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How About A “Priest and Alter Boy Party” On Easter?

Via Orcinus:

From College Station, home of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum:

Texas A&M Embarrassed by ‘Ghetto Party’

Texas A&M University officials are trying to stop some students’ plans to mark Monday’s Martin Luther King Jr. holiday with an-off campus party at which guests are encouraged to mimic stereotypes about blacks.

“It’s hard to understand how students could live in today’s world and think a party playing on stereotypes of African-Americans would be acceptable,” said Ron Sasse, director of dormitories at the College Station campus, where 85 percent of the students are white and 3 percent are black.

Fliers at the Walton Hall dormitory advertised the event and encouraged partygoers to mimic stereotypes and “think ghetto.”

Oh come on. It’s just a little bit of modern Minstrel fun on Martin Luther King Day. True, King was the leader of the most important civil rights movement in our history and was assassinated by a racist scumbag, but that’s no reason you can’t dress up in blackface on his birthday and make fun of African-Americans. Lighten up (no pun intended.)

All I can say is thank gawd they got rid of that racist affirmative action in those Texas universities. There’s obviously no advantage to having more African-Americans on campus. Those fun-loving pranksters don’t need to have any black people around to challenge their prejudices or make them defend such insulting stereotypes face to face with those they seek to humiliate and demean. No need at all.

MLK had it right. People should be judged by the content of their character.

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