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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

A Rare Long Atrios Rant

by tristero

And it’s terrific, of course. Obviously, I care a lot more about religion than Atrios does (all religious expression, not just one), and there are a few “secularists” that have a public face – but no major politicians who are out and proud of their secularism.

But these are quibbles and besides the point because his conclusions are right on:

We also have some left-leaning Christians who seem to think this perception problem is due to hostility to religion by secular liberals… I don’t understand this. People who perpetuate right wing talking points about Democrats always piss me off especially when they have no basis…

Advocates for the separation of church and state are not advocating secularism, aside from government secularism, they’re simply trying to defend freedom of religion.


The End Of History Is History

by tristero

[Update: In comments, some excellent distinctions between Wilsonianism and Bushism were drawn by anand. I’m not sure they profoundly change the essential point I was trying to make, vis a vis idealism, but they are extremely helpful in more precisely defining what Wilson meant by Wisonianism. Whether Fukuyama sees Wilsonianism in that way is an open question. It seems pretty clear that he was mashing together two foreign policy extremes, and the invocation of Wilson was rhetorical, to avoid using the term “realistic idealism,” which is almost as hilariously Pynchonian as Catatonic Expressionism.]

Michiko Kakutani reviews Fukuyama’s latest typing in the NY Times, which she calls “an astute and shrewdly reasoned book.” Uh huh. Here’s one of his astute, original observations:

… the tremendous margin of power exercised by the United States in the security realm brings with it special responsibilities to use that power prudently.

Now where did I hear that before? Wait a minute, Yes! Now I remember:

With great power comes great responsibility…

Now in all seriousness, I don’t see any harm in a man considered to be one of the most important brains in international affairs cribbing his ideas from comic book characters. Because when you think about it, it makes a helluva lot more sense than having less than five qualified Arabic translators in the entire FBI pre-9/11 (if that). And it is true, after all, that, well, with great power does come great responsibility – Peter Parker had a smart uncle or whatever he was. And he sure was an astute, shrewd reasoner.

But what is unconscionable is this summary Kakutani provides of one of Fukuyama’s least defensible astute observations:

These errors were worsened in the walk-up to the war in Iraq, Mr. Fukuyama adds, by an us-versus-them mentality on the part of many neoconservatives, who felt they were looked down upon by the foreign policy establishment.

The hell they were! They weren’t looked down upon enough.

They should have laughed Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Kristol, and you, too, Fukuyama out of public influence for the rest of their lives. But nooo…They took them seriously enough to “engage” them. But how do you engage an insane idea except by colluding with the insanity?

And now a chastened Fukuyama admits the errors of his ways – and boy, was that mofo wrong, twice signing PNAC letters urging US presidents to pre-emptively invade Iraq. And what does he advocate now? Dig: Fukuyama calls for a “realistic Wilsonianism.”

Now, there’s a shrewdly astute idea. Make the world safe for democracy; and be realistic about it, utlitizing “soft” power.

Get it, people? Can you believe that this blithering, incoherent fool is considered a serious intellectual about anything, even comic book philosophy? Okay, let me take a deep breath, lower my blood pressure, and briefly explain what’s wrong with “realistic Wilsonianism.”

First, the US has no mission to make the world safe for democracy. Wilsonianism is just America’s ugliest expansionist desires topped off with a smiley face. Second, realism in foreign policy sense is a disaster for US foreign policy. It has encouraged a dangerous ignorance of a foreign country’s culture and politcs (see above re: dearth of Arab translators).

Clearer now? “Realistic Wilsonianism” is a perfect description of the spectacular combination of lies, good intentions, imperial ambitions, cluelessness, and just plain stupidity that eventually led to the proposal and execution of the Bush/Iraq war.

That’s right: what Fukuyama has proposed as a solution to the problem of Bushism is more of the same bullshit that led to Bushism in the first place. Sure, sure, we’ll make war with economic policy instead of guns. As if that isn’t just as stupid and deadly. As if it won’t escalate rapidly right back into Bushism.

So what’s the alternative, you might ask, if not Fukuyama’s hooey? The answer is patently obvious: a liberalism in international affairs – or if you prefer jargon, a liberal pragmatism – that navigates between the Scylla of idealism and the Charybdis of realism, using prudence and caution.

What is so difficult to understand or accept in that? Does it sound too timid? As if it’s somehow cowardly to use the brains God gave us to avoid forseeable disasters. Besides, look where “bold” and “audacious” has got us. Too vague? Not half as vague as the neo-conservative call for The End of Evil – what are they talking about? On the other hand, a pragmatically liberal foreign policy would have recognized the necessity of removing Saddam from power* and balanced that with an equally crucial recognition that the removal of Saddam by US-led invasion would cause Iraq to rapidly reach the Hobbes threshold.

If Fukuyama is considered a serious American intellectual, we are in deep trouble. Guess what? He is. We are.

(Edited and slightly expanded after orignial posting.)

[UPDATE: In case the above sounded like a distinction without a difference, I”d like to point out that Fukuyama’s formulation, as described in the review, focuses on combining two extreme views of foreign policy, neither of which is an intelligent way to behave in the world. My point is that framing a foreign policy by trying to mash together two bad ideas is a terrible idea; it will rapidly lead to extremism. My suggested alternative assiduously steers clear of either extreme and is never idealistic or realistic, but simply pragmatic, prudent, cautious and sensible. ]

[*This is a sloppy overstatement and I apologize for that. What I actually believe is that it was necessary to intensively pressure Saddam, to insist upon inspections and to demand that human rights norms be upheld. Prior to the Bush invasion, Saddam was indeed under considerable pressure, and it was working. No wmd have been found. Regarding human rights, the record was more mixed, but I’m certain that an international effort that eliminated sanctions and effectively compelled adherence to human rights standards was possible.

In other words, there was no necessity to remove Saddam and certainly not by invasion! I clearly misspoke by writing in haste, as I’ve been consistent from day 1 about this.]

The Hobbes Threshold

by tristero

There are many people who refuse to go to horror or action films because they find screen violence so upsetting. I’ve always been puzzled by that because, no matter how gory it looks, it is, after all, nothing but ketchup or Karo syrup and dye. We all know that afterwards, the actors simply open their eyes, get up off the stage set, take a shower, and go off to have dinner with their friends and families.

Scenes of real violence never look like a Terminator movie, or even much like Spielberg’s “Munich.” Real violence comes in blurred, random images poorly framed, without slo-mo, without artfully symmetrical splatter patterns and goosed soundtracks with shrieking bird-like fiddles. A movie of real violence isn’t a Peckinpah or Hitchcock movie, but a cheap, fourth-generation video with bad sound, showing a reporter getting his head sliced off. Or it shows those insignificant little things falling off the burning skyscraper, things which happen to be real people, with real children, real friends, real enemies, real thoughts, real fears, and real lives that are about to end. For real.

And when real violence gets reported in words, it’s with one or two inadequate adjectives standing in for the ghastly, reeking smells and the unspeakable textures and sounds of mass murder. And since I have a very active imagination, reports of real violence never fail to revolt me. I know how many countless tragedies – many still to come – are created by each death, and then compounded:

Police found at least 65 bodies in Baghdad in the past 24 hours, including 15 men bound and shot in an abandoned minibus, in a gruesome wave of apparent sectarian reprisal attacks, officials said Tuesday.

The timing of the killings appeared related to the car bomb and mortar attacks in the Shiite slum of Sadr City in east Baghdad on Sunday in which 58 people died and more than 200 were wounded.

The sectarian violence marked the second wave of mass killings in Iraq since Feb. 22, when bombers destroyed an important Shiite Muslim shrine in Samarra, north of the capital.

The minibus was found on the main road between two mostly Sunni neighborhoods in west Baghdad, not far from where another minibus containing 18 bodies was discovered last week.

The bodies of at least 50 more men were found discarded in various parts of the capital, police said. All had been shot and many also had their hands and feet tied.

It is only moral – since after all our tax dollars helped create the State of Nature in which these murders happened – to ask each of us to sit quietly and imagine the last 2 or 3 minutes of these people’s lives. And what their mothers, and their children, and their husbands and wives were thinking about, perhaps wondering where they were, if they were just late, or playing with friends… Not that any of these dead are innocent heroes. They are just people -good, bad, and indifferent – who were killed as the result of the dreadful violence unleashed in Iraq on America’s watch. And for which all of America will be blamed.

And with the images of their deaths, and the images of their living loved ones and friends in our mind, it’s time to ask a few questions:

Anyone care to defend anymore the ridiculous proposition that the Bush/Iraq war was a good idea? Or the corollary absurdity that this level of horror could have been avoided simply by 25,000 or 50,000 troops, or “better planning”?

This catastrophe was predictable. The people who refused to listen have blood, not ketchup, on their hands.

Fortunate Flyboy

by digby

Atrios calls this a Rovian ratfuck and says that McCain should be thrilled about this and he’s right:

Is John McCain a lesbian? Maybe we’ll learn the answer from Edward Klein, who insinuated as much about Hillary Clinton in his 2005 biography — largely a clip-job of hit pieces, reviewers said — and is apparently hard at work on a poison-pen book about the Arizona senator. According to Crain’s New York Business, Klein claims he’ll chronicle the Republican presidential front-runner’s “sexual infidelity, chronic gambling and anger management.” I can hardly wait.

Atrios rightly claims that this is innoculation. To me it says Rove is working to get McCain elected. It’s right out of the “Fortunate Son” playbook:

In 1999, St. Martin’s Press published a critical biography of Bush titled “Fortunate Son”. The book quoted an unnamed “high-ranking advisor to Bush,” who revealed Bush’s 1972 drug bust. The source told author J.H. Hatfield, Bush “was ordered by a Texas judge to perform community service in exchange for expunging his record showing illicit drug use.”

Hatfield later revealed that his source was none other than Karl Rove. That might seem ridiculous, considering Rove’s lifelong loyalty to the Bushes and the fact that he now has an office adjacent to Bush’s in the White House. But leaking the story to Hatfield essentially discredited the story and sent it into the annals of conspiracy theory. Soon after the book was published and just as St. Martin’s was preparing a high profile launching of the book, the “Dallas Morning News” ran a story revealing that Hatfield was a felon who had served time in jail. In response, St. Martin’s pulled the book.

“When the media stumbled upon a story regarding George W. Bush’s 1972 cocaine possession arrest, Rove had to find a way to kill the story. He did so by destroying the messenger,” says Sander Hicks, the former publisher of Soft Skull, which re-published “Fortunate Son.”

Howie Fineman writes:

Private though it was, the McCain call was emblematic of the ’08 strategy that he and his circle have decided to pursue. They want to build out their campaign with members of the Bush circle, and base McCain’s pitch on the notion that he is the only sensible, electable and competent commander who can take control of the war on terror.

“Competence and electability,” that’s what we’re going to talk about,” said a key advisor. “If you support the president’s vision, John can carry it forward.”

Known as an outsider and maverick, McCain in 2008 has chosen a different route and probably had no choice, given his prominence and experience. He and his aides are making the best they can of it, and one aspect of doing so involves trying to reel in Bush’s top operatives and supporters.

Here in Memphis, McCainanites worked closely on straw poll strategy with Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, a Bush loyalist widely regarded as one of the sharpest strategic and organizational minds in the party. They are wooing him to come aboard officially, which would be a major coup for McCain.

Word around the Peabody lobby is that another former GOP chairman, Richard Bond, is part of an unofficial circle of counselors, too.

Barbour is the tip-off. He’s the establishment guy’s establishment guy, former RNC chairman, southern good ole boy, K Street lobbyist extraordinaire. The party pooh bahs are beginning a soft push for McCain. And by having him run as the man who can complete Bush’s vision, he redeems Bush.

This has Rove’s blessing, I’d bet money on it. They may not know how to govern, but they are masters at campaigning. We’ll see if it works.

Fineman concludes:

…they exposed the risks of their embrace-the-president strategy. If they are such good buddies, and if McCain is the natural follow-on to George Bush, shouldn’t the senator have been the toast of more folks in the Peabody lobby?

It’s a tough hand to play. “Is there a playbook for how to run as an insider and outsider, establishment and anti-establishment?” asked a weary McCain strategist. “If you find it, let me know.”



by digby

Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., said he had not read it either and wasn’t inclined simply to scold the president.

“I’d prefer to see us solve the problem,” Lieberman told reporters.

Yes. Joe doesn’t believe in scolding presidents does he?

The implications for our country are so serious that I feel a responsibility to my constituents in Connecticut, as well as to my conscience, to voice my concerns forthrightly and publicly. And I can think of no more appropriate place to do that than on this great Senate floor.


To begin with, I must respectfully disagree with the president’s contention that his relationship with Monica Lewinsky and the way in which he misled us about it is nobody’s business but his family’s and that even presidents have private lives, as he said.


But there is more to this than modern media intrusiveness. The president is not just the elected leader of our country. He is as presidential scholar Clinton Rossiter (ph) observed, and I quote, “the one man distillation of the American people.” And as President Taft said at another time, “the personal embodiment and representative of their dignity and majesty.”


In this case, the president apparently had extramarital relations with an employee half his age and did so in the workplace in the vicinity of the Oval Office. Such behavior is not just inappropriate. It is immoral…


The president’s intentional and consistent statements, more deeply,may also undercut the trust that the American people have in his word. Under the Constitution, as presidential scholar Newsted (ph) has noted, the president’s ultimate source of authority, particularly his moral authority, is the power to persuade, to mobilize public opinion, to build consensus behind a common agenda. And at this, the president has been extraordinarily effective.

But that power hinges on the president’s support among the American people and their faith and confidence in his motivations and agenda, yes; but also in his word.

As Teddy Roosevelt once explained, “My power vanishes into thin air the instant that my fellow citizens, who are straight and honest, cease to believe that I represent them and fight for what is straight and honest. That is all the strength that I have,” Roosevelt said.

Sadly, with his deception, President Clinton may have weakened the great power and strength that he possesses, of which President Roosevelt spoke.


Mr. President, I said at the outset that this was a very difficult statement to write and deliver. That is true, very true. And it is true in large part because it is so personal and yet needs to be public, but also because of my fear that it will appear unnecessarily judgmental. I truly regret this.


But the president, by virtue of the office he sought and was elected to, has traditionally been held to a higher standard. This is as it should be because the American president, as I quoted earlier, is not just the one man distillation of the American people, but today the most powerful person in the world. And as such, the consequences of his misbehavior, even private misbehavior, are much greater than that of an average citizen, a CEO or even a Senator.

That’s what I believe presidential scholar James David Barber (ph) in his book “The Presidential Character” was getting at when he wrote that the public demands quote, “a sense of legitimacy from and in the presidency. There is more to this than dignity — more than propriety. The president is expected to personify our betterness in an inspiring way; to express in what he does and is, not just what he says, a moral idealism which in much of the public mind is the very opposite of politics.”


… the transgressions the president has admitted to are too consequential for us to walk away and leave the impression for our children today and for our posterity tomorrow that what he acknowledges he did within the White House is acceptable behavior for our nation’s leader. On the contrary, as I have said, it is wrong and unacceptable and should be followed by some measure of public rebuke and accountability.


Let us as a nation honestly confront the damage that the president’s actions over the last seven months have caused, but not to the exclusion of the good that his leadership has done over the past six years, nor at the expense of our common interest as Americans. And let us be guided by the conscience of the Constitution, which calls on us to place the common good above any partisan or personal interest, as we now in our time work together to resolve this serious challenge to our democracy.

I thank the chair. I thank my colleagues. And I yield the floor.

Man, to hear him talk you would have thought the president had blatantly defied the law and illegally spied on American citizens without a warrant or something.

Lieberman, with his usual political tin ear, thought that he was being Barry Goldwater or Howard Baker by stepping across party lines to condemn a president of his own party. Unfortunately for him the citizens of this country don’t find blow jobs to be quite the threat to the Republic that he does.

The day Al Gore picked that insufferable, sanctimonious gasbag as the Democratic nominee for Vice president was one of the lowest of my life. That speech was the single most disloyal public political act of my lifetime. The Republicans were shrill, shrieking hyenas, foaming at the mouth, circling in for the kill — and that preening showboater stepped into the well of the senate and used his image as a moral exemplar to try to validate their bullshit partisan witch hunt. It was unforgivable. But he got lots of fawning press coverage from the Republicans and the beltway establishment and it evidently got into his blood. He can’t stop doing it.

Needless to say, after that loathsome performance, I have never expected Liebermann to do the right thing and he’s never disappointed me. Today is par for the course. (Jane reports that even his pro choice cred in in tatters since he supports the right of catholic hospitals to deny emergency birth control to rape victims. How … unsurprising.)

But regardless of the high-stepping strategists fluttering around cautioning the Democrats not to “make trouble,” the meme of Republican perfidy and ineptitude is starting to hum below the surface and I believe it will rise in volume over the next two years to a deafening howl. How do I know this? Their talking points sound lamer every day:

Cheney said Monday, “The outrageous proposition that we ought to protect our enemies’ ability to communicate as it plots against America poses a key test of our Democratic leaders.”

“The American people already made their decision,” Cheney added. “They agree with the president.”

If that’s their best argument, it’s probably best to say “Americans think it’s a good idea.” Associating policies with the president is a sure loser. Americans don’t trust him, respect him or like him. At 60% disapproval, saying that Americans agree with the president on anything is the kiss of death.

Ned Lamont is giving Joementum heartburn. Turn up the heat.


Fair Assumption

by digby

Drudge is reporting that Ben Bradlee has confirmed that Richard Armitage was Woodward’s souce on Plame:

THE WASHINGTON POST’s famous Watergate editor Ben Bradlee claims that it was former State Department Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage who was the individual who leaked the identity of CIA official Valerie Plame.

In the latest issue of VANITY FAIR: “Woodward was in a tricky position. People close to him believe that he had learned about Plame from his friend Richard Armitage, Colin Powell’s former deputy, who has been known to be critical of the administration and who has a blunt way of speaking. ‘That Armitage is the likely source is a fair assumption,’ former WASHINGTON POST editor Ben Bradlee said.”

‘I had heard about an e-mail that was sent that had a lot of unprintable language in it.'”

For why this is meaningless, here’s a post I did last year on the subject.



by digby

If you feel like punishing yourself, tune into Tweety today if only to see Tony Blankley’s vomitous shirt and tie combo.

Tweety said that Frist had called Feingold’s (alleged) bluff and that Harry reid looks nervous about this censure motion. Blankley replied smugly that Reid looks nervous about a lot of things these days. Tweety nodded sagely. He’s still high from the wingnut kool-aid he spent the weekend swilling down in Memphis.

Meanwhile, back on planet earth 2006, Bush is down to 36% in the latest Gallup Poll and Democrats are ahead by 16% in the generic poll.


Start The Hum

by digby

I wrote a post a while back that made a lot of people mad, called “learning to lose well.” It is a difficult argument to make and I failed at making it. I’m going to try again.

We are a minority party with almost no institutional power and a majority that sees no margin in bipartisanship, even as their president is failing quite dramatically. The port deal controversy was pretty much solely a Republican deal (although Shumer and some others were fairly high profile.) The intelligence commmittee, which was formed out of the atrocities uncovered by the Church investigation as a rare bi-partisan entity, has been taken over by an irresponsible partisan shill (who should be remembered by his fellow Kansans as the man who sold his balls and the constitution to that callow little man, George W. Bush.) This modern Republican party consciously governs by scant 51% majority by design, in order to ensure that no compromises with the opposition are required. (See Off Center by Hacker and Pierson.) Bipartisanship has been dead for almost a decade. Democrats failed to accept this and that failure left them floundering for a strategy.

It’s not impossible for an opposition party to function in that environment; it means that their only choice is accept that they are irrelevant to actual governance. That’s the simple reality in this quasi-parliamentary system the Republicans have rigged up. What that means is that you have to take every opportunity to make your argument clearly and concisely over and over again. You use whatever institutional levers you have at your disposal to put the other side off balance, expose their real agenda and get them on the record doing unpopular things. Everything is about setting up sharp distinctions and preparing the ground for the next election.

I’ll lay a little Sun Tzu on you for emphasis:

On hemmed-in ground, resort to stratagem. On desperate ground, fight.
-Sun Tzu

The Dems have been hemmed in since 2002. And at times they have been desperate. But since they failed to understand that they were in a partisan political war instead of a deliberative democratic body, they did not take advantage of their opportunities. The good news is that this system also made it impossible for the Democrats to impede Republican hubris (not that Joe Lieberman isn’t trying.)

To be fair, 9/11 was a traumatic experience and many people lost their heads. The Democrats, afraid of being tarred once again as soft on national security — and perhaps just afraid — failed to raise the kind of arguments early on that might have ripened before the 2004 election. In fact, they didn’t make them in time for them to have ripened even now, which was a mistake. We have seen such terrible foolishness as the Gang of 14 and the lackluster political skills of the intelligence committee. But it isn’t too late. The Republicans are in free fall, but the Democrats need to step into the breach. Russ Feingold is doing that today.

Now, I think we all know that the Republican Senate is not going to censure their president. In fact, they are probably going to rise up like wounded animals and roar like mad. Here’s Bill Frist from yesterday:

George, what was interesting in listening to my good friend, Russ, is that he mentioned protecting the American people only one time, and although you went to politics a little bit later, I think it’s a crazy political move and I think it in part is a political move because here we are, the Republican Party, the leadership in the Congress, supporting the President of the United States as Commander in Chief, who is out there fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban and Osama bin Laden and the people who have sworn, have sworn to destroy Western civilization and all the families listening to us. And they’re out now attacking, at least today, through this proposed censure vote, out attacking our Commander in Chief. Doesn’t make sense.

Expect more of this hysteria. It might even bring their base back into the fold. (Which is an inevitability in any case.) But take a look at the poll numbers. Revitalizing the GOP base will only stop the bleeding from the jugular vein. From the Democracy Corps memo (pdf) called “Cracks In The Two Americas”

The most important shifts are taking place among the world of Republican loyalists, which will have big strategic consequences. It is reflected in the most recent Democracy Corps poll where defection of 2004 Bush voters to the Democrats is twice the level of defection of Kerry voters to the Republicans. Only 31 percent of voters in blue counties (those carried by Kerry) are voting Republican for Congress, but 41 percent of red county voters are supporting the Democratic candidate. The combined data set shows major shifts in the Deep South and rural areas (even before the most recent controversies), blue-collar white men, and the best educated married men with high incomes….

But this problem is where the action is:

The other big shifts are taking place across the contested groups that form the swing blocs in the electorate. That is bringing big Democratic gains among older (over 50) non-college voters, the vulnerable women, practicing Catholics and the best-educated men. It is as if the entire center of the electorate shifted. This is why independents are breaking so heavily for the Democrats in each of our polls.

This is an election about throwing the bums out and Democrats need to make a clear statement of fundamental values, not policy differences. Some strategists insist that Democrats must adopt the religious code words that Republicans use to signal character and values to evangelical voters. I would suggest that all Americans, religious and secular alike, share a language that is full of words that describe character and values. How about we start using some plain English words like unethical, dishonest, unfair, untrustworthy, dishonorable and lies. I think everybody can understand what those mean.

E. J Dionne wrote the other day:

The stories about the Democrats are by no means flatly false — Democrats don’t yet have a fully worked-out alternative program — but they are based on a false premise, and they underestimate what I’ll call the positive power of negative thinking.

The false premise is that oppositions win midterm elections by offering a clear program, such as the Republicans’ 1994 Contract With America. I’ve been testing this idea with such architects of the 1994 “Republican revolution” as former representative Vin Weber and Tony Blankley, who was Newt Gingrich’s top communications adviser and now edits the Washington Times editorial page.

Both said the main contribution of the contract was to give inexperienced Republican candidates something to say once the political tide started moving the GOP’s way. But both insisted that it was disaffection with Bill Clinton, not the contract, that created the Republicans’ opportunity — something Bob Dole said at the time.

The Republicans worked very, very hard to stoke that disaffection with Bill Clinton. The consequence was that, except for a brief demoralizing period between 2001 and 2002, the Republicans have controlled both houses of congress for 12 years. They won because the tide was with them, Clinton had only won by a plurality, and the economy had not yet picked up steam. And they won mostly because from the moment he came into the White House the Republicans had relentlessly and mercilessly attacked his character.

It is past time for elected Democrats to begin laying out the case that the leader of the Republican party, the man to whom the congress has blindly followed at every turn for the past five years, is dishonorable. They must begin to create a low hum that reverberates throughout the body politic that says “the Republican party is unethical, untrustworthy, inept and dishonorable.” Make people hear it in their heads before they go to sleep each night.

Russ Feingold has just taken the first step to doing this. His censure motion will not pass, of course. But he’s started the hum. The press is listening. They are shocked, it can’t be, how can he say that? But Feingold is saying outloud, for the whole nation to hear, that the president defied the law and broke his oath to defend the constition.

As the magnificent helmeted Cokie Roberts once said, “it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it’s out there.” In this case, it’s true. And now it’s out there. Take a moment and hum this tune in your senators ears today. It’s time they get used to hearing it.

Go over to Firedoglake, where Jane and ReddHedd and the whole Firedog Brigade have all the information you need to make a couple of calls. Remember, we will lose it —- but we will “lose it well.” All that means is that sometimes losing a skirmish is in service to winning the longer war.

Update: CNN just reported that Bush’s numbers are down to 36% in the Gallup poll. Dems now have a 16 point lead in the generic ballot.

Update II: Ed Henry just reported that Frist is trying to move this vote up to tonight because he thinks he has around 85 Senators to vote against it. They still don’t get it. Bush just hit a new low in the Gallup Poll, they are 16 points ahead in the generic — it’s time to take a fucking risk. Voting for this motion will not hurt them in the fall but it changes the stakes. 15 Democrats is not good enough.


The Ineluctable Consistency Of George W. Bush

by tristero

There will be some who surely will accuse Lonsesome Cowboy Bush of flip-flopping now that he has apparently been converted to the joys of multi-lateralism. But they are quite wrong. There is no flip flop, and there will be no change in the behavior of the Bush administration.

Early indicators make it clear that Bush will be as thoroughly incompetent at multi-lateralism as he has been at everything else.