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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Fallen Statues

by digby

Way back in November of 2000, people were chattering online about government overreach, specifically the rubber stamp FISA court:

“Franz Kafka would have judged this to wild to fictionalize. But for us – it’s real”

“As quietly as possible (although it sometimes breaks out into the open, usually with the sound of gunfire and the death of innocents), a “shadow government” has been set up all around us my friend. It’s foundation is not the constitution, but Executive Orders, Presidential Procalamations, Secret Acts, and Emergency Powers.

It has all the tools to be an absolute tyranny and those behind it (on both sides of the aisle) who crave power and their form of “governance” continue to move towards it while we are distracted by so many other goings on.”

“The article strives to make it clear that the targets of the Kafka Kourt are foreign nationals, but then it also reveals that once a “target” is “approved” all of his or her contacts are also investigated.


Outlandish? Yes. But then, so is this whole Kafka Kourt outlandish.”

“This is one of those ideas that has a valid purpose behind it, but is wide open to terrible abuse. And there’s no way to check to see if it is abused.

Like all things that don’t have the light of day shining on them, you can be sure that it is being twisted to suit the purposes of those who hold the power.”

“The targets need not be under suspicion of committing a crime, but may be investigated when probable cause results solely from their associations or status: for example, belonging to, or aiding and abetting organizations deemed to pose a threat to U.S. national security.

This was discussed previously on FreeRepublic along with a Justice Department list of organizations to target. I saved it but unfortunately have lost it.. there were a lot of pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment groups on the list if I recall correctly. One group they targeted was a pro-life organization run by Catholic priests!”

Yes, that was from a Free Republic thread. It would appear that 9/11 changed the liberty loving, bill of rights supporting, self-sufficient freepers into a gaggle of snivelling little babies who were so traumatized by the terrorists that they now think this jack-booted FISA court is too much oversight and the president actually has the power to spy on any damned citizen he wants to. (Or they are partisan robots, you be the judge.)

I got that link from a great post by Glenn Greenwald about the new authoritarian cult conservatives (reminding me of my own little bon mot: “Conservative” is a magic word that applies to those who are in other conservatives’ good graces. Until they aren’t. At which point they are liberals.”)

He writes:

Now, in order to be considered a “liberal,” only one thing is required – a failure to pledge blind loyalty to George W. Bush. The minute one criticizes him is the minute that one becomes a “liberal,” regardless of the ground on which the criticism is based. And the more one criticizes him, by definition, the more “liberal” one is. Whether one is a “liberal” — or, for that matter, a “conservative” — is now no longer a function of one’s actual political views, but is a function purely of one’s personal loyalty to George Bush.

I think the cult of Bush is actually representative of something else. A few months ago Rick Perlstein gave a talk about Barry Goldwater at a gathering of conservative intellectuals on the subject of The Conservative Movement: Its Past, Present and Future. To a room filled with the biggest thinkers on the right he said:

As an unabashed ideological liberal in the depths of the age of Clintonian triangulation, I found the recollections of the risks you all took for a cause absolutely inspiring.

In a sense, I considered you political role models.

The name that came up over and over in my interviews with these veterans of Young Americans for Freedom was “Richard Nixon.” They came to the 1960 Republican National Convention determined to draft Barry Goldwater for vice president. They left after making a breathtaking ad hoc run at drafting Goldwater for president instead, and taking down the presumptive nominee as an unprincipled sellout.

Richard Nixon once instructed a new staffer, Richard Whalen, “Flexibility is the first principle of politics.” The conservative movement has understood itself to be the people who unflaggingly answered back to Nixon: “Principle rises above politics.” That’s a quote from Alf Regnery, in a profile of him this fall in the Washington Post. In the same article, David Keene related his answer to someone who criticized the ACU for attacking congressional spending, because Republicans were the ones in charge of it: “Well, that’s too bad.” The man here to my right, Lee Edwards, got the money quote: “What we have here is the principled conservatives vs. the pragmatic conservatives.”


What to make of the fact that some of the names who pioneered this anti-Nixonian movement of principle showed up in the dankest recesses of the Nixon administration? People like Douglas Caddy, of course, the co-founder of the effort to draft Goldwater for vice-president in 1960 and YAF’s first president, who was the man the White House called on to represent the Watergate burglars in 1972. And people like the guy inaugurated as YAF’s chair in the 1965 with those stirring words about truth: Tom Charles Huston–who, as the author of the first extra-legal espionage and sabotage plan in the Nixon White House, can fairly be called an architect of Watergate.

It is a thread one finds throughout the annals of the Nixon presidency. The notion that what they were doing was moral, the eggs that need be broken in the act of redeeming a crumbling West. Jeb Magruder told the Senate Watergate Committee: “Although I was aware they were illegal we had become somewhat inured to using some activities that would help us in accomplishing what we thought was a cause.” That message came straight from the top. “Just remember you’re doing the right thing,” the president told Bob Haldeman on Easter Sunday, 1973. “That’s what I used to think when I killed some innocent children in Hanoi.” Then he briefed him on how to suborn perjury from an aide concerning the blackmailing of the Watergate burglars.

I would argue that the lawlessness of the Reagan administration was similarly couched in moral terms. Yes, the congress may have explicitly prohibited the president from aiding the Nicaraguan contras, but helping the contras was an act of redeeming a crumbling west (saving the world from communism), so more eggs had to be broken. I don’t think I need to point out the huge fluffy omelette this administration is cooking up — to redeem the crumbling…well, you know the drill.

So, it isn’t precisely a cult of George W. Bush. It’s a cult of Republican power. We know this because when a Democratic president last sat in the oval office, there was non-stop hysteria about presidential power and overreach. Every possible tool to emasculate the executive branch was brought ot bear, including the nuclear option, impeachment. Now we are told that the “Presidency” is virtually infallible. The only difference between now and then is that a Republican is the executive instead of a Democrat.

This must be a function of psychology more than ideology. David Gergen said this morning on This Weak, that the Republicans are much better at “messaging” than the Democrats, but that they aren’t good at governing. This is true. They win by selling a fantasy of freedom and riches —- and govern as despots. You can see from the examples cited above that there is no real conservative ideology. If they can jettison their most cherished ideals (small government, balanced budgets, checks and balances, states’ rights, individual liberty etc.) whenever a Republican holds office, it is quite clear that what they care about is the power, not the “message” on which they ran.

Today I read that Bob Barr, a man who made his bones by calling for Clinton’s impeachment even before the Lewinsky scandal broke, is now being booed by a room full of arch-conservatives for suggesting that the president saying “trust me” is not adequate. We know very well that if the president were a Democrat, everyone in that room would not find it adequate.

Perlstein ended his speech with this:

For the stations of the cross of a conservatism in power include not merely Sharon, Connecticut, but Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; not merely Mont Pelerin, but the competing Indian casinos whose money was laundered by conservative groups on Jack Abramoff’s behalf. Barry Goldwater ran against Lyndon Johnson’s ties to Bobby Baker. Now Republicans have made Bobby Baker their majority leader. His K Street Project is a lineal descendant of the attitudes and actions that constituted Watergate: Richard Nixon calling for the heads of Democratic donors and howling, “We have all this power and we’re not using it.” The American Conservative Union has made defending him to the death a point of conservative honor.

Ask yourself, What would Barry Goldwater say?

I believe now that Goldwaterism was nothing more than public relations and the “conservative movement” that sprang from his failed presidential campaign was nothing more than an elaborate con job. Throughout all the years that they decried Stalinism, it wasn’t an idealistic belief in human rights and democracy that drove them. It was quite the opposite, in fact. It was envy. All that control over other people. The huge police and military apparatus. The forced conformity. The only thing they genuinely hated about the Soviet Union was its economic philosophy. The totalitarian system, not so much. When you read about the “conservative movement” you find over and over again that the anti-communists immersed themselves in Stalinism and modeled their organizational style on it, often quite openly admiring its efficient application of power. And as we know, one of totalitarianism’s most obvious features is the cult of personality that always grows up within it.

The modern Republicans do show all the hallmarks of an authoritarian cult. But I believe that the metaphorical statue of George W. Bush will be toppled very shortly after he leaves office after an “election” based on a message of “reform.” They must restore the fantasy. His statue will be replaced, of course, with another infallible leader. That’s how it works.

The Princeton Symposium is now available online. Check out the whole line-up of thinkers on the Right. Perlstein really went into the belly of the beast.

Update: Kevin coincidentally finds a very nice illustration of what I’m talking about.

Educational Week-end

by digby

I am going to be out most of the day so I want to leave you all with some good reading from around the blogosphere:

This article by Arthur Silber about the inevitability of action in Iran is spot on. We are not dealing with rational actors. And he’s not talking about the Iranians.

This post by Pastordan at Street Prophets about heresy in the Evangelical church is quite instructive. As usual the media gets it wrong.

Eric at Wampum answers my question about how the Democrats should answer the Republicans on national security with a fascinating reminder that there are still sharks in the blue water.

Jonathan Schwarz at A Tiny Revolution informs us of other things that Al Qaeda forgets.

Bill at Liberal Oasis tells the opposition party how to be an opposition party.

Gavin at Sadly No! writes about how it might happen here.

Gary Farber discusses datamining.

Assparrot (apparently still hungover) holds a “Digby nailed it …” contest.

Oh, and in case you have been in a coma for the last four decades, this article in the Washington Post may help you understand that you are not crazy for noticing that all the racists are now Republicans.


Wet Dreams

by digby

Uhm, would anybody care to speculate about why William Donohue, president of the Catholic league is so obsessed with incest and sodomy? Yesterday he said:

DONOHUE: Well, look, there are people in Hollywood, not all of them, but there are some people who are nothing more than harlots. They will do anything for the buck. They wouldn’t care. If you asked them to sodomize their own mother in a movie, they would do so, and they would do it with a smile on their face. You know, it’s such a cop-out to talk about freedom of expression.

My he has quite an imagination doesn’t he? Don’t blame Hollywood. I don’t think they’ve been making any movies featuring such scenes. I don’t even think the porno industry has been making movies featuring such scenes. That lovely image came right out of that sick fuck’s twisted subconscious.

(In case you didn’t catch the show, Donohue was talking about Muslim intolerance, by the way.)

Apparently, he just can’t stop thinking about it:

After all, 15-year-olds, they go to abortionists. They get their babies killed without parental consent. The new Puritans [those criticizing The Passion of the Christ] don’t seem to worry about that. They like gay sex. They like [the film] The Dreamers, a brother and sister who bathe together and stuff like that. The same people in The New York Times who say this movie, I don’t think it’s not really right for kids, they have no problems when it comes to sodomy. It’s smoking they don’t like and Catholicism. [MSNBC, Scarborough Country, 2/25/04]

Mothers, brothers, sisters. (What, no dear old Dad?) Yeah, it’s Hollywood that’s got a problem.


Literary Terrorism

Guest post by Thumb

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President George W. Bush disclosed new details on Thursday of a thwarted al Qaeda plot to use shoe bombs to hijack a plane and fly it into a Los Angeles building, as he sought to justify his tactics in fighting terrorism.

With critics questioning the legality of his authorization of a domestic spying program, Bush used newly declassified details of a previously revealed plot to show that the threat of terrorism has not abated.

“America remains at risk, so we must remain vigilant,” Bush said.

He said that in early 2002 the United States and its allies disrupted a plot to use bombs hidden in shoes to breach the cockpit door of an airplane and fly it into the tallest building in Los Angeles.

But he got the name of the building wrong, saying the “intended target was Liberty Tower.” He meant Library Tower, now the US Bank Tower, that at 1,017 feet (310 metres) high is the tallest building in the United States west of the Mississippi River.

It seems Bush wasn’t the only one confused by the name of the tower. This shocking leaked NSA intercept of two of the shoe-bombers shows even the terrorists were confused:

AQ#1: Have you received our target yet?

AQ#2: Yes. The Literary tower in Los Angeles.

#1: The Literary Tower?

#2: Yes. You know, the really tall one.

#1: Fool, you mean the LIBERTY Tower, not the…

#2: No no no, the Literary Tower, I remember specifically. That’s the big one. With all their books.

#1: Their books?? Who cares about the infidel’s books? The plan is to strike down their liberty. That makes our target the Liberty Tower, not the Literary tower. Are you sure we’re talking about the same tower? Do you have a map? We are talking about Los Angeles, aren’t we?

[paper shuffling]

#2: Um… uh… I can’t figure this out. Oh, who cares what it’s called. It’s the tallest one. How many tallest buildings can there be in Los Angeles, anyway?

#1: Three? Four?

#2: …Well, it doesn’t matter. Any one of them will do. Do you have the information on our weapons?

#1: Yes, I am told we will hide high explosives in our shoes, and then…

#2: Uh, say that again? It sounded like you said “high explosives” and “shoes.”

#1: Yes. Explosives. In our shoes. We’ll use them to gain access to the cockpit…

#2: Uh, Mohammed?

#1: Yes Mohammed?

#2: Something, um, doesn’t sound right. Are you quite sure…

#1: Of course I’m sure. It says right here [sounds of more paper shuffling] that we are to use high explosives to gain access to the cockpit, where we then threaten to blow up the rest of plane if they don’t fly it into the Liberty…

#2: Literary…

#1: Liberty, Literary… I don’t… [sighs] Look, just tell the pilot “The tall one.” I’m quite sure they’ll know which building you’re talking about. Just tell them that if they don’t immediately fly the plane into the tallest building in Los Angeles, you’ll blow them up with your Sneakers of Mass Destruction. They won’t want that, I can assure you.

#2: Uh… there’s something I don’t understand.

#1: Yes?

#2: How do we explode our way into the cockpit and still threaten to blow up the plane?

#1: Fool, that’s why we hide the explosives in our shoes. Just use one shoe on the cockpit door. That way we still have the other shoe to threaten to blow up the rest of the plane with.

#2: Ooooh. That makes sense. Sort of. [long pause] We get to take them off first, right?

#1: I assume. Let me check [paper shuffling]. Well, I don’t see where it says we can’t. So I suppose it should be okay. [pause] Wait. Did you hear that?

#2: Yes, I did. Is there somebody else on the line? You don’t have a party line, do you? Please tell me you paid for a private line…

#1: Yes, of course this is a private line. Now shut your hookah-hole, I’m trying to listen. [“if you’d like to continue this wiretap for another –ten– minutes, please insert an additional –75– cents”] ACK! I think this line is being tapped!

#2: Do Americans have such technologies?

#1: Damn. I once read where they did, but I completely forgot about that.


Ah, Brownie.

by tristero

I didn’t see the hearings but if this description of what he said is accurate, one can only wish he had been half as good a FEMA chief as he is a Republican loyalist:

Mr. Brown said that he told a senior White House official early on of the New Orleans flooding, and that the administration was too focused on terrorism to respond properly to natural disasters…

The Bush administration, as a whole, he said, did not seem to care enough about natural disasters and had relegated natural disasters to a “stepchild” of national security.

“It is my belief,” Mr. Brown told the senators, that if “we’ve confirmed that a terrorist has blown up the 17th Street Canal levee, then everybody would have jumped all over that and been trying to do everything they could.”

Did they actually let him get away with that nonsense? Did nobody point out the obvious which Atrios immediately saw? That there is no essential difference between a response to a terrorist blowing up the levee or a hurricane blowing it? That you cancel your vacation and get your butt in gear ’cause you got a serious, serious emergency – thousands of lives are at stake – that requires the full attention of the fucking president?

Was Brown forced to concede that the Bush “intense focus on terrorism” is really a perverse obsession with the publicity at the expense of reality? Those of you who saw Brown testify – did anyone make that point?

Apparently not. Yes, Brown blamed the White House for the failure in Katrina rather than his own ineptitude; given the amount of trouble he’s in, he had no choice. Even so – this is incredible! – he re-emphasized, without contradiction or explanation, THE single most important Republican talking point:

Republicans make national security and fighting terrorism Priority 1.

And while he spewed this partisan bullshit, Democrats “gently” urged him to keep his chin up and “keep fighting!” Brownie, you truly have done a heckuva job.

Testy, testy

by digby

Mr Victoria Toensing just had a hissy fit on Wolfie because his co-pundit Richard Ben-Veniste agreed that Cheney didn’t break the law but pointed out that it was hypocritical for Cheney to lecture people about leaking when he was authorizing his staff to selectively leak to reporters under cover of anonymity.

Mr Toensing rose up and bared his claws at Wolf because he had apparently agreed to come on to only discuss the “legal” issues and not to get into a partisan discussion. He’s just an old non-partisan, country lawyer, you know. He doesn’t do politics.


Born Yesterday

by digby

White House aides had arranged for only the first few minutes of the session to be open to reporters. But an apparent mistake left a microphone on for longer than anticipated.

In the interim, he said, “I support the free press, let’s just get them out of the room. …”

“I want to share some thoughts with you before I answer your questions,” he went on to the Republican House members. “First of all, I expect this conversation we’re about to have to stay in the room. I know that’s impossible in Washington.”

He then moved to a defense of the NSA program that allows wiretaps without court warrants as part of certain terrorist investigations.

“I wake up every morning thinking about a future attack, and therefore, a lot of my thinking, and a lot of the decisions I make are based upon the attack that hurt us,” Bush said.

Referring to the controversy surrounding whether the program is legal, he said, “We put constant checks on the program.”

“I take my oath of office seriously. I swear to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States,” Bush said.

Isn’t he terrific? Even in private he is exactly the same as he is in public. Boy oh boy, it sure is a good thing he didn’t say anything controversial, though. That “technician” (who is coincidentally named Karl Rove — go figure) would have been given a first class ticket to the woodshed. But our preznit is the same stalwart patriot no matter who he is speaking to so that technician knew he had nothing to worry about.

Update: Wolfie fell for it.

hat tip to FauxReal


More Angry Leftists

by digby

Uh oh, better tell the Beltway Quilting Bee and Ladies Circle Jerk Society that the Angry Left is at it again. One of them infiltrated the annual Republican Decency In Public Discourse Convention and reported on their confidential internal discussion. These leftist barbarians have no shame:

Before an overflow crowd of at least 1000 young right-wing activists, Coulter took her brand of performance art to new heights. Afterwards, I caught up with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to ask him about Coulter’s characterization of Muslims as “ragheads.” Before I reveal his indignant response, here are a sampling of Coulter’s most memorable lines.

Coulter on Muslims:

“I think our motto should be post-9-11, ‘raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.'” (This declaration prompted a boisterous ovation.)

Coulter on killing Bill Clinton:

(Responding to a question from a Catholic University student about her biggest moral or ethical dilemna) “There was one time I had a shot at Clinton. I thought ‘Ann, that’s not going to help your career.'”

Coulter on moderate Republicans:

“There is more dissent on a slave plantation then amongst moderates in the Republican party.”

Coulter on the Holocaust:

“Iran is soliciting cartoons on the Holocaust. So far, only Ted Rall, Garry Trudeau, and the NY Times have made submissions.”

Coulter on the Supreme Court:

“If we find out someone [referring to a terrorist] is going to attack the Supreme Court next week, can’t we tell Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalito?”

After Coulter’s speech, I approached Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist in the CPAC exhibitor’s hall. I asked him what he thought of Coulter’s characterization 15 minutes earlier of Muslims as “ragheads.” HIs reply? “I wasn’t there so I better not comment.”

Something’s going to have to be done about all these rude leftwing bloggers. They have no business sneaking around asking Senator Frist questions like that. Don’t these people have any manners at all?

Update: Jane finds even more grubby angry leftists pretending to be journalists. Lock your doors and hide the wimminfolk.

Update II: Kevin at Catch reports that certain right wing blogs are unhappy with Coulter’s tasteless comments. That’s surprising. They never said anything before. She’s been wowing ’em at the CPAC for years.


Careerist Crooks

by digby

Josh Marshall has posted an interesting piece of correspondence from a Democratic staffer regarding the Abramoff affair. There are as number of things in the letter that are worth discussing, but there is one point that offers an intriguing talking point:

The vast majority of Democratic staffers work on the Hill, despite the miserable pay and long hours, to try to achieve some measure of good. Many, many Republican staffers- convinced that government is an evil- work here in order to make money off that necessary evil. That breeds corruption. When you have a majority of members and staffers that could care less about policy ad governing and more about power/influence/money/profit Abramoff is inevitable. When the hard, tedious work of legislating and oversight is done by people motivated by careerism rather than professionalism not only do you have Abramoff, but you have Michael Brown, Halliburton, and illegal NSA wiretapping.

We need to think about ways to communicate why this “culture of corruption” is so pervasive in GOP government and why it is unique to them. This is one good way to explain it:

When Republicans are in charge, watch your wallets. Corruption and incompetence naturally stem from sending people who hate the government to Washington. They obviously aren’t there to be responsive to the public because they don’t believe the government can or should be responsive to the public. They are either there to exercize power for power’s sake, make contacts and build their careers or they are second rate hacks who can’t make it in the private sector. Democrats come to Washington to do good. Republicans come to Washington to feed at the trough.


Professional Journalamalism

by digby

Most people have already heard how poor little Brownie took down that unctuous haircut with lips, Norm Coleman, this morning. What you may not know is that shortly afterward on MSNBC, professional journalist Bob Kur used Coleman’s attack as an example of bipartisan anger at poor little Brownie — identifying Coleman as a Democrat. .

Somebody get Duncan on the phone. He’s going to have to clear his schedule for another blogger ethics panel.
