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“Psychological Coup”

Hi folks. I’m back. Busy time, lots going on, blah, blah, blah. But, I’m cleared for take-off and don’t expect to be off-line for the forseeable future.

I just heard the big news about the Hussein boys. They sure were dumb, though for hiding out in their cousins villa in the Saddam stronghold of Mosul. And, just when people were getting antsy about the fact that Saddam seemed to be running a guerilla campaign against the Americans while simultaneously scaring the hell out of the Iraqi population by threatening to resume power. Is this a lucky day for America, or what?

I do hope the people who fingered them weren’t the same people who fingered Saddam in the first night of the war, though. Because, I don’t know how many people are aware of this, but according to the Washington Post:

Moseley blamed poor information from Iraqi sources for the strike on the first night of the war against a compound at Dora Farm on the outskirts of Baghdad suspected of sheltering Hussein and his two sons. Despite getting a precise description of a bunker there, Moseley said, no bunker has been found in a postwar investigation.

Nonetheless, the general defended the attack, saying he remains convinced some Iraqi leaders members were present when U.S. bombs and cruise missiles blasted the compound. He said that strike, as well as another against a residential Baghdad building also suspected — apparently falsely — of housing Hussein, demonstrated U.S. resolve and capabilities.

This is one of the big problems when an administration loses all credibility. You just don’t believe a word they say until all facts have been completely confirmed every which way. At this point, they have to put the sons’ heads on a pike and parade them all over the country before anyone will believe them. And, that’t here in the US. I don’t know what it will take to convince the Iraqis.

UPDATE: Apparently, they are absolutely sure. Good riddance. It is unfortunate, however, that they couldn’t take them alive. They were probably the best sources for where Saddam himself is and what happened to those pesky WMD. Oh well.

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