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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

Isn’t It Time To Ask

One Simple Question?

“How many times have you been arrested, Mr. President?”

There’s money in it to the first one who asks it. You can also contribute to up the bounty.

They Can’t All Be Democratic Liars

George W. Bush: AWOL in Alabama

Texans for Truth, established by the 20,000-member Texas online activist group,, has produced a 0:30 second television advertisement, “AWOL.” The ad features Robert Mintz, one of many who served in Alabama’s 187th Air National Guard — when Bush claims to have been there — who have no memory of Bush on the base. In other words, Bush failed to fulfill his military duty while others were dying in Vietnam.

Click here to see the ad

and contribute to the Texans For Truth.


Just a little word about whisper campaigns. In a gossipy whisper campaign, the evidence, by its very nature, will not hold up in a court of law. It fact, that is the point of whispering it.

The point is to make nasty personal gossip take on a life of its own and have people thinking “where there’s smoke there’s fire.” Whether something is logical or truthful is largely beside the point. It just has to be believable.

So, if you find over these next few weeks that you are hearing whispers about Bush’s drinking, drug use or anything else, keep in mind that it’s useful to let the Republicans do the debunking. It keeps their minds off of world domination and forces them to defend against a moving and vague target, which isn’t easy. Ask Bill Clinton.

Bad Advice

Brazile said Kerry is right to go on the offensive, but that he’s got to be careful when he does it. “It has to be a precision hit,” she said, because Bush is the president and because large numbers of Americans bonded with him the moment those planes hit the twin towers. Brazile offered the beginnings of one theme that could work: “On Sept. 11, he led us. On Sept. 12, he misled us.”

Precision? This is as precise as “I voted for the 87 billion before I voted against it.” Terrible.

First of all, we have it documented on film that Goat Boy couldn’t lead anybody out of a paper bag on September 11th. Second, this statement is deeply offensive to the base who knows better. Third, it is unbelievably stupid to utter the other side’s talking points. In a close race, the Republicans would NEVER say the words “he led us” about the opposition. Never.

Kerry’s biggest problem right now is too many cooks throwing fetid garbage into the soup. (If I were of any influence instead of a kibbitzer, I’d include myself as one of them.) For all that the Republicans are myopic, simplistic and overly controlled, we are the opposite. Democrats are embarrassingly undisciplined about this stuff and can’t keep our mouths shut, so this all plays itself out publicly.

At this point, it’s all about Kerry’s political instincts. There is no consensus on the right approach going into the stretch. The race is a nail biter and he’s got people all around him telling him different things. He has to sort out for himself what he thinks will work. It’s up to him.


“We got an issue in America. Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many good OB/GYN’s aren’t able to practice their love, with women all across this country,” he said.

He’s right. If we could just get rid of all those malpractice suits, the OB/GYNs could spread love all over the place with no fear of reprisals. Of course, if women would just relax and stop suing these fine doctors for practising their love on them, this country would be a much better place in so many ways.

Alcoholics Don’t Drink Fake Beer

Count the glasses on the table. Eight glasses for the G8. Sitting next to Junior is (I think) EU president Romano Prodi. There’s a glass of white wine directly in front of him and another in front of Gerhardt Schroeder. Schroeder has a glass in his hand. Next to Schroeder is Jose Maria Aznar, who would be the owner of the glass in front of Schroeder. Next is Koizumi with an empty beer glass. Putin has the full one. Then at the end of the table are two unknowns with a glass of red wine and what appears to be a coke. I assume that would be Chirac and Blair, but it’s impossible to know. However, one thing is clear. At the end of the table, directly in front of Junior is a brewski.

Here’s a link to a bigger version of the picture.

Now, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but with what we already know about the president’s cocaine use at Camp David, his septum problems in the early 90’s, his bizarre and unexplained falls in which he is unable to keep himself from scraping his face and the common knowledge and now photographic proof that he has been drinking as president, isn’t it time that somebody asked the question?

When it the president going to come clean about his drinking and drug use in the White House?

Correction: The man with the full glass sitting next to Koizumi is Chirac. Which means that Putin is drinking either the red wine or the coke. According to this website, Putin is a teetotaler, so I’m thinking he’s the coke. Of course, Bush is allegedly a teetotaler as well.

 Posted by Hello

“Hates To Drink. Only In America Could A Guy Like Him Even Find Work”

This wedding video of George W. Bush in 1992, has been widely circulated. But, in light of what we now know about his cocaine use long after he claimed that he had quit drinking, shouldn’t we take another look at it?

I realize that this doesn’t prove anything in and of itself, but knowing what we know about his illegal use of drugs on government property well into the 90’s and his inadequately explained facial scrapes and bruises during the past three years, it’s long past time that somebody asked the question:

Shouldn’t the president came clean with the American people about his ongoing drinking problem?

The Nose Knows

I had seen this video before, but until now I didn’t realize how significant it was. Nose “issues” are a common problem for those who snort a lot of cocaine. This video was taken while Bush was owner of the Texas Rangers which means that Bush would have been in his mid-forties.

I realize that this is not proof that Bush was using cocaine well into the 90’s. But, it does raise serious questions in light of what we already know.

Isn’t it time for the president to come clean and tell the American people if he is still using illegal drugs?

He said he would bring honor and integrity to the White House

…he never said anything about Camp David.

Sometime between 1988 and 1992 — when Junior was a young and irresponsible 42 to 46 years of age, it is alleged by a member of his family that he used cocaine at the presidential retreat.

It’s sad that all of these allegations from long ago are being brought up once again. But, now that they are “out there” I think it’s incumbent upon the president to put these rumors to rest once and for all and tell the American people exactly when he stopped using drugs. It appears that he may have still been snorting cocaine well into the 90’s. This is reason for concern, particularly with his acknowledged problem with addiction to alcohol. Indeed, it is said to be an open secret that he has been drinking again, as president.

These pictures, two of several from different incidents over just the last three years, show a very alarming and unusual propensity to fall flat on his face.

It’s long past time someone raised the question:

Do we have an addict in the White House? Isn’t it time that Mr. Bush came clean with the American people?