating himself is part of his strategy to convince people his lies are the truth. The sheer audacity of lying constantly even in the face of absolute proof seems to be seen by many people as proof that you’re not lying. (I can’t understand it either…)

His “cognitive tests” (which he says he “aced” like nobody’s ever aced them before) notwithstanding, he is getting worse. He can’t seem to keep a single train of thought and that’s actually new. He’s calling this rambling “the weave” and says his English professor friends call it brilliant. (He has no English professor friends.)

Psychiatrist Richard Friedman in the Atlantic says it’s concerning:

The speech Trump excuses as the “weave” is one of many tics that are starting to look less strategic and more uncontrollable. Last week, David A. Graham wrote in The Atlantic that the former president has a penchant for describing objects and events as being “like nobody has ever seen before.” At the debate, true to form, Trump repeatedly fell back on the superlative. Of the economy under his presidency: “Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.” Of inflation under the Biden administration: “I’ve never seen a worse period of time.” Of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan: “That was one of the most incompetently handled situations anybody has ever seen.” Harris, for her part, also showed some verbal tics and leaned on tired formulations. For instance, she invited viewers more than 15 times to “understand” things. But Trump’s turns of phrase are so disjointed, so unusual, and so frequently uttered that they’re difficult to pass off as normal speech.

Trump’s speech during the debate was repetitive not only in form but also in content. Politicians regularly return during debates to their strongest topics—that’s just good strategy. Harris twice mentioned Project 2025, which voters widely disapproved of in recent polling, and insisted three times that Americans want to “move forward” or “chart a new way forward.” Trump likewise expounded at every opportunity on immigration, a weak issue for Harris. But plenty of the former president’s repetitions seemed compulsive, not strategic. After praising the Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán, Trump spoke unprompted, at length, and without clarity about gas pipelines in the United States and Europe, an issue unlikely to connect with many voters. A few minutes later, he brought up the pipelines again. The moderators cut him off for a commercial break. Even in cases where Trump could have reasonably defended himself, he was unable to articulate basic exculpatory evidence. When Harris raised his infamous “very fine people on both sides” remark regarding the 2017 white-supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump could have pointed out that even at the time, he had specified, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists—because they should be condemned totally.” But he did not.

In psychiatry, the tendency to conspicuously and rigidly repeat a thought beyond the point of relevance, called “perseverance,” is known to be correlated with a variety of clinical disorders, including those involving a loss of cognitive reserve. People tend to stick to familiar topics over and over when they experience an impairment in cognitive functioning—for instance, in short-term memory. Short-term memory is essentially your mental sketch pad: how many different thoughts you can juggle in your mind, keep track of, and use at the same time. Given the complexity of being president, short-term memory is a vital skill.

He says that if he had a patient with the “verbal incoherence, tangential thinking, and repetitive speech” that Trump shows, he would definitely refer him for a thorough neuropsychiatric evaluation. Also, those characteristics make him completely unqualified to be president of the United States.

I’m not a psychiatrist but would just add that he’s also a puerile, self-centered asshole who only cares about himself which is also disqualifying.

Another Famous Cat Lady Says He’s No Good


A Statement From Linda Ronstadt
Sept. 11, 2024
San Francisco
Donald Trump is holding a rally on Thursday in a rented hall in my hometown, Tucson. I would prefer to ignore that sad fact. But since the building has my name on it, I need to say something.
It saddens me to see the former President bring his hate show to Tucson, a town with deep Mexican-American roots and a joyful, tolerant spirit.
I don’t just deplore his toxic politics, his hatred of women, immigrants and people of color, his criminality, dishonesty and ignorance — although there’s that.
For me it comes down to this:  In Nogales and across the southern border, the Trump Administration systematically ripped apart migrant families seeking asylum. Family separation made orphans of thousands of little children and babies, and brutalized their desperate mothers and fathers. It remains a humanitarian catastrophe that Physicians for Human Rights said met the criteria for torture.
There is no forgiving or forgetting the heartbreak he caused.
Trump first ran for President warning about rapists coming in from Mexico. I’m worried about keeping the rapist out of the White House.
Linda Ronstadt
P.S. to J.D. Vance:
I raised two adopted children in Tucson as a single mom. They are both grown and living in their own houses. I live with a cat. Am I half a childless cat lady because I’m unmarried and didn’t give birth to my kids? Call me what you want, but this cat lady will be voting proudly in November for @kamalaharris and @timwalz .

She’s the best.

Status Anxiety Election

Sharing power is anathema on the right

When in 1619 settlers on this continent imported the first abducted Africans, they thought they were creating an enslaved labor force, cheap farm hands and house servants. They were creating something else centuries before we had a term for it: a social safety net.

For white people.

African slaves were laborers, yes, but their presence in the colonies represented a social floor below which no white man or woman could fall, not matter the lowliness of their family’s status or emptiness of their pockets. Slavery wasn’t sold that way, but having a caste of untouchables was a fringe benefit even non-slave owners would fight a civil war to protect. Skin color simply made the untouchables easy to identify in a crowd so everyone knew who was whom and who was better than whom.

Settlers did not trade in human flesh to create that informal safety net, but they created it nonetheless. By the 19th century, it was simply a cultural understanding. Six years after Brown v. Board, Sen. Lyndon Johnson explained why whites across the South were so upset to see holes poked in the safety net to which they’d grown up entitled.

If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll even empty his pockets for you. — Sen. Lyndon Baines Johnson of Texas to Bill Moyers (1960)

Then came the civil rights legislation under Johnson’s presidency. The Southern Strategy followed. With the election of the country’s first Black president, the backlash against America’s ideal of equality has strengthened. With the election of an openly racist and misogynist president, white supremacists had a new champion for the 21st century and a campaign slogan not so far removed from “old times there are not forgotten.”

Hatred of non-whites and immigrants, and the propagation of dehumanizing memes about Mexicans and Somalis and Muslims and Indians by the MAGA “legion of doom” is racially tinged, sure, but it’s ultimately about power. Voter suppression laws and fantastic rumors about non-citizens voting are less about race than about power. About which of us has it and which does not. About status anxiety. About the loss of a social safety net that provided even the lowest white people the comforting warmth that no matter how low they fall, at least they’re not one of those people. The insistence that women’s worth lies solely in being baby factories is not about race but about men losing their power to dominate them.

Donald Trump’s comments about immigrants taking “Black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs,” and his Tuesday rant about Haitians eating pets is more of the same. Now he faces defeat at the hands of a powerful Black-Asian woman. In the words of Stephen Stills, he and his MAGA cult are scared shitless.

It’s a cliché to hear American politicians proclaim after some outrage that America is “better than that.” We have yet to live up to that boast.