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I’ve Been Leaning That Way Myself

Kos puts in a big plug for General Wesley Clark for president. He’s being seen by a lot of Americans for the first time on CNN and he’s been quite impressive. Perhaps that is why he opted to keep the CNN job rather than declare for President. An hour a night, 5 nights a week is a mighty good way to get some name recognition and public exposure.

I have been watching him for sometime and posted this analysis called General Dynamic about a month ago. People seem to believe that he is only viable as a VP, but I’m more and more convinced that the Democrats are going to need someone with the kind of sterling national security and demonstrated leadership credentials that someone like Clark could provide.

The fact that the heinous harpy Ann Coulter is already going after him by calling him “The Enemy Within” says that he is definitely on the GOP radar screen. I get the feeling he can take the heat.

Everyone’s been complaining about Rumsfeld and company not planning for the worst case scenario, yet the Democrats seem to be making the same mistake with 2004. We should be planning for the scenario that has the Cheerleader in Chief riding atop a wave of popularity for his handling of the “war,” which will be ongoing and ever more adventurous. If that is not happening and the war has left Bush with a weak hand, all the better. But, it would be wise for us to find somebody who can stand in a room with Bush and look like he’s got just as much experience leading this country in battle as he does. (In my opinion, that could be Anna Nicole Smith, but I realize I’m not a typical middle American.) Clark is a Democrat who is also a 4 star General. I just don’t see anybody who can match that profile.

My dream ticket would be Wesley Clark/Bob Rubin.

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