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Spun Sugar

Today, a fine journalist from the LA Times named Vicki Kemper wrote the following piece of garbage in a story about Bush and Powell’s coffee shop photo op yesterday. (For reasons I don’t quite understand, the LA Times does not put all of its stories online.)

Unlike Washington, this is an environment Bush knows and loves, from the canyons on his ranch to the patrons of The Coffee Station. And, here, far away from the partisan capital, the warm feelings are mutual.

(And Karl gives a great big “Yesssss!”)

Bush’s father spent most of the 70’s and 80’s in Washington DC but apparently this “reporter” thinks his son was on the outs with him because he’s practically a stranger in the place. The fact is that he actually moved his family to DC in 1987 so he could work full time on his father’s campaign. After the election, they moved to an affluent suburb of Dallas called Preston Hollows. He lived there until he moved into the Governor’s mansion.

And, we all know that he bought the “ranch” in 1999 as a prop for his campaign. I’m sure it is an environment he knows and loves – after all, he’s “cleared brush” in the canyons for at least 8 photo-ops since the inauguration alone.

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