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A Horse is a Horse, of course, of course

He’s rested, he’s glossy, he’s ready to go. And right oughta the box, we’ve got our favorite feature Whore of the year!

It wasn’t easy for me. I was torn between Howard Fineman (who is such a wild and crazy guy that he just drops to his knees and delivers his specialty in front of Chris Matthews, God and everybody) Margaret Carlson and The Mickster. The problem is that I get the feeling that Fine loves his work so much that he wouldn’t even be mildly chagrined to be called whore of the year. In fact, it has come to represent a sort of advertising for him.

So, I was drawn to the next obvious choice, Margaret Carlson for her bizarre (and frankly bi-polar) choice of the Wellstone tribute as the outrage of the year. It’s possible that she dropped a Steven Colbert special (mushrooms and Ecstasy — takes you to a really special place) just before the show, but she didn’t have quite the requisite tranquility. Or maybe she was playing naked truth or dare with little Ben Shapiro and lost. It was definitely something along those lines because there can be no rational explanation as to why she would choose this GOP propaganda ploy unless she was high or simply had no choice. I suspect somebody’s got something on Maggie and it isn’t pretty.

Finally, I’m left with the choice I somehow knew I’d end up with from the beginning. Mickey “the good liberal” Kaus is my favorite because he believes that poor people should stop thinking that money will solve their problems and realize that they should just strive to be nice to rich people so that rich people will be nice to them. He calls it “social equality” and thinks it is a lot better than “economic equality.” (I call it “feudalism” and think kissing the asses of a bunch of in-bred rich people to survive it is only slightly better than being dead. But, that’s just me.)

He should win the award, though, because he wrote that Ann Coulter was being maligned by the liberal media because it turned out that only 97% of her footnotes were bogus instead of the 98% claimed by the leftist media behemoth (or something along those lines…). He even links to Lucianne Goldberg, which goes beyond whoredom and enters the dark realm of submissive BDSM.

Finally, nobody has been more whorish than Mickey Kaus when he postulated on his blog that the liberal outcry against Trent Lott must have been orchestrated by the Wizard of Oz aka Sidney Blumenthal, the great liberal puppeteer. He even mused that Atrios might actually be Sidney Blumenthal…

I’ll bet he got a big ole Rovian kiss on the lips for that one.


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