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Could somebody tell Wolf Blitzer to take a cold shower? He has done nothing but rhapsodise all day long about how “never in 30 years of journalism have I experienced such a bombardment, such a loud, nonstop, pounding cacophony of relentless American power, ogawdohgawdohgawd!”

This is why they are called media whores folks. Blitzer is in Kuwait City. He was responding to the same pictures that we all saw this morning. He didn’t see anything we didn’t see. But, like a good soldier he reported it as if he were live on the scene at Armageddon.

In theory, I don’t object to this psy-ops campaign. If people give up before a lot of blood is shed, I couldn’t be happier. But, Wolf Blitzer isn’t faking it. He’s a whore who loves his job.

(And, I would greatly enjoy seeing Wesley Clark grab Aaron Brown’s toupe and shove it in his mouth the next time he makes some unctuous comment about the great job the troops are doing and then calls him Colonel. That’s Supreme Allied Commander to you, Oprah.)

*The term “wargasm” stolen shamelessly from Atrios, who links to some excited little Freeper boyz.

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