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Brilliant Strategery

Via Hesiod, I find that Joe Lieberman has a very cunning plan to win the election for the Democrats. Everyone is talking about Howard Dean’s unprecedented grassroots internet campaign, but I think that Lieberman is doing something even more exciting He has, apparently, decided to bypass the Democratic grassroots entirely and fight George W. Bush for the Republican vote.

And, the beautiful thing is that he’s using the RNC to do it!

An E-Mail from Ed Gillespie:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) apparently understands what other Democrats don’t, that those unwilling or unable to stop terrorist activity by dealing with it will be forced to deal with its aftermath:

“Some in my party are sending out a message that they don’t know a just war when they see it, and, more broadly, are not prepared to use our military strength to protect our security and the cause of freedom.” (Sen. Joe Lieberman, “Lieberman Takes President, Fellow Democrats To Task On Security, Foreign Policy,” Press Release, 7/28/03)

There must be millions of Republicans who will read Gillespie’s e-mail and realize that the Democrats are providing them with a viable alternative to George W. Bush.

Never let it be said that Joe doesn’t think outside the box.

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