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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Avoiding Bush

by tristero

The latest news from Iraq:

A suicide bomber killed 25 people in an attack on a line of would-be Iraqi police recruits outside a police station in Diyala Province on Tuesday, Iraqi security officials said.

The security officials said the bomber, a man wearing an explosive belt, blew himself up at 10.45 a.m. near the line of volunteers who were standing outside a government building in the Martyrs’ district of Jalawla, 50 miles west of the Iranian border.

I find it hard to square news like this with general tone of the political conventions this year. One would expect Republicans to run like crazy from Bush’s war, of course. And everything else Bush.

But so far, the Democratic convention has gone out of its way to avoid the unpleasant fact that for the past eight years, the US has been presided over by malicious, willfully ignorant fools who have unleashed unspeakable carnage by invading, conquering, and occupying a country which never attacked the US; who have elevated torture to an official government policy; who looked on with indifference – to the extent they looked at all – as Americans drowned in their own sewage; who have systematically destroyed the American system of justice; who have wrecked the economy; and who have ensured that young Americans continue to receive an incomplete and distorted education about the world.

I could go on, and on, and on about the sheer incompetence, ignorance and betrayal of American values Republicans like John McCain represent. It’s not hard. So it simply defies belief that the Democratic convention would deliberately avoid – as it clearly has – mentioning Bush’s name, the worst president ever, and – not so coincidentally-a Republican. It simply defies belief that no one is making the point that McCain has proactively aided, abetted, and now seeks to continue nearly all of Bush’ misbegotten, if not criminal, activities. Yet that is what is going on. The predictable result? A nail-bitingly close race that should be a rout.

Meanwhile, the slaughter and the horrors Bush and his Republican henchmen inflicted on the world go on. And the likelihood that that they will continue in January, under a president who makes Bush look smart, increases.

It’s Bush, stupid. It’s Republicans, stupid.

Who’s Our (Sugar) Daddy?

by digby

So I appeared on a panel about the blogosphere and the media yesterday morning with Arianna Huffington, Chris Cilizza, Jonathan Alter and … Gregory Maffei? When I was introduced to him, I assumed that he was a writer with whom I was unfamiliar, which seemed odd, considering the nature of the discussion. It turns out he isn’t a writer. He is this guy.

Why, you ask, would a program at the Democratic Party Convention include someone who is a big McCain contributor? Welll…. it turns out that he is president of Liberty Media, which owns Starz, which is a sponsor of the program. Liberty Media is run by John Malone, who Al Gore famously dubbed Darth Vadar. Strange bedfellows, indeed.

He didn’t seem to think too highly of the blogosphere. And he was very, very worried about the future of journalism since nobody was paying for content. Very worried. Indeed, one might almost think that he had an agenda, although it was never explicitly discussed. It was very odd, but to be expected, I guess. Corporate sponsorship of political events isn’t actually free, now is it?

The rest of the panel was pretty much the usual boilerplate “bloggers are vituperative” etc. (Jonathan Alter said we have a psychological condition called “disinhibition” — like Alzheimers patients.) I had planned to say some things about the village and Cokie’s Law and Rush and Drudge, but the opportunities to speak were quite limited.

I did find one thing quite interesting, which is that Alter insists that nobody listens to the gasbags and pundits so we shouldn’t worry about them. I asked him how he thought people got their information about politics and he said from their talkative coworker or politically engaged relative and things like chain emails. It’s apparent that many in the mainstream media have not see the documentation and analysis that’s been done online about how the stories and themes of elections, as conceived by political operatives and political pundits, dominate the campaigns and color the voters impressions of the candidates. Maybe the inside of the bubble is too heady a place to be able to see the connections.

(In the meantime, perhaps I should just direct everyone to Bob Somerby…)

I find it difficult to keep my patience with the inevitable discussion about how the news media is losing money and can’t afford to do the all important news gathering on which we internet parasites depend. It’s as if this problem has happened in some vacuum in which journalism itself has no culpability. They brought a lot of it on themselves, particularly when they gleefully allowed Drudge to rule their world and Rush to be feted and groomed by mainstream conservative politicians without raising an eyebrow. (Live by the wingnuts, die by the wingnuts.)

Ari Melber asked the pertinent question about how a reporter can possibly fail to call out illegal and immoral acts like wiretapping and torture for what they are, under some misguided definition of objectivity or neutrality. Cilizza answered the question honestly, admitting that they don’t do a good job of it. Had there been time, I would have loved to have asked Alter what his feelings were on that subject when he wrote this piece back in 2001.

In this autumn of anger, even a liberal can find his thoughts turning to … torture. OK, not cattle prods or rubber hoses, at least not here in the United States, but something to jump-start the stalled investigation of the greatest crime in American history. Right now, four key hijacking suspects aren’t talking at all.

COULDN’T WE AT LEAST subject them to psychological torture, like tapes of dying rabbits or high-decibel rap? (The military has done that in Panama and elsewhere.) How about truth serum, administered with a mandatory IV? Or deportation to Saudi Arabia, land of beheadings? (As the frustrated FBI has been threatening.) Some people still argue that we needn’t rethink any of our old assumptions about law enforcement, but they’re hopelessly “Sept. 10”—living in a country that no longer exists.

One sign of how much things have changed is the reaction to the antiterrorism bill, which cleared the Senate last week by a vote of 98-1. While the ACLU felt obliged to quibble with a provision or two, the opposition was tepid, even from staunch civil libertarians. That great quote from the late Chief Justice Robert Jackson—”The Constitution is not a suicide pact”—is getting a good workout lately. “This was incomparably more sober and sensible than what some of our revered presidents did,” says Floyd Abrams, the First Amendment lawyer, referring to the severe restrictions on liberty imposed during the Civil War and World War I.

Fortunately, the new law stops short of threatening basic rights like free speech, which is essential in wartime to hold the government accountable. The bill makes it easier to wiretap (under the old rules, you had to get a warrant for each individual phone, an anachronism in a cellular age), easier to detain immigrants who won’t talk and easier to follow money through the international laundering process. A welcome “sunset” provision means the expansion of surveillance will expire after four years. That’s an important precedent, though odds are these changes will end up being permanent. It’s a new world.

Actually, the world hasn’t changed as much as we have. The Israelis have been wrestling for years with the morality of torture. Until 1999 an interrogation technique called “shaking” was legal. It entailed holding a smelly bag over a suspect’s head in a dark room, then applying scary psychological torment. (To avoid lessening the potential impact on terrorists, I won’t specify exactly what kind.) Even now, Israeli law leaves a little room for “moderate physical pressure” in what are called “ticking time bomb” cases, where extracting information is essential to saving hundreds of lives. The decision of when to apply it is left in the hands of law-enforcement officials.


Short of physical torture, there’s always sodium pentothal (“truth serum”). The FBI is eager to try it, and deserves the chance. Unfortunately, truth serum, first used on spies in World War II, makes suspects gabby but not necessarily truthful. The same goes for even the harshest torture. When the subject breaks, he often lies. Prisoners “have only one objective—to end the pain,” says retired Col. Kenneth Allard, who was trained in interrogation. “It’s a huge limitation.”

Some torture clearly works. Jordan broke the most notorious terrorist of the 1980s, Abu Nidal, by threatening his family. Philippine police reportedly helped crack the 1993 World Trade Center bombings (plus a plot to crash 11 U.S. airliners and kill the pope) by convincing a suspect that they were about to turn him over to the Israelis. Then there’s painful Islamic justice, which has the added benefit of greater acceptance among Muslims.

We can’t legalize physical torture; it’s contrary to American values. But even as we continue to speak out against human-rights abuses around the world, we need to keep an open mind about certain measures to fight terrorism, like court-sanctioned psychological interrogation. And we’ll have to think about transferring some suspects to our less squeamish allies, even if that’s hypocritical. Nobody said this was going to be pretty.

I would hope that he has thought some about that since then, considering that torture has now been thoroughly mainstreamed. If I see him around this week, I’ll ask him.

A lot of people became irrational after 9/11 and said things they probably wouldn’t say today. But unlike your average person, those with national stature as political writers and analysts have a professional duty to keep their heads about them. It is probable that the result of that very public musing about torture by “eventheliberal” Jonathan Alter was that the Bush administration believed it had far more latitude than the government had ever had before under law and custom. They did, at least from the media:

Media Stoke Debate on Torture as U.S. Option

By Jim Rutenberg
New York Times
November 6, 2001

NEW YORK In many quarters, the Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter is considered a liberal. Yet there he was last week, raising this question:

“In this autumn of anger,” Mr. Alter wrote, “even a liberal can find his thoughts turning to … torture.” He added that he was not necessarily advocating the use of “cattle prods or rubber hoses” on men detained in the investigation into the terrorist attacks. Only, “something to jump-start the stalled investigation of the greatest crime in American history.”

The column, titled “Time to Think About Torture,” is worrying to human rights groups. The sense of alarm was heightened because Mr. Alter is just one of a growing number of voices in the mainstream U.S. news media raising, if not necessarily agreeing with, the idea of torturing terrorism suspects or detainees who refuse to talk. On Thursday night, the Fox News anchor Shepard Smith introduced a segment asking: “Should law enforcement be allowed to do anything, even terrible things, to make suspects spill the beans? Jon DuPre reports. You decide.”

A week earlier, on the CNN program “Crossfire,” the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson said: “Torture is bad. Keep in mind, some things are worse. And under certain circumstances, it may be the lesser of two evils. Because some evils are pretty evil.”

The legitimacy of torture as an investigative tool is the latest in a progression of disturbing and horrific topics that news outlets are now presenting to audiences, like the potential of a biological attack on an American city or a terrorist nuclear strike, the kind that, as an article in The Economist put it in its latest issue, could cause the disappearance of a large part of Manhattan.

Some human rights advocates say they do not mind theoretical discussions about torture, as long as disapproval is expressed at the end. But they say that weighing the issue as a real possible course of action could begin the process of legitimizing a barbaric form of interrogation.

Journalists are approaching the subject cautiously. But some said last week that they were duty-bound to address it when suspects and detainees who have refused to talk could have information that could save thousands of lives. Plus, they added, torture is already a topic of discussion in bars, on commuter trains and at dinner tables. And last, they said, well, this is war.

Considering what actually happened, this was a big mistake, perhaps even bigger than the misjudgment about the war. You don’t have to be a philosopher or a priest to know that torture is immoral and illegal. A taboo was broken and I don’t know what it’s going to take for it to be reinstated.

*Oh, and just for the record, the four suspects Alter said refused to talk and so required psychological torture, sodium pentathol, “shaking” or perhaps “deportation to Saudi Arabia, land of beheadings,” all turned out to be innocent.


Love this comment:

From Wikipedia:

“Disinhibition is a term in psychology used to describe conditions of a person being unable (rather than disinclined) to control their immediate impulsive response to a situation.”

Like thinking torture was a reasonable response to 9/11.


Riddle Me This

by dday

If a 30 year Democrat spoke at the RNC
Excoriated his former party
And endorsed the Presidential candidate of the opposite party
Would the media cover it?


by digby

I’ve never watched a convention in my life that didn’t feature Teddy Kennedy. I’m glad to finally see him in person, even though it’s incredibly bittersweet. It will be strange when he is gone.

Nobody could ever get my Dad frothing like the Kennedys — Teddy especially. He has been the right’s boogeyman, their nemesis, their punchline for decades and he never let up and never gave in. They don’t make liberals like him anymore.


News Analysis

by digby

I happened to tune in to CNN for a couple of minutes and this is what I learned:

Republican character assassin Alex Castellanos: “This convention is much too liberal for the country. Plus it’s boring.”

Republican David Gergen: “This has been entirely without substance, two hours just frittered away with a lot of hoopla”

Christian Broadcasting network’s David Brody: “Leah Daughtry came before the convention to talk openly about faith and prayer, so the Democrats have a whole different tone than they’ve ever had before.”

There you have it.


Thomas Frank (and Those Pesky Footnotes)

By Batocchio

Via Rick Perlstein, here’s Thomas Frank illustrating points from his new book The Wrecking Crew with a brief video tour around the D.C. area:

(I grew up in the D.C. area, so I wish Frank had mentioned the neighborhood names, but he’s sure right about the number of palatial estates that have cropped up in the past decade or two. The lawyers in the crowd should know, but unless the road itself is private, shouldn’t Frank have every right to film whatever he wants, as long as he doesn’t step on their actual property?)

Earlier this month, Frank was interviewed on Fresh Air and Democracy Now!

Shifting gears somewhat, in her New York Times review of The Wrecking Crew, Michiko Kakutani took Frank to task for omitting what she deemed crucial information. It turns out that, as Jonathan Schwarz demonstrates, Frank was using “a literary convention known as a “footnote.””

It brings to mind Andrew Ferguson of the Weekly Standard, reviewing Al Gore’s The Assault on Reason for The Washington Post and claiming in his opening sentence that Gore didn’t use footnotes. Those 20 pages of endnotes apparently eluded Ferguson. The Post issued a correction and Ferguson admitted his error, but he got the smear “out there” first.

It’s funny how reviewers not checking citation tends to hurt liberals but help conservatives. (Perhaps it’s because reality has a well-known liberal bias.) Recently, Jerome Corsi has been trumpeting the “nearly 700 footnotes” in his latest hit job, The Obama Nation, a mighty tome whose “scholarship” has been attested to by none other than Mary Matalin. It’s been refreshing to see Corsi receiving some frank and deservingly harsh critiques, but Matalin has to be happy Corsi’s still won prominent coverage. As Digby noted:

But the job of a book like this isn’t necessarily to get people to buy the book, but rather to legitimize some of these existent themes by having it be publicly discussed. It’s another way of getting out the word, that’s all. They don’t care if the media is refuting it or not — after all it’s the “liberal media.” Why would anyone think they would tell the truth? In that respect, regardless of the factual pushback, they have already succeeded.

Indeed, they’re “debating it” right now on Lou Dobbs. Dobbs just made the point that none of the “attack” books about John McCain are on the NY Times best seller list like Corsi’s book and that must tell you something. Mission Accomplished.

If it’s on TV, if it’s on the NY Times bestseller list, if it’s footnoted, it must be true – at least, if it’s from a conservative. (It’s surprisingly common for a conservative author to disown his or her own thesis later, but that’s another post.)

Bob Somerby’s pointed out we’ve seen this footnote attitude before – with Ann Coulter’s 2002 Slander. As he documented back then, New York Times reviewer Janet Maslin was very impressed by Coulter’s “780 footnotes,” even though many of Coulter’s claims were (shockingly!) false. Dr. Limerick reviewed all of Coulter’s claims in Chapter 2 of Slander, and then blacked out the unsupported claims, resulting in images like this. In its own way, it may be as illuminating a picture as that drawn by Thomas Frank, but both the conservative “scholarship” racket and Thomas Frank’s critique of movement conservatism would be useful to remember this week and in the campaign forward.

Transcendental photo op of our time, my friends
by Dover Bitch

How hard is John McCain trying to keep Georgia in the news? He’s sending his wife, Cindy, there for a photo op with president Mikheil Saakashvili.

SACRAMENTO — Cindy McCain, wife of Sen. John McCain, is headed to the Republic of Georgia, where tensions between the government and Russia have sparked international concern and have become an issue on the presidential campaign trail.

McCain announced to a group of fundraisers in Sacramento that his wife was headed to the country, but the campaign did not provide any details about the trip.

McCain has been very aggressive in his condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Georgia, and his campaign has been critical of Obama’s more measured response when Russian tanks first pushed into the country.

You’ve got to hand it to him. Four years ago, George Bush tried to change the subject by sending his wife and kids to New York. At least McCain’s wife is heading to an actual war zone. Even scarier, there are rumors that Dick Cheney may be hunting in Tbilisi.

Where there’s smoke, there’s Segretti
by Dover Bitch

Digby and dday are in the Mile High City, but here’s a view of the convention coverage from closer to sea level. When the news broke last week that the Clinton’s formed a “whip team” to handle troublemakers, I immediately realized that any disturbance, no matter how insignificant, would be elevated to a top story. It’s kind of like when there’s an earthquake and all the helicopters swarm over a burning shack somewhere and people across America get the impression that all of California is engulfed in flames.

The McCain campaign is smart to put out these otherwise ridiculous Hillary Clinton ads this week. The ads may be easy to mock if you are an Obama supporter (they are easy to mock), but McCain’s real target audience is his base, which means the tire-swinging press corps.

Naturally, FOX News is already leading the way by not just reporting that it’s 1968 all over again, but trying to actually stir up trouble for their broadcasts. But the rest of the media appears to be receiving the message perfectly. CNN is spending most of their time this morning talking about the attempts to “paper over” the big divisions in the party. MSNBC just ran a clip of Teddy Kennedy standing with Jimmy Carter in 1980 as NBC’s David Brinkley cooed, “This is awkward.”

It’s a well-rehearsed GOP strategy and it’s going to be monumentally difficult to keep this convention from being turned into a Clinton-Obama civil war — at least as far as it appears to everybody outside Denver this week.

UPDATE: As soon as I hit ‘publish’ for this post, Chuck Todd said the Clinton-Obama story “is like catnip for us.” He then explained that the media will get over it soon. Yeah, right.

LATE UPDATE: In fairness to Todd, as the convention opened, he dumped cold water all over the topic by telling Chris Matthews that it’s not a real story and reporters will likely look back and wonder why they wasted time on it. But wasting time, they are.

Denver Impressions

by dday

Well, yesterday was uneventful for me. Just getting in and getting my bearings around the city. The first thing I saw was a parade of four pickup trucks full of cops riding toward downtown.

Later, a friend of ours took us down by the Platte River to a spot near the enormous REI store, where fire spinners congregate every Sunday night. Afterwards, we stopped in on some vegetarian restaurant holding a poetry slam, and Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich were in there having dinner. While most people in from out of town were eating their corporate-funded cocktail weenies, I stumbled upon some actual leftists for a change.

While George Bush won Colorado by 4 points in 2004, John Kerry took Denver by 40. This city grows more and more Democratic with each passing year, and raising turnout here – and keeping them in the Democratic fold – would be a key to victory in the state, I gather.

This morning there’s a breakfast for the California delegation, and as a member of the press, I’m going but certainly not getting any breakfast. I believe Hillary Clinton will be there, and I’ve seen over the last couple days the McCain campaign try to drive a wedge between her supporters and Sen. Obama, with multiple ads trying to stir up some resentment. It doesn’t have to make sense in the politics of spite. They even found a PUMA for today’s offering:

Clinton released a statement after the first ad, and it’s not entirely fair that she’ll have to do such heavy lifting in her speech tomorrow night, but it will certainly be closely watched.

That’s all I’ve got. Digby’s panel is at 11 AM MT, I’m goign to try and make it so maybe I’ll do a wee bit of liveblogging.

…Oh yeah, the big rumor is that Ted Kennedy will be making a surprise appearance. The crowd should go crazy.
