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Now, where did I read that liberals are boring ascetics and conservatives are the real partiers…

A letter to the editor in today’s LA Times:

My “Right-On Girlstyle Award” goes to the women of Nigeria — not for the stoning problem. I’m talking about the women who took over and closed down a Chevron-Texaco oil refinery.

More than 100 Nigerian women closed it down for several weeks. Their big demand — jobs for their husbands and sons. Yes, all they wanted was a means to alleviate their severe poverty while living a stone’s throw from the symbol of U.S. wealth, cheap oil. They finally won by threatening to bare their breasts. It’s a tribal custom called shaming; if a woman bares her breasts in front of strangers it is a shame on the men who witness it.

I propose that the women of America go to Washington and shame those men. Yes, let’s go there and bare our breasts at President Bush’s State of the Union address. Shame on him for diverting attention away from the health-care crisis, the pension crisis, the education crisis; shame on him for stomping on environmental protection regulations; shame on him for bombing innocent people any minute now in Baghdad; shame on him for promoting the use of oil and thus a war, rather than promoting alternative methods of energy production; shame on him for all the young Americans who are totally unmotivated to vote, yet have already died in Afghanistan or will soon die in Iraq. Women of America, let’s bare our breasts for peace and democracy!

Carolyn Rios

I hadn’t actually thought of it before, but this could be the radical new form of political discourse we Democrats have been looking for.


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