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Walk Toward The Light, Jim.

How come nobody’s noticed that James Pinkerton has crossed over from the dark side?

Check out these columns from the past few weeks.

This guy used to be a dyed in the wool reactionary but I’ve noticed that lately he’s been well…pretty sensible and rational. I hate to make too big of a thing about it because he’ll probably lose his children’s slots at Sidwell Friends or get drummed out of the segregated country club, but it’s so rare these days that a pundit escapes from the underworld and lives to tell about it. (And you can’t really blame them since the brilliant 12 year old marketers are convinced that anyone who is “anti-war, anti-Bush and skeptical of the administration’s motives” is, like, such a total loser.)

Anyway, I’d like to propose a toast to Jim Pinkerton, former Republican lackey. To Courage and Integrity!

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