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Total Recall

Can I just say that Democrats really, really need to take some political Viagra, and I mean by the fistfull?

I live in Santa Monica, California fondly known as Soviet Monica. Tom “SDS” Hayden was my state senator for many years, for gawd’s sake. Yet, the anti-recall {of Gov. Davis) signature gatherers in this town are trying to get people to sign the petition by telling them it’s a proposal to “help teachers.” I read the thing and when I realized it was about the recall, I asked the guy why he didn’t say it upfront, the pro-recall people certainly aren’t shy. He said that being pro-teacher is always better than being anti-Republican.

I’m not kidding.

If Democrats cannot get Santa Monicans to sign a petition against an undemocratic, dishonest, power grab funded by a fat cat GOP scumbag for his own purposes, by honestly saying, “please sign a petition against the wasteful Republican recall campaign to unseat the Governor who was just elected last November,” then we really are screwed. People may hate Davis but even William Kristol admits that one of the things that distinguishes us from a banana republic is the fact the we hold the concept of regularly scheduled elections to be fairly sacred.

As Inspector Clousseau says, “naht innymoore!”

Democrats have to learn to face down wing nuts. As long as they are the only ones willing to get in the opposition’s face, then we will lose. This was simply pathetic. And 80% of the people were just walking on by.

As far as I’m concerned the anti-recall petitioners could win just by saying, “please sign this petition to deny the man who made millions ruining your sleep with those infernal car alarms from buying the governorship.” Even Republicans would sign it.

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