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Tag: obama-hating


The extent to which Trump and his thugs hate All-Things-Obama is simply breathtaking:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has taken another whack at former first lady Michelle Obama’s signature achievement: Establishing stricter nutritional standards for school breakfasts and lunches. And on her birthday.

On Friday, USDA Deputy Under Secretary Brandon Lipps proposed new rules for the Food and Nutrition Service that would allow schools to cut the amount of vegetables and fruits required at lunch and breakfasts while giving them license to sell more pizza, burgers and fries to students. The agency is responsible for administering nutritional programs that feed nearly 30 million students at 99,000 schools.

Now why on earth would they do this? You won’t believe the reason, but I swear I’m not taking this out of context:

Lipps said the changes will help address what he described as unintended consequences of the regulations put in place during the Obama administration. For example, when schools were trying to implement innovative solutions such as grab-and-go breakfast off a cart or meals in the classroom, they were forced to give kids two bananas to meet minimum federal requirements.

To which the only sane response is: Who gives a shit that kids get two bananas? And if this turns out to be an actual waste of money — say, on the level of Trump’s travel for golf — then fix it, don’t roll back the regulations.

Sheer madness.