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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

The Great Santini

by digby


I’m hearing that tensions were high recently when veteran actor Robert Duvall was taping a voice-over for a video to be played during the Republican National Convention. Apparently, the veteran actor objected to the direction he was receiving from Republican media guru Fred Davis. According to my sources, Duvall said something along the lines of: “F-you Fred! If Scorsese couldn’t give me direction, what the hell makes you think you can?”

Hey dude, if you’re going to be a Republican mouthpiece you’d better learn how to do as you’re told. Horse’s heads have been known to wind up in unusual places, that’s all I’m saying…


Political Moments

by digby

The Campaign For America’s Future is doing a series on how progressives can seize the moment if the Democrats win the election. There will be many interesting posts and articles, beginning with Robert Borosage and Katrina vanden Heuvel’s article in The Nation, “Progressives in the Obama Moment” excerpted here, at the CAF site.

Rick Perlstein has also written a fascinating article on the subject in this months American Prospect called The Liberal Shock Doctrine, which is also excerpted at his blog, The Big Con. And Bill Sher has posted a piece called “The Missed ‘Clinton Moment’ and the Missed ‘Deval Moment'” which ponders some opportunities that were lost.

I have just written a post about The Obama Moment at Saddleback Church and what the evangelical outreach portends for the progressive movement, called “Values and Worldviews.”

I encourage you to check out this series throughout this week and next, particularly if the election horse race is getting you down. This series is about governance and priorities, not campaigning, and has much food for thought about what happens on the day after.


Go Joe Go

by digby

I actually think this would be a brilliant move for McCain — the village gasbags would be speaking in tongues and writhing in ecstasy at the prospect of this kind of post-partisan love-in. “Oh my god, the Republican maverick has chosen the same man for VP the Democrats chose eight years ago!!! Hold me down, I may levitate with sheer euphoria!!”

Now, Lieberman will have to make some adjustments. He’s fine on the indiscriminate killing of live people, which conservatives are always for. It’s the sanctity of the embryo where he’s been a bit dodgy. It’s not that he hasn’t been edging toward it for a long time But, he’s going to have to make the final switch. I’ve figured he was going to do it for a long time.

Many people think that the conservative base will have a fit if McCain chooses Holy Joe. But I think it all depends on whether Holy Joe agrees to become the fire-breathing anti-abortion zealot he’s always secretly wanted to be. They love converts, especially the sickeningly condescending, self-righteous, sanctimonious kind. There’s nobody out there who is more suited to the role of preachy social conservative than Joe Lieberman.

I fervently hope McCain does it. It would spell the end of Obama’s ineffectual paeans to “post-partisanship” and force him to make a strong case for progressive policies — which I have long believed the country was finally willing to hear for the first time in decades. He’s got a gift for speaking and that’s what he needs to be speaking about.

Go McCain-Loserman 08!


Even Steven

by digby

FoxNews digs deep:

Presidential Character & Conduct 2008: Barack Obama

Monday , August 18, 2008 FC1

Two candidates and one of them will be the next president of the UnitedStates. FOX News examines the character and conduct of Sen. Barack Obama in a new documentary hosted by Bill Hemmer at 8 p.m. ET on Aug. 18. To learn more about Obama, click on the following links for rarely seen documents and videos: 1. Listen to Barack Obama’s famous 2004 speech to the Democratic National Convention in Boston. 2. Read the Associated Press story on Barack Obama’s friends from Occidental College. 3. Read the indictment of former Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko. 4. Read the Chicago Sun Times investigative report about Obama’s ties to Tony Rezko. 5. View a map of Rezko properties in Barack Obama former Illinois state senate district. 6. Listen to Barack Obama give detailed responses to the Rezko affair to Chicago Sun Times. 7. Watch a sermon by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4.
Two candidates and one of them will be the next president of the United States. FOX News examines the character and conduct of Sen. John McCain in a new documentary hosted by Eric Shawn at 8 p.m. ET on Aug. 19.To learn more about McCain, click on the following links for rarely seen documents and videos: 1. Read McCain’s first-person account of his more than five years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. 2. Read the 12-part Arizona Republic series on the life and times of McCain. 3. Read the news article that broke the story of the Keating Five. 4. View McCain’s 1990 testimony before the Senate Ethics Committee in the Keating Five scandal. 5. Watch McCain’s October 1989 Arizona press conference about Charles Keating and the Fountain Square shopping center acquisition. 6. Read the famous “Senators Meeting” memorandum compiled by federal regulator William Black during a meeting of the Keating Five. 7. Read Charles Keating’s attack on Federal Home Loan Bank Board Chairman Edward Gray, where he calls Gray’s rule “Nazi.” 8. Read Alan Greenspan’s defense of Keating’s Lincoln Savings & Loan. 9. Read John McCain’s December 2006 letter to President Bush advocating a “surge” in Iraq.

I assume they are just being “fair” when they compare Obama’s friends at Occidental College to McCain’s years as a POW. And they are being scrupulously “balanced” by pretending that the so-called “Rezko” matter, an obscure, unproven set of circumstances surrounding the valuation of a house, was somehow equivalent to the Keating Five scandal, which was associated with one of the greatest banking scandals in history and featured McCain attempting to use his influence as a United States senator to intervene and his wife and father-in-law making millions with their good friend, Charlie Keating.

Naturally Jeremiah Wright’s speeches are heavily featured. They are balanced out by Charles Keating’s attack on some guy named Edward Gray, which is very similar — except for the many millions of dollars that Keating bilked from little old ladies and the resulting largest taxpayer bailout ever. Other than that, though, it’s just the same.

I think it’s pretty clear from this in-depth series that both Obama and McCain’s characters are equally corrupt except that McCain was a heroic POW whose crimes were long ago and Obama is a recent criminal who planned racial insurrection with his America hating pastor.

Oh, and McCain told President Bush how to achieve our glorious victory in Iraq.

H/T to TL

Obama’s Big Bet – The Power Of The Ground Game

by dday

Over the past few days, a fair number of high-profile progressive bloggers have been, to put it mildly, flipping out about Barack Obama’s campaign style and his chances in November. Josh Marshall thinks there need to be consistent lines of attack against McCain. John Aravosis thinks Team Obama is in a bubble and this is feeling like the Democratic campaigns of the past. Matt Stoller thinks it’s time for message testing to find the attack that’ll work on McCain.

All of these are very smart people who want Obama to win – some of them were his staunchest supporters in the primary – and see it slipping away. I think they all make points which are valid to varying degrees. But they are failing to totally account for the X factor of the election, an X factor which is going virtually unmentioned throughout the blogosphere – the historic ground effort that the Obama campaign is banking on to win. It is not without peril, but it is a very new thing, and I think we have to understand it if we want to understand the twists and turns of this election.

It’s true that McCain has gained in small but measurable ways in most polls over the past month. It’s true he has found a couple lines of attack against Obama and hammered them consistently. It’s true that the combination of Obama’s world trip and his vacation in Hawaii, along with the crisis in the Caucasus, has made McCain more present in the campaign than at virtually any other time.

This is also the way that the traditional media, particularly the cable news media, looks at the campaign. Something happens in their line of sight – a Swift Boating, a tough political ad, a bad convention – that convinces the public en masse to vote one way or another. In the historical aftermath of these elections, narratives get set up to “explain” how a candidate won or lost. But the reality is that campaigns are much more complex. They have a life that goes beyond advertising and day-to-day attacks on the stump. And I truly believe that the majority of them are won or lost on the ground.

As bloggers, we are essentially writers, and as such creative people, who tend to focus on the creative aspects of the campaign (“Obama should do an ad that says X!!!”). There is a whole other aspect, and as much as it pains me to say it, here’s David Broder – gah! – capturing it:

But the Obama folks are not leaving it to chance. Plouffe said that “turnout is the big variable,” and the campaign is devoting an unusually large budget to register scads of new voters and bring them to the polls. “That’s how we win the Floridas and Ohios,” he said, mentioning two states that went narrowly for George W. Bush. “And that’s how we get competitive in the Indianas and Virginias,” two of six or seven states that long have been Republican — but are targets this year.

“That’s why I pay more attention to the registration figures than to the polls I see at this time of year,” Plouffe said. “The polls will change, but we know we need 200,000 new voters to be competitive in Georgia, and now is when we have to get them.”

That mind-set — take care of business and don’t worry about irrelevancies — is what struck me in talking to Obama’s team in the primary states. Here, as in the states, they seem singularly devoid of turf battles or personal feuds.

Joe Rospars, who coordinates the computer files for organization, fundraising and communications, tested my limited knowledge of that world with a half-hour seminar on how these things work together. Rospars, who had a similar job in Howard Dean’s 2004 campaign, said that “the big difference this year is not the technology, it’s the coordination.”

Mike Lux said that was the first time he’s EVER heard a top Presidential campaign head say something like that about the importance of voter registration, and I agree with him.

One of the very few blogs which has charted this sea change in the importance of field is the estimate 538, where Nate and in particular Sean Quinn have detailed the advantage between the two campaigns at this point. Keeping in mind that we’re 77 days out, some of these numbers are simply incredible. Obama has a 3:1 lead in field offices, behind in only one battleground state (Florida). His edge in voter contacts – knocking on doors and making phone calls – is maybe 35:1, and that’s probably an extremely conservative estimate. Sean today gave context to this TPM report about McCain’s spending advantage on television by looking at the big picture:

Readers here know that Barack Obama is dwarfing John McCain’s ground operation; we’ve written about it repeatedly. Those thousands of paid organizers are not working for free. The field offices and the phone lines and the Blackberries and the reimbursed travel miles are not free. Moreover, Barack Obama pays his organizers out of the Campaign for Change, which is funded by Obama’s own campaign; McCain’s are mostly paid by the coordinated committees which in turn are funded by the RNC, RNSC and RNCC, further impacting the way spending numbers are attributed to each campaign.

While millions may be spent on advertising, so too is one campaign spending millions on ground game while the other is spending virtually nothing. Obama is investing more massively than any campaign in the history of American politics on the ground game. McCain is essentially not investing in ground. His early summer numbers of 20,000 phone calls nationwide for a whole month would be those of a single, low-budget House campaign. That’s the equivalent of one person working ten hours a day for a month. For the entire nation. It’s basically the equivalent of zero contacts. When Martin writes that McCain’s ground campaign is revving up, it’s essentially starting from nothing and is now in 1st gear […]

As the story hits the discussion slipstream, hopefully it will not be framed as “hey, look at this surprising development, the guy with more money is being outspent because he’s foolishly and riskily airing TV ads in lesser battlegrounds.” Sure, Obama is spending plenty on ads, and he is spending advertising dollars more broadly (and thinly) than is McCain. But people are also failing to appreciate of dollars spent on the dramatic all-in move that Obama has made in organizing and neighbor-to-neighbor persuasion.

I have seen this first-hand over the weekend, when I talked with people who attended Camp Obama, a two-day organizing seminar held throughout the country. There were over 200 volunteers at one Los Angeles location, all of who are now empowered to be organizers with defined roles to play for the rest of the campaign. Most of the more senior organizers who ran the Camp Obama meetings and are running field operations in all 50 states were volunteers on the primary campaign who were gradually given more and more responsibility. The mantra of the weekend was that “this is a numbers-driven, people-centered campaign,” and the goals of the organizers were to get more volunteers to make more contacts to reach the targets set by the campaign, which are nothing short of massive. Southern California is adopting the Las Vegas congressional district in Nevada, and the timing of calls and trips and voter contact aligns directly with deadlines on voter registration and early voting. The contacts made now are going to go into that voter file for GOTV later. The goal is nothing short of reaching every persuadable voter in all of Clark County between now and the election, and they’ve already had a heck of a head start.

This money for field, which is where the real cash advantage is being held, is frankly likely to pay more dividends than any 30-second ad or exchange on the stump. In fact, we’re already seeing the effects in the surges in Democratic voter registration throughout the country, such as the big uptick in Miami-Dade County and elsewhere. They are learning from their mistakes in the primary (in Philadelphia, for example, there will be street money in the fall). And unlike in 2004, when the haphazard field efforts of John Kerry and outside groups like ACT fizzled and disappeared shortly after the election, this infrastructure will be sustained and enduring, built to strengthen the party for the next couple decades.

For all the talk of post-partisan “unity,” Barack Obama has been proving himself the most party-focused presidential candidate in recent history–possibly ever. Paradoxically, although Obama’s success has been more dependent on personal charisma than any recent nominee’s has, he’s been leveraging that charisma to build a broader Democratic infrastructure less dependent on the presidential nominee […]

In the months that have followed, the Obama campaign has announced plans for training camps that will turn out thousands of new organizers dedicated to electing Democrats, and has signaled that it will spend millions in blood-red states where Democrats haven’t seriously invested in building party infrastructure for decades. The campaign has constructed a fundraising machine based around small-donors that promises to end the age-old competition for dollars between different wings of the Democratic establishment, enabling the creation of a unified electoral strategy. It has argued that “real change” requires the sort of legislative successes that only a strong congressional party can produce. In short, the candidate running on his exhaustion with traditional party politics has directed his campaign to build a new kind of Democratic Party–one that may put to shame anything that came before it.

(do read that whole article.)

So that’s the bet – that Obama can enlarge the core Democratic demographics’ percentage of the electorate enough to just overwhelm McCain with numbers. And as Chris Bowers notes, a victory with that coalition could have a galvanizing effect. I truly believe that the coalition Obama is building is more progressive than he is, or than he chooses to be, and the infrastructure is in place to pressure him as President, leveraging all of this support from the grassroots, the millions of people that will be out on the ground on Election Day, to push for a sensible progressive agenda.

There are (mostly) positives and (a few) negatives to this. First of all, going all in on the field means that the campaign must pay attention to every single vote being counted in ways that no other Democratic nominee of recent vintage ever has before. With so many new and inexperienced voters and the continuing shrieking from the right on voter fraud, it’s clear that suppression and intimidation will be the new battleground. I think the Obama campaign is at least thinking about this earlier than their predecessors by building an election protection team.

Second, while field matters, this is a big country, and message has its own importance. The problem is that it’d be a bad bet to message your way to victory because you have to deal with a traditional media that has simply stacked the deck. Well-paid conservative operatives have gamed the media system with their noise machine for years, and the chattering class is bound to typical narratives about Democrats and Republicans. That’s not easily overcome – while I think that Obama has largely been ON message with his tying McCain to a third term for President Bush, something he’s repeated since the day he wrapped up the nomination, it gets less traction than a mindless “celebrity” ad. We have a petty, trivial media that has institutional barriers for progressives.

While it’s important to define your opponent early in a campaign, it’s just as important to define your voters, to find them, capture their information and turn them out. That’s how lots and lots of campaigns are won. There hasn’t been a Presidential campaign that relied on turnout to this degree (although I would argue that it was Rove’s use of evangelicals as a GOTV army in ’04 that won the election more than the Swift Boaters) because nobody could inspire that many volunteers needed to pull it off. Obama has, and he’s making the investment, which is entirely based in the community organizing he worked in decades ago, not only because it’s his best opportunity to win, but his best opportunity to transform the electorate and prepare the ground for a progressive agenda.

Now, here’s my greatest fear on this. Bill Scher’s piece about Deval Patrick’s missed moment is heartbreaking if you think that Obama is building a coalition to both win elections and govern. It offers pitfalls for both Obama and his supporters.

Deval Patrick won a massive 21-point victory for governor, after thumbing his nose at the Democratic party machine in Boston, and basing his campaign on organizing grassroots progressives. He faced typical right-wing attacks on crime and taxes and he faced them down with progressive arguments, ending 16 years of Republican governors in Massachusetts.

Patrick quickly worked to protect the state Supreme Court ruling upholding equal marriage rights for gays. But after that, his next battle was to legalize casinos, something his grassroots base was vehemently against.

Patrick’s rationale was he needed more revenue to close a large budget gap that jeopardized critical government services. But as blogger Frederick Clarkson observed during the casino debate, that argument ran counter to his progressive mandate: “Patrick got it right when he argued during the campaign that rather than debating whether we should raise or lower taxes, we should first consider what we want to do and then discuss how to pay for it. In that spirit those of us who were with him from the beginning are saying that it is time to talk.”

The result? Patrick lost both the casino battle and the enthusiasm of his base.

But the fault does not solely lie with Patrick. It also lies with the state’s progressive movement.

Beyond protecting gay marriage, the progressive activists of Massachusetts also failed to hit the ground running with a clear issues agenda to prod the governor and state legislature into action. As the Boston Phoenix noted:

“One reason these progressives are feeling marginalized might lie in their lack of unanimity on the issues. It was easy to feel united and effective on an issue like gay marriage, says [Boston progressive politician Matt] O’Malley, because all the progressive groups were working together on it. It’s been hard to find other issues that bring the left together in the same way.

That leaves progressives often splintered, working at cross purposes, or fighting losing causes.”

For us in the progressive movement to realize the potential of the “Obama Moment,” we cannot be splintered. We need to have priorities and focus, while maintaining the progressive community’s strong breadth and diversity. How do we learn a lesson from these moments missed?

We must realize that even with an expected “spasm of furious activity,” as Borosage and vanden Heuvel envision, not every single issue can be addressed in the first 100 days. And we need to establish a level of coordination even though we are primarily a bottom-up community, not a top-down hierarchy with a single leader barking marching orders.

There is pressure on both Obama and this growing movement of supporters – for Obama, it’s to define himself in a way to maximize volunteer support, and for the supporters, it’s to know our principles and values and pressure from the bottom up to realize them.

It’s a big bet.


Getting The Job Done
by digby

While everyone was celebrating the fact that the media pointed out that McCain’s campaign had gone negative, the media was also making sure that everyone saw McCain’s negative message. And it worked:

Barack Obama’s image suffers under John McCain attacks, poll finds

The presidential race remains tight, with respondents to a Times/Bloomberg poll choosing Obama by 45% to McCain’s 43%, a statistical dead heat. Obama’s race remains an issue with many voters.

Barack Obama’s public image has eroded this summer amid a daily onslaught of attacks from Republican rival John McCain, leaving the race for the White House statistically tied, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll released today.

Far more voters say McCain has the right experience to be president, the poll found. More than a third have questions about Obama’s patriotism.

The survey also illustrates some of the campaign’s racial undercurrents as the Illinois senator strives to become the first African American president. Most voters say they know at least some people who feel uneasy about electing a black president; 17% say the country is not ready to do so.

I don’t actually know what that stuff on race means and neither do they. It’s pretty much un-pollable. But the negative rating is significant, wherever it comes from.

More striking than the head-to-head matchup, however, is the drop in Obama’s favorable rating in the run-up to his selection of a running mate and the Democratic National Convention next week in Denver.

Obama’s favorable rating has sunk to 48% from 59% since the last Times/Bloomberg poll in June. At the same time, his negative rating has risen to 35% from 27%.

By comparison, McCain’s ratings have hardly budged during the same period: 46% of voters have a positive feeling about him; 38% give him negative ratings.

“All the negative attacks from the McCain campaign seem to have been paying off,” said Times Poll Director Susan Pinkus, who oversaw the survey.

This is the one that kills me. While McCain was playing president, the Democrats, including the candidate, were almost completely missing in action:

Dominating the news during that period was the Russian invasion of Georgia. McCain has used the crisis to try to strengthen his upper hand on foreign affairs, calling for a tough U.S. posture against Russia to protect American interests in areas around the former Soviet Union.

The survey found that 63% of voters have confidence in Obama’s ability to deal wisely with an international crisis, while 77% feel that way about McCain.

McCain and his allies have portrayed Obama in recent weeks as a naive celebrity who is unprepared to lead the nation in dangerous times. McCain, a Navy aviator who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, has also suggested that Obama would put personal ambition ahead of America’s best interests.

With that backdrop, the poll found that 35% of voters have questions about how patriotic Obama is; only 9% wondered how patriotic McCain is. Nearly half of voters say Obama lacks the right experience to be president, while 14% feel that way about McCain.

It isn’t all bad news:

The poll found that McCain, long an unpopular figure among conservatives, has had more success than Obama in rallying his party’s base. Nine out of 10 Republicans favor McCain, while just under 8 in 10 Democrats support Obama.

But independents, who could wind up deciding the election, favor Obama, 47% to 36%.

And Obama’s backers are more enthusiastic than McCain’s, suggesting that the Democrat holds greater potential for a strong turnout of supporters. The poll found that 78% of Obama’s supporters were enthusiastic about his candidacy; 61% of McCain’s backers felt that way.

The upshot:

Overall, Obama holds a narrow edge over the Arizona senator, 45% to 43%, which falls within the poll’s margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. In June, Obama was ahead by 12 points. Other polls at that time showed him with a narrower lead.

It’s not the end of the world (yet), but it does show that McCain’s negative attacks were far more effective than Obama’s pivot to the center these past two months. The Democratic campaign in the fall is going to have to be much much tougher than the summer was. The Republicans are going to be firing all their weapons — we haven’t seen the worst of it, by far. We’d better hope the convention is a huge success and gives the campaign a nuclear blast-off.

Note: Come back to this blog in an hour or so to read dday’s take on why all this may just be irrelevant.


Roiling Waters

by digby

Here’s a startling headline:

Wholesale prices rising at fastest pace since 1981

I’ll defer to the many highly qualified economist bloggers out there on the details, but I will say that my recollection of that period is of a lot of social and cultural turmoil that led to some very undesirable political outcomes. Traditionally, inflation was actually good for average workers because it meant a rise in wages and the value of their biggest financial asset, their houses. That period featured high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment, which was a recipe for a lot of economic angst. Clearly housing isn’t going to be a silver lining this time either, and wages aren’t rising so far. Lowering interest rates is the only blunt tool the Fed has to deal with inflation and that doesn’t seem to be working (unsurprisingly, since the cause is the high cost of a necessary commodity.) So we are in a somewhat different economic world than 1981, but one that might just have a similar effect on the body politic.

Inflation is one of those things that makes the average citizen very, very nervous as we saw earlier in the run up in gas prices. In fact, it often makes them willing to believe completely irrational things (drill,drill,drill …) Rising prices are right there in front of their faces, reminding them every day in the most mundane transactions that they are losing ground. The psychological effect is immediate and real.

If this keeps up — or even if the perception stays with us for a while — I would predict the country is going to be in a strange and unpredictable mood going into this election, which doesn’t necessarily translate into a bunch of ten point plans on how to boost the economy. The candidate who can successfully calm their fears — or redirect them — will likely be the one they turn to.


Why Does This POW Denigrate McCain’s POW Service?

by dday

Fellow Naval Academy classmate and POW of John McCain Phillip Butler is saying the Great Unmentionable.

John was a wild man. He was funny, with a quick wit and he was intelligent. But he was intent on breaking every USNA regulation in our 4 inch thick USNA Regulations book. And I believe he must have come as close to his goal as any midshipman who ever attended the Academy. John had me “coming around” to his room frequently during my plebe year. And on one occasion he took me with him to escape “over the wall” in the dead of night. He had a taxi cab waiting for us that took us to a bar some 7 miles away. John had a few beers, but forbid me to drink (watching out for me I guess) and made me drink cokes. I could tell many other midshipman stories about John that year and he unbelievably managed to graduate though he spent the majority of his first class year on restriction for the stuff he did get caught doing. In fact he barely managed to graduate, standing 5th from the bottom of his 800 man graduating class. I and many others have speculated that the main reason he did graduate was because his father was an Admiral, and also his grandfather, both U.S. Naval Academy graduates […]

John was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for heroism and wounds in combat. This heroism has been played up in the press and in his various political campaigns. But it should be known that there were approximately 600 military POW’s in Vietnam. Among all of us, decorations awarded have recently been totaled to the following: Medals of Honor – 8, Service Crosses – 42, Silver Stars – 590, Bronze Stars – 958 and Purple Hearts – 1,249. John certainly performed courageously and well. But it must be remembered that he was one hero among many – not uniquely so as his campaigns would have people believe.

I furthermore believe that having been a POW is no special qualification for being President of the United States. The two jobs are not the same, and POW experience is not, in my opinion, something I would look for in a presidential candidate.

Most of us who survived that experience are now in our late 60’s and 70’s. Sadly, we have died and are dying off at a greater rate than our non-POW contemporaries. We experienced injuries and malnutrition that are coming home to roost. So I believe John’s age (73) and survival expectation are not good for being elected to serve as our President for 4 or more years.

I can verify that John has an infamous reputation for being a hot head. He has a quick and explosive temper that many have experienced first hand. Folks, quite honestly that is not the finger I want next to that red button.

It is also disappointing to see him take on and support Bush’s war in Iraq, even stating we might be there for another 100 years. For me John represents the entrenched and bankrupt policies of Washington-as-usual. The past 7 years have proven to be disastrous for our country. And I believe John’s views on war, foreign policy, economics, environment, health care, education, national infrastructure and other important areas are much the same as those of the Bush administration.

Wow. It’s stunning to see someone who knows McCain lay this all out so specifically. And he hits everything – the age, the temper, the flyboy antics, the policies right in line with Bush. It’s all there.

He should have some fun with his newfound not-stardom, with all the not-appearing on news programs and not-being cited in the print media.


Money Talks

by tristero


If the professionals can’t make a strong and creative case for progressive rule after the spectacular Republican meltdown during the Bush years, then it’s clear they have a long way to go.

And the sooner they go, the better.

Only the “professionals” at the top of the Democratic party could fashion a close presidential race between someone so obviously gifted as Barack Obama and a filthy rich ignoramus with a bad temper. Just as they did with Gore/Bush, and in 2004. and with Kerry/Bush, it appears that Democratic “pros” are working overtime to snatch defeat from the jaws of slamdunk victory.

Truth be told, it’s a very simple thing to change this. In fact it’s one dimensional. And that dimension, of course, is money. The more cash progressives can control and parcel out to deserving candidates AND their advisers AND the political infrastructure of the Democrats, the sooner there will be decent candidates, intelligent advice, and a party responsive to its actual membership.

What’s difficult seems to be to get progressives to understand this: First and foremost, they simply must organize the money. But until liberals’ cash flow to Democrats is properly organized and coordinated, we can expect far more than merely close political races that should be Democratic landslides. We can expect a disproportionate influence of rightwing nutjobs on American governance, and all the ensuing horrors. By their inept politicking, the current top Democratic operatives make it easy for the far right to trash this country.

The all-wise Frank Zappa – who is missed more and more each year – once said something to the effect that “Republicans are pure evil while Democrats spend their time wishing they were Republicans.” He was speaking not of rank-and-file Dems, of course, but the group of timid souls in Congress and at the top of the party hierarchy who, when confronted with the dimwitted thuggery of Reagan-era smear tactics, trembled with fear while envying their audacity.

If we liberals and progressives want to change that, then Step One is Control the Cash.

Step Two? Repeat Step One. Step Three: Keep repeating Steps One and Two.

Bad Cop

by digby

A police officer was accused of inappropriate behavior after his misconduct may have resulted in a dog’s death, ABC News reported. Officer Paul Stephens pulled over Michael Gonzalez for speeding at 100 miles an hour down an interstate highway, prompting the driver to get out of the car, saying, “He’s dying.” Gonzales and his girlfriend Krystal Hernandez explained that they were speeding to reach a veterinary clinic because their pet poodle Missy was choking. The dashboard camera of the police car shows Officer Stephens yelling and criticizing the couple for putting other people’s lives at risk for a dog. “You’re driving down the highway at 100 per hour,” he said. “It’s a dog, it’s OK. You can get another one. Relax.” Stephens kept Gonzalez on the roadside for 15 minutes. The dog died as the couple waited for Stephens to issue a citation. The couple tried to convince the officers several different ways to allow them to save their pet, KWTX Channel 10 News reported. Gonzalez and Hernandez said they begged Stephens to let them go to the vet and turn themselves in for the speeding ticket later. Gonzalez also offered to stay behind with the officer while Hernandez took the dog to the vet. But Stephens ignored their pleas. Police supervisors called the incident a “rookie mistake” and did not find Stephens guilty of any misconduct.

The man is obviously unsuited to be a police officer. Even the police chief admitted that it was “not our finest hour. “

It’s not that he was wrong to pull the people over for speeding. It was that he showed no human compassion or common sense once he found out the reason. Police that have that kind of tunnel vision can’t be effective in their jobs which require many decisions each day that impact the safety and the liberty of the citizens they serve. If something this basic was too much for the man to0 understand, then he can’t be trusted with a gun (o0r a taser) in far more complicated situations.

I understand that cops have a tough job and that it’s not always easy to make the right decision under stress. That makes it more imperative that when a cop makes a decision like this under an unstressful situation that it be seen as an important insight into his temperament and judgment. One hopes that at the very least they demanded that he get further training and evaluation before putting him back on the job. There’s obviously something wrong with him.
