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Power To The People

Check out the cool movie tribute to the week-end demonstrations over on blah3.

And, I’ve been meaning to link for a couple of days to this great piece by Zizka on the value of hysteria.

Already we liberals have had to get used to the accusations of treason. Once the war starts, these will get worse. The Bush administration has already made comparable accusations against unccoperative Congressmen. We can expect that to get worse too, and the Democrats seem incapable of resisting effectively. If the war goes badly, God forbid, things will get worse yet; and when the economy stalls on top of everything else, as it seems very likely that it will, we can expect a further escalation of unofficial and official attacks on us.

So yeah, I’m paranoid and hysterical. If you have a problem with that, bite me. In certain periods of history it’s been the paranoids who survived. Are we living in one of these periods?

We gotcher internal threat for ya right here.

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