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Who Let The Talking Dog Out?

The bad news: North Korea has a nuclear weapons program which may have created one or two nuclear bombs, and it has ballistic missiles capable of hitting the West Coast — Washington, Oregon, maybe even California. The good news, Mr. President: none of those states voted for you.


Here’s something interesting: the first suspect anywhere in the world to actually go through a trial for participating in the 9-11-01 events, Moroccan national Mounir el Motassadeq, is undergoing the completion of his trial in Hamburg, Germany. His lawyers argued that the case against him (which includes handling the financial affairs of 6 of the 9-11 hijackers) was circumstantial and based on supposition. We’ll see: what is amazing is the complete dearth of publicity this trial has received in the United States (this is the first I’m seeing of this, and, by American standards, I’m EXTREMELY well informed).

Of course, any mention that Germany was cooperating in the War on Terror might somehow alter American public opinion, which is supposed to resent Germany for its resistance to American positions in the War to Avenge Papa Bush

And check out his ongoing Alphabetized Blog Critique and dog matching series. (I’m a border collie.)

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