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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Bush’s Law: if it’s possible to make things worse, he will.

by digby

When I wrote about the Saddam execution the other day, I said I was struck by how much it reminded me of other disgusting snuff videos that had circulated earlier in the war. I had not, at that time, seen the worst of it. The underground video of his actual hanging, allegedly taken without permission, is everywhere now and its implications are devastating:

At the funeral in Al Auja and across the Arab world, Hussein’s fellow Sunni Muslims expressed outrage at his chaotic final moments, revealed in grainy footage circulated widely on the Internet and on television showing his execution at dawn Saturday in Baghdad.

The video, which appears to have been recorded with a cellphone, showed onlookers taunting Hussein with chants of “Muqtada! Muqtada! Muqtada!” a reference to radical Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada Sadr, whose Al Mahdi militia is accused of hunting down Sunni Arabs and killing them. As the trapdoor snapped open beneath Hussein, some in attendance cheered, “The tyrant has fallen!”

The shocking spectacle appeared to deepen the deadly sectarian divide between Sunnis and the Shiite majority that now leads Iraq’s government.

“Today they proved themselves that the trial and the execution were mere retaliation and not justice,” said a mourner from Tikrit, near Al Auja, who gave his name only as Abu Mohammed, a customary nickname. “It is clear now against whom we should retaliate.”

As the images ricocheted across the Arab world, they drew angry comment in newspapers, on television and on Internet blogs in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and other heavily Sunni Muslim countries that are allies of the United States.

In an interview on CNN, Hisham Melhem, the pro-American spokesman for the Arabic satellite news station Al Arabiya, called the execution a total disaster and described the future for Iraq as “descending into a black hole.”

Saddam Hussein is the the man I would have thought was least likely to be turned into a martyr, but damned if they didn’t manage to do it. Bush’s Law. And here’s the great thing about it — the US, which claims rather unconvincingly that it had no say in this because Iraq is a sovereign country, gets blamed for this right along with the Shi’a government and Moqtada al Sadr. Terrific. Lose, lose for us — as usual. Heckuva job, Bushie.

But then, as Glenn Greenwald points out, the Maliki government is really just emulating their US mentors as they do not let obstuctions like the rule of law stand in their way when they wish to do something; they just seek a “workaround.”

That is a sublime phrase — “legal workarounds”. Our polite media here at home refers to deliberate and knowing government lawbreaking as “bypassing” the law, or sometimes they will even pretend that the law being violated just does not exist. But “workaround” is a nice phrase, too.

The article details the “frantic quest” by the Iraqi government to concoct legal contrivances — any at all — to “justify” the immediate hanging despite the court’s order. They finally compiled enough pretty, signed “decrees” to secure the Bush administration’s approval to carry out the hanging. But the rush to snap Saddam’s neck did not allow enough time for all laws to be “workedaround.” Some laws standing in the way of the hanging had to be deliberately disregarded:

Mr. Maliki had one major obstacle: the Hussein-era law proscribing executions during the Id holiday. This remained unresolved until late Friday, the Iraqi official said. He said he attended a late-night dinner at the prime minister’s office at which American officers and Mr. Maliki’s officials debated the issue.

One participant described the meeting this way: “The Iraqis seemed quite frustrated, saying, ‘Who is going to execute him, anyway, you or us?’ The Americans replied by saying that obviously, it was the Iraqis who would carry out the hanging. So the Iraqis said, ‘This is our problem and we will handle the consequences. If there is any damage done, it is we who will be damaged, not you.’ ”

Or, put another way, the Iraqi Government — revealingly “frustrated” by the need to pretend to operate within the law — knew that hanging Saddam in this manner was illegal, but they did it anyway because they know there will be no consequences. No wonder the President praised their adherence to “due process” and the “rule of law” — the President’s followers and the Shiite militias ruling Iraq appear to share a similar understanding of those terms.

That Iraqi government sure was made in Dick Cheney’s image, wasn’t it?

What a horrible, stupid cock-up on top of all the other horrible stupid cock-ups. The United States simply cannot do anything right in Iraq. Nada.

There remains one question that is probably quite important: what was the rush?

None of the Iraqi officials were able to explain why Mr. Maliki had been unwilling to allow the execution to wait. Nor would any explain why those who conducted it had allowed it to deteriorate into a sectarian free-for-all that had the effect, on the video recordings, of making Mr. Hussein, a mass murderer, appear dignified and restrained, and his executioners, representing Shiites who were his principal victims, seem like bullying street thugs.

But the explanation may have lain in something that Bassam al-Husseini, a Maliki aide closely involved in arrangements for the hanging, said to the BBC later. Mr. Husseini, who has American citizenship, described the hanging as “an Id gift to the Iraqi people.”

I dunno. They woke up ministers at 1:30 in the morning to rush to the hanging. Seeing as a Sadr Army death squad carried out the executution, one might think they had an interest in making this as provocative as possible. And perhaps Maliki had personal reason for wanting to offer this “gift” to certain Iraqis — a gift that would ensure his own continued power. From Juan Cole’s must read article in Salon:

By the time of Saddam’s trial, sectarian strife was widespread, and the trial simply made it worse. It was not just the inherent bias of a judicial system dominated by his political enemies. Even the crimes for which he was tried were a source of ethnic friction. Saddam Hussein had had many Sunni Arabs killed, and a trial on such a charge could have been politically savvy. Instead, he was accused of the execution of scores of Shiites in Dujail in 1982. This Shiite town had been a hotbed of activism by the Shiite fundamentalist Dawa (Islamic Call) Party, which was founded in the late 1950s and modeled on the Communist Party. In the wake of Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini’s 1979 Islamic Revolution in neighboring Iran, Saddam conceived a profound fear of Dawa and similar parties, banning them and making membership a capital crime. Young Dawa leaders such as al-Maliki fled to Tehran, Iran, or Damascus, Syria.

When Saddam visited Dujail, Dawa agents attempted to assassinate him. In turn, he wrought a terrible revenge on the town’s young men. Current Prime Minister al-Maliki is the leader of the Dawa Party and served for years in exile in its Damascus bureau. For a Dawa-led government to try Saddam, especially for this crackdown on a Dawa stronghold, makes it look to Sunni Arabs more like a sectarian reprisal than a dispassionate trial for crimes against humanity.

Perhaps it was. It looks to me as if the “government” of Iraq has finally been exposed as a simple factional tool of the Shi’a. Good to know. Too bad for us that we are backing such a government since it gives the vast majority of Muslims around the world another reason to hate our guts.

In case anyone’s wondering what the implications of the US taking sides might be:

To the Muslims in the light green portion of the map we seem to be siding with the Muslims in the dark green portion — while at the same time making them hate us too. Excellent plan. Winning those hearts and minds one snuff film at a time.

Update: Perhaps the Americans laid out as part of a deal. Bumbling fools who are in over their heads often have no idea when they are being played.

Update II: Leave it to an atheist to see the glaring religious symbolism:

You know, foreign occupying power, powerful religious group agitating for the execution of a hated, charismatic competitor, promises of who will bear the guilt for the deed, metaphorical washing of the hands…jebus, if I know what a counterproductive PR disaster that was for the Pharisees and the Romans, what’s the matter with the American leadership in Iraq? Don’t they read the bibles they thump? Add to that that they’ve apparently done the execution at a time when it is “religiously unacceptable”, and we’ve got a situation that makes Pontius Pilate look good.


Professional Courtesy: Pardoning The Pardoner

by poputonian

Richard Ben-Veniste wrote in Thursday’s Washington Post:

At bottom, the decision to pardon Nixon was a political judgment properly within the bounds of Ford’s constitutional authority. The specter of a former president in the criminal dock as our country moved into its bicentennial year was profoundly disturbing. I believe Jerry Ford acted in accord with what he sincerely felt were the best interests of the country; that there was no secret quid pro quo with Nixon for a pardon in return for resignation; and that Ford, a compassionate man, was moved by the palpable suffering of a man who had lost so much.

Oh, puke. Instead of recognizing the damage done to the country, or to the lingering political disease wrought by Ford’s pardon, Ben-Veniste draws it back to the “palpable suffering” of Richard Nixon. I guess we know for sure that Ben-Veniste’s basic affinity lies not with the people, but with the Washington establishment where one of its own had ‘suffered palpably.’

How about this for a New Year’s resolution?

United States of America, petitioner,


George W. Bush, President of the United States

And Ford legacies Rumsfeld and Cheney
And all the rest of the root rot in Washington

Unhappy New Year

by digby

For someone as old and decrepit as I am, New Year’s Eve isn’t quite the thrill it used to be. And frankly it was a dud as often as not even when I wasn’t old and decrepit. Nowadays I tend to stay home and watch movies (since everything on television is unwatchable on this night for some reason) and I really don’t like crowds anymore.

(I might have just the tiniest skosh of champagne in a gorgeous glass. Here’s to you, Judy!)

If you have any regrets about not attending some fab event tonight, I recommend watching these classic movies — which feature two very, very bad New Year’s parties.

and this one:

I’ve had some extremely disappointing New Year’s eves in my life but nothing like those.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Update: My commenters (including the director of the fine film Red State) reminds me that The Twilight ZZone marathon is on the Sci-fi channel — definitely heads and shoulders above the usual New Years Eve fare. If you don’t have Sci-fi channel you can watch New Years Rockin’ Eve which is kind of like The Twilight Zone only not clever or interesting.


More Civility

by digby

I had read about this nonsense before, but the whole story hadn’t emerged. This is dipshit America in a nutshell:

KATY, Texas (AP) — A man unhappy with an Islamic association’s plans to build a mosque next to his property has staged pig races as a protest during afternoon prayers.

Craig Baker, 46, sold merchandise and grilled sausages Friday for about 100 people who showed up in heavy rain. He insisted he wasn’t trying to offend anyone with the pigs, which are forbidden from the Muslim diet.

“I am just defending my rights and my property,” Baker said. “They totally disrespected me and my family.”

Muslims don’t hate pigs, they just don’t eat them, said engineer Kamel Fotouh, president of the 500-member Katy Islamic Association in this Houston suburb.

“I don’t care if he races, roasts or slaughters pigs,” said Yousef Allam, a spokesman for the group.

The dispute began when the association asked Baker to remove his cattle from its newly bought land. The association plans to build a mosque, community center, athletic facilities and a school.

Baker agreed to move his cattle but thought the Muslims also wanted him off the land his family has lived on for more than 100 years.

Earlier this month, Baker conceded that the Muslims probably aren’t after his land, but he said he had to go through with the pig races because “I would be like a total idiot if I didn’t. I’d be the laughingstock now because I’ve gone too far.”

All the same, Baker plans to continue the weekly pig races until interest dwindles.

The association never meant to imply it wanted Baker to move, Allam said.

“If we somehow communicated that to him, then we apologize,” he said.

Resident Susan Canavespe said the pig racing wasn’t mean-spirited — “It’s just Texas-spirited.”


Good thing we’re exporting our superior civilization and culture all over the world, huh? I can’t imagine why they aren’t more grateful.

Update: Speaking of pigs, a reader reminds me of this earlier embarrassment:

“I understand I may have the honor of slicing the pig,” Bush said at a news conference earlier in the day punctuated with questions about spreading violence in the Middle East and an intensifying standoff with Iran about nuclear power.

The president’s host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, started a serious ball rolling at this news conference in the 13th-century town hall on the cobblestone square of Stralsund. But Bush seemed more focused on “the feast” promised later.

“Thanks for having me,” Bush told the chancellor. “I’m looking forward to that pig tonight.”


“Apart from the pig, Mr. President, what sort of insights have you been able to gain as regards East Germany?” a German reporter asked.

“I haven’t seen the pig yet,” Bush said, sidestepping the question about insights gained from his two-day visit to this rural seaside region that once rested behind the Iron Curtain.

And when an American reporter asked whether Bush is concerned about the Israeli bombing of the Beirut airport and about Iran’s failure to respond to an offer for negotiations, Bush replied with more boar jokes before delving into the substance of the questions.

“I thought you were going to ask about the pig,” said the president. “I’ll tell you about the pig tomorrow.”



by digby

It was interesting listening to Dick Cheney pay tribute to Gerald Ford for his civility yesterday at the memorial service. He said “he answered courtesy with courtesy and discourtesy with courtesy.”

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed, Republicans are talking about civility almost non-stop these days and so is the media. Everyone agrees that now that the Democrats won it’s time to bind the nation’s wounds once again and move into the future without dwelling on past unpleasantness. The Dems need to learn some of that Ford Administration courtesy:

On Tuesday, Cheney, serving in his role as president of the Senate, appeared in the chamber for a photo session. A chance meeting with Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, became an argument about Cheney’s ties to Halliburton Co., an international energy services corporation, and President Bush’s judicial nominees. The exchange ended when Cheney offered some crass advice.

“Fuck yourself,” said the man who is a heartbeat from the presidency.

Leahy’s spokesman, David Carle, yesterday confirmed the brief but fierce exchange. “The vice president seemed to be taking personally the criticism that Senator Leahy and others have leveled against Halliburton’s sole-source contracts in Iraq,” Carle said.

As it happens, the exchange occurred on the same day the Senate passed legislation described as the “Defense of Decency Act” by 99 to 1.

Cheney’s office did not deny that the phrase was uttered. His spokesman, Kevin S. Kellems, would say only that this language is not typical of the vice presidential vocabulary. “Reserving the right to revise and extend my remarks, that doesn’t sound like language the vice president would use,” Kellems said, “but there was a frank exchange of views.”

Gleeful Democrats pointed out that the White House has not always been so forgiving of obscenity. In December, Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry was quoted using the same word in describing Bush’s Iraq policy as botched. The president’s chief of staff reacted with indignation.

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. said. “I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language. I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”


Tuesday’s exchange began when Leahy crossed the aisle at the photo session and joked to Cheney about being on the Republican side, according to Carle. Then Cheney, according to Carle, “lashed into” Leahy for remarks he made Monday criticizing Iraq contracts won without competitive bidding by Halliburton, Cheney’s former employer.


Republicans did their best to defend the vice president. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), while pointing out that he was unaware of the incident, described Cheney as “very honest” and said: “I don’t blame anyone for standing up for his integrity.”

As Cheney said of Ford, “there are worse things to be remembered for than your capacity to forgive,” which is really moving coming from an honest, courteous, man of integrity like him. Surely we can do no less than Ford did and give a blanket pardon to the Republicans for their truly egregious, illegal behavior once again. Isn’t that how it works?

BTW: Did anyone notice that Junior apparently can’t bring himself to cut short his vacation to attend these various state funeral ceremonies? He’ll roll back into town on Tuesday for the big one. He’s tired. He spent three whole hours talking with his advisors about Iraq.


Saturday Night At The Movies

Crossover Dreams: Borderline Cinema

By Dennis Hartley

The spirit of Sam Peckinpah lives on (sans slo-mo) in The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada. First-time director Tommy Lee Jones casts himself as a contemporary Texas cowboy named Pete who befriends a Mexican “vaquero” (the namesake of the movie’s title). Estrada is an illegal looking for steady work and a brighter future here in the land o’plenty. Jones utilizes flashbacks to illustrate the growing kinship between the two compadres, who bond in the usual “cowboy way”-drinkin’ and whorin’, sleeping under the stars, and reaching a general consensus that A Cowboy’s Life Is The Life For Me (as a great man once sang.) In the key vignette, Estrada confides that, if “something” should ever happen to him, he wishes to be buried in his home town. In half-drunken sentiment, Pete vows to see it through if the unthinkable happens. Guess what happens next?

When Estrada is mysteriously killed, Pete becomes incensed by the indifference of the local authorities, who seem reluctant to investigate. When he learns through the grapevine that his friend was the victim of negligent homicide, thanks to a boneheaded border patrol officer (Barry Pepper), he goes ballistic. He abducts the officer, forces him to dig up the hastily buried Estrada, and informs him that the three amigos are taking a little horseback trip to Mexico (and it ain’t gonna be anything like Weekend at Bernie’s).

Much unpleasantness ensues as the story evolves into a “man on a mission to fulfill an oath” tale…on the surface. Despite the simplistic setup, astute viewers will begin to realize that there is a deeper, mythic subtext; this is one of those films that can really sneak up on you. Although my initial reaction was more visceral than philosophical (I didn’t find any of the characters particularly likeable, it started to feel overlong, and I was repulsed by some of the more graphic scenes) I eventually realized that I had just been taken on an Orphic journey, and it suddenly all made sense. The film gives you hope that, despite the rampant cynicism that abounds in this world, there is something to be said for holding true to a personal code that covets friendship, loyalty and a deep sense of honor.

In today’s climate of post 9/11 paranoia, and self-appointed “minutemen” who “guard” our borders, it’s a damn shame more Americans haven’t seen the 1983 “American Playhouse” drama El Norte, which is only available on Australian PAL DVD (Wha?!). Gregory Nava’s highly effective portrait of two Guatemalan siblings wending their way to the U.S. after their activist father is killed by a government death squad will stay with you long after credits roll. The two leads give naturalistic, completely believable performances as the brother and sister whose desperate optimism never falters, despite fate and circumstance thwarting them at every turn. Claustrophobic viewers be warned: a harrowing scene featuring an encounter with a roving rat colony during an underground border crossing though an abandoned sewer will give you nightmares. And don’t expect a Hollywood ending-this is tough going but thoroughly enlightening. Worth tracking down.

It’s a Lou Dobbs film festival! Try these: Maria Full of Grace, The Border, Lone Star, Touch of Evil, Border Incident.

On the lighter side: Born In East L.A.


R.I.P. Peter Boyle

According to the perfunctory news obits that aired recently, one might get the impression that the only claims to fame for the late Peter Boyle were his roles in Young Frankenstein, Taxi Driver and on TV’s Everybody Loves Raymond. He may not have been a big marquee name, and may have made a few ill-advised career moves (Where the Buffalo Roam comes to mind) but he was a dependable character actor who always left an indelible impression. Here is some of the Boyle legacy worth revisiting:

Joe-Although the socio-political rhetoric in this 1970 sleeper hasn’t dated so well, this was the starring role that first put Boyle on the map.

The Candidate-Boyle is in top form here as Robert Redford’s savvy political campaign advisor. Boyle delivers a number of wonderfully droll asides with perfect timing.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle (TV only)-A tough, realistic 1973 noir that cries out for a DVD release. Robert Mitchum stars, but Boyle excels as a two-faced, low-rent hit man.

Death and the Compass-This obscure crime thriller (set in a dystopian future) from director Alex Cox is a hit-and-miss affair, but Boyle’s intriguing character fascinates.

The X-Files – The Complete Third Season (Slim Set)-Worth renting just to watch the episode “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose”, a fan favorite that spotlights a memorable Boyle performance.



More Fun With Herblock

by poputonian

We posted this a year ago and I thought anyone who missed it might enjoy the not-so-instant replay. I wrote it in response to some smartass on another blog who claimed that Bush wasn’t the first prezninent to claim the right of extra-legal power in order to wiretap the citizens.

You are absolutely right to point out that Bush is not the first president to use the wiretap illegally. At least one past president confronted matters of grave national security by shifting the legal locus of control to his own domain. He understood how secret spy programs were necessary to preserve this great nation of his. He believed that citizens would willfully surrender their liberties to him, and he knew the threat constituted by a hostile media, and he knew what to do about it. He also understood how to make a nation of bedwetters feel more secure. But his theory died when an activist judge ruled against the argument of executive privilege, a ruling which was later upheld by the Supreme Court. By then, what might be called ‘harangue fatigue’ was creeping into the American living room and, frankly, people were sensing that they had reached their limit.

All of which now necessitates an illusory extra-legal theory in regard to what the founders really meant when they designed our system of government. Let’s call it — ‘The Separation of Powers, Except‘ — clause to the Constitution. Naturally, it would tip off the enemy if this extra-legal power was stated directly in the Constitution, so what the founders did was they cloaked it in mysterious ambiguity so only a future right-wing ideologue could detect its presence. But make no doubt about it, as a previous Chief Executive had ascertained, a very close reading of the Constitution shows the founders’ original intent, and it was as plain as the ski-nose on his face. It really does give the president extra-legal power, in spite of what the courts ruled.

December, 2006

by digby

US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
UK NAME NOT RELEASED YET Basra – Basrah Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (north of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Edward W. Shaffer Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Christopher Esckelson Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Lance Corporal William C. Koprince Jr. Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
LAT dižkareivis Vitalijs Vasiljevs Diwaniyah (near) – Qadisiyah Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
LAT dižkareivis Gints Bleija Diwaniyah (near) – Qadisiyah Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Douglas L. Tinsley Baghdad (South of) – Babil Non-hostile – vehicle rollover
US Specialist Joseph A. Strong Baghdad (South of) – Babil Non-hostile – vehicle rollover
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Joshua M. Schmitz Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Sergeant John T. Bubeck Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Captain Hayes Clayton Balad – Salah ad Din Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant 1st Class Dexter E. Wheelous Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Jae S. Moon Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private Eric R. Wilkus Landstuhl Reg. Med. Ctr. – Baghdad Non-hostile
US Specialist Aaron L. Preston Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private 1st Class Andrew H. Nelson Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Jason C. Denfrund Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private Evan A. Bixler Hit – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – indirect fire
US Lance Corporal Stephen L. Morris Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Michael J. Crutchfield Balad (Camp Anaconda) – Salah ad Din Non-hostile
US Specialist John Barta Buhritz – Diyala Hostile – hostile fire – indirect fire
US Specialist Chad J. Vollmer Salman Pak – Babil Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private 1st Class Wilson A. Algrim Salman Pak – Babil Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private Bobby Mejia II Salman Pak – Babil Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Curtis L. Norris Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Elias Elias Baghdad (southwest of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Joshua D. Sheppard Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Lance Corporal Fernando S. Tamayo Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Lance Corporal Ryan J. Burgess Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Lance Corporal Ryan L. Mayhan Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Hospitalman Kyle A. Nolen Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Lance Corporal Myles Cody Sebastien Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Specialist Scott D. Dykman Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Staff Sergeant Jacob G. McMillan Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire, IED
US Specialist Robert J. Volker Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Specialist Andrew P. Daul Hit – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Joshua D. Pickard Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Captain Kevin M. Kryst Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire – mortar attack
US Staff Sergeant Brian L. Mintzlaff Taji – Baghdad Non-hostile – vehicle rollover
US Private 1st Class Seth M. Stanton Taji (Died in Balad) – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Lance Corporal Nick J. Palmer Fallujah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – sniper fire
US Private 1st Class Joe L. Baines Taji – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Staff Sergeant David R. Staats Taji – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Matthew J. Stanley Taji – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Staff Sergeant Henry K. Kahalewai Brooke Army Med Center, TX – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private 1st Class Paul Balint Jr. Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Staff Sergeant Theodore A. Spatol Thermopolis Non-hostile – illness
US Lance Corporal Luke C. Yepsen Fallujah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Lance Corporal Matthew W. Clark Albu Hayatt – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Major Gloria D. Davis Baghdad Non-hostile
US Sergeant Brent W. Dunkleberger Mosul – Ninawa Hostile – hostile fire – RPG attack
US Lance Corporal Budd M. Cote Khaldiyah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Matthew V. Dillon Khaldiyah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Lance Corporal Clinton J. Miller Khaldiyah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Master Sergeant Brian P. McAnulty Al Anbar Province Non-hostile – helicopter crash
US Staff Sergeant Thomas W. Clemons Diwaniyah (near) – Qadisiyah Non-hostile – illness – heart attack
US Private 1st Class Shawn M. Murphy Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Philip C. Ford Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Brennan C. Gibson Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Nicholas P. Steinbacher Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US 1st Lieutenant Nathan M. Krissoff Al Taqaddum – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Lance Corporal Brent E. Beeler Fallujah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire
US Staff Sergeant Henry W. Linck Baghdad (South of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Micah S. Gifford Baghdad (South of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Staff Sergeant Kristofer R. Ciraso Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Nicholas R. Gibbs Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Lance Corporal Cody G. Watson Fallujah – Anbar Non-hostile
US Sergeant Yevgeniy Ryndych Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Private 1st Class Travis C. Krege Hawijah – At-Ta’mim Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Yari Mokri Hawijah – At-Ta’mim Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Jason Huffman Hawijah – At-Ta’mim Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Jesse J.J. Castro Hawijah – At-Ta’mim Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Joshua B. Madden Hawijah – At-Ta’mim Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Captain Travis L. Patriquin Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Vincent J. Pomante III Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Dustin J. Libby Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Major Megan M. McClung Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Jordan W. Hess Brooke Army Med Center, TX – At-Ta’mim Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Marco L. Miller Landstuhl Reg. Med. Ctr. – Salah ad Din Hostile – hostile fire – indirect fire
US Private 1st Class Roger A. Suarez-Gonzalez Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Private 1st Class Albert M. Nelson Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US Lance Corporal Thomas P. Echols Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire
US Hospitalman Christopher A. Anderson Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire
US Sergeant Jay R. Gauthreaux Ba’qubah (died in Balad) – Diyala Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Nicholas D. Turcotte An Nasiriyah – Dhi Qar Non-hostile – vehicle accident
US Private Ross A. McGinnis Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – grenade
US Specialist Dustin M. Adkins Haditha – Anbar Non-hostile – helicopter crash
US Captain Shawn L. English Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Joshua C. Sticklen Haditha – Anbar Non-hostile – helicopter crash
US Major Joseph Trane McCloud Haditha – Anbar Non-hostile – helicopter crash
US Captain Kermit O. Evans Haditha – Anbar Non-hostile – helicopter crash
US Private Troy D. Cooper Balad – Salah ad Din Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Kenneth W. Haines Abu Hishma (died in Balad) – Salah ad Din Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Corporal Billy B. Farris Taji – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Lance Corporal Jesse D. Tillery Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US Specialist Corey J. Rystad Fallujah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Specialist Bryan T. McDonough Fallujah – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Sergeant Keith E. Fiscus Taji (near) – Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US Staff Sergeant Robert L. Love Jr. Ramadi – Anbar Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack

Total 110 | US: 107 | UK: 1 | Other: 2

In Iraq today we have a responsibility to do what is strategically and morally right for our nation over the long term — not what appears easier in the short term. The daily scenes of death and destruction are heartbreaking and infuriating. But there is no better strategic and moral alternative for America than standing with the moderate Iraqis until the country is stable and they can take over their security. Rather than engaging in hand-wringing, carping or calls for withdrawal, we must summon the vision, will and courage to take the difficult and decisive steps needed for success and, yes, victory in Iraq. That will greatly advance the cause of moderation and freedom throughout the Middle East and protect our security at home. Joseph Lieberman

Very brave, Joe. Very inspiring. We’ll all try to contain our “handwringing, carping and calls for withdrawal” as we view the “infuriating” scenes of “death and destruction” … and that list of names of our fellow Americans. Instead, we’ll all clap our hands and join you in Neverland.

Via Kos.


by digby

In the early days of the war you’ll recall that there were a spate of beheadings in Iraq which were videotaped and circulated on the internet. I stupidly watched one of them and wrote:

I watched the video of Berg’s beheading and it literally made me sick to my stomach. Do not watch it. It’s a barbaric, horrible display of inhumanity. I wish I hadn’t seen it. I’ll never forget it.

I’m sure the same people who couldn’t stop watching that footage — ostensibly because they were outraged by the atrocity — are enjoying this footage of Saddam going to his death today. They aren’t all that different. There’s the same sense of frenetic excitement among the executioners, the same vivid emotion, the same fear in the soon to be executed man’s face. I’m hard pressed to say how that kangaroo court and this rushed, chaotic execution represents something so different. Saddam was undoubtedly a guilty man — but the execution was done with the same symbolic purpose — and in much the same style — as those psychos who executed Nick Berg on camera and then ghoulishly passed around the video to make their political point.

This video illuminates what I hate about the death penalty. In my name, whether just or unjust, the state is killing another human being, not in self defense or in the process of a (just) war. It is done with the prisoner completely helpless, tied down and knowing he is about to be killed. Regardless of whether that person deserves to die or not, the state (us) becomes a pre-meditated, cold-blooded murderer when we do it. Two wrongs don’t make a right and all that.

This half-assed, jailhouse execution by what appear to be a bunch of random thugs in leather jackets and black hoods milling around the prisoner, puts the final coda to our pretentions of helping the Iraqis build a civilized society.


What Is A Lynching?

Hear about it from an eighty-six year old with a PhD in Humanities. He was at this scene in Marion, Indiana on August 6, 1930. (NOTE: The audio does not contain graphic detail, but is a very moving testimonial.)