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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Singing For Jesus

…as long as it doesn’t require any travel.

In a telephone interview late Tuesday, Perkins said Frist wasn’t invited because he had participated by videotape in the group’s previous event. The main reason the event is being held in Nashville, he said, is that it is easier to line up country music stars there to perform.

So I guess country stars, many of whom spend months at a time on the road, are so committed to the cause that they will only perform if the event is held in their home town. That’s very inspirational.


Effective Interrogation

A week into Mowhoush’s detainment, according to classified investigative documents, interrogators were getting fed up with the prisoner. In a “current situation summary” PowerPoint presentation dated Nov. 18, Army officials wrote about his intransigence, using his first name (spelled “Abid” in Army documents):

“Previous interrogations were non-threatening; Abid was being treated very well. Not anymore,” the document reads. “The interrogation session lasted several hours and I took the gloves off because Abid refused to play ball.”

But the harsher tactics backfired.

In an interrogation that could be witnessed by the entire detainee population, Mowhoush was put into an undescribed “stress position” that caused the other detainees to stand “with heads bowed and solemn looks on their faces,” said the document.

“I asked Abid if he was strong enough a leader to put an end to the attacks that I believed he was behind,” the document said, quoting an unidentified interrogator. “He did not deny he was behind the attacks as he had denied previously, he simply said because I had humiliated him, he would not be able to stop the attacks. I take this as an admission of guilt.”

Excellent work. Sipowitz would be proud.

Three days later, on Nov. 21, 2003, Mowhoush was moved from the border base at Qaim to a makeshift detention facility about six miles away in the Iraqi desert, a prison fashioned out of an old train depot, according to court testimony and investigative documents. Soldiers with the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and the 101st Airborne Division were running a series of massive raids called Operation Rifles Blitz, and the temporary holding facility, nicknamed Blacksmith Hotel, was designed to hold the quarry.

U.S. troops searched more than 8,000 homes in three cities, netting 350 detainees, according to court testimony. Even though Mowhoush was not arrested during the raids, he was moved to Blacksmith Hotel, where teams of Army Special Forces soldiers and the CIA were conducting interrogations.

At Blacksmith, according to military sources, there was a tiered system of interrogations. Army interrogators were the first level.

When Army efforts produced nothing useful, detainees would be handed over to members of Operational Detachment Alpha 531, soldiers with the 5th Special Forces Group, the CIA or a combination of the three. “The personnel were dressed in civilian clothes and wore balaclavas to hide their identity,” according to a Jan. 18, 2004, report for the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division.

If they did not get what they wanted, the interrogators would deliver the detainees to a small team of the CIA-sponsored Iraqi paramilitary squads, code-named Scorpions, according to a military source familiar with the operation. The Jan. 18 memo indicates that it was “likely that indigenous personnel in the employ of the CIA interrogated MG Mowhoush.”

Sometimes, soldiers and intelligence officers used the mere existence of the paramilitary unit as a threat to induce detainees to talk, one Army soldier said in an interview. “Detainees knew that if they went to those people, bad things would happen,” the soldier said. “It was used as a motivator to get them to talk. They didn’t want to go with the masked men.”

The Scorpions went by nicknames such as Alligator and Cobra. They were set up by the CIA before the war to conduct light sabotage. After the fall of Baghdad, they worked with their CIA handlers to infiltrate the insurgency and as interpreters, according to military investigative documents, defense officials, and former and current intelligence officials.

Soon after Mowhoush’s detention began, soldiers in charge of him “reached a collective decision that they would try using the [redacted] who would, you know, obviously spoke the local, native Iraqi Arabic as a means of trying to shake Mowhoush up, and that the other thing that they were going to try to do was put a bunch of people in the room, a tactic that Mr. [redacted] called ‘fear up,’ ” Army Special Agent Curtis Ryan, who investigated the case, testified, according to a transcript.

Classified e-mail messages and reports show that “Brian,” a Special Forces retiree, worked as a CIA operative with the Scorpions.

On Nov. 24, the CIA and one of its four-man Scorpion units interrogated Mowhoush, according to investigative records.

“OGA Brian and the four indig were interrogating an unknown detainee,” according to a classified memo, using the slang “other government agency” for the CIA and “indig” for indigenous Iraqis.

“When he didn’t answer or provided an answer that they didn’t like, at first [redacted] would slap Mowhoush, and then after a few slaps, it turned into punches,” Ryan testified. “And then from punches, it turned into [redacted] using a piece of hose.”

“The indig were hitting the detainee with fists, a club and a length of rubber hose,” according to classified investigative records.

Soldiers heard Mowhoush “being beaten with a hard object” and heard him “screaming” from down the hall, according to the Jan. 18, 2004, provost marshal’s report. The report said four Army guards had to carry Mowhoush back to his cell.

Two days later, at 8 a.m., Nov. 26, Mowhoush — prisoner No. 76 — was brought, moaning and breathing hard, to Interrogation Room 6, according to court testimony.

Chief Warrant Officer Lewis E. Welshofer Jr. did a first round of interrogations for 30 minutes, taking a 15-minute break and resuming at 8:45. According to court testimony, Welshofer and Spec. Jerry L. Loper, a mechanic assuming the role of guard, put Mowhoush into the sleeping bag and wrapped the bag in electrical wire.

Welshofer allegedly crouched over Mowhoush’s chest to talk to him.

Sgt. 1st Class William Sommer, a linguist, stood nearby.

Chief Warrant Officer Jeff Williams, an intelligence analyst, came to observe progress.

Investigative records show that Mowhoush “becomes unresponsive” at 9:06 a.m. Medics tried to resuscitate him for 30 minutes before pronouncing him dead.

According to the article, they were just making up these “interrogation techniques” as they went along. One of the interrogators said his brother had zipped him in a sleeping bag when he was a kid and it had made him feel vulnerable. No word on whether the brother then beat him senseless with a rubber hose though.

They do mention that this happened after the instructions came from on high to “take the gloves off.” When you get an order like that it inspires all sorts of experimentation apparently. It illustrates why the military usually operates on a very specific level with rules and orders and discipline. Things do tend to get out of hand when people are given the green light to “do what needs to be done.”

They don’t say it, but I have a feeling that comic books and Dirty Harry movies also played a large role in fashioning our interrogation techniques in this war. Funny, I thought we were well into the third wave information warfare and sophisticated new methods of gaining intelligence. We may document them with Power Point presentations our techniques come right out of the 14th century. Putting someone in a bag and beating him to death isn’t exactly modern high tech warfare.

And man, that rotten apple barrel is getting full, isn’t it?


What Went Right In Ohio

Well, waddaya know? Schmidt pulls it out with a four point squeaker in a district that hasn’t given a Democrat more than 30 percent in 20 years. And all it took was a little last minute massaging of the count in her home district.

Too bad Karl’s so busy these days. The party would probably really like his input on where that permanent majority thing he’s been working on stands.

Seriously, I think this really is a bellwether. There is no way in hell that Hackett should have come within 15 points of Schmidt and the fact that he came so close says that something is seriously going wrong with the GOP brand, regardless of how appealing Hackett is as a candidate or how fucked up the Ohio GOP is.

The polls show a spike in Democratic party ID and the GOP is looking more fat and corrupt than the Democrats were after almost half a century in power. We may just be seeing the beginning of our 1994.

Don’t ever think it can’t happen. Much larger swings than we need have happened a bunch of times. I have a feeling that this 50/50 stasis is about to break — and this election makes me think it’s going to break our way. I hope the powers that be take the time to really study what went right in Ohio.

And I hope our man Hackett decides to run again. He’s got the shinin’.


They Love Controversy

Talk Left points to a discussion regarding whether bloggers should stay with Blog-ads or go with the new Pajamas Media. It’s using a different business model and apparently targeting larger mainstream advertisers.

My only question is how these mainstream advertisers are going to react when they find out they are affiliating themselves with a very controversial racist blog like Little Green Footballs? I suspect we’ll find out.

It would certainly be a problem for me.


Divining The Will Of The Voters

I’m looking at the return for Hackett at 9:49 and it’s at 50/50. This is a very red district and the fact that Hackett is even in spitting distance is amazing.

But man, I’m getting tired of these squeakers, aren’t you?

I suspect the GOP machine has kept a few votes “in reserve” if you know what I mean. It’s Ohio, after all.


Ok. This is getting fricking ridiculous. Hackett’s down by 800 votes and for some unknown reason they are holding back the tally for 91 precincts in Jean Schmidt’s home county. Seems they are having some “problems” counting the vote. Can ya believe it?


Talk Puke

I guess these Marines and soldiers in Iraq had better check their foxholes and humvees and ask whether their buddies hold the proper political beliefs. Those who are Democrats are all cowards and liars, evidently.

I heard Senator Tom Harkin talk the other day about his still unsuccessful attempts to get Armed Forces Radio to provide some balance in their programming. Perhaps he might have better luck next time if he’s armed with a transcript of that drug addled gasbag’s characterization of Marine major Paul Hackett as a “staff puke.” If there’s anyone left in the GOP caucus with a conscience (and that’s highly doubtful) it might just make a difference.

And honorable marines out there should tell that flatulent fuckhead to shut his vomitous pie-hole, regardless of their politics. Chickenshit chickenhawks like Rush Limbaugh are telling them that they are required to be Republicans or their service will be deemed open season for any asshole who disagreees with their politics. Max Cleland, John Kerry, now Major Paul Hackett. This pattern is becoming quite obvious.

The military is Republican, godddamit. And remember that when you come home, you’d better toe the line. If you don’t the Republican party will portray you as a “puke,” no matter what you did. Word to the wise. Forget about freedom. Just vote GOP. That’s what you are fighting for.


Novakula’s Tea Bag

The Howler notes something important about Novak’s column yesterday in which he wrote:

I have previously said that I never would have written those sentences if Harlow, then-CIA Director George Tenet or anybody else from the agency had told me that Valerie Plame Wilson’s disclosure would endanger herself or anybody.

You have to assume by this statement that he must have talked to Tenet before he ran the story, right? Perhaps this is common knwledge and I’ve just missed it, but this is the first I’ve heard of this. Novak just slinging around Tenet’s name in that context is a little bit bizarre to say the least.

Somerby thinks that there’s a good chance that Tenet was the source Novak refered to as “not a partisan gunslinger,” and I think that’s certainly a possibility. (According to joe Wilson, Novak told him that his original source was with the CIA.) In fact, Tenet was one of the few members of the Bush administration who could even conceivably be characterized that way. Somerby speculates that Tenet being a “hail fellow well met” sort who knew the names of agents and remembered birthdays and such that he might have been the one who knew Valerie Wilson by her maiden name and told it to Novak.

This is intriguing since just a couple of weeks ago the papers were all reporting that a “source who had been briefed on the matter” and others were saying that Karl Rove and Lewis Libby had been working closely with Tenet on the official mea culpa:

“People who have been briefed on the case said the White House officials said Karl Rove and I. Lewis Libby Jr., were helping to prepare what became the administration’s primary response to criticism that a flawed phrase about the nuclear materials in Africa had been included in Mr. Bush’s State of the Union address six months earlier. They had exchanged e-mail correspondence and drafts of a proposed statement by George Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, to explain how the disputed wording had gotten into the address. Mr. Rove, the president’s political strategist, and Mr. Libby, the chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, coordinated their efforts with Stephen Hadley, then the deputy national security adviser, who was in turn consulting with Mr. Tenet.


The work done by Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby on the Tenet statement during this intense period has not been previously disclosed. People who have been briefed on the case discussed this critical time period and the events surrounding it to demonstrate that Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby were not involved in an orchestrated scheme to discredit Mr. Wilson or disclose the undercover status of his wife, Valerie Wilson, but were intent on clarifying the use of intelligence in the president’s address. Those people who have been briefed requested anonymity because prosecutors have asked them not to discuss matters under investigation.

We all wondered why that odd bit of information was revealed by the Rove forces. It was interesting, of course, as all these tid-bits are, but during that flood of friendly Rove-camp leaking, this always struck me a strange. How was this supposed to exonerate Rove? Somehow, we were supposed to believe that Tenet and Hadley and Rove and Libby were working together coordinating a Tenet’s response. But, so what? Why would that have prevented Rove and Libby from leaking about Plame? Can’t they walk and chew gum at the same time?

Then, on the 27th, the WaPo prints this and we are reminded that this has always been a battle between the white house and the CIA and it seems to be escalating as Rove comes under closer public scrutiny in the leak probe:

Prosecutors have questioned former CIA director George J. Tenet and deputy director John E. McLaughlin, former CIA spokesman Bill Harlow, State Department officials, and even a stranger who approached columnist Robert D. Novak on the street.

In doing so, special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has asked not only about how CIA operative Valerie Plame’s name was leaked but also how the administration went about shifting responsibility from the White House to the CIA for having included 16 words in the 2003 State of the Union address about Iraqi efforts to acquire uranium from Africa, an assertion that was later disputed.

A former senior CIA official said yesterday that Tenet’s statement was drafted within the agency and was shown only to Hadley on July 10 to get White House input. Only a few minor changes were accepted before it was released on July 11, this former official said. He took issue with a New York Times report last week that said Rove and Vice President Cheney’s chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, had a role in Tenet’s statement.

If I had to guess, Novak’s seemingly innocuous mention of Tenet yesterday wasn’t an accident. Tenet is being fingered as the source quite deliberately. It’s another salvo aimed at laying the blame for this whole mess (and I mean the WHOLE mess — wmd’s and all) at the CIA’s feet:

Behind the scenes, the White House responded with twin attacks: one on Wilson and the other on the CIA, which it wanted to take the blame for allowing the 16 words to remain in Bush’s speech. As part of this effort, then-deputy national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley spoke with Tenet during the week about clearing up CIA responsibility for the 16 words, even though both knew the agency did not think Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger, according to a person familiar with the conversation. Tenet was interviewed by prosecutors, but it is not clear whether he appeared before the grand jury, a former CIA official said.

Obviously, this article is informed by CIA sources who are enacting their own damage control. But it’s pretty clear to me on whose side Novak is coming down.

Somerby chastises me a little bit for assuming that Novak was carrying water for the White House when it’s possible his source was actually George Tenet. It’s true that Novak’s original column was fairly measured. It often is. But Novak’s appearances on CNN leave absolutely no doubt as to his loyalty to the Republican party and his willingness to carry water for the Bush administration. When a journalist appears regularly on television to openly advocate for one political party or a specific administration I think he gives up any right to claim journalistic objectivity or even journalistic integrity in a situation like this.

For instance, here’s one we can all appreciate Speaking of Al Gore at the Democratic convention last summer Novak said:

They [Democrats] just pray he doesn’t go into one of his rants where he’s screaming and yelling and can’t control himself. They shouldn’t feed him too much Coke before the uh– Coca-Cola before tonight.

Any journalist who says things like that can be fairly assumed to be “sympathetic” to white house spin, I think.

We know that Karl Rove, and very likely, Scooter Libby, were passing the “wife” information around, whether Tenet was the original source (and whether he was involved in the smear) or not. Rove has admitted that he spoke with Novak. And, finally, we also know that Robert Novak is the only one of several journalists reportedly approached who ran with that information. I do not think it is all that unreasonable for me to characterize Novak as doing Rove’s bidding in this. As I wrote yesterday, there really was no legitimate reason to report that Wilson’s wife was involved if what they were trying to do was say that Wilson’s mission was low level.

The man who likes to call Hillary Clinton “Madame Defarge” and a “very mean lady” who has “done very bad things” is just the guy I’d go to if I wanted to create a little smear about a henpecked little wimp and his overbearing spy of a wife who just wanted him to get a damned job.

Certainly, Novak’s statements subsequent to the leak have been just as dicey as Sommerby has documented Wilson’s of being. And I would suggest that they are far more worthy of condemnation since Novak is supposed to be a journalist.

In his original column revealing Plame’s name, he wrote this about Wilson:

That’s where Joe Wilson came in. His first public notice had come in 1991 after 15 years as a Foreign Service officer when, as U.S. charge in Baghdad, he risked his life to shelter in the embassy some 800 Americans from Saddam Hussein’s wrath. My partner Rowland Evans reported from the Iraqi capital in our column that Wilson showed “the stuff of heroism.” President George H.W. Bush the next year named him ambassador to Gabon, and President Bill Clinton put him in charge of African affairs at the National Security Council until his retirement in 1998.


During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, Wilson had taken a measured public position — viewing weapons of mass destruction as a danger but considering military action as a last resort. He has seemed much more critical of the administration since revealing his role in Niger. In the Washington Post July 6, he talked about the Bush team “misrepresenting the facts,” asking: “What else are they lying about?”

Here is his characterization of Wilson a few months later when he spoke with Wolf Blitzer:

BLITZER: Joining me now for an exclusive conversation, the veteran journalist, is my colleague, Bob Novak. Bob, thanks very much for joining us. Let’s talk about this. What made you decide to go out, first of all, and write about former Ambassador Joe Wilson?

NOVAK: Former Ambassador Wilson broke the secrecy that a retired diplomat, unknown, had gone to Niger in the year 2002 to investigate whether the Iraqis tried to buy yellow cake, uranium from Niger.

BLITZER: You mean when he wrote that op-ed page article in The New York Times?

NOVAK: New York Times … That was on a Sunday morning. On Monday, I began to report on something that I thought was very curious. Why was it that Ambassador Wilson, who had no particular experience in weapons of mass destruction, and was a sharp critic of the Iraqi policy of President Bush and, also, had been a high-ranking official in the Clinton White House, who had contributed politically to Democrats — some Republicans, but mostly Democrats — why was he being selected?

I asked this question to a senior Bush administration official, and he said that he believed that the assignment was suggested by an employee at the CIA in the counterproliferation office who happened to be Ambassador Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame. I then called another senior official of the Bush administration, and he said, Oh, you know about that? And he confirmed that that was an accurate story. I then called the CIA. They said that, to their knowledge, he did not — that the mission was not suggested by Ambassador Wilson’s wife — but that she had been asked by her colleagues in the counterproliferation office to contact her husband. So she was involved.

Novak seems to be trying to make a case that he’s the one who asked how Wilson got selected for the mission, not that anyone offered it up to him. In that same interview, he furiously denies that he ever told Newsday, “I didn’t dig it out. They gave it to me.” His characterization of Wilson is quite dramatically at odds with the way he wrote of him in the original column.

I would imagine that this discrepancy is something that Patrick Fitzgerald wondered about and why he was checking phone records after the Novak column came out. It reeks of cover up.

I realize that this does not demonstrate absolutely that Novak was carrying water for the administration when he revealed her name, but it certainly does show that he was carrying water for them after the fact. This entire line of bullshit about Wilson being a partisan is White House damage control chapter and verse.

I want to make clear that I’m not picking on Bob Somerby here. In the midst of that minor criticism, he also positively linked to my piece on Novak from yesterday, which I appreciate. He made a reasonable point, I think, that I was making an assertion that was not grounded in specific evidence. My response here is to demonstrate that I think it’s a reasonable assertion based upon observing Robert Novak’s career, his other public statements and the fact that he is, quite demonstrably, a douchebag for liberty.


The Insider’s Insider

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Patrick Fitzgerald is still interviewing people for the Grand Jury and that he called Rove assistants Susan Ralston and Izzy hernandez just last Friday.

Republican establishment groupies, The Note, which broke this story says this:

We should Note that Ralston and Hernandez are two of the nicest people in Washington and their being called to appear is a necessary reminder of the Caputoean phenomenon from the Clinton Era, which some have forgotten. When there are special prosecutors, a lot of kind, innocent people can get caught up in the investigation, often saddling them with huge legal bills and emotional stress.

That might be true, Perhaps these two are innocents. However, Susan Ralston’s name has the unfortunate propensity to pop up in conjunction with some serious GOP scumbags:

When Rove got to the White House in 2001, he hired as his personal assistant one Susan Ralston, who previously was Jack Abramoff’s personal assistant and was recommended by Abramoff for the job. Since then Ralston has become an insider’s insider. “She’s a remarkably gifted leader, playing a vital role,” Rove told the National Journal in its June 18, 2005 issue.

According to the Washington Monthly (June 1, 2004), Grover Norquist “had a deal with Susan Ralston, who until recently was the assistant to Karl Rove. An unnamed Republican lobbyist recently told “Susan took a message for Rove, and then called Grover to ask if she should put the caller through to Rove. If Grover didn’t approve, your call didn’t go through.”

“How did Norquist attain such influence over Ralston? Flowers every Friday? Redskins tickets?” the magazine wrote. “The answer, actually, is what the White House ethics lawyers call a ‘preexisting relationship.’ Ralston had formerly worked for lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a close friend of Norquist’s and a top fundraiser for House majority whip Tom DeLay (R-Texas).”

I have no idea what Fitzgerald’s looking at but it has something to do with Karl Rove. As Talk Left points out:

The two witnesses could be providing evidence that corroborates Rove’s version. It’s interesting, but not quite up to being a “dot” yet.


Rearing His Head

I was busy yesterday and didn’t get a chance to follow up, but I wondered about the item in Robert Novak’s column yesterday in which he claimed that the Kerry campaign discarded Wilson after the SSCI report claimed Wilson’s statements had no basis in fact. I had no recollection of that happening, particularly since the bipartisan SSCI report said no such thing — that “no basis in fact” statement came from the “additional views” of partisan tools Orrin Hatch, Pat Roberts and Kit Bond. (It’s quite telling that the committee couldn’t even get all the republicans to sign on to that little smear.)

Robert Parry gets to the bottom of this and lo and behold, it all comes back to our favorite little GOP man-ho, JD Guckert:

The other part of Novak’s attack on Wilson – about his supposed repudiation by Sen. John Kerry’s Democratic campaign – can be traced back to a story by Talon News’ former White House correspondent Jeff Gannon, whose real name is James Guckert.

On July 27, 2004, just over a year ago, a Talon News story under Gannon’s byline reported that Wilson “has apparently been jettisoned from the Kerry campaign.” The article based its assumption on the fact that “all traces” of Wilson “had disappeared from the Kerry Web site.”

The Talon News article reported that “Wilson had appeared on a Web site where he restated his criticism of the Bush administration. The link now goes directly to the main page of and no reference to Wilson can be found on the entire site.”

A Web Redesign

But Peter Daou, who headed the Kerry campaign’s online rapid response, said the disappearance of Wilson’s link – along with many other Web pages – resulted from a redesign of Kerry’s Web site at the start of the general election campaign, not a repudiation of Wilson.

“I wasn’t aware of any directive from senior Kerry staff to ‘discard’ Joe Wilson or do anything to Joe Wilson for that matter,” said Daou, who now publishes the “Daou Report” at “It just got lost in the redesign of the Web site, as did dozens and dozens of other pages.”

I don’t want to hear any more speculation that Robert Novak has anything but the highest journalistic standards. Nobody has more credibility than the Bulldog.

The Talon article was scrubbed of course. But the freepers kept a copy on their site. Perhaps old Bob hangs out there — many Republican whores do. Here it is in its entirety:

Kerry Dumps Joe Wilson From Campaign Team
Talon News ^ | 7/27/2004 | Jeff Gannon

Posted on 07/27/2004 7:22:20 AM PDT by ConservativeMajority

WASHINGTON (Talon News) — Last week, the presidential campaign of Democratic candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) very publicly distanced itself from former National Security Advisor Samuel “Sandy” Berger after it became known that Berger was under investigation for removing highly classified documents from the National Archives.

Talon News reported that Kerry’s anti-terror policy was removed from the candidate’s web site immediately following Berger’s dismissal as a campaign advisor. But in the last few days, another advisor has apparently been jettisoned from the Kerry campaign. All traces of former Ambassador Joe Wilson, the central figure in the controversy of faulty intelligence about Iraq and uranium has disappeared from the Kerry web site. Wilson had appeared on a web site where he restated his criticism of the Bush administration. The link now goes directly to the main page of and no reference to Wilson can be found on the entire site.

Wilson was discredited by a Senate Intelligence Committee report that contradicted Wilson’s public statements about how he was selected for a sensitive mission to Niger in 2002 and the results of his report about Saddam Hussein’s attempt to purchase uranium in Africa. Wilson represented his investigation as proof that President Bush misled the United States in making the case for the invasion of Iraq. An investigation into British intelligence confirms that Bush’s claim was “well founded.”

It is likely that Kerry’s handlers took advantage of the Berger affair to quietly break official contact with someone who has proved to be something of a loose cannon. The ambassador was known for his vitriolic rhetoric against members of the Bush administration, particularly political advisor Karl Rove. Last year he suggested that Rove be “frog-marched from the White House in handcuffs,” over the alleged leak of his wife’s identity.

The Kerry campaign did not respond to a Talon News inquiry about Wilson’s departure.

Copyright © 2004 Talon News — All rights reserved.

This really is worth some follow-up with the mainstream press, I think. All things being equal, Novak should be joining Dan Rather for a geriatric fuck-up cruise. It’s amazing he’s skated thus far.



I think I’m just going to call this post my WTF post of the day.

First I read via Avedon and King of Zembla that the California National Guard doing surveillance on anti-war protesters may be a national strategy

A state senator frustrated with what he called “stonewalling” by the California National Guard said Tuesday he would launch contempt hearings against the state’s military unit for failing to turn over documents.

-Sen. Joe Dunn, D-Garden Grove, sought the documents as part of his probe into the Guard’s new controversial intelligence unit. After squaring off with a top Guard official and a lawyer for the unit Tuesday, Dunn also threatened to seek subpoenas against dozens of current and former top Guard officials.

The hearing was the first since the Times Sacramento Bureau reported the existence of the Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Intelligence Fusion program last month. Internal Guard e-mails show the unit had high-level interest in a small Mother’s Day anti-war rally at the Capitol.


Before the hearing, the U.S. Army also dealt the committee a blow saying that a computer hard drive and a hand-held Blackberry used by the retiring California Guard colonel who oversaw the fledgling intelligence unit was federal property, and not subject to the subpoena.

The hard drive was erased the same day Dunn requested the Guard preserve all documents related to the unit.

WTF? So it really looks as if the California National Guard with the help of some members of the US Army was spying on anti-war protesters. This is nasty stuff. If it’s happening all over the country, it’s really nasty stuff.

One of the harshest questioners in the hearing was none other than Tom McClintock erstwhile GOP candidate for Governor. He’s very right wing, but sometimes this civil liberties issue creates strange bedfellows. And needless to say, he hates Schwarzenneger with a passion. But then, these days, who doesn’t?

For my second WTF, I find out that even prosecutors in the GITMO Kangaroo courts were appalled by the methods being used to find the “non-combatants” guilty. But, as with all these people who have expressed reservations, revulsion or concern about our handling of prisoners — from the bad apples at Abu Ghraib, to reports of the “Biscuit” teams using psychological torture, to the dog handlers’ testimony, to the FBI agents who were concerned about their legal culpability in inhumane treatment and rendition, to the highly placed members of JAG Corps worrying about complicity in war crimes, to the prosecutors at Guantanamo — they are all mistaken or they are whiners and complainers.

Every day we are learning about people who complained about the legality and morality of our treatment of prisoners and each and every time the defense department whitewashes it. This is becoming unsustainable.

This latest story today about the prosecutors in Guantanamo complaining about the legality of the process discusses a “personality” clash even though the prosecutors who complained were discussing specific instances of unethical and illegal behavior. It sounds to me as if they had some legal Geoffrey Millers down there, whose tactics were as offensive as Miller’s were.

And I suspect that the Colonel Borch mentioned in the article who calls these claims “monstrous lies” may be one of them. I wonder if when the dust settles we will find that Rumsfeld’s Pentagon routinely put the most incompetent and the most gung-ho, quasi-psychotic officers in charge. It would certainly fit the pattern of refusing to listen to anything but their own hype.

My final WTF for the moment is from Josh Marshall, who quotes Michael Barone actually putting finger to keyboard and writing this:

“Richard Nixon, by obstructing investigation of the Watergate burglary, unwittingly colluded in the successful attempt to besmirch his administration. Less than two years after carrying 49 states, he was compelled to resign.”

The intellectual contortions we are seeing on the right these days are quite magnificent. I’m just wondering when their heads will explode.
