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You keep all your money in big brown bag…inside a zoo, what a thing to do

Hesiod alerts us to the fact that they are considering destroying the ballots from the 2000 election in Florida.

The designer of the Palm Beach County butterfly ballot, Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Theresa LePore, says she’ll take her cue on what to do with the old ballots from the state.

Asked what she’d rather see done with the punch cards, she replies: “A big bonfire.”

There’s a big surprise.

This brings up an issue I’ve been thinking about. With all the hoopla about putting together a Democratic media operation and getting some rich donor types to fund a network etc., I have a couple of ideas that I think someone with some money could fund rather inexpensively but that could be very useful to Democrats.

Preserving these ballots seems like something that some rich Democrat who has a feeling for history, or libraries or their alma mater could offer to do if the State of Florida, as expected, decides to destroy the evidence…er…ballots “due to the cost” of storing them. Perhaps a rich Florida Democrat would like to offer to fund a study at The University of Florida or something. It’s a small thing, but historians and scholors really do have a right to study everything associated with that anomolous election and Jebbie and his pals should not be allowed to throw the disputed ballots on “a big bonfire” to save the Bush dynasty from further embarrasment (as if Dubya’s foreign travels aren’t enough.)

The other thing I think that someone should fund is the archiving of Republican propaganda. There should be a repository and database of tapes and transcripts for Rush and Sean et al, along with FoxNews, various pundits and print material. Not only would this be a valuable historical project, it would be very useful for countering the Mighty Wurlitzer.

It’s always frustrated me that you can’t get Rush transcripts because the single most effective thing you can use against the GOP propaganda machine is to expose the blustering fatuousness of its premiere disseminator of The Big Lie. Normal people find him absurd at best and repellant at worst. Only Dittoheads, mediawhores and RNC operatives think that his every day rhetoric is mainstream. He cleans it up for TV or interviews, but his show is is truly a sickening display of raging mendacity.

Of course, it would take a very special liberal to be willing to immerse himself in the music of the Wurlitzer all day long. I’d suggest a savant of some sort who is beyond being affected by relentless brainwashing. Otherwise, your going to have another Republican Railian on your hands or a Democrat so frustrated and angry that he could morph into one of those violent MWO types that Mickey is so afraid of.

Still, there should be some moneybags who could do this much at least. It’s embarrassing that we have to take shit from people like Howie Kurtz who claim that Rush is just offering mainstream conservative criticism when we know damned well that his simple mission is raising Republicanism to a religion and fomenting hatred toward liberals. I’d like to be able to shove old Rush’s words up Howie’s…uhm…inbox.

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