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Whaddo I do now, Condi?

I haven’t read Woodward’s book “Bush at War” because, well, the thought of paying money to Bob Woodward to observe him give George W. Patton a metaphorical blow job smacks a little too much of voyeurism. But, it seems I’m going to have to do it just for the shock and awe value.

Maureen Dowd, in a surprisingly dark and realistic column today (and one which should be shoved into her face the next time she goes all Alpha Bitch Queen and forgets that she’s not writing about the entertainment business) says:

And America is not known for its long attention span or talent for empire building. As Bob Woodward reports in his book “Bush at War,” a month into the bombing of Afghanistan, when the Taliban stronghold of Majar-i-Sharif fell, Mr Bush turned to Condoleezza Rice, in a moment right out of “The Candidate,” and asked: “Well, what next?”

He turned to Condi and asked what next. Has there ever been a more callow, infantile president in history?

President GI Joe likes to play with the toys that go ker-pow, but he’s “not into nation building.” What do you suppose the chances are that he remains interested in Iraq after Shock and Awe starts to get so, like, boring?

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