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It’s Just Not Faaair!!!

Don’t you just love hearing poor little conservatives whine like itty bitty babies about their victimhood at the hands of the big, tewwible liberal media? It’s just heart rending, I tell you.

Check out Laura Ingraham on Reliable Sources when it repeats. She is just beside herself at the possibility that conservatives might be seen as anything but oppressed minorities who are shunned and cast aside by the monolithic liberal media that refuse to even acknowledge their right to exist! How could anyone even suggest that Republicans like Rush are doing anything but fighting back with their tiny fists against the liberal monsters who refuse to give them an even break? They are fighting for their lives! Sean and Bill and Neal may be vicious on the outside, but they’re quivering in fear on the inside, singing “we shall overcome” and “swing low sweet chariot” through a veil of tears.

And what really makes her just stomp her feet with exasperation is when people claim they aren’t liberal when they are! It’s dishonest and just plain evil. I mean, sure, George W. Bush has gotten some ok coverage but that’s just because he’s such a goood President compared to Clinton who was an evil President. That’s the difference. And even then, sometimes those icky liberals are just so mean to Bush when they say he might even be wrong sometimes and they try to get him to translate his sentences into English at press conferences. I mean, how much more biased can you get??? Why can’t everybody be fair and balanced and unapologetic, huh?

I just have to wonder something, though. They have complete control of the government, yet they are still unhappy and feel oppressed and powerless. What exactly do these people want? One party rule? World domination?

(oh yeah, that’s right…..)


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